B is for Bashful

You Are More Than Your Chair


Jinki really loved to sit on his lap, and the younger man really enjoyed how the man was plush and warm against his body. When they were out with friends and there weren’t enough chairs for everyone Minho would pull the older man into his lap and hold him close while looking over his shoulder. Or the times where they would be waiting in a long line to buy their movie tickets and Jinki’s bad knee acted up again, and though he tried to hide it from him Minho still noticed it. The older man would be pulled off his feet and into his lap before he could even protest. Minho would wrap his arms around him tightly until Jinki finally accepted it and was thankful for the weight being off his knee.


Jinki never admitted it, he wouldn’t ever, but Minho knew that the older man enjoyed it when he was pulled into his lap. He knew that the small objections weren’t really said because the older man wanted up. He knew that, because as soon as the notion was “given in to” the man would scoot a little up and nuzzle his head into the area between his neck and his shoulder.


There was something about how small Jinki looked all curled up in his lap that Minho enjoyed. Jinki was warmth and love, and knowing that he loved to sit on his lap made the younger man content... happy. 


Then there was the way Jinki just loved to sit on his lap and kiss him. No matter how many times he suggested that they move to the bed or something so that the metal of his chair didn’t accidently press into the older man’s thighs at odd angles, Jinki would refuse and just place his boyfriends hands somewhere on his body he wanted to be touched. And Minho was completely okay with that. He loved it when Jinki pressed himself against him, his plush lips wet and hot against his own, and his thick thighs made him honey in his hands. Minho loved feeling the muscles in those thighs move as the man did to get a better angle to kiss him, and how his felt through his jean pockets.


Though Minho was now exploring the man’s lean back; his huge hands pushing up under the thin fabric of his t shirt. Jinki’s mouth was hot and wet against his neck as the older man left marks along the already flushed skin. When a soft moan rolled off the younger’s lips Jinki chuckled, hot breaths tingling against the wet bruised skin as he returned to press their lips together.


Jinki moved his hips against him as his hands pushed up into Minho’s hair. The younger man’s pants were kissed away. He loved this, loved Jinki, and as the older man moved against him his thoughts went a little astray. They had done a lot of kissing and making out, but that was as far as they’ve gone. It wasn’t because they had not wanted to, but because Jinki didn’t want him to believe he was just using him and Minho really didn’t know what to do when it came to doing more. Jinki was his first boyfriend since the accident. Jonghyun was the only person other than his family that had stayed by his side throughout the recovery, and even before the accident all he had ever done was kiss the girl under the bleachers to try it out.


But he knew what getting aroused felt like. He knew what lust felt like as he swelled with need. When Jinki moaned, deep and loud, Minho knew that he noticed. “ Minho.” The older man wasn’t one for cursing, because he knew the younger man didn’t like it much to begin with, but all that soft heavy panted word did was arouse him more.


But he was embarrassed, because this was the first time Jinki had noticed it. Of course he had gotten a before because of the older man and thoughts of him, but normally he had time to roll into the bathroom and adjust himself accordingly. When his hands stop moving along the older man’s back Jinki paused and looked at him with worried eyes. When he noticed the deep red blush that was on the man’s cheeks he softly smiled. “Is someone embarrassed?”


“Jinki… just get off me!”


But he didn’t. He just smiled, all warm and full of love, as he placed his hands on each side of the younger man’s face and made him look at him in the eyes. “Baby.” Minho bit his lip and tried to think about anything but Jinki’s plush and thighs pressing against his embarrassing . “It’s nothing to be bashful about.”


“Yes it is.” Minho mumbled.


The older man’s warm lips pressed a soft kiss on each cheek and the tip of his nose before giving his lips a slow gentle kiss. “If it makes you feel better I have one too.” Minho’s eyes widened to the point where it was almost comical and Jinki just chuckled, a slight red tone raising to his own cheeks. “Do you not believe me?”




Minho shouldn’t have said that, because then his hand was being picked up from its resting place on Jinki’s thigh. The older man moved a tad bit, his causing friction against the man’s problem, before pressing Minho’s hand firmly against his own bulge. If the younger man wasn’t already having the hardest time not making any indication he was enjoying this that made it even worse; especially when he looked up at his boyfriend with wide eyes to see Jinki’s head thrown back slightly and his plump bottom lip being tugged on by his front teeth.


Then Jinki was leaning down and gently kissing his neck, up to his ear before kissing the shell of it. “See. I get a around you too my beautiful bashful boyfriend.”


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Yall are going to hate me, like ready to kill type of hate, when I post r and o


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Chapter 23: Just a very adorable family that they are
Chapter 23: adorable family ><
full of LOVE indeed ^^bbb
Chapter 23: This is so perfect.... I Love...love...love OnHo family.. The love and adoration between the two along with the fluffiness of a cute relationship coupled with the realities and insecurities made this story come alive.. Thanks for a wonderful read, Author-nim
Chapter 23: I just re-read the whole story. I cannot express how much I love this. You really did such a great job. I'm so glad you shared this with us.
onewxjjong #5
Chapter 23: I loved reading this. It was so entertaining and romantic, especially the beginning of onho's relationship. Adding Bummie just made it cuter. Thank you so much~!
Chapter 23: No wet towels on the dresser! (sorry- had an adult moment there for a second) I need to go back and read this from the beginning again XD
Chapter 23: This whole series has been absolutely fantastic. It's rare to get a story with Minho not being the athletic idol we all know him as, but this is perfectly written to his character. I've loved seeing the journey he's gone through with Jinki and now Kibummie. Their family makes me all warm and happy. Thank you.
Chapter 23: This is an awesome narrative. It is so beautifully written. The love between jinki n minho is palpable n deep. The addition of Bummie gives it a new depth. He is adorable. ♡♡♡
criscris #9
Chapter 23: Everytime I get an update from your stories I feel this rush of happiness and feels and I just can't. Thanks for the update :) And Avatar just happens to be one of my favorite shows, so I loved how you made it part of the story.
Chapter 23: Miss this so much... their family is so cute...