Sweeter Than Fiction


~Chapter fourteen~


"Oh! Jiyonggie... You're here.." Mrs. Cha smiled through her tired eyes as she handed the man a bottle of water. "When did you come?"

"I..." Jiyong paused. He wasn't sure when he arrived to the hospital, in all honesty he wasn't even sure how he traveled all the way from Taiwan to Seoul. "Just nowUh, Ajhumma, where's Ch-Chaerin?" he cleared his throat to masquerade his shaky voice.

"She's resting. She woke up a few minutes ago." she said in a low voice. "Dr. Byun is with her so I'm sure she'll be alright." the confidence in her voice was hard to miss.

"Dr. Byun? Is he her doctor?" he asked. Hands already on the knob of the door. Mrs. Cha nod and turned around, giving the man a gentle squeeze on his forearm before she straddled across the hallway.

He didn't know what he was waiting for. There he stood, frozen outside her door. Maybe he wasn't ready, maybe he was afraid to see her while she laid there vulnerably.  He felt his hands start to tremble as he tried to swallow the lump forming in his throat. With his head bent down, all he saw was the steam of his breath pushing through the air. Why was he so afraid?

He couldn't answer it for himself.

The door flung open just in time to reveal a slightly frowning young male doctor with a clip board wrapped between his body and his arm. The contours of his face straightened out when he met Jiyong's eyes. "Mr. Kwon... It's so nice to see you." truth be told, Baekhyun was flustered and a bit star struck from the figure standing in front of him, but the talk he had with Chaerin just before she had her episode calmed his nerves and thankfully, he toned down his excitement of meeting such an important asset for the country, if not for the world itself. "I'm Dr. Byun, Chaerin's consultant." he smiled, stretching his arms forward, but soon retracted it when Jiyong made no move to return the gesture.

"What happened to her?" he asked in a hushed voice, his eyes on the slightly ajar door. Noticing this, Baekhyun, pulled the door shut and stepped aside, a serious face taking over the previously flustered one. Walking in swift motions he sped ahead, Jiyong followed suit. "Where're we going?" he called out in the strongest voice he could muster.

"My office."




"I don't understand.." Jiyong wondered aloud. Baekhyun had told him of her condition and he couldn't believe his ears. Suddenly... It all occurred to him. Her sudden dizziness, her head aches, migraines, her forgetfulness, the morning sickness. It all made sense now.

"She has brain cancer and I found out recently that she advanced to stage 4. I guess, it happened while I was on leave." Dr. Byun drawled. His eyes never leaving Jiyong as he wandered about in his office compartment, walking around in circles, his hand against his waist. "Mr. Kwon.." he sighed. "I know she didn't tell you but please.. You have to understand."

Although he was the one who suggested Chaerin to tell the truth to Jiyong, it was him who now felt uneasy after breaking the news. Chaerin had a tragic past and he knew all the hardships she faced and how she braved them all on her own. But now, he wasn't so sure if she'd be able to move on from this relationship in case Jiyong left her. 

It was a known fact that big people like Jiyong could get girls in all shapes and sizes, it all depended on their preference, how they liked them to be or wanted them to be. It feared Baekhyun that a Chaebol like Jiyong would run away from Chaerin because in all honesty, as much as he hated to admit it she was a time bomb, ticking away every second. The thought of a future with someone with not much to look forward with could be a blow to one's face; a blow enough to dump that someone simply because... He can.

Baekhyun gulped and pushed away those horrid thoughts as he straightened himself and sort through Chaerin's records. Since Chaerin couldn't do her part, he figured he'd take it upon himself and do this favour for his friend, not because he had to but also because he wanted to. He wanted to see... To check for himself if he'd stay. If he was to leave, he'd rather he left now, while there's till time. Though he mentally prayed in his mind that he does not. "She lost consciousness, a seizure followed soon after." he said in a tone he used for every other patient whenever he'd narrate their status to their families or loved ones. "For now I have stabilized her, she'll be awake in a few hours or so." he clasped his hand together on his desk. Jiyong was still standing, but his pacing around had stopped. "Please take a seat Jiyongsshi, I need to have a word with you." Baekhyun cleared his throat immediately after getting the statement out, never in his life had he imagined himself speaking to the Kwon clan in such authoritative manner, not even the Prime minister would've dared to speak to them like this. "Please." he added, this time using a much softer tone and much to his delight, Jiyong took his words without a complain and sat before him with such poise and authoritativeness that Baekhyun suddenly missed the sense of distance they had earlier.

"There are things you need to be aware of sir." Dr. Byun suggested looking at the figure before him for approval. When Jiyong nod, he continued. "Chaerin as I said has advanced to stage 4 and may I remind you, the chances to survive are slim." Jiyong's ears perked up as he heard the way Chaerin's name had been mentioned so casually, like they'd been close before... Maybe even now. He thought bitterly. He couldn't help but think about the time before he'd met her and the times this particular young doctor had been by her side... And he wasn't.

"What're you suggesting?" he asked, perturbed by the idea he had in his mind before. He was already dying inside knowing that he wasn't there for her at the time she needed him the most.

"Are you sure you want to continue with whatever you both have since we know.... It is not going to be an easy task. There may come a time when she won't remember your name or your face.. A time when she'll not be able to spell her own name" he paused. "I'm asking you this not as her doctor but as her friend... So I need to know now." he demanded.

The room fell in to utter silence, the sound of the 3rd hand of the clock ticking grew louder as if it was even possible. A minute passed... Then two. Baekhyun shook his head and sighed an exhausted breath as he pushed his seat back causing it to screech against the floor. The disappointment he felt towards his silence was incomprehensible, but yet he felt relieved in a way. At least he knew the truth, although it was ugly and he didn't wish for it to happen to his friend.

Slowly, he stepped out of his seat to head on to the door when a soft murmuring sound reached his ears. Turning around with his hand on the door knob he glanced at Jiyong who still had his back to him.

"I made a promise" Jiyong started. "I made a promise to be there for her... And I will. " A smiled crept onto Baekhyun's lips as his hand left the knob. "If there comes a time when she forgets me... I'll try making her remember, even if that's the last thing I do... I'll still try." he paused, standing up only to turn around and meet Baekhyun's eyes. "I'll die trying... So yes, to answer your question." he cleared his throat. "I'm not going anywhere anytime."


Her eyes fluttered open revealing the bright sunlight that occupied the room through and through. She loved sunny days, ever since she was a child, her parents would take her to the beach and would spend hours drenching in the sun, making sand castles and collecting shells.  


"Emo...." 15 year old Chaerin called out to Sehee as she hugged her knees to her chest and drew patterns on the sand with a twig. The said one hummed while she busily spread out the tiny mat as she laid down their packed lunch over it. "Do you know my parents both died on the same date?" she paused. "2 years after my mom's death, my dad soon followed." rarely did Chaerin speak about the death of her parents since it reminded her too much of pain she felt.

"Chaerinnie..." Sehee gulped, she didn't know what to say or what to do. All she knew was she had to be strong for the little girl. Patting her back  lightly, she forced her tears away and spoke in the strongest voice she could manage. "I'm sure they're watching over you..."

Chaerin let out a chuckle and shook her head. "I don't think so. If they did... They wouldn't leave me so early Emo."

"Honey..." Sehee chided as she pat the younger girl gently on her back. She'd been holding all the pain in for such a long time. "They loved you. How can you say that?"

"I don't know Emo!" Chaerin spluttered. "I'm not so sure anymore. I can't think straight, all I think about is how selfish they've been to leave me alone." she sighed. ".. Daddy should've taken me with him."

"Nonsense!" Sehee exclaimed exasperated. "Don't you ever say anything like that again. Understand?" she demanded and Chaerin simply stared at the older woman who kneeled down to give a bone crushing hug.

"I'm afraid..." Chaerin squeaked in between her sobs. "I'm alone... I... I don't have anyone. There's no one in the world who... Who loves me... I'm alone Emo. I'm"

"Sshh" Sehee hushed the child, rocking her back and forth. "I love you Chaerinnie... And I promise you, I won't be the only one." she pulled away from the embrace only to look at her in the eyes and force a smile. ".. Someday you'll find a person who'll love you just like your father loves your mother. Until then honey, you have me... And more than that... Don't you forget, you're the luckiest on the earth because you have 3 souls loving you from above. Not many people do.." Chaerin managed to crack a smile and the elder one sighed in relief. "Now that's more like it." she said.

"Thank you.." Chaerin smiled tears flowing from her eyes from happiness. A feeling she'd almost become foreign to her.

Unbeknownst, the sun shone brighter than earlier, like someone was smiling from the heavens.



"Hey~" Jiyong groggily rubbed his eyes and half yawned. Smiling sheepishly as he leaned forward, resting his crossed arms on the edge of Chaerin's bed. "You're finally awake." he brushed her slightly wet bangs away from her forehead as he pressed a soft kiss on the same spot. Still clutching on to her hand with his free one. "How're you feeling?"

"Hi~" she managed to smile, eyes disappearing as her smile grew wider. "I'm feeling good." she took a deep breath and looked around the room, adjusting her eyes to the bright hue of the room. "When did you come?"

"Yesterday.." Jiyong replied, pressing down her shoulder gently as she tried to sit up. "You should rest." he supplied and she obediently complied. "Are you hungry? Should I get you something?"

Chaerin shook her head, still trying to take in the new environment. A sudden realisation hit her and she wondered aloud. "T-this isn't our room. Is it?"

Jiyong smiled to himself at her choice of word. 'Ours' she'd said. If only she knew how the little things she did made his heart flutter in the strangest ways possible. "No honey.." he shook his head, softly caressing the lines of her jaw. "This is the intensive care unit."

"h-how long was I out?" Chaerin blurted out. Somehow, she didn't feel comfortable at sound of 'Intensive care unit', What happened to me? She thought. The last thing she remembered was having a talk with Baekhyun. He was convincing her to tell her condition to Jiyong. Wait! She halted herself. D-Does he know? She gulped involuntarily, palms turning sweaty with nervousness. Would he leave me if he knew? She thought. But then again... He was still here... By her side wasn't he? "Y-You kn-know?" she stuttered, meeting his eyes with nervousness written over hers.

Jiyong saw through it all and somehow felt sorry that she felt that way. Maybe he didn't make himself worthy enough to be trusted, why else would Baekhyun interrogate him? And why would Chaerin doubt him? "Dr. Byun told me everything." he said in the gentlest voice he could muster.

"A-and you're not m-mad at me?" she squeaked.

"What? Why would I be mad at you Chaerin? I can't get mad at you for anything..." he dryly chuckled, slipping his other hand over their already intertwined fingers. "I won't go anywhere... I promise... I love you."

Chaerin closed her eyes as Jiyong pressed a soft kiss against her temple as he repeated the 3 words, with 8 letters in a soft whisper.


I've found him, Emo-nim... Chaerin mentally said in her mind.

Or rather...

She smiled, thinking of Sehee.. 

He's found me.





"Mr. Kwon, so nice to see you up and health" a plump man around his fifties walked up to Jiyong, two nurses tailing him from behind. "You look good." he pat the said one's shoulder but toned down his enthusiastic voice when he noticed the feeling wasn't mutual. "Are you alright? Dr. Byun said you wanted to meet me?"

"Doctor " Jiyong drawled, he didn't remember his name.

"Oh, let's drop the formalities." the man smiled, eyes turning into little crescents which only made him sour since it reminded him of Chaerin and his purpose of meeting with the chair person of the hospital. "Call me Hyung, Jungshin Hyung. We met at the inauguration ball."

"Ah! Yes..." Jiyong racked his brain and remembered the man shamelessly buttering up his father to appease him, trying to drop in information about his daughter in between talks in attempt to lure the Kwon's to get their son to marry her. He knew the man was very well respected in the medical field as the best neurosurgeon in the whole of Korea even having a prestigious award named after him. However, to Jiyong, all that didn't matter, Dr. Yang Jungshin was still his employee and he had a request to ask from him.... Or more like an order.

"Dr. Yang" Jiyong ignored the elder man's request to call him Hyung, earning a eyebrow lift from the said one. "I have a proposition for you."

"Ah! I see..." the man smiled, lightly patting his thigh as he raised his other hand. "Let's go to my office, shall we?" His tone sounded a little to excited for Jiyong's liking, but he followed suit. Little did he know of what the man had been expecting. His daughter's hand, to be exact.




"That is impossible!" Dr. Yang slammed the file shut as he glared at Baekhyun and back at Jiyong. "Dr. Byun are you out of your mind? This surgery has never been performed before in the whole of South Korea. Only 1 out of 50 people survive this surgery. If it becomes unsuccessful do you know the kind of humiliation I'll face?" he spat, sending shivers to the said one's spine.

"Sir, I think there's a good chance that she may be a good candidate for this surgery. She responded well to the hormone radiations and" he gulped, ignoring the eye daggers that Dr. Yang threw towards him. "I had a talk with Miss Lee and"

"You..." Dr. Yang swallowed hard. Voice turning incredibly gentle, which only meant more danger. "You talked to the patient about it? How unprofessional can you be Dr. Byun... I didn't expect this from you. You violated the work ethics"

"May I?" Jiyong raised his voice, immediately earning the doctor's attention. Without waiting for his approval, he continued. "From what I'm seeing... Doctor. The one who's being a complete ignorant jack is you."

"Wha" the elderly man widened his eyes, astounded.

"I'm not finished. Please don't interrupt." Jiyong raised his hand and silenced the arrogant man. "You had your chance to speak, so now... Let me." he paused and waited until the doctor nod, nervously glancing at Baekhyun then back to Jiyong. "I don't know if this may matter to you but since it does to me. May I just say that the patient we're talking about is the person I love and wish to get old with... If performing this surgery maybe to risky for you, I want you to remember that there's a person who needs all the chances she can get so she can live half the years you've lived." he slowly stood up, palms resting against the flat of the desk. "I'm sorry if Dr. Byun here suggested something that may give Chaerin a few more years to spend time with her loved ones.. Time with me. I apologize on his behalf because all this... It was my idea.." at that, Baekhyun whipped his head up and wondered why he lied, but he never got to confront him about it since Jiyong continued. "You said 1 out of 50 people survive, what if Chaerin is that 1 person?" he paused. ".. But Dr. Yang Jungshin.." Jiyong snarled as he bend down and stared at the man, straight in the eyes. "If anything happens to my Chaerin because of your arrogance... I will make sure that you will suffer for the rest of your life and not only that... I'll make 110% sure that you die a death so slow and so painful that you'd wish you never lived." with that, Jiyong turned away and left the two doctors in the room staring at the vacant space where Jiyong stood earlier.

"I-I'm sure he's... He's just trying to persuade you.. You know to, uhm" Baekhyun spoke in a shaken voice, nervously scratching his neck.

"I know what he meant Dr. Byun!" Dr. Yang exclaimed exasperated. "God dammit!" he cursed groaning  into his palms. "Dr. Byun...."


"Go and prepare Miss Lee for a Biopsy." he sighed. Baekhyun unwittingly gasped.

"A-Are you sure, sir?" although he was happy beyond imagination because he knew Dr. Yang was the best neurologist in the country and Chaerin would be safe in his hands, he just couldn't be too excited yet.

"Start the preparation right now. I'll have a talk with the Seoul Medical board right now." he said, grabbing the landline phone. "What're you waiting for?" he spat. "Go on..."

Baekhyun smiled with tears b his eyes as he croaked. "Thank you."




Author's note:

Omg. What was that?
Unnngh. I'm having a major writer's block. I hope it turned out okay?


I'm in awe with the unending live and support you guys are showing to this story. It warms my heart.
And... Guys! I passed my 1st year of college with a reallly good percentage I didn't think I'd get. Haha. xD
I'm in a good mood these days. Haha. Hope you guys are happy too. God bless.


With love~




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I'm sorry to say that I'll be on a semi hiatus. ;A;


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Meaniexoxox #1
Chapter 18: I wish all dads out there thinks like Mr. Kwon. Most parent want their children to experience what they experience so saaad.
Chapter 24: This is one of the most beautiful story that I have read in AFF. Please don’t give up on this. Still hoping that you would come back one day and finish this.
LinLin05 #3
Chapter 24: Update again plssss :( i miss u and ur story
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Please update soon authornim ㅠ.ㅠ I really need the to get married and have kids and live happily ever after T.T
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 24: Omg update pls
Chapter 24: Update sooooooooon
Chapter 24: Yah!!!! Ottoke??? What are you doing to me (to us) authornim!!! I was really hurt to the sentence of jiyong.... i hope chaerin will recover soon. I cant help imagining jiyong being like anytime soon he will falter. I hope they will have a super duper happy ever after ending. Please 3x update soon authornim.... and make it long also. Anyway, thanks for updating!!! Authornim hwaiting!!!* ♥ ^_^
Chapter 24: Yeah I knew it too!! Chaerin didn't leave without saying goodbye :) but you know, I already want to cry a Han river if I'm not in my fasting now hahaha XD
Good job!! Waiting for the next chap, shall I? Hahahaha, love you ;D
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #9
Chapter 24: Jiyong Oppa love Chaerin Unnie so much that he could give himself to God instead of her. #JiyongOppaLove
Chapter 24: o(╥﹏╥)o You made me cry with that last part!