Chapter 17

That Winter Snowflake
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The night breeze blew my hair from my face, I felt a shiver. I’m dead tired. All we did was walk, walk and more walk. Luckily, I’ve found dress, it was perfect for parties or I wouldn’t have bought it, right? Minho never bothered to even look at it or give it a quick glance. He just gave me the money and we went home but the most unfortunate thing happened. I left my wallet at home and all I had was the change I got from the cab when I went to the mall on the other hand, Minho spent everything on his wallet for the dress. Cell phones? Talk about bad luck. Minho’s phone was dead and mine was fell when I bumped into him and we never got to find it or we won’t be walking now.

I glanced at Minho; we are now walking in my neighbourhood, only a few streets away from my house. What a guy Minho is. He speaks in another language when he gets annoyed, shocked or even when he swears but once you give a serious look; he’ll change right away and agree with you.

“Hey, give me a ride on your back. My legs are killing me. I’m not even wearing heels.” I said, a pout making its way on my face. Minho was contained and calm, he stopped from his tracks and sighed, fixing his eyes at me.

“Fine.” He said, too tired to say anything more than that.

“Really?” I was astounded by his sudden change in mood. Just a few moments ago, he was complaining and comaplaining endlessly when I should have been the one who acted like that. What a girl. Sometimes, I wonder if he really is gay or not but considering his looks which are pretty handsome, I admit, I guess he’s just...not used to have a girl beside him all the time. After all, he doesn’t have a mom or a sister. Well... not like I have one either.

“Do you want me to change my mind or what?” He said, still trying to stay calm. I sensed that he was trying his best not to show his angry and cols side again. I must not let this chance slip away; I might as well take advantage of it.

“You’ll carry the paper bag?”

“Sure. Whatever.” Strangely, my heart suddenly quickened when our hands brushed, handing him the paper bag. Weird. He shrugged and knelt, hesitantly.

 “Ok then.” I happily placed my arms around his shoulder and after that, he was on his feet once again, me on his back, the paper bag on his other hand. First time? Nah. But, I felt my heart beat faster? I should probably go to the doctor and see if the accident had affected my heart or something because I felt my heart beat race a lot more often now. How peculiar. It felt nice and comfortable that I just had to wish the night to stay longer, for the road to not take us to my house and it also made me hope that his pretense on being nice to me today will never go away.

After that, nothing much happened. We’re now already at the party, my silver dress flowed just below my knees, the short sleeves hung loosely around my shoulder, my red hair looked more vibrant, and my neck held a beautiful diamond necklace. I stood at the entrance, scanning the room—filled with waiters walking around, people dressed in different shades of silver, gold and ruby red—for Minho. The place was huge. That’s all I can say. There were hints of gold everywhere; the lights were so bright that I had to blink twice just to adjust my irises to the sudden burst of light.

“You look nice,” said someone behind me which turned out to be Minho, dressed in a black tux. Black, again. Doesn’t he have anything other than black?

“Nice? That’s all? look—” I broke off; the view of Minho’s father walking toward us made me shut my mouth and force a smile.

“Min Hee! You came.” His father looked like a different man—a totally different man indeed. His fatherly side was long gone and was replaced by something else.


“Let’s go. I want you to meet some of my...friends.” His eyes looked distant and I saw something flick in his eyes but it was gone in just a split second.

“Sure.” Minho said. The next thing he did sent a shiver from my spine instantly and something else. He held my hand unexpectedly and half dragged me across the room, where his father was. I shrugged of the sudden feeling and considered as something you would feel when you are shocked or something.

“Friends? He didn’t look that happy when he mentioned friends.” I asked him, remembering the look of his father.

“Just shut up.” He said and continued to drag me across the room. My mind suddenly brought me to Taemin. Where is he? I craned my neck to see if he was anywhere near us but I saw nothing except for the people dancing slowly, some people eating and some having a conversation. Not long after, I saw the back view of a man talking with Minho’s father who looked he was about to kill someone with his murderous glare. Despite the calm conversation they were having, they looked like two tigers waiting for the other to make an attack. Beside me, Minho cleared his throat for them to notice our presence and stop from their tense conversation.

“I want you two to meet Mr. Kim...a friend.” Mhm. That name sounds familiar. The man had some streaks of white in his hair, his shoulders were broad and he was slightly taller than Minho’s dad, giving off an intimidating feeling which Minho’s dad didn’t seem to notice. His back felt very familiar like I’ve seen it somewhere before.

“I’d rather not be called your friend Choi.” His words were full of acid, but Minho’s dad did not flinch instead, he answered him with mockery and amusement. Click. I felt like a glass of cold water was poured over me at the realization of the true identity of the man standing in front of us but I kept my composure, not wanting to look weak especially when he’s now standing in front of me.

“Ohh...not too friendly, I guess. Here is my son and his girlfriend.”  He gestured his hand toward us and the man slowly turned, facing us, revealing his features. It was like looking at something you once loved but everything turned into hatred.

“Good evening...Mr. Kim.” The sudden coldness in my voice shocked me.

“You.” Mr. Kim was shocked by my sudden presence. Huh. Who would’ve known that he’ll see me again after a year?

“Is there something wrong?” Minho looked confused and puzzled, looking from Mr.Kim’s frowning face to my grim one. 

“Oh’s just that she looks...familiar.” He waved his hand, and smiled. I never thought that he was capable of doing this what more to a stranger. He didn’t even bother to show me one of his smiles however fake it was even if I am his daughter. How shocking. Not. 

“How could I not forget, Mr. Kim. After all, your face is like printed on the inside of my eyelids, it almost gave me nightmares.” A sly smile played at my lips, I felt stronger facing him now. I always thought that when I face him, I’d be acting all weak and sob endlessly but I didn’t expect myself to act like this. Minho’s hand squeezing mine brought me back from my thoughts. Oh. I guess I know now where I got the boost to face this old man with confidence.

“What are you doing here?” His composure was slowly shattering, his anger showing and his jaw was pulled tight. I grinned evilly and said, “I must ask the same question to you, fa—” but I was interrupted before I can even finish the word father.

“Hey guys! Did I miss something? Oh. Hi, I’m Lee Taemin.” Taemin came. Right timing. He smiled brightly but it faded when he noticed the cold atmosphere around us. Minho’s father looked stiff like he just realized something grave, Minho looked confused, father looked furious as hell and I looked rather amused despite the tension in the air. Well...I would like to annoy my father once in a while.

“I’ll something. I’ll be back.” I whispered to Minho, still staring at my father

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alex1216 #1
Chapter 20: Pretty good story...somehow left me with a bittersweet feeling at the end. Great work :)