Chapter 16

That Winter Snowflake
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“Will you do something for me then...?”  Shane West asked Mandy Moore. It was near the end of the movie A Walk to Remember.

“Anything.”  She smiled at that, her voice a little weak, her face looking pale.

“Will you marry me?”  They looked into each other’s eyes then they kissed.

Aw. How cheesy I almost want to throw up. Bleh. How can they do that? Don’t they feel embarrassed? Don’t they feel disgusted in each other’s faces? Saying those words like they meant it. Tch. For all I know, they’re just faking it. you expect me to believe that someday, that’ll happen to me? I do believe in love but if it were as romantic and nice as this scene—not the ending of course because it was kind of sad—then why did mom left father? Why did she run away with a widower gardener? Widower. Huh. I guess love didn’t turn out to be that nice to him either. Dad they say...Then, where is he now? Why did he let father take me away from him? What an amazing dad. Tch.

I pushed the thought away, not wanting to get angry or more frustrated that I already was because of my boredom. I heaved a heavy sigh and sat up from my bed, lank of hair falling gently down my face but I didn’t bother to tuck it behind my ear. I took a spoonful of ice cream from the bowl that was placed atop of my bedside table. I was eating it a few minutes ago, maybe ten, but I started to focus on the movie, forgetting all about my ice cream. It felt cold against my tongue but I didn’t mind it after all, I love cold things like winter for example except for Minho’s cold treatment. Not that.

Sigh. When will I ever get a real boyfriend? Wait...why don’t I go to blind dates? But, who? If I call Taemin, he’ll surely laugh at me and present himself instead. If I call Minho, he’ll surely think of me worse than he already was and laugh at me too. Ting. There it is again. Onew, my last hope in finding what? Love? Nah. Maybe a form of entertainment.

“Onew! Set me up on a blind date with one of your friends.” I said casually like it’s the most normal thing to ask for on a Monday afternoon. I heard a loud crash on the other end like the cell phone slipped from his hand and landed on the floor. Chuckling slightly, I can almost picture Onew’s shocked expression.

“What? Blind date? I never expected you to be that lonely.” He was clearly astounded by what I was asking for him. I heard the muffled voices on the background along with the familiar bean grinding sound.

“I’m bored. Everyone is not here except for the guards. I forgot that I gave them a two day off.” I said lazily, rolling over the bed. I heard him mumble something imperceptible but I went on, “You do have other friends, right?” Did he? I don’t remember. I never get to see him outside the coffee shop hanging out with his “other friends”. I’m not even sure if he even has one, not including me and that guy named Minho. What kind of friend am I? A lame one in fact.

“Of course. I know someone but he doesn’t really go to blind dates but I can ask him to go just this once if you really need someone to entertain you.” Omo. He knew the real reason why I asked him to set me up on a blind date with one of his friends. Did he have a lot of friends? I should’ve asked sooner if I knew that they were, “Handsome?” I grinned in excitement, hoping Onew to say yes. Omo. What a perfect catch if he is handsome.

“He’s nice.” Onew hedged. Tch.

“He’s not handsome, is he?”

“Just meet him and you’ll know. I have to go back to work. I’ll just text you the details, he’s not that bad and you won’t get disappointed. You’d probably thank me after this...or not. Although the possibly of ending up lying on a cold street with blood spurting out of my neck with you laughing evilly, staring at my cold corpse is quite big.” He joked. I have a bad feeling about this but...what can I lose? I’d rather have a date with someone whom I haven’t seen ever rather than rot in this room watching chick flicks. I dialled another number and placed it near my ear.

“Hey Minho, are you doing something?”

“I’m with Taemin, why?” His voice sounded like they were doing something fun until he answered my call.

“Nothing...Just don’t come later asking for help or something, I’m going out.” I said nonchalantly, half expecting him to ask where I’m going but then, “Sure. Whatever.” He said and ended the phone call without letting me reply. I should get used to this cold side of him. “Hey, read the message.”  I heard the ringtone of my phone that signalled that I just received a text message, obviously. It was from Onew and it says,


Wear something red, meet him at the mall, 4 p.m.
here is his number, ***********. Good luck ;)


I glanced at the wall clock which says two in the afternoon. Okay. I have an hour and a half fo

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alex1216 #1
Chapter 20: Pretty good story...somehow left me with a bittersweet feeling at the end. Great work :)