S is for Second Chance

You Are More Than Your Chair

He had come to know his parents antics fairly well over his almost 30 years of living, and ever since the family reunion some time ago he hadn't see them in person to experience them first hand. They weren't okay with Minho, and that wasn't something he could look over. He still answered his mother's calls, but as soon as her tone would change he would roll his eyes and allow her to talk. He never would give the words much thought, because he was used to hearing them by then. His parents still thought this was a phase, and that he would drop Minho once he was done with his 'experiementing'. He would just go yes mom, I understand mom, and then go make dinner for the two of them, well now 3.


He was sitting across from his boss, talking about the upcoming barbeque that Kyuhyun was planning when he got the call from Minho. Siwon rose his eyebrow, but said nothing as the man rushed to answer the phone. "Hey Baby what's up?" 


"Your parents are in our living room." The man said softly. 


The foot that was bouncing stopped as the man froze. "What?"


"Your parents are in our living room Jinki." 


"Have they said anything?" Jinki asked as he leaned further up in his chair. 'Wait, where are you? Where's Bummie at?"  


"Bummie is taking his nap. I'm in our bedroom." 


Siwon gave a short nod before allowing him to leave, and as Jinki entered his office and closed his door he asked, "What have they said Minho?"


"Nothing." The response was way to rushed to comfort the older man,


"Then why did you call me Minho?" Jinki asked softly. Then he heard the soft sniffle, and he knew they had said something. "Will you please tell me?"


"They... They blamed me for your heart condition." Minho responded relunctantly, "I.. I don't know why I called you. I can handle them on my own." 


"Minho I'm coming home." 




"No. I'm coming home. Go wait with Bummie okay? I love you." Minho was able to say the three words back before the phone call was ended and Jinki was grabbing his coat. His slammed his office door behind him and left a note with his secretary before rushing into the elevator. He slammed his hand against the button.


Jinki could put up with a lot of things, from them telling him all his life choices were moronic or that he was a fool, but he would never put up with them blaming Minho for anything. His heart condition wasn't because of the younger man, and it had taken him months to get the man to believe that himself. He didn't need his hypocrite parents coming in and breaking down that progress. Minho was so sweet and warm, so innocent in a way that harmful words shouldn't ever be thrown at him, because he takes it to heart, and Jinki couldn't handle it if he began to believe his parents mean lies. 


He was fuming. He felt the twisting burning feeling deep in his veins as he his car and drove to his home. How dare they, how freaking dare they. How they came to know about his heart condition is beyond him, and he knows just how daring his parents are, but to have the guts to storm into his home, and insult and blame the man he loved that has nothing to do with it was something else entirely. 


As his own elevator doors opened his mother came rushing to him, but he ignored her. When she yelled his name he turned and glared. "Would you be quiet?! Do you want to wake up my son?" 


Minho had heard his voice, and slowly rolled out of the small boys bedroom. Jinki walked over and asked him if he was okay, and when the man nodded he sent him to get him a drink. He didn't even need to say which one he would need. Then he turned toward his parents, his father still sitting on the couch and his mother just staring at him with wide eyes. He crossed his arms and took a deep breath, "What do you think you are doing here Mother?" 


He expected her to go on and on about the exact reason they both knew she was there, btu the only thing that came out of were 4 words. "You have a son?" 


"That doesn't matter." Jinki said as he shook his head. "You do you think you are that you could come in here and blame Minho for my heart condition? How did you even find out about it?"


His father replied softly from the couch, "Your cousin was at that race, and he saw everything. He told us about it all." 


"I'm fine. If you were wondering," He turned toward Minho when he felt the man gently tug his shirt. 


"Calm down. This stress isn't good for you." Minho whispered softly as he looked up worriedly. 


Jinki gave him a small smile and was about to say something else, but then the sound of a door being pushed open could be heard. There was soft padding on the wood floors of the hallway, and soft sleepy voice asking, "Pa?" 


Kibum was standing in the hallway, rubbing his eyes as he blinked up at people. Jinki's facial features, and his entire body it seemed, relaxed as he looked at the boy. He walked over and gently picked the boy up. "Hey Bummie."


The boy nuzzled his head into the man's chest and clung onto the soft dress shirt. "What you doing home?" He eyed the two other people that he's never seen before warily as he snuggled closer, "Who are they?" 


"Those are your grandparents." Jinki said softly as he glanced over at his mother. His Father was the one that took the first move; walking over and gently smiling at the small child. 


Bummie seemed very hesitant to go to the older man, but he glanced up at his Pa and when he nodded he deemed it safe enough. They went onto the couch, to play with the blocks that were still on the table. Jinki turned to his mother, who was staring at the little boy with wide eyes. 


"I know you probably have something to say like 'why didn't you tell me?' and how could you make that little boy have two fathers, but I'm tired Mom. I'm tired of hearing you say my choices are horrible, and saying that my life is a phase. You had no right to blame Minho for my heart condition, no right because he had nothing to do with it. In all honesty he gave me years of life because he allowed me to find out about it." Jinki took a step further and said softly, "That little boy in there is my world Mom. You and I may not be on the best of terms anymore, but that doesn't mean we have to stay this way. I know it will take a lot for you to accept Minho, and I'm fine with that, but you have a second chance with me because of Bummie."


"I.." His mother didn't know what to say, but that was okay.


Jinki rushed and pulled his mother into a hug and kissed her cheek, "No matter what you are my mother. He's your grandchild, even if not by blood."


After a moment she asked, "His name's Bummie?"


Jinki smiled and glanced over at the boy, who now was playing with his grandpa's glasses. "Kibum, but once he allows to you to call him Bummie.. you know he trusts you." 


And as the woman walked over toward the couch Jinki slowly sat on Minho's lap. He leaned into the firm hold and sighed. The younger man kissed the top of his head and hugged him tight, "You know you didn't have to come home." 


"And you had nothing to do with my heart condition." Jinki looked up at him, and he could see that it had begun to sink in again. "I love you."


After the older man pulled away from their kiss Minho whispered back, "I love you too."

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Yall are going to hate me, like ready to kill type of hate, when I post r and o


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Chapter 23: Just a very adorable family that they are
Chapter 23: adorable family ><
full of LOVE indeed ^^bbb
Chapter 23: This is so perfect.... I Love...love...love OnHo family.. The love and adoration between the two along with the fluffiness of a cute relationship coupled with the realities and insecurities made this story come alive.. Thanks for a wonderful read, Author-nim
Chapter 23: I just re-read the whole story. I cannot express how much I love this. You really did such a great job. I'm so glad you shared this with us.
onewxjjong #5
Chapter 23: I loved reading this. It was so entertaining and romantic, especially the beginning of onho's relationship. Adding Bummie just made it cuter. Thank you so much~!
Chapter 23: No wet towels on the dresser! (sorry- had an adult moment there for a second) I need to go back and read this from the beginning again XD
Chapter 23: This whole series has been absolutely fantastic. It's rare to get a story with Minho not being the athletic idol we all know him as, but this is perfectly written to his character. I've loved seeing the journey he's gone through with Jinki and now Kibummie. Their family makes me all warm and happy. Thank you.
Chapter 23: This is an awesome narrative. It is so beautifully written. The love between jinki n minho is palpable n deep. The addition of Bummie gives it a new depth. He is adorable. ♡♡♡
criscris #9
Chapter 23: Everytime I get an update from your stories I feel this rush of happiness and feels and I just can't. Thanks for the update :) And Avatar just happens to be one of my favorite shows, so I loved how you made it part of the story.
Chapter 23: Miss this so much... their family is so cute...