Chapter 6

That Winter Snowflake
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The cold air blew my long wavy hair away from my face. I stood there, looking over my shoulder, gawking at his face that lit up with a smile that I never expected him to show, especially to me. I think my knees are going to fail anytime now, if he continues to smile like that, I might even faint. You never fail to amaze me, Choi Minho. I thought. What’s the matter with him? Showing a smile like that out of the blue and worst of all is, this isn’t the time he should be showing this to me! I might change my decision of going to my house and just go with him to his house and cuddle in soft blank— stop right there! Jung Min Hee. That’s Rated M you’re thinking about. I shook my head, trying to get the embarrassing thoughts out of my mind.

It’s not a grin. It’s not a smirk. It’s a freakin’ smile that I always see in romantic movies! I shook my head again, trying to shove those thoughts away from my mind, before he can realize that I’m gawking at him. I cleared my throat before entering the gates to the three storey mansion but, I accidentally released my duffel bag from my grasp and felt my body slowly falling face first on the ground. Luckily, I prevented my face from hitting the ground instead my right casted arm hit it. Holy —zu. Shih Tzu. Fudge, it hurts. Forgetting the pain, I remembered that I almost cussed. WAIT. NO. I really have an endless load of bad luck with me. Last time, I got into an accident was after I cussed but now, I tripped with my own bag before I almost cussed. That’s not fair! Gosh. What do bad words have against me? I heard a loud booming laugh behind me as I sat on the ground, with the person behind the gate going out to help me.  Maybe it’s not me. Maybe, it’s him giving me all these bad lucks. He was there when the accident happened, and now, he’s here when I tripped.

Gosh, is this embarrassing. He held out his hand and helped me carry my duffel bag from the ground. “Are you alright, Miss Min Hee?” 

“Oh thanks. At least you’ve got a heart, not like the beggar standing out there laughing his off.”

He wiped off a tear in the corner his eye from too much laughter. “You never fail to entertain me, Jung Min Hee.”  That was the first time I ever heard him say my name. Psh. He does the most unexpected things in situations where he should not do it. If I weren’t so embarrassed at the same time annoyed, I would’ve giggled endlessly and think that he likes me but, that’s impossible to happen under this terrible circumstances.

“Shut up!” I spat not daring to look at him and entered the mansion which shouted luxurious from inside-out.

I entered the golden gates, my boot heels clacking on the bricked pavement in front of the mansion. A man with hair almost white, with wrinkles along his forehead, white skin and pale blue eyes welcomed me. It was George, the butler. The guard who was following me behind with the duffel bag on his hands handed the bag to George and left after bowing in front of me.  

He greeted me in English with his British accent. “It’s nice to have you back, Miss.”  I think, he’s in his fifties, looking at his hair and slightly wrinkled face or is it just because he’s British? I’ve watched a movie—Serendipity I think is the title, which is another non-Korean movie—where they mentioned British people age faster than Americans, but I don’t believe that. It’s just a movie after all, the person they were talking about didn’t age much after several years, as seen in the movie.

“It’s not nice to be back, George.” I greeted back sadly. He knew that I didn’t like it here in this mansion but, what can he do, right? He’s just an English butler that my father hired to report to him everything I do or not do inside and outside the mansion. It’s a good thing that I learnt several languages when I was homeschooled or else, I wouldn’t be having a decent conversation with this man. He’s quite nice except when he reports everything to my father, which usually causes trouble for me.

“Did you water my plants for me?” I asked, without looking at him. I wondered if my plants are still alive. They were the only one I can talk to since I’m all alone in this house. The maids are not quite friendly, George is very busy reporting every second of my life to my father and the guards...well, I’d rather not talk to th

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alex1216 #1
Chapter 20: Pretty good story...somehow left me with a bittersweet feeling at the end. Great work :)