Chapter 9: Confusion

One Wish From A Shooting Star (INDEFINITE HIATUS)

Luhan stopped reminiscing when the school bell rang, it was time for class. They all waved their good byes and started dispersing to their perspective classes. As Luhan was on his way to class, he spotted Kris who was far ahead of him.

“Kris!” He shouted. Kris turned back and waited for Luhan to catch up. He was still angry at Luhan but he didn’t want to be childish. Luhan was his best friend after all, and he didn’t want to cause any commotion in the group. That’s why he kept the secret from the rest of the boys in the first place. That he liked Hyun Ae. Only Luhan knew that he liked Hyun Ae and that’s what pissed him the most. He gave up his love for Hyun Ae because he knew that Luhan liked her and he knew fully that Hyun Ae liked Luhan too. The last thing he wanted to do was to be the third wheel of their relationship. But that’s not going to happen anymore. He won’t just stand there and watch. It was time that he’d be selfish for once.

“What?” Kris said as Luhan descended from his side.

“It’s about Hyun Ae” Luhan uttered. Kris immediately faced Luhan at the mention of Hyun Ae.


“Ottokaji?” Hyun Ae rolled to the side of her bed then rolled to the other side again. She saw a picture of Luhan in her side table next to her lamp. It was given to her by Luhan himself, back when he was cheery. Hyun Ae couldn’t figure out why Luhan had changed drastically. She noticed how distant he was now than he was before. She held the picture frame and raised it to her face “Why are you avoiding me? Why did you have to make me feel like I was important to you?”

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she remembered how Luhan and her used to talk warmly. She was confused, and she needed answers. Why did he change? Why did he avoid her? Why was he so hesitant to approach her? And the last thing she was so curious about, why did he have to touch her cheeks like that? It made her heart break. She was mad at Luhan for being nice to her, if he hadn’t done that then she wouldn’t even think of liking him and she wouldn’t have to contradict herself from hallucination and reality. The hallucination of Luhan and her together versus the reality of being 2 separate entities. She choked back the lump that was forming yet again. Crying had been her habit, it was her only comfort. She needed someone, but no one needed her, they simply didn’t care. Even her relatives didn’t give a damn about her so why would he? Why would Luhan care about a poor orphaned girl like her who is a nobody compared to him? Luhan who’s status was sky high didn’t suit Hyun Ae who’s rank was as low as the ground.

“Hyun Ae” she told herself “Your decision was right. It was right, it’s for the better. It’s time to let him go. There’s someone else who deserves you, someone who actually thinks you exist”


“How dare he?” Kris punched the hard wall that was circulating his room. He didn’t care if his knuckles bled. Luhan had no right to tell him what to do.

“Take care of Hyun Ae? I’d take care of her even if you didn’t tell me to!” he shouted as his voice vibrated through the corners of his room.

He was angry. Angry at Luhan, most especially to himself. Flashbacks came through his head remembering his encounter with Luhan when he was on his way to the class

“What?” Kris said as Luhan descended to his side

“It’s about Hyun Ae” Luhan uttered. Kris immediately faced Luhan at the mention of Hyun Ae’s name.

“What about Hyun Ae?” his blood boiled for no reason but he knew something was going to happen once Luhan finished. A fist could be one example.

“You need to pick up Hyun Ae from her house” he said in a low voice “She doesn’t have a car to use and also…” he paused for a while. Luhan’s facials looked uncertain. He was battling whether to say what he wanted to say or not. “Take care of Hyun Ae when we get to Busan. Make sure she doesn’t pay anything while were in there. I don’t want her to worry too much”

Kris glared at Luhan and faced away from him “Shouldn’t you be the one doing this? You love her so much don’t you?” his tone of voice was emotionless.

“But, I’m not worthy of her. Kris, I’m giving her to you. Be happy with her” Luhan looked down in sadness and with that Kris turned and grabbed Luhan’s shirt with great force, pulling him upwards. Kris’s eyes overflowing with obvious detest.

“How dare you!” He raised his voice, he almost yelled. Luhan was glad that they were in the quiet side of the hall otherwise it would’ve attracted more rumours.

“What do you think of her huh!? Do you think she’s just a toy you can play with? Besides, you are damn right! You don’t deserve her!” Kris threatened a fist to Luhan’s face but then Kris pulled it back. Even so, Luhan never blinked instead he stood firm, with Luhan quiet this made Kris annoyed. He pulled Luhan back harshly as Luhan’s back landed on the hard wall. Despite of the pain Luhan felt, he was unshaken. His facials remained unchanged, it was impassive.

“Damn you Luhan! I gave up everything for you! I stayed away from her so you can be happy! But you…” he pointed “You ruined it all you selfish jerk!” he clenched his fists in rage as he turned back away.

“And just to let you know, I was already going to pick her anyway. Your advice is not needed”

“But no one knows ---“

“I know” he paused and sighed “I know where she lives” he remembered how bitter he felt when he saw Hyun Ae’s situation. “I was there when she needed someone, but were you?” he questioned one last time and walked away from him.

Kris then jumped into his bed and buried his face into the pillow. Images of Hyun Ae flooded his brain. His heart fastened its pace. It was truly amazing how Hyun Ae affected him. Thoughts of her would calm him down when he’s in anger. That’s when he realised that being with her changed him a lot. The usual i-don’t-care attitude he had was gone whenever she’s around. He came into conclusion that he liked her…no he loved her, more than he could ever love himself. Immediately, his thoughts changed into what he witnessed before. Hyun Ae’s tears as she cradled into his embrace. It hurt his heart so much when he saw the love of his life being yelled at by that land lady. God he wanted to punch that old lady, but good thing he followed Hyun Ae on her way home or she would have to deal with that mess herself. But at the same time he was thankful of that incident or else he wouldn’t have the chance to hear her answer when he asked.

“From now on I’ll be your protector. Your shield. Your wings when you fall. Your everything. Just let me be by your side Hyun Ae ok?” he kissed her forehead and her cheeks to kiss away her agony. “I know it’s too sudden but you know me and I sure as hell know you more than yourself but Hyun Ae…” she looked up at Kris’s face with tears still falling. He wiped it all away.

“I don’t want to see you cry anymore so…” he paused for a moment earning a worried look from Hyun Ae.

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

Kris smiled as he reminisced her response.


Just remembering that chased away his angry thoughts about his encounter with Luhan that morning. It was pointless but he needed a certain answer and Luhan definitely answered him. Luhan only played with Hyun Ae’s heart, he wanted to hit him when he touched Hyun Ae’s cheek like that in the cafeteria but now he plans on playing with his heart too.

“I can’t wait until he finds out the news” 


“Hyun Ae!” Kris excitedly knocked on Hyun Ae’s apartment door. “We’re here!”

Hyun Ae who was all dressed up for her early journey to catch the train to Busan was shocked when she heard a familiar voice coming from the door.

‘Kris oppa?’ she thought ‘Don’t tell me…’ she ran to the door only to be greeted by 12 grinning faces.

“Pali!” Kris smiled and cupped her hands to his. He pulled her along and opened the car’s door for her. All of them were shocked to see the scene happening in front of them. Their heads turned immediately to Luhan who was taken aback too. He could only walk grudgingly to the car where Hyun Ae and Kris were, together with Tao. This made him look back to the incident the day before. How Kris looked when he touched Hyun Ae and how he almost gained a punch from Kris. He was now completely certain that Kris would definitely do whatever he can for Hyun Ae

But 3 questions hunted him the most.

‘How did he know where Hyun Ae lived? What just happened right now? Why do I feel like I missed out on something?’

Glossary for today:

Ottokaji - What to do?

Pali - Quickly


Hi guys! 

Finally I've updated! I'm so sorry for the long wait! I've been very busy with reviewing and creating my new advertisement shop called Advertise Anything Shop pls do check it out and request for advertisement there! I'll advetise your story, roleplay and shops in there so pls request if you're interested! ^^

Well guys i hope u liked this update! Pls do leave your feedback :) and pls upvote if you're liking the story so far! AND BTW, lol i say this in every chapter but i cant help it, THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR THE NEW SUBS, COMMENTS AND UPVOTES! love you guys! :* YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!

That's it for today! I'll try to update soon to make it up for the short as chapter XD



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AUTHORNIM JUST UPDATD CHAPTER 25 AFTER A LONG HIATUS! Check it out and leave some comments ^^ Love ya'll


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Silencedshadow #1
Chapter 28: I don't think I've asked you before, or I can't remember if I read it in the story, but how did Leeteuk die? And why? And how come he never got a second chance like Luhan? Or did he? Because it seems like he knows a lot of this stuff. I know Luhan got his second chance because of HyunAe's wish, did anyone wish for him as well?
Chapter 28: YOU UPDATED OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! anywayssss i totally love is story & all the characters (well maybe not yoona but you get my point HAHA). oh my goshh luhan can be such an idiot here that i want to slap him in the face and get him thinking properly
HanZy_L77 #3
Chapter 28: Who the hell was that? Another antagonist? Oh well, looks like Chanyeol and Hwa young would be a cute couple!^^ thanks for the update authornim:)
Chapter 28: I still want a happy ending lol
woaini1234 #5
Chapter 27: DON'T,!!!!!!! JANE!!!!!
Chapter 27: OMG!!!! Don't delete this!!! >.< please continue it ~ you're great authour ^^ love your story ~ plase do update more. I'm waiting for the next chapter ~ please...
HanZy_L77 #8
Chapter 27: Tbh, this is my most favorite story... I would be very glad if you'll continue this :) I've been waiting for your update for too long and when I saw that this story is updated I was like, OMO jinja?! I really love this so pls authornim dont delete this. Its fine if you update this slowly but pls dont delete it /puppy eyes/
Chapter 27: I still want to read and i've been waiting for you to update authornim hehe. It would be great if you don't delete this amazing story. Please continue :)
chodenlovekaixoxo #10
Chapter 27: i've been waiting for ur update....plz continue it :)