J is for Japan

You Are More Than Your Chair

 "Mr. Choi?" The soft call of his name made him look up from the report he was writing. Standing before his desk was a little girl with pig tails. 


He smiled, "Yes Yuri?" 


The young girl looked at her feet and rocked back and forth. "I... I got you something." 


Before he could ask the little girl was pushing a cupcake onto the table. Blue icing with a white heart on it. "What's this for Sweetie?"    


"For helping me read." The girl softly chewed on her lip as she looked up at him through her bangs. "Before you no one helped."


 The man's hands came to push against his wheels to go around the desk. There was a warm smile on his face as he opened his arms. "Come here." 


The girl rushed forward and climbed up into his lap. Her skinny arms wrapped around his neck. "Thank you." 


Minho had always wanted to help people. His Father was a police officer. He grew up with him doing what he could to help the community around them. Then his older brother followed in their father's footsteps. He had planned to go into the force too, to follow both of their footsteps, but then the accident happened and he was lucky to even breath let alone walk. If it wasn't for his history teacher in high school he wouldn't have graduated, or had the will to try and live. It was then that he knew that teaching was the way he was supposed to go.


He hugged the 9 year old close to his chest. The young girl had moved from Japan 2 years ago. Fluent in her own language but not knowing a single word in Korean. Teachers gave up on trying to teach her to read, and just gave her everything in Japanese. But she wanted to learn and it was Minho who noticed the little girl sitting in the back of the classroom during recess trying to read. " No. Thank you Sweetie." 




He looked up from his lunch when he heard the knock on his door. The blue painted wood was gently pushed open to reveal the school principal and superintendent. He blinked at them as one of them asked, "May we speak with you?" 


He nodded quickly and rushed  to clean up his lunch but the woman shook her head with a smile. Minho's hands fell to his lap as he looked up at them The superintendent offered his hand with a smile. "I'm Dr. Donghae Lee. It's a pleasure to meet you."


Minho blinked up at him for a moment before grasping his hand. "I would stand but as you can see." 


The other man's eyes widened, but the principal just laughs, "Mr. Choi as I told you is one of my best teachers."


"Well I mean..." Minho stuttered as he felt heat rise to his cheeks.


"It's true. All the students love him." The woman smiled at him before reaching into her bag for something.


"If I may ask what do you need to speak to me about? My lunch only lasts for another 15 minutes. Wouldn't want you to get run over by my students." He flashed a smile despite the nervousness in his body. He felt like his stomach was doing flips.


The principal smiled widely. "We came to talk to you about your work with young Yuri." 


Minho's eyes widened, "What.. is something wrong?"  


She shook her head and placed the file she had fished out of her bag a moment earlier onto the table. Minho glanced at it and then back up at them. "I'll leave you and Dr. Lee to talk."


Minho had only met Dr. Lee once and it was at a passing glance. The man didn't just come visit a teacher for no reason. Did he do something wrong? Did someone complain about his extra sessions with Yuri? He couldn't lose this job. He knew Jinki made more than enough money to support them, but he loved his job. The kids were amazing. Just then he heard a light chuckle and he looked up to his boss' boss. "Don't look like I'm here to fire you. This is a good thing Mr. Choi."


"Is it?" 


The other man just smiled. "Mhmm. We've heard about your work with Yuri, and we think that it's truly amazing. There's a workshop in Japan in the fall and a teacher from each level is being sent. We've decided that you should be the representative for the Elementary."


"Me? I've only been here for a couple years. There has to be someone else more qualified." 


The man just smiled as pushed the file further toward Minho. "Ms. Kim informed me of your serious relationship and how you just adopted a little boy. I know it would mean a lot for you to go to Japan for a couple weeks, so you don't have to agree to anything yet. Take that home, talk it over and give your answer to Ms. Kim before the end of May."


He was walking out of the room when Minho spoke again. "Thank you Mr. Lee."


The man just smiled as he turned the doorknob. " No thank you Mr. Choi."




 The room was almost completely silent.  There was the gentle sound of the fan. Then there was the soft constant sound of the older man's breathing next to him. Every so often there was a light scrape of paper as Jinki flipped the page, but that was it. Minho was pretty sure he could hear their hearts beating. 


He glanced over for a second more dropping his gaze to his hands. He fiddled with the end of his sheet and tried not to think of what Jinki was going to say. He had come home, put his bag on the kitchen table, and left it alone all night. He had went to do Bummie's laundry, had a snack as he called Jinki at work, and finished cleaning the man's jeans until the rest of his family came home. Bummie had attacked him; running full sprint out of the elevator with his chuckling Pa close behind him.


A soft kiss in greeting and dinner being made together. After eating they watched That's so Raven on DVD's they had gotten from the library with subs for them, and the rest of the night was spent curled up on the couch with Jinki as their son ran around giggling with his toys. The boy was put through his bubble bath and dressed for bed.


But then came bed time for them. Jinki had come out of the bathroom to find the manila folder laying on his side of the bed. The man had gave him a look with a raised eyebrow before picking the folder up and getting into bed. After getting comfy the folder had been opened and he had began to read without asking a single question, but Minho knew that they were inevitable. 


He looked over when he heard the papers being put back, and saw the folder being closed and placed softly on the man's blanket covered legs. Jinki was looking at his hands that were gently placed on the folder, and it took a moment but he finally asked, "Do you want to go?" 

"I don't know."


"It's a great opportunity Baby, and a real honor."


"You think so?" 


Jinki looked over fondly at him and smiled. "I knew you were always meant to help others Minho. You should go."


"Will you be okay here with Bummie?"


Jinki shrugged. "Probably not." 


"Jinki!" The man whined, and pouted when the man smiled at him.


Jinki leaned over and gently pressed his lips to his warm cheek. His hand was warm and firm on arm as the man said softly, "You should go. Sure, I'll be worried sick out of my mind and miss you like crazy but you should go. Correction. You're going."


"But Bummie.."


"Will survive with his Pa until Daddy returns. It's only for 2 months. I think I can handle our 4 year old son for that long."


Minho chewed his lip, "I've never been on a plane before, or been to another country."


"Are you nervous about being alone?"




"Then what is it?"


Minho was silent for a moment before he looked over at his Partner. His eyes were full of his emotion, and in a flash Jinki had his arms wrapped around him. "What... what if I cause more trouble than help? All the others won't be in a wheelchair Jinki." A small hiccup was heard before he continued. "I.. I've gotten so used to having someone being here for me all the time, to help me when I really need it or am about to push myself too far. I don't know if I'll be able to do this."


Jinki pressed his lips to his forehead and hugged the man tighter. "You don't have to go if you don't feel like it, but I will be here no matter what you decide. They want you to go because they know just how much good you'll do with that extra experience. They saw just how much more you are than just your chair. I've told you a million times Baby. Your chair doesn't define you. You do."


The younger man softly sniffled and rubbed his cheek against the fabric of Jinki's shirt. "Do.. do you think I'll do well?"


"You always do Baby."


Minho in a breath, and was thankful of the warm and love Jinki gave through his embrace. "Then I'll go."




"Do you really have to go Daddy?" Bummie asked quietly as he sat in Minho's lap in the middle of the airport.


"Just for a little while. Pa will be there with you and he'll even set up skype so we can talk okay Bummie?" 


The boy still looked upset but his face lifted just a little bit. "Okies." 


Kibum climbed off his lap and went to sit on the nearby chair to hug his fox. His eyes never left them though as Jinki moved to kiss the man's cheek. "Don't look so nervous. You're making me more so than I already am."


Minho grasped his rough hand tightly. "I don't know if I can do this."


Jinki just smiled and returned the squeeze as he pressed his lips to the man's temple. "I love you Baby. Just remember that you define who you are and you'll do great." 


The second to final call was made for his plane and he looked up with panic eyes. "I should of never said yes to this." 


Jinki released his hand and moved to place both of his on the man's cheeks. He gently kissed him with a gentle smile. With their foreheads still touching he whispered. "The moment you land you call me okay? Any time you are nervous or scared call me. I don't care if its 3 in the morning. Call me. Understand?" 




"Good." Jinki pressed the man's passport and ticket back into his hand. " I love you so much Minho. Have a great time okay. Don't worry too much."


Minho glared slightly, but it fell short. "Now you're going to make me do just that."


The older man chuckled and pecked his lips right as the last call rang. He looked reluctant but he sighed, "Go on now. Mr. Lee is waiting for you."


Bummie kissed his cheek and said he loved him before he was rushing to board the plane. He took one last look behind him to see Jinki holding the tiny boy in his arms. Bummie had his head up under the man's chin, and Minho could see everything the man was feeling in those hazel eyes of his. He mouthed I love you, and his heart ached when Jinki's worried face broke out into a soft laugh. The man mouthed it back, and that's when he was pushed into the boarding tunnel and the two were cut from his vision. 

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Chapter 23: Just a very adorable family that they are
Chapter 23: adorable family ><
full of LOVE indeed ^^bbb
Chapter 23: This is so perfect.... I Love...love...love OnHo family.. The love and adoration between the two along with the fluffiness of a cute relationship coupled with the realities and insecurities made this story come alive.. Thanks for a wonderful read, Author-nim
Chapter 23: I just re-read the whole story. I cannot express how much I love this. You really did such a great job. I'm so glad you shared this with us.
onewxjjong #5
Chapter 23: I loved reading this. It was so entertaining and romantic, especially the beginning of onho's relationship. Adding Bummie just made it cuter. Thank you so much~!
Chapter 23: No wet towels on the dresser! (sorry- had an adult moment there for a second) I need to go back and read this from the beginning again XD
Chapter 23: This whole series has been absolutely fantastic. It's rare to get a story with Minho not being the athletic idol we all know him as, but this is perfectly written to his character. I've loved seeing the journey he's gone through with Jinki and now Kibummie. Their family makes me all warm and happy. Thank you.
Chapter 23: This is an awesome narrative. It is so beautifully written. The love between jinki n minho is palpable n deep. The addition of Bummie gives it a new depth. He is adorable. ♡♡♡
criscris #9
Chapter 23: Everytime I get an update from your stories I feel this rush of happiness and feels and I just can't. Thanks for the update :) And Avatar just happens to be one of my favorite shows, so I loved how you made it part of the story.
Chapter 23: Miss this so much... their family is so cute...