There were 7 in the taxi and the Awesome one said: "Be nice to ______-ah"

MLIA - My Life Is Awesome



Jaejoong's POV



I actually cannot believe it. _____________ is already calling Joon her oppa! How many hours has she even known him for!? Even worse, she's ever called ME that!


I spent the rest of that afternoon sulking in the corner.


Damn MBLAQ. Damn Joon.


Jaejoong? YAH!” Yunho waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me back to reality.


AH!? What is it!? Can't you tell I'm thinking!?” I pouted.


Oh sorry, okay, stay here and think while the rest of us go out for dinner.” Yunho smirked, “by the way, Jae, what were you thinking about? It's not everyday when you're serious about 'thinking'”


Ehh? What was I think about?




Not that I'm telling Yunho that. Psh... hell no.


Now to use my ULTIMATE topic changer:


I like fish”


Yunho raised an eyebrow.


Ummm... okay? Are you coming or not?” Yunho asked me with a puzzled expression.


Of course!” I said as I followed everyone out the door.


I love my topic changer. It's so awesome and it works every time :)




Sorry, we only got 4 taxi's, so we'll have to have 7 people in each taxi” I heard Leeteuk say.


Say what? Everyone's going to dinner together?


Wouldn't that catch too much unwanted attention to public??


Bags _______!” Joon said in a childish voice.




If I'm going with MBLAQ, I'm taking Dara with me” ______ smiled and linked arms with Dara.


What about me!? I'm unwanted?


Oh right.... I got the rest of TVXQ... huh....


Bom and Minzy, you two go with TVXQ, I'll go with Suju” CL instructed.


We all got into the taxi's in our groups.


Then something hit me.


Not literally, but you get my gist.


Ae what? Taxi's only fit 4 passengers, how are we going to fit 7 people in?!” I blabbered.


Duh! Girls sit on guy's laps” Eunhyuk rolled his eyes.


At least we're not 'that' fat” Minzy winked.


I watched as Joon climbed into the front seat of the MBLAQ/____+Dara taxi.


GASP! If ______ sits on his lap, he might her!




I suddenly felt a shove.


Damn, Jaejoong hyung, just get into the car already!” Changmin groaned while pushing me in to the back row.


Changmin sat next to me, in the middle, and Yunho sat on the other side of him.


I tried to crane my neck and look for Joon and ______, but was unsuccessful.




Because suddenly a heavy weight fell on my lap and my vision was blocked by someone's back.


AISH! WTF?” I tried to wriggle the person off.


Sorry buddy, but I can't do anything to make myself lighter.” I heard Minzy's voice above me.


Hmph...” I groaned.




Haha hyung!” Changmin chuckled beside me.


Ae! Why do you not have anyone sitting on you?” I frowned.


Cos I'm the maknae” Changmin stuck his tongue out and laughed.


You and me are actually lucky,” Yunho said to me from the other side of Changmin, he had Bom on his lap. “Poor Yoochun on the front seat got Junsu.”


Yah! I'm not that heavy!” Junsu said in an annoyed voice from the front seat.


Yeah right” Yoochun followed sarcastically.


Hahaha, you guys actually aren't that bad” Bom said cheerfully from on top of Yunho.


Yeah, we used to think you guys are a bunch of conceited idiots who constantly show off.” Minzy finished off.


Yah! What?” Yunho was obviously very upset about this.


Us? Conceited? Psh... no!


That is so untrue! We're immensely handsome, amazing, and modest!” Changmin said in a very loud voice.


Okay, so maybe just a little bit...?


Ahh... I guess we were right all along” I heard Minzy mutter.


I chuckled slightly. I guess Minzy noticed and so she chuckled too.


By the way, Jaejoong...” Minzy started, “Be nice to ______-ah”


Mmmm? What's that suppoesd to mean?


So sorry for the wait! So busy lately i don't have time to write.

I will try!



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butterfly555 #1
oh i c lol anyways love the update ><
oooo I wonder who that mysterious person is x)<br />
Hope to find out soon!! :D
hello184435 #3
@butterly555 - sorry, I don't think I made it very clear :L. Well because Minzy knows that _______ likes jaejoong, she's making it clear to Jaejoong that he needs to be nice to her.<br />
Hope that helps :)
butterfly555 #4
omo i wonder why mizy said that * curious*
hello184435 #5
@butterfly555 - hahaha thanx :D
butterfly555 #6
hahaha jae serious hahah that got me laughing to the core LOVE THE UPDATE KEEP IT UP><
butterfly555 #7
hahah love how she tease joon so funny
hello184435 #8
@HazelgoesRawr - Hahaha thanx for understanding. xD tehehe
bluecheese #9
LOL Yeah, I guess thats why its called that. xD<br />
Its okay, I know how it is, laptops can be total biathces sometimes. XD hahah take your time, eat your food. relax. :D
hello184435 #10
@emobunbun - oh yes, yes he did ;D<br />
@butterfly555- hahaha yup<br />
@HazelgoesRawr - xD that's why it's called 'My Life is *AWESOME*" haha