Chapter 18

That Winter Snowflake
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The air suddenly felt colder than it already was. A night filled surprises. If only I knew this would happen, I should’ve just locked myself in my room. I felt a lump forming in my throat but I swallowed it and said, “Your daughter?” I laughed humourlessly, devoid of all emotions but anger. How dare he call me his daughter?

“ left me. After mom died, you happily gave the letter she wrote to my father did you? And not long after that, you brought me to him!” I’m tired with all this crap. All they did was lie to me. Any more surprises you need to tell me? I wanted to ask but the next thing he told me made me hate him more.

“Actually, it was me who wrote that letter and I had no choice.” He said, lowering his head, not daring to look at me straight in the eyes.

“Of course. How could a weak lady who just gave birth write that kind of letter saying that she would give up her child? You amuse me, dad,” I spat venomously. “Now I’m sure of what lies underneath that mask of yours. It is a cunning, devious and cruel man who would do anything just to throw away his only daughter. Did you not want to accept me as your daughter too?”

“Min Hee...I had no choice. I was poor, your mom died and you were just a baby! What can I do to make your life better? Nothing except to give you to your father.” His eyes were full of sincerity that if I hadn’t known better, I would believe him right there and then.

“You do know that he’s not my father and neither are you.” I paused; everything I’ve been through went flashing in my mind. “Did you know what he did to me? He’s not even my father and he locked me up inside a room half of my life and I spent the other half locked inside the house. I only got out a year after I discovered the truth that I wasn’t really his daughter, what a happy life right?”

“You need to understand that if I hadn’t done that, you would hate me for another reason and that is for giving you a poor life.”

“Is that what you think of me? That I love having a luxurious life? Having a life like that in exchange of having neither a father nor a mother by my side? You must be kidding me. Didn’t you think of me when you were busy taking care of your son you probably had with another woman? Oh. I forgot. You weren’t contented with Minho and you had to adopt Taemin. How sad when you didn’t even try to find me, to get me.”

“I did. We moved right beside your house years ago but your father told me that he sold you off. I poured out my anger on Minho. I think that’s how you met, right? He told me everything but the next thing I knew, you were already in the plane to America. I never saw you again.”

There was a barely perceptible pause and I said, “ that supposed to make me forgive you?”

“You can’t even say a single word. What is it that you’re thinking? Mind to share dad?”

“Minho...” He trailed off like he remembered something important...more important than the conversation we were having.

“Ha! You’re still thinking about your son when you’re in front of your long lost daughter? Wow. Although I did hope you to fall in your knees and beg for my forgiveness but all you do Whatever. I’m not wasting my time here. Oh and by the way, I’m not pregnant neither am I the girlfriend of your most beloved so—” I paused, realizing what he just said. “Wait. If he is your son...then...” I looked at him, at the man who I can’t even imagine to be my real father.

“Is he my...b-brother?”

I slowly fluttered my eyes open. The sun peered through the curtains and I just realized that there was someone knocking on my door.

“What is it?” I groggily asked with my eyes still half closed.

“You have a visitor, Miss.” Right. They were back. The maids, I mean.

“Who is it?” I said, still half asleep with no plan on getting up. Not today, not after I had the worst night of my life that I barely had any wink of sleep.

“He says that you know him Miss.” That made me sat upright on my bed, feeling a bit dizzy. I know who? I have a bad feeling about’s either one of my brother’s or Minho’s dad. Can’t they just leave me alone for just one day?!

“Don’t let him in; I’ll come down in five minutes.” I said, before going to the bathroom to freshen up.

“Min Hee! About the thing didn’t let me finish.” He looked nervous at first but when he saw me, “Oh. You look bad.” I sensed him smirk, probably expecting me to snap at him just like what I always do but, “Finish what?” I said mechanically, too tired to answer him with another sarcastic remark. My eyes had dark circles around it, I was too pale and my hair had seen better days. I know I said that I “freshened up” but well...what can I do with the dark circles around my eyes? I don’t need to look pretty just to answer the door.

“You cut me off when I was about to say something yesterday.” He ran his hand through his hair and looked at me.

“What did you want to say that you had to come here and ruin my perfectly good morning?” I asked irritably. He is the last person I’d like to see right now.

“I wanted to tell you that I think I wasn’t angry at you anymore. I know I acted childish and poured out my anger and told you harsh thing but I realize now that what I did was wrong.”

Is that all he wants to say? He doesn’t have to rub it in my face that it wasn’t a big deal. Jerk. “The kiss? I told you—”

“No. How I treated you just because of my anger. I wanted to tell you th

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alex1216 #1
Chapter 20: Pretty good story...somehow left me with a bittersweet feeling at the end. Great work :)