Sweeter Than Fiction

~Chapter three~

 After a light breakfast and a brief walk in the garden. Chaerin slowly dragged her foot to her room... the room she'd been having it to herself for so long. She still couldn't make up her mind about 'Jiyong Oppa'. It made her wonder why he seemed so confident, snarky, rich and spoilt  and so familiar.


Kwon Jiyong.... Kwon Jiyong.....


She stopped in front of the door as she heard someone yelling. Curious, she leaned on the flat surface of the door and squint her eyes, trying to focus on what the conversation was about.


"Are you ing kidding me?"


It was definitely Jiyong's voice and he didn't seem happy, it wasn’t a surprise though. The man simply didn’t seem like a happy man.

"Take care of it Jung Hyemin if you don't want to see a headline on the news of a boss killing his media spokesperson." he snarled, taking in a sharp breath. "I will send Jaehyun to check up on your progress."

Chaerin's eyes bulged from its socket. She couldn’t focus on anything else….. but the word,  Kill... He said 'kill'. Her heart thumped so loud, she was sure it would jump out of her chest any second. Pressing her right palm on her chest she breathed heavily. She shook her head violently, pushing the thoughts away, but the voice coming from the room didn’t help at all.

“Clear it all up before I get discharged or you’ll be dead.”

Leaning her back against the door, Chaerin breathed heavily.

"He's a..... Killer?" The bruises, the cuts, the..... It all makes sense.

"My r-roommate is a k-killer." choking on her on own words, she didn't realize her feet getting caught with the IV tubes. Losing her balance, she braced herself to hit the floor, face first.

Firm hands caught her before she fell and she thought she died with the impact on the floor.

"A-Are you alright?" a husky deep voice reached her ears and she confirmed her thoughts.

An angel.

"H-Hey! Somebody! She's u-unconscious.... G-get the doctor!" the voice said and it caught her attention.

Doctor? In heaven?

Opening her eyes finally, she stared at the 'angel'. The distance between their faces was so close, if he made a wrong move, he'd end up kissing her. Feeling wobbly and weird from the skinship and the intent eye contact, Chaerin straightened up and pushed his chest further away from her body.

"w-who are you?" she mumbled, her ears turning red with embarrassment. "w-wha—"

Before she could complete her question, the door behind her flung open and emerged from the door on a wheel chair was, Jiyong. Chaerin gulped.

"w-what's going on here?" Jiyong asked immediately, sensing the awkward/heavy environment. "Why're you so red?" Jiyong scrutinized Chaerin's face and lifted his eyebrows.

"It maybe because of me." the 'angel' said, scratching his head awkwardly as he lifted the bouquet in his other hand. Waving the bouquet as a friendly gesture towards the two roommates, he smiled.

"Hello, I'm Seunghyun. Choi Seunghyun." he bowed, eyes still on Chaerin. "—and you are?"

"My roommate." Jiyong answered before Chaerin, who stared at him still scared about her assumptions. What if they were true? What if he got to know that she found out that he was a killer?

He’d kill her.

"C-Chaerin. Lee Chaerin." she squeaked.

"Roommate?" Seunghyun wondered aloud. It didn’t make any sense for his best friend to share a room with someone in his own hospital, let alone a female roommate. "—Uh, anyway... Nice to meet you miss Lee."

"Enough with the introduction Seunghyun." Jiyong held his hand up with sass. "There's a reason why I called you. Just hurry in."

Used to being bossed around by his friend, Seunghyun smiled and nodded as he watched the man in the wheelchair push himself in with great difficulty. Although he’d sometimes get tired of all the nagging, whining, bossing around, he knew deep inside the kind of man Jiyong really was, something he wished everybody else knew. Relieved to see his friend still the same, alive and still a jerk he grinned widely as he opened the door and turned around.

“This is your room too isn’t it?” he asked aloud as he glanced at the girl sticking to the wall of the corridor. “Please—“ he gestured with the nod of his head. “Ladies first”



* * *



"You want me to what?" Seunghyun screamed in his low-pitched manly voice, earning a punch on his arm for being too loud. "Are you serious Jiyong?"

Jiyong face palmed himself at how slow his friend could get sometimes. Sighing with irritation he spoke. "Yes! I wouldn't have called you otherwise." he said quietly.

"Can't you call someone else? A nurse? A doctor? Someone?" Seunghyun pled desperately.

"You know I don't like being touched by strangers... Especially old people." Jiyong argued childishly in a low whisper. "Look. I'm as uncomfortable as you but please.... I wouldn't have asked you if I wasn't desperate okay?"

Chaerin glanced towards her left and wondered why the 'killer' and the 'angel' were so weird, especially their conversation. She kept calling him that, although in her mind, she’d already knew Jiyong wasn’t one.

"Oh God! I never thought I'd see you Jiyong. I so wanted it, you have no idea." Seunghyun sarcastically said in a funny high-pitched voice, earning another glare from the shorter man.

"Yeah! Why don't you just tell the whole world Choi. Do you want me to bring you a mic? Jiyong hissed. "It's just for now alright? I'm sure I'll be able to do it myself in future. I can't bend and, my shoulders hurt. The stitches will be gone soon."

"Fine." Seunghyun grumbled. "j-just don't... Don't bare it all. Wear your boxers alright? Or I might have to reconsider our friendship."

Chaerin stifled her laugh as she listened to the boys bickering at each other. She also noticed, she did a lot eavesdropping ever since Jiyong arrived. Scolding herself mentally, she took a deep breath as she flipped the page of the novel (she’d been pretending to read) and continued on as if nothing happened.


It went on for quite a few minutes and if she hadn't known, she'd take it the wrong way. The boys were locked in the single bathroom, Seunghyun yelling at Jiyong to stay still while Jiyong laughed and would yelp at certain occasions.


As they emerged from the bathroom, Seunghyun looked down at his half wet pants, while Jiyong wheeled himself, wearing his crisp and clean shirts, face flushed, a towel hanging around his neck.

"Don't ever ask me to do that again Ji." Seunghyun grumbled as he pulled down his folded sleeves. "You owe me one Kwon. A very big one."

Jiyong nod uninterestedly and prepped himself to get up. In a few hours, he’d have a dressing for his stitches. Groaning and whimpering as he settled himself to the bed. He let out a sigh and looked at his friend.


"w-what?" Seunghyun's head perked up, "Are you thanking me?" he pointed at himself and Jiyong couldn't help but snort. He loved his friend but sometimes he could be so foolish. Despite is handsome face and all that, underneath lied a childish Bingu, always ready to play around whenever possible. But this was one reason why he managed to be friends with him for so long. They weren’t that different.

"I won’t say it again."

"Didn't ask you to." Seunghyun replied. "—Anyway, Ji... I need to leave. Duty calls." he murmured at he stared at his phone and locked the screen. "I'll visit you again."

"No, don't bother. I'll be out soon, besides... Work is more important." Jiyong said plainly. Work had always been his first priority. He had been taught to think that way and he didn't find anything wrong with it. He didn't want his friend to waste his time, while he could do so many things during that time.

"Alright." Seunghyun replied, he expected it anyway. Glancing at the other corner of the room Seunghyun smiled. "At least you're not alone." he bowed. "It's been nice to meet you Chaerin-sshi."

"o-oh!" Chaerin hadn't expected him to greet her again and that too... So formally. "Y-You too." she inclined her head slightly and watched the tall handsome young man walk out of the room.


"D-Don't say anything...." Jiyong nervously said as he blushed and looked away. "I know what you're thinking..."

"I won't." she answered, "You two seem really close. You're lucky you have such amazing people in your life." First Jaehyun, now Seunghyun and not to mention the numerous phone calls he got since yesterday.

"He's not that amazing." he chuckled. Grabbing the TV remote from the side table and switching it on. A question lingered in his mind, but he wasn't sure if he should ask. While debating whether or not to. A soft chuckle reached his ears and he looked up. Chaerin was smiling, her eyes turning into crescents, the back of her palm covering her lips. "w-what?"

"Nothing...." she stifled her laugh and resumed reading her book.

"No." Jiyong exclaimed. "I hate when people do that. Do something that makes the other person curious, then say 'nothing', its definitely something."

"But you said not to say anything." Chaerin closed her book and turned around to face him.

"When did I say that?" Jiyong furrowed his eyebrows.

"Earlier." she replied casually as she tied her hair into a lose pony tail.

"I didn't."

"Alright." Chaerin mumbled. "You want to know?"

Jiyong glared at the girl with an are-you-serious look.

"Alright.... If you're that desperate to know." she said and climbed out of her bed, straightening the crease on her hospital uniform which stopped a little higher than her knee. "You need to listen to this." she said and without warning, climbed on his bed, startling Jiyong with her act. What's she doing? Jiyong stiffened, while the girl casually fit herself into the space beside him, keeping her IV pole close to her.

"Press play." she said as she handed him her phone. It was an old Samsung model. Quietly obeying the girl, Jiyong pressed the play button, which he had to do multiple times since the screen had become quite unresponsive.

"What is thi—"

And then it began. Jiyong covered his face with his hands and groaned. It was an audio. She probably had recorded it earlier and it definitely didn't sound right.


Ahh~ Seunghyun, not so roughly. It hurts. Can't you be more gentler.

Ji, lift your leg higher.

God! *followed by a sound of laughter* Seunghyun! Stop!

Aaaaalmost done. Stop moving around.Look! I’m all wet!

Just a mi



Jiyong pressed the stop button as soon as he could but the damned phone wouldn't listen to the command, hence they ended up listening to the whole audio and swore he would never be able to see his friend normally again. It sounded..... So wrong. All they were trying to do was scrub off the dry blood smudged on his shin.

"Don't worry Jiyong Oppa!" Chaerin gently pat his shoulder and smiled cunningly, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Your secret is safe with me"





Author’s note:


Yehet~ Bingu TOP is in the house yo!
Haha. I know this chapter isn’t all that cute, and TBQH, Fluff is NOT my thing.
I write dark, angsty stories and this particular story is very difficult for me to write since I cringe at all the fail attempts of fluff.
I hope it isn’t that bad.


Just drop in your thoughts in the comment section, you are free to give suggestions or critique it J I’d love to hear your views.

PS- Some of you got confused about Jaehyun. Park Jaehyun is Jiyong's secretary(right hand man), who is in his 30s, married [hence, he considers himself a "good father and a husband" (last para:Chapter 2)]. he treats Jiyong like his dongsaeng, but also keeping in mind that Jiyong is actually his BOSS.


With love


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I'm sorry to say that I'll be on a semi hiatus. ;A;


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Meaniexoxox #1
Chapter 18: I wish all dads out there thinks like Mr. Kwon. Most parent want their children to experience what they experience so saaad.
Chapter 24: This is one of the most beautiful story that I have read in AFF. Please don’t give up on this. Still hoping that you would come back one day and finish this.
LinLin05 #3
Chapter 24: Update again plssss :( i miss u and ur story
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Please update soon authornim ㅠ.ㅠ I really need the to get married and have kids and live happily ever after T.T
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 24: Omg update pls
Chapter 24: Update sooooooooon
Chapter 24: Yah!!!! Ottoke??? What are you doing to me (to us) authornim!!! I was really hurt to the sentence of jiyong.... i hope chaerin will recover soon. I cant help imagining jiyong being like anytime soon he will falter. I hope they will have a super duper happy ever after ending. Please 3x update soon authornim.... and make it long also. Anyway, thanks for updating!!! Authornim hwaiting!!!* ♥ ^_^
Chapter 24: Yeah I knew it too!! Chaerin didn't leave without saying goodbye :) but you know, I already want to cry a Han river if I'm not in my fasting now hahaha XD
Good job!! Waiting for the next chap, shall I? Hahahaha, love you ;D
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #9
Chapter 24: Jiyong Oppa love Chaerin Unnie so much that he could give himself to God instead of her. #JiyongOppaLove
Chapter 24: o(╥﹏╥)o You made me cry with that last part!