K is for Kibum

You Are More Than Your Chair

A/N: I was going to save this to closer to the ending BUT my computer wanted to be a total asshat and stop working when I was almost done with S. And I'm very proud of this chapter... so here! But shhh I haven't uploaded it to tumblr yet... I've spammed the onho tag enough.


They had talked about having kids before, multiple times, but it was just about the desire to have them later in their life together. For instance Minho wanted to have kids, but he was scared that he wouldn’t be able to ever have them because of his chair.  He learned that Jinki wanted as many kids as they could care for, but he really wanted a little boy of his own, but kids were the least of their worries. Even though they lived together, for a while, kids weren’t something they really wanted. They knew they needed to be really ready for kids, and that the adoption process was a very lengthy one. It couldn’t be started if you weren’t really ready for it.


But when Minho got the call from Jonghyun about how his sister and her husband died in a car accident and his almost 3 year old nephew was over at his house, and that he needed help, both had rushed over there. Jonghyun was never good with children, which was mainly why anytime he had to babysit Jinki came over to relieve him of his duties. 


Kibum wasn’t a complicated child. If you played with him he was happy, but Jonghyun never really understood how to. He was too nervous and too cautious to try and learn. So when Jinki pushed open the door the sight before him wasn’t very surprising. Jonghyun was lying flat on the floor, grunting and groaning as the toddler jumped up and down on top of his back. 


When the boy heard the door open he looked over and a big smile spread across his face. “Tokki!” 


Jinki kneeled and opened his arms with a smile on his face as the boy ran across the room towards him. He wrapped his arms around him and picked him up, bouncing him a little to get a better hold on him. “Hi Bummie. How are you?” 


“I’m bad.” He pouted as he crossed his slightly chubby arms. “Uncle Jong just laid there.” 


“Because he’s an old man and tired.” Minho added softly as he placed the food on the counter.


“Tokki will you come draw with me?” Kibum asked.


Jinki smiled, “Of course Bummie,” as he walked toward the guest room where the boy was staying. He glanced over at Minho and nodded toward Jonghyun, because it wasn’t just Kibum that lost his parents, but Jonghyun who lost his sister. The younger man nodded as he moved toward his best friend, and Jinki turned his attention to the young boy in his arms.


“Watercolors or crayons?” He asked softly as he sat on the chair in front of the desk with Kibum sitting in his lap. 


“Did you bring watahcolors?” 


Jinki chuckled at the missed pronounced word, and nodded. “Mhmm. It’s in my bag.”


“Then Watah here we go!” His small fist shot up in the air as he looked up at Jinki with big wide eyes.



Out in the living room Jonghyun finally managed to get up off the floor and sprawl out onto the couch. “She’s gone.” He echoed.


“Jonghyun it’s going to be okay.”  


“She’s gone and I’m all that little boy has, but I can’t take care of him. I’m not ready for kids.” 


“Kibum has us too. You have us.” Minho reached to grasp the other man’s hand. “You know that right? Jinki and I are here for you.” 


Jonghyun shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut. “If I don’t accept Kibum, if I don’t adopt him, he’ll go into a home. I can’t take care of him, but I couldn’t live with myself if I allowed him to go through foster care. Not like we Sodam and I did.” 


Minho didn’t like seeing his best friend cry. He knew Jonghyun loved his nephew, more than anything, but he also knew that the man was in no way ready to take full responsibility for him. “Jonghyun don’t worry about that right now. I’m here for you to talk to, cry against, whatever you need. I’m here for you.” 


Jonghyun looked at him then, eyes red and cheeks red, and Minho wished Jinki had switched him, because he honestly couldn’t comfort the man the way Jinki could.


Once Jinki gently rocked Kibum to sleep and placed him on the bed, he dug the fluffy fox from his bag and laid it next to the boy. Kibum reached for it, wrapping his arms around it and nuzzling his cheek against the soft white fur. Jinki smiled fondly at the young boy and quietly walked out of the room, gently closing the door behind him.


Jonghyun had fallen asleep against Minho’s shoulder, after the man had lifted himself up onto the couch for his best friend to cry against. Jinki smiled softly as he tapped his boyfriend’s shoulder, the younger man‘s eyes snapping open as he looked up. His surprised face softened at the sight of Jinki.


“Stay here. I’ll get him to bed.” He kissed his cheek before moving to lift the shorter male from the couch. 


Jonghyun murmured softly as Jinki lifted him up, his arm thrown around the older man’s neck as he was carried down the hall and softly laid upon his bed. The covers were pulled on top of him, and his light turned off.


When Jinki and Minho finally returned home all they wanted to do was cuddle in their bed and fall asleep, but as they lay against one another both their minds were running a million times a minute for them to even think about sleeping. 


“Bummie seems to like you.” Minho commented as he pushed his fingers slowly through the older man’s hair as he lay on his chest.


Jinki vibrated slightly against him as he hummed, his fingers tapping softly and slowly against Minho’s t-shirt clothed chest. “He drew you a flower. It’s in my sketch book.” 


“A flower? I bet it was purple.” 


Jinki chuckled softly. “Yea. He says you look like you love purple.”


Minho smiled; his fingers moving in circles along the man’s scalp as he gently massage it. But then the atmosphere changed to a more serious one. “Jonghyun can’t take care of him. You know that right?”




Minho’s fingers stopped moving as he became silent for a moment. “I don’t want to see Bummie in foster care Jinki.” He admitted softly.


Jinki looked up at him with wide searching eyes. “What do you want to do Minho? Are you thinking about maybe wanting to adopt Kibum?” 


“I don’t know!” Minho sighed. “I just… that little boy deserves to be with family, not in some home waiting to maybe be adopted.”


Jinki laid back down against his partner’s chest and took a deep breath. “Are we ready for a kid Minho?”


“I don’t know. I only know that Bummie loves you, and he needs to be with people who love him.” 


The older man didn’t say anything for a while, but Minho didn’t mind it. He knew that Jinki was just thinking things over. It would take a moment for the man to go through all the possibilities, so Minho just resumed his fingers going through the older man’s hair, because he knew how much the man loved the feeling. 


After a moment Jinki softly spoke. “If you want to talk about adopting him, I’m all for it.”  




Jinki rose on his elbow and looked up at him. “Yea. We’ll have to get inspected and tested and all that, but you’re right. He can’t be put into a home.”  


When Jinki walked into the room that the boy was playing in, Kibum automatically smiled when he heard the man’s voice call his name. “Tokki!” 


After picking him up and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek Jinki softly smiled. “We came to ask you a question Bummie. ” 


“Really?” The young b oys eyes lit up as he looked up at him.


“Yea. Would you like to come home with me and Minho?”

“Go home with Tokki and Bambi?” The boy asked slowly.


“Mhm.” Jinki sat on the boy’s bed softly as he glanced over at Minho. “You’d have your own room. I’d paint it however you’d like it. We’d take care of you.” 


“Like you’d be Pa, and Bambi would be Ma?” 


Jinki stifled his giggled as the other man slightly glared. “No Bummie. I would be Dad or Daddy.”


“But you’re pretty. Like a Ma.”  


“Bummie... would you like to come live with us?” Jinki asked again, softly and warm. 


“Can I bring my Foxxie?” 


Both men smiled, because of the last couple days the boy hadn’t been able to be parted from the stuffed animal the older one gave him. “You can bring anything you want with you.” 


“Then yesh.” The boy smiled then, stretching up to kiss the man’s cheek and jumping off his lap to climb up onto Minho to do the same to him. He touched the man’s longer hair and chewed his lip. “Braid.”  


Minho looked at him oddly. “You sure are on a mission to make me the Ma.”


Jinki didn’t stifle his laughter this time.


Jinki and Minho were allowed to take Kibum out, as long as Jonghyun went with them because until the adoption he was the rightful guardian of the child. The older man wanted to take the little boy out to ask him what he wanted his room to look like.


Kibum said that he wanted something like the little mermaid, under water with pretty colors and just as pretty mermaids, or mermers as he liked to call them. Jinki just smiled and agreed, because he knew he could do it if he just got the paint for it. The little boy was running a little bit ahead of them, his slightly chubby legs moving fast underneath him as he worked to cover the same, if not more, ground as the men around him.


But then he was getting tired, because the paint store was really big and his little legs could only carry him so far for so long. Jinki was busying looking at sample colors of blue, trying to find the right tint for the main part of the wall, when he felt the soft tugging on his pants leg. He looked down to see Kibum leaning on his leg, tiny thumb in his mouth as his eyes slowly closed before snapping open as if the boy was trying not to fall asleep right then. 


The boy raised his arms above his head, not even having the energy to call out for his bunny. Jinki smiled softly before picking the boy up and gently held him against his chest. “Is Bummie tired?”


“Mhmm. Bummie is.” The small boy rubbed his cheek against the man’s shoulder and slightly  shivered. 


Jinki adjusted him slightly; making sure the boy was under his warm jacket with his hand firm on his small back. “Just sleep okay? Tokki will carry you.”


“Yea… good Tokki. Warm Tokki.” Jinki just smiled as he held the young boy close and flipped through the color samples with his free hand. 


Minho came rolling over to him, along with Jonghyun who just happened to be in charge of carrying the gallons of paint Jinki had previously sent them to get. Kibum had opted to stay with his rabbit, because Jonghyun and Minho bickered way too much for his liking. The youngest of the three looked up at his boyfriend fondly as the man gently rocked the young toddler back and forth as he looked at blue tints. He hadn’t noticed the other two had come back, and if it wasn’t for Jonghyun Minho would have been able to just admire Jinki and Kibum in peace.


“Oh Hi. Are those the colors I asked for?” Jinki asked.


“Yes. We even got the small pint of the stupid weird purple you wanted.” Jonghyun quipped as he laid the cans on the stone floor.


“It’s not weird or stupid you uncultured swine.” He swatted the man with the book of blue paint colors before laying it down and going to find the blue he wanted. 


“Why didn’t you just wait until you had all the colors and you could just go get them all yourself?” Jonghyun asked.


“Now are you being a pain because your fingers are going numb or because your brain has?” Jonghyun stuck his tongue out but frowned when he was handed yet another thing of paint.


“How big is this room?!” He almost shouted, and when Kibum shifted a little in his arms Jinki glared over at the other man.


“Are you always so loud?” He asked quietly.


Minho and Jonghyun shared a look before both said, “Yes.”


Jinki shook his head and went to find the red he needed for Ariel’s hair, because Kibum told him that it’s what he liked most about her. How pretty her red hair was. 


Soon the paint was bought, and Jonghyun grumbled for the entire way home that it was unfair Jinki got to hold cute Bummie and he had to carry paint, but he shut up after Jinki gave him a hamburger. They took the young boy back to his bed, and when anyone but Jinki tried to pick him up from the car seat he would have none of it.


All in all it was a good day.


Jonghyun brought Kibum over to the two men’s place a couple weeks later, and the young boy frowned when he didn’t see his bunny anywhere. He ran up to Minho and once he was safely in his lap he asked, “Bambi where’s Tokki?”


Minho just kissed his hair, “Hold on tight okay?” 


The boy smiled wide as Minho pushed hard on his wheels, carrying them back toward the room that would be the boy’s. The door was softly pushed open to see Jinki on a ladder working on the hair strands of Ariel. There were white plastic sheets on the floor, covering up the newly placed hardwood floor that Jinki stained to look like sand, and the huge window was open just a little at the top to let a cool breeze run through the room.


Kibum was in awe as he was set down by Minho to slowly walk into the room. Jinki hadn’t notice them yet, too focused on what he was doing and the music in his ear was blocking any sound. The older man was wearing those ripped jeans that Minho loved seeing him in. The ones that were covered in splatters of all kinds of paint and art mediums; ripped on the thigh because the man always said he got overheated down in his studio. His slightly longer hair was pulled back into a tiny pony tail, the rest either clipped or falling around his face in soft small strands. 


“Call to him Bummie.” Minho said softly from the door way, because there was no way he could get over the plastic with his wheels.


“Tokki!” The sudden noise almost made the older man fall from the ladder, but he quickly recovered as he pulled the earphones from his ears and looked over at the source of the noise with wide eyes. 


“What the H- Oh hi Bummie.” When the young boy moved to run across the room Jinki raised his voice, startling him unintentionally. “Wait over there Bummie.” The boy frowned, because he disliked it when the man raised his voice. Jinki’s face softened as he climbed down the later. “Hold on okay? There’s way too much paint for you come to me.” 


The boy nodded as his pout turned into a smile as the man made his way toward him. Once lifted into his arms Kibum was stretching and moving to try and look at everything. “What’s that? Is that the golden castle?” 


Jinki turned toward the place Kibum was pointing at. “Oh yea. Do you like it?”  


The boy vibrated happily as he smiled up at him. “Pretty!” 


“I’m glad.” Jinki said through chuckles. He set the boy down on the floor, a little ways away from the open cans of paint and used brushes; over toward his closet where it was completely bare within. “Would you like to paint with me?”


The boy looked back at the man, who was holding two paint brushes and a tiny can of blue paint. “Me? Color the wall?”


Jinki nodded as he kneeled in front of him, holding out the small brush out to the boy. “It’s you’re room Bummie.” 


Kibum smiled, but the smile fell as his hand stopped it’s movement toward the brush. The boy looked at the ground for a moment, before looking up shyly, “I’ll ruin your pretty picture Tokki.” 


“I’ll help you.” He leaned in to kiss the boys slightly chubby cheek, “Besides anything you do is beautiful. Remember that.” 


Minho was just content watching the two of them work together, and silently watched them as they giggled and smiled together. Jinki had taken his shirt off and pulled it over the boys head. He took Kibum’s shoes off, because he didn’t want to get paint on them, and the boy was just the happiest he could be standing there with the huge baggy shirt on his thin shoulders.


“I’m Tokki now!” He shouted with a gleeful giggle. 


Kibum would sit in Jinki’s lap and watch the older man outline the sea creature that the boy wanted, and would beam and bounce up when it was his turn to paint. The man had his hand softly curled around the young boys, controlling the mostly but Kibum got to choose the colors and what direction they went (for the most part). Jinki’s main job was to draw the lines and make sure the boy stayed within them.


Minho giggled when Kibum accidently got paint on his nose, and smiled fondly when Jinki allowed the boy to paint his face so he wasn’t the only one with paint on him. 


After a while Minho left the two of them alone to go make dinner, since the older man hadn’t eaten since breakfast the morning (because getting him out of there for lunch was almost impossible: especially once he got into a certain piece of the room.), and he knew Kibum would be hungry. Jonghyun helped him a little, or at least attempted to, but ended up just eating more than helping (not that Minho actually expected him to help). He did go and get things that were in the higher parts of the kitchen where Jinki hadn’t got to take further down yet. 


When Minho called for the other two Kibum squealed, and the younger man knew that his partner had probably lifted him up to blow on his tummy as they walked out here. Of course both of them had to basically take a bath before they were deemed clean enough to eat, but neither minded. 


Later that night when Minho had to basically drag the older man out of the room, because he was doing the last couple finishing touched on the ceiling, the man was dead tired as he slumped against him in the bed. Jinki sighed; his muscles ached but mostly his neck and wrist. Minho frowned as he gently massaged it, “You could have done it sparingly you know. You didn’t have to finish it all in two days.” 


Jinki just hummed as his eyes fluttered close, his head pressed against his chest. “Yea…. But if I hadn’t Bummie wouldn’t have seen it today. You saw how his eyes lit up.” 


“He would have reacted the same if you finished in a couple days and he came and saw it then.” 


“Stop picking on me!” Jinki whined softly.


Minho chuckled as he kissed the older man’s dark hair. “I’m not. I love you remember?”


“How could I forget?” Jinki sleepily replied as Minho continued to massage his hand an fingers.



When they finally were able to take the young boy home he was fast asleep curled up against Minho. Jinki looked at the two fondly as he unlocked the door to their home, and pushed the button on the elevator. When the machine dinged Kibum shifted slightly against him as he murmured softly, but he didn’t wake up as he settled once again.


Once the doors opened Jinki gently took the boy from his partner and took him to lay him in the white bed that he just had to have. He pulled the warm covers up and kissed the boys cheek. “Goodnight Bummie.” 


Before he managed to make it to the door though Kibum’s soft voice could be heard. “Tokki?” 


Jinki looked back. “Yes sweetie?”


“I wuv you.” The boy’s eyes were still closed, his tiny hand tight around his stuffed fox.


Jinki smiled softly. “I love you too Bummie.”


Minho softly giggled as the older man pulled him closer and nuzzled against his next. “You forgot to shave this morning Jinki!” This just made the man smirk and rub his entire face all over the man’s neck. “Stop it! That scratches!”


“You like it when I’m scruffy.” Jinki said as a matter of factly, “Besides I usually wait so you can watch me.”


Minho hummed as the older man ran his fingers over his arms, “I can’t accept the fact we’re parents.”


“Are you nervous?” Minho didn’t answer for a moment, and Jinki turned him over because he didn’t like it when the man was silent. “Sunshine.”


Minho looked him in the eyes; a slight blush covered his cheeks at his nickname. “A little bit. Guilty too.”


“Why guilty Baby?”


“Because you already take such good care of me, and now we have Bummie to take care of too.” The soft words fell off his lips slowly as he fiddled with the front of the older man’s shirt. 


Before Jinki could say anything their bedroom door was being opened slowly after a soft knock, and Kibum’s quiet sleepy voice could be heard, “Tokki? Bambi? Are you awake?”


Jinki turned over to see the little boy sitting beside their bed, his small hand laying softly on the blue comforter and the moon from the open window illuminating his face. “Yea. Why are you awake Bummie?” 


“I… had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you?” The boy chewed on his bottom lip, his stuffed fox tight against his chest.


Jinki smiled then, and lifted the blanket. The boy beamed and scrambled up with the help of the older man. Once snug between them, his back against Minho’s chest as he rubbed his cheek on Jinki’s shirt, he sighed. His eyes fluttered shut as both men leaned to kiss his cheek, giggling slightly. Minho wrapped his arm around the both of them, laying it softly on the older man’s hip. A moment later they heard the small boy’s soft snores.


“He sure is adorable.” Minho whispered as he looked down at their now son.


“You know this means we’re technically related to Jonghyun.” Minho looked up at him in horror; making the older man chuckle at how big his eyes were.


Kibum mumbled then, “Pa…. don’t pick on Uncle Jongie,”

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Chapter 23: Just a very adorable family that they are
Chapter 23: adorable family ><
full of LOVE indeed ^^bbb
Chapter 23: This is so perfect.... I Love...love...love OnHo family.. The love and adoration between the two along with the fluffiness of a cute relationship coupled with the realities and insecurities made this story come alive.. Thanks for a wonderful read, Author-nim
Chapter 23: I just re-read the whole story. I cannot express how much I love this. You really did such a great job. I'm so glad you shared this with us.
onewxjjong #5
Chapter 23: I loved reading this. It was so entertaining and romantic, especially the beginning of onho's relationship. Adding Bummie just made it cuter. Thank you so much~!
Chapter 23: No wet towels on the dresser! (sorry- had an adult moment there for a second) I need to go back and read this from the beginning again XD
Chapter 23: This whole series has been absolutely fantastic. It's rare to get a story with Minho not being the athletic idol we all know him as, but this is perfectly written to his character. I've loved seeing the journey he's gone through with Jinki and now Kibummie. Their family makes me all warm and happy. Thank you.
Chapter 23: This is an awesome narrative. It is so beautifully written. The love between jinki n minho is palpable n deep. The addition of Bummie gives it a new depth. He is adorable. ♡♡♡
criscris #9
Chapter 23: Everytime I get an update from your stories I feel this rush of happiness and feels and I just can't. Thanks for the update :) And Avatar just happens to be one of my favorite shows, so I loved how you made it part of the story.
Chapter 23: Miss this so much... their family is so cute...