Chapter 14

That Winter Snowflake
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We haven’t seen each other for three weeks now. He didn’t even bother to visit me or tell me that he misses disappointing. All along I expected him to consider me as a friend. Tch. I guess I’m wrong, again. My lavender walls are now plastered with wallpapers of KPOP groups like Super Junior and EXO, seeing that I had nothing to do for the past weeks spending here alone.

“I’m just a girl...standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.”

That’s right. I’m watching the movie Notting Hill. I propped up against a pile of fluffy pillows on my bed, the TV remote on my hand and my cellphone on the other. Sigh. What should I do? Oh. I should call Onew to come over. I was about to press the call button when I remembered that he’s still working. Darn. Who else can I call? Ghost Busters? Haha. Not funny. It’s another movie, Ghost Busters I mean. I can’t call Minho because he clearly told me that he doesn’t want to see my face again and I definitely can’t call his brother because I never got the chance to ask for his number and I didn’t want Taemin to think that I’m interested in him or something. Sigh. His probably dating  by now.

Ding Dong Ding Dong, the door bell went.

I sat upright from the bed upon hearing the door bell ring. Aish. Even a normal door bell ring can make me excited? Am I that bored? Yes. Am I that lonely? Yes again. I heard someone knock on my door; it turned out to be one of the maids. She peered inside my room and said, “Miss, a friend of yours just came in. Do you want me to take him up here?” The maid, wearing plain clothes with her heading popping in my room from the door, looked very excited? Why is she smiling like she had seen an idol or something?

“Sure. Who is it?” I asked; pressing the pause button on the remote.

“He says that he’s the prettiest boy you’ve ever met? If must say, he really is pretty and handsome at the same time.” Is Minho here? Did he decide to forgive me all of a sudden? Nah. I don’t think so. I treated the maids more nicely that before and in exchange, they treat me nicely also, having small conversations with them once in a while.

“Really? Wow. Take him up here. Thanks.” I smiled and played the movie. I was about to change the CD but someone swung the door open and stalked inside my room like he owned the place causing me to whirl around and face him. Oh my god. Speaking of the devil. He was there standing with his familiar aura: arrogance and deceit still covered with his sunny smile and angel like profile.

“Noona...” He said, trailing off...a bit nervous and hesitant. He pushed back his hair messy hair which was covering his eyes. Huh. He looked bad despite the air he gave off.  

“What are you doing here?” Barefoot, I padded across the room, turning off the television and sat on the carpeted floor in front of it, looking up to him from the door.

“Noona, I need your help.” He said, a pout making its way on his face.

“Oh my god! Lee Taemin needs my—” In a split second, he was already bending his back, covering my mouth. Aish. They really are brothers.

“Noona, keep quiet. Even the walls have ears.” He looked alarmed and roamed his eyes around my room, probably looking for hidden cameras. He looked relieved when he didn’t see one. I jerked my head away from his hand and said, “I think, telling me to shut up along with your sick attitude is not the right way to ask for help.” He stood in front of me, still looking straight into my eyes. “I really, really need your help.” He looked like he was telling the truth just by looking at his eyes.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Don’t be shocked but, I need you to be hyung’s girlfriend.”

“Oh. You should’ve just told me sooner that you had feelings for me—wait what? Did you say hyung? As in Choi Minho? No way! Never!” I stood indignantly and protested at his stupid request.

“I’m asking you to be his fake girlfriend. Not real.”

“Excuse me? And why will I do that? He hates me! We have mutual feelings of hate a

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alex1216 #1
Chapter 20: Pretty good story...somehow left me with a bittersweet feeling at the end. Great work :)