3 uh Drabbles

You Are More Than Your Chair

1. Flowers and A Nap


Minho heard their dorm room door opening, and the soft chatter between Jonghyun and whoever was at the door, but he couldn’t make out the words that were being said. He heard his roommate’s laughter, and the door was shut a moment later.


"Minho dear! You have a visitor!" Jonghyun shouted.


Minho looked toward his closed bedroom door confused. He wasn’t expecting anyone, and the only other person that could be here should be working on his big end of the year project. He sighed and made his way over to the door and down the hall into the living room.


He cursed as his wheel got stuck on a bump in the rug, and because he was reaching down to take the thick fabric out of his wheel he didn’t see the man sitting in the living room until he was standing up and walking closer to him. “Minho?” He snapped his head up to see Jinki standing there holding a bouquet of red roses and a small nervous smile on his face. “Hey Baby.”


"What are you doing here?" Minho asked as the flowers were pressed into his hand and soft kiss was placed on his cheek.


The man slightly pouted. “Did you not want to see me?”


"No no no that’s not what I meant." Minho reached up and grasped the man’s hand. "Thank you for the flowers, but what are they for?"


"Do I have to have a reason to get you flowers?" The older man pushed his fingers through Minho’s hair and smiled as he leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips. "Other than you are amazing and I love you?"


There was a loud retching sound, and both men looked over to see Jonghyun sitting on the sofa with his finger pointing down his throat. “I will puke if you two just don’t go into his room.”


Minho blushed as the older man nervously laughed. “I’ll just go find a vase for these. You can go wait for me in my room.” Jinki nodded with a smile before kissing his cheek and walking down the hall.


"You know, he really is too sweet." Jonghyun commented as Minho went into the kitchen to find the vase. " My question is, where can I find one?"


"You have Taemin remember?"


"Well I’m with him for a more rated reason."


"Eww gross." Minho scrunched up his nose at the comment and placed the flowers into the vase. He then carried them in his lap as he made his way into his bedroom, Jonghyun laughing in the distance.


Jinki was laying on the bed, his feet dangling above him as he laid on his stomach. He smiled when Minho entered the room and placed the flowers on the desk next to his notes. “They’re beautiful.”


"Not as beautiful as you." Jinki said softly, and Minho blushed as he giggled and gently tossed a roll of socks at the man’s head.


"Why are you so cheesy?"


"I think I one too many pieces of pizza last night." Jinki said with a shrug.


Minho just smiled and rolled closer to the bed. The older man swung his legs underneath him, as he leaned over and gently pressed their lips together. His hands rested on the arms of his chair as Minho wound his arms around the man’s neck. After being together for 3 months he hadn’t gotten enough of the older man’s soft kisses.


He pulled away, their noses brushing as a soft smile formed on his face. Minho blushed slightly, giggling as Jinki pushed a strand of lose hair behind his ear. He looked over at his desk and rose an eyebrow. “Whatchu’ working on?”


"Oh uh, notes for Calculus, but I thought were going to be at your studio today."


"Oh I was, but I hit a stump and needed to see my muse." When Minho blushed Jinki just smiled. "Do I flatter you that much Baby?"


"Being around you makes me blush. I can’t help it." Minho said with a shrug. Then he yawned, his mouth widening as he covered it with his hand and the older man just chuckled. When Jinki stood up and walked over to him Minho didn’t exactly know what he wanted.


"Is my Baby tired?" He asked softly as he ran his fingers through the soft dark strands of hair. "How about we take a nap? It’s been a while since we’ve taken one together hasn’t it?"


"Okay." Minho agreed softly. He allowed Jinki to push him over to the edge of the bed, and gently push his arms under his own. He was gently lifted out of the chair and onto the bed. Usually he would do it himself, but Jinki had once told him that he loved to help him in any way he could. After pushing himself up onto his pillow Jinki climbed onto the bed.


Jinki smiled as he settled against him, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close. He threw the blanket over them and kissed the man on the forehead. Minho smiled and snuggled closer. “I love you.”


"I love you too my little Sunflower."


"Why am I a sunflower?" Minho asked softly as he took the man’s smell in. Jinki always smelt good, most of the time like paint and canvas, with the underlying smell of lavender.


"Because you are bright and make me warm like the sun, and you are as pretty as a flower." Jinki answered as he placed a hand on the man’s lower back and pressed himself against the man.


The younger man giggled, soft and sweet. “You really are too cheesy.”


The man hummed, a deep rumble in his chest. “So? I don’t see you minding.”


"No.. not at all."


"Maybe I’ll take you out tonight, and make everyone jealous of me." Jinki whispered, but Minho was already falling asleep, his eyes drifting close. When he noticed Jinki softly chuckled, and ran his fingers through the man’s hair just the way he knew soothed the younger. "I love you Minho." He whispered before closing his eyes himself. Falling asleep soon after.





2. The Ocean and A Swim


It was a warm summer afternoon. The breeze was cool against their skin as Jinki gently pushed Minho down the sidewalk. The younger man had his hand up on top of the elder’s on the right handlebar, and though after awhile his elbow started to hurt, it was a way to hold his hand and Minho loved that. During the summer Jinki usually was in his studio, working on certain things, but now that he had Minho, most of his free time was spent spoiling the younger man.


The man would start his job at the big jewelry design company downtown come October, but for the summer he was all Minho’s. When the younger man wasn’t working at the bookstore downtown or taking the summer fine arts credit that he needed to graduate, which Jinki helped him with all the time down in his arts studio, he was with the older man. Usually he would return home to his parents house for the summer, but Jinki had his own apartment with his studio down below. After dating for 5 months the older man had offered the younger man a room. Even though most of the time he ended up in Jinki’s bed with the older man curled against him.


"So, early dinner and then a movie, or movie and a late dinner?" Jinki asked softly as the breeze rustled the green leaves in the tree above them.


"Either is fine Jinx."


The older man frowned at the slight change in Minho’s voice. He stopped the wheelchair, making the younger bewildered, and moved to kneel in front of him. He grabbed his boyfriend’s hands and looked up at him. “Are you okay? Does your back hurt?”


Minho shook his head. His back was fine, atleast for now, but he didn’t really want to tell the man what was wrong. He was afraid that Jinki would think he was stupid, or that his worries were silly, so he forced a smile on his face. “I’m great. Lets just get to the movies. I’m not really hungry right now.”


Minho gulped under the older man’s heated gaze. He knew Jinki was searching his face for any indication of what was really wrong. After a moment the man sighed and stood up, but when he went behind him to continue to push him down the street he surprised Minho by turning him around and continuing the way they came.


He turned his head to look up at Jinki and was about to ask him what the hell he was doing, but the older man just looked down at him and he shut his mouth. ” Something is wrong, and you won’t tell me, so guess what?We aren’t going to the movies or dinner.”


"But Jinx.. it’s our date day."


"I know."


"Then why are we going back toward your car?"


"You’ll see." Was the only thing the man said.


Minho pressed his lips together and looked at his lap. How was he supposed to tell Jinki that what was bothering him was the worry that he was holding him back? How was he supposed to tell him that he hated how people stared at them when they were out, and how he heard the murmured whispers of the people judging them? Jinki didn’t even know about the group of girls in his econmics four class talking about how the older man would be better with someone that was whole; with someone that wasn’t broken.


Jinki had always treated him like he wasn’t a cripple, but he knew there were times that the man decided not to do something he really wanted to do because of the fact his boyfriend was a cripple in a wheelchair.


When they made it back to the man’s car Minho waved the man’s attempt to help him away with a motion of his hand. Jinki frowned, and nodded. He love to help the man, but he also knew that Minho had managed for years without his help and could do it all on his own.


He waited until the man was sitting in the passenger seat before folding his chair and gently placing it in the back of the car. He then walked to the driver’s side and slid in. He glanced over at Minho before turning the car on and pulling out off the curb.


He reached over after a moment to grasp the younger man’s hand softly.


Minho looked over at him from the window and gently squeeze the firm hand. “Where are we going?”


The city lights, the loud noise of the thousands of people walking the streets, and the honking of cars were long behind them. Even the suburbs surrounding the city had long gone past his car window. Jinki just smiled and continued to drive.


The high warm sun had begun to set as the sound of waves reached his ears. “What.. are we going to the ocean Jinki?”




"But.. I can’t.." Minho’s deep voice trailed off as he looked at his hands. " I haven’t been to the beach since the accident."


"I know."


"I can’t roll my wheelchair on the sand." He murmured as the older man pulled the car into the empty parking lot.


Jinki just patted his thigh before stepping out of car. Minho thought that he was going to go get the wheelchair for him, but he didn’t. He just opened the door and smiled as he leaned in. He placed Minho’s arm around his neck and pressed an arm under his knees and around his middle, lifting him up and out of the car.


Minho gasped; clutching onto the man tightly. “Jinki! What are you doing?”


"I’m taking my boyfriend to the beach." Jinki’s soft voice against his ear made him shiver.




"Shh okay." Jinki stopped walking and adjusted his hold on him. "I’m tired of you thinking that you can’t do something because of your accident. I’m tired of you believing that you are unable to do anything that someone else can. I’m tired of it, because you are perfect to me, and I just want you to see that."


He was gently set on the warm sand, and Jinki softly began to take off his shoes and socks. “What are you doing?”


"Do you want to get your cloths wet when we swim?"


Minho’s eyes widened as he shook his head frantically. “I can’t go in there! I can’t swim!”


"Enough with the I can’t." Jinki glared up at him before standing up and pulling off his shirt. He was unbuckaling his pants when he spoke again.


"Take your shirt off Minho, and unbuckle your shorts."


Minho just nodded, and he was enternally gratful that the falling sunlight hid the deep blush on his cheeks, but Jinki saw the red color and he softly smiled as he kneeled down and pulled of the man’s shorts. “Jinki. .I..”


The older man just gently picked him off the sand; Minho quickly wrapped his arms around his neck as soft words were spoken against his ear. “I know you’re nervous, but I won’t let anything happen to you.”


Before he could say a single thing though he felt the cool water surround him as Jinki walked further in. Minho’s grasp around his neck tightened the deeper they went in, and the older man just fondly smiled. “Jin..jinki! Don’t let go of me!”


"Minho." He said calmly. "You’re going to leave bruises on my neck if you don’t lessen your grip."


"But.. I could drown!" Minho whined.


"Trust me a little would you." Jinki’s hands moved from under the man’s legs and forced the man to release his neck. Minho freaked out, grasping for him once again only to feel the man’s hands on his hips keeping him steady and up above the water’s surface. Jinki smiled at him, a soft warm one, as he pulled him closer. He held him up with one arm around his waist, and gently moved to lean him back. Minho gulped, but with the firm arm around his waist he knew Jinki wouldn’t let anything happen to him. When his hair was wet the older man pushed it out of his face and gently kissed his nose. "Stop worrying about what other people think. You are perfect. You hear me?"


"What..how did you know?"


The older man’s hand was softly placed on his cheek, his thumb moving gently over the skin below his eye. “Because I know you and I’ve heard the sayings. I don’t treat you like you are in a wheelchair do I?” Minho shook his head. “That’s because it doesn’t define you as a person, a human being. It doesn’t define my feelings for you, because I fell in love with your heart Minho. Your chair is just an added bonas for when I want to kiss you.”


Minho felt the older man’s warm hand against the middle of his back and all his previous fear went away. ” I’m sorry.”


But Jinki shook his head. “Grab ahold of me, and hang on tight.”


Minho’s eyebrow raised as he s his arms around the man’s neck softly. “Why?” Jinki smiled deviously as his hands grabbed the younger man’s thighs and held them close to his sides before pushing off the sand and going deeper into the water. Minho gasped and clinged tighter. “Jinki! Just because I trusted you then doesn’t mean I want to go deeper!”


"But going deeper is so much fun."





3. Babysitting the Bestfriend’s nephew


The next time he saw his roommate the silver haired man would soon be strangled. The fact that he had managed to get out of babysitting is own nephew to go on a date with Taemin wasn’t really a surprise, but how he had managed to get his younger roommate to take over for him was completely unknown.


Minho was great with children, if he could say so himself. For awhile after the accident they were the only people he liked to be around, because they didn’t judge his wheelchair, but no matter how much he loved kids he really didn’t like screaming 9 month olds. Not only that, but Jonghyun had been stupid enough to leave him with a baby who’s portable crib was taller than his wheelchair. So even if he managed to get the baby boy to calm down and sleep, he couldn’t put him in his bed.


When Jonghyun refused to answer his damn phone Minho resorted to calling the one person he knew would come to help him, but also the person he didn’t want to bother.


Jinki was in his studio, working on a commission he had gotten from the University, and today was his only day off besides their date night and he needed it for work. Knowing that, Minho really didn’t want to interrupt him, because he knew there was no chance the older man would refuse to come help him once he called, but he also knew that he desperately needed his boyfriend’s help.


Once the call was made Jinki was at the door in under 20 minutes. He kissed his boyfriends cheek and rushed to take the baby boy from him.


He looked over at him. “What’s his name?”


"Kibum." Minho replied.


"As he been fed?" The younger man nodded as his boyfriend gently held the baby against his chest. "Changed recently?"


"Around the time I called you."


"Hmm…" But the baby’s cries were already becoming soft whimpers as the man gently moved his knuckle on the baby’s back. "Shh.. there there Bummie."


Minho just watched with wide eyes. He had spent hours trying to calm the baby down and here Jinki does it in under 5 minutes. The older man disappeared into the hallway, and returned without the baby. He flashed a smile at his boyfriend, but it faltered when he saw the huge pout on the younger man’s face. Jinki walked up to him and gently pushed his long hair away from his face. “What’s wrong Sunshine?”


"Kibum doesn’t like me."


"What? I’m sure he does."


"He shut up almost automatically as soon as you touched him, but when I was he was wailing like I was hurting him." Minho hmphed and crossed his arms. "Just admit he doesn’t like me Jinki."


The older man just gently uncrossed the man’s arms and sat on the man’s lap, swinging his legs over the arm rests and wrapping his arms around Minho’s neck as he nuzzled his nose against his neck. “He fell asleep like that because of the lavender baby lotion I use.”


"You use baby lotion?" Minho asked, making the older man chuckle; the warm puffs of air tingling the younger man’s neck.


"Keeps me as soft as I look Sunshine."


"I guess you better go."


Jinki just mumbled something incoherant and when Minho looked down the older man’s eyes were closed. “Mmmm nope. Roll me over to the tv and cuddle with me.”


Minho knew there was no sense in trying to tell the man do to otherwise, so he wrapped a single arm around the older man and used the other to push against the top of his wheel to carry them over to the living room. Once settled on the plush cushions Jinki gently kissed his lips. “Besides, everyone loves you Minho.”


Not like it mattered. Jinki had a way of taking anything that bothered him and making it disappear with just a smile or a touch. Minho couldn’t explain it to you if he tried, but he knew one thing.


He was glad Jinki was always there.

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Yall are going to hate me, like ready to kill type of hate, when I post r and o


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Chapter 23: Just a very adorable family that they are
Chapter 23: adorable family ><
full of LOVE indeed ^^bbb
Chapter 23: This is so perfect.... I Love...love...love OnHo family.. The love and adoration between the two along with the fluffiness of a cute relationship coupled with the realities and insecurities made this story come alive.. Thanks for a wonderful read, Author-nim
Chapter 23: I just re-read the whole story. I cannot express how much I love this. You really did such a great job. I'm so glad you shared this with us.
onewxjjong #5
Chapter 23: I loved reading this. It was so entertaining and romantic, especially the beginning of onho's relationship. Adding Bummie just made it cuter. Thank you so much~!
Chapter 23: No wet towels on the dresser! (sorry- had an adult moment there for a second) I need to go back and read this from the beginning again XD
Chapter 23: This whole series has been absolutely fantastic. It's rare to get a story with Minho not being the athletic idol we all know him as, but this is perfectly written to his character. I've loved seeing the journey he's gone through with Jinki and now Kibummie. Their family makes me all warm and happy. Thank you.
Chapter 23: This is an awesome narrative. It is so beautifully written. The love between jinki n minho is palpable n deep. The addition of Bummie gives it a new depth. He is adorable. ♡♡♡
criscris #9
Chapter 23: Everytime I get an update from your stories I feel this rush of happiness and feels and I just can't. Thanks for the update :) And Avatar just happens to be one of my favorite shows, so I loved how you made it part of the story.
Chapter 23: Miss this so much... their family is so cute...