Chapter 10

That Winter Snowflake
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As I was enjoying my ice cream that tasted a bit salty from the peanut butter and at the same time sweet from the chocolate, I noticed a couple—well, maybe not a couple yet but from the looks of it, I think the girl is planning to confess her love to the boy she’s eating with whom I can’t see because he’s facing his back on me—from the corner of my eye. The way she constantly fidget in her chair, the way she gently tucks her copper coloured hair behind her ear, the way she smiled sweetly at the guy who seemed to like her less than she likes him, the way she makes quick furtive glances at him, the way she eats her ice cream little by little and lastly, the way she is oddly prim and proper except for her makeup which made her face seem like it’s been punched or something.

The boy on the other hand does not seem uncomfortable with her, he casually runs his fingers through his russet coloured hair—with some natural highlights of light brown in it—when it falls over his face, eats his ice cream like how Minho does it—jolly like a kid who got his candy, he talks to her without any hint of nervousness, I also noticed that he’s wearing black framed glasses lastly and lastly, I noticed the the cold glass of water placed on his side of the table. Weird. All those I observed despite him facing his back on me. They’re both wearing pearl aqua coloured uniforms, the girl wearing a sailor uniform and the guy topping of his uniform with a blazer with a darker shade. 

All those, I saw in a movie once except for the makeup thing, when the female protagonist was about to confess her love but in the end, she got rejected. It right? Suddenly, a light bulb lit on top of my head, ting it said. I have a perfect idea. I heard the music change and AKMU’s song 200% played through the speakers overhead. I only realized it now but as soon as the cold ice cream touched the tip of my tongue, all my annoyance dispersed. Oh right. I almost forgot that I was crazing to have ice cream just an hour ago.

I turned my gaze toward Minho who is now busy eating his ice cream. Tch. And he dared to complain why I brought him here of all place while it’s freezing outside. “Hey, let’s make a bet.” I blurted out. My sudden declaration made him stop from eating, looking at me strangely at first but was soon replaced by a blank one. I was determined this sill bet which I probably made because of my boredom. “Go on...” said Minho who nodded his head and gave me a look that says I’m listening.

“Really? Okay. If that girl—who looks like a clown with her makeup—confesses her ridiculous unrequited love for the four-eyed boy she’s sitting with, later on, you’ll have to grant me ten wishes.”

“Mhm...” He paused and looked passed over me, thinking deeply. “Make it six.” He finally said after a minute of thinking.

“Seven.” I bargained. What is this, a market? Why do I feel like I’m asking for a discount? “Five.” He hardly looked at me when he said that as he was busy eating his ice cream once again. “Six.” I went on stubbornly. “Fo—” Before he can even finish the word, I cut him off. “Fine fine, let’s go with five. Wait—you agree?” I blinked, twice. I can’t believe that he agreed so easily.

“Sure, what do I have to lose anyway?” He shrugged. “But, if you lose and that girl didn’t confess her undying love for that lame guy wearing glasses over there, you won’t show you face to me ever again.” He added quickly after his first statement. “Call.” I said, agreeing to his conditions. We both strained our ears to hear their conversation because we are sitting two tables away from them—on the far left of the ice cream shop. Fortunately, the girl’s voice got louder and high pitched, maybe she’s getting really nervous, now that the time for her to confess is nearing.

“Uhm...Oppa, do you have a girlfriend?” The girl asked shyly, pressing her lips together, making it redder than it already. She leaned forward, waiting for his answer, expecting him to say no, which he eventually did. “No, you’re presence is enough for me.” The school boy with his back facing us replied.

“Wha—don’t do that. It’s making me shy and flustered.” Her voice really irritated me but I continued on listening.

“Yuck. I’m the one who’s getting embarrassed by her words and actions.” I mumbled to no one in particular which Minho surprisingly answered back. “I know right.” Wow. We finally agreed on one thing, not including the bet of course.

“Oppa~” The school girl said, her voice dragging on the last vowel. The boy leaned forward as well, and placed his chin on the palm of his hands. Is he doing an aegyo? Because from the looks of it, he is because the girl looked like she almost wanted to kiss him or pinch his face.

“Yes?” The four-eyed guy replied. Here long awaited moment. My victory is almost near.

“Do you—” But before she can even

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alex1216 #1
Chapter 20: Pretty good story...somehow left me with a bittersweet feeling at the end. Great work :)