Sweeter Than Fiction



Eyes flickering between the row of lights above his head and the little red bulb over the sign that read ‘OT’, Jiyong let out an exhausted sigh as he dragged a palm over his face and settled it over his thumping heart.

He’d been pacing around the corridors for an hour and had unintentionally attracted a majority of the staffs to gather at a corner, murmuring in quiet gossips.

Setting a gentle pat over the distressed man’s shoulders, Jaehyun nudged Jiyong and jerked his head towards the waiting room, asking him to take a rest.

“I’m fine.” He muttered, shrugging his secretary’s hand off his shoulder. “Go ahead and rest, Hyung. I’m going to wait for Chaerin.”

Shaking his head slightly, Jaehyun persisted. “Sir, please.”

“I’m fine, Park.”

Jaehyun shook his head stubbornly, “You haven’t slept a wink, Jiyong-sshi. Please, go to the waiting room. I’ll be here instead, please.”

Running his hand through his tousled hair, Jiyong nodded feebly before giving a light pat to his secretary and making his way towards the waiting room.

His mind ran blank and everything seemed surreal as figures walked past him, offering their greetings with the greatest respect, while he treaded forward like a soulless body making its way towards its final destination. Heaving a tired sigh, he glanced at his Rolex before walking through the glass doors that slid open automatically.

“Jiyong-ah,” Jiyong lifted his head to find Sehee looking at him with expectant eyes, hands clasped before her chest. “How is she? Did the doctor say anything? Is she alright?”

Jiyong pressed a tight smile before shaking his head slightly, “She’s still in there. They haven’t said a word.”

Sehee nodded, eyes running over the man’s posture as she gave a little pat and gestured to the couch pressed up against the sky blue wall. “Sit down, dear. I’ll go and get you something to eat.”

“You don’t have to,” Jiyong immediately shook his head, catching the old lady by her wrist and pulling her back. “I’m fine. I… I don’t feel hungry.”

“Nonsense,” Sehee muttered, tone stern yet considerate. “You look like you could pass out any minute. Just sit, I’ll get us all something to eat.”

Jiyong almost protested again but hushed instantly as Sehee raised a hand in the air dismissively, before she strode towards the door he entered through just a few seconds ago.

Cracking his knuckles and stretching his arm, he moved to the couch, ready to settle down when he realized he wasn’t alone.

There at the corner of the red IKEA couch, next to a set of lady’s handbags, which he assumed were Sehee’s, sat Baekhyun, eyes blissfully closed, head resting against the wall, arms crossed against his chest.

Jiyong, for some unknown reason, grimaced at the sight of the bloody bruise on the young doctor’s nose and a cut on his pale thin lips exaggerated under the soft yellow LED lights as he walked to the other side of the couch and settled himself down as quietly as possible, taking notice of the medical files strewn over the coffee table in the middle, which he knew, without a doubt were all Chaerin’s.

Suppressing the urge to pick up the files and go through them, Jiyong ed his dress shirt, rolling the sleeves up to his elbows as he leaned back, his spine joyfully celebrating its moment of rest by cracking loudly.

“You know, I did try to tell you.”

Jiyong stiffened at the heavy voice infiltrating the empty room, snapping his gaze towards Baekhyun who now had his eyes open and set on the acoustic ceiling.

Clearing his throat and placing his hands on his knees, Baekhyun spoke again, this time, quieter and more serious.

“I’m sorry. I know I should’ve told you sooner.”

Taking in his apology, Jiyong clasped and unclasped his hands, gaze flittering across the room. “You had your reasons.”

Baekhyun nodded, running a hand through his hair, relieved of getting a burden off his shoulder. “You know how stubborn she can be.” He chuckled lightly, expecting his company to join in, which however, never came and in its place, something he had never expected to hear.

“I’m sorry for… hitting you.” Jiyong mumbled, tone cautious and almost bashful. “It was rather unprofessional, unlike me.”

“I would’ve done the same thing if I were in your place.” Baekhyun nonchalantly replied with a shrug, causing Jiyong to stare at him like he’d grown horns out of his forehead. “Not that I would ever be, at least not in this lifetime.”

Curling his lips, Jiyong raised a brow, “What about your job? I fired you, didn’t I?”  Wrinkling his nose, he muttered, “What can I do about it? You can just join back in though, right?”

Baekhyun laughed, eyes crinkling into little crescents, “Don’t worry about that, Mr. Kwon. It is settled.”

“Settled?” Jiyong frowned, taken aback by the reaction of the young doctor, “What do you mean settled? Do you not want your job back?”

Baekhyun almost smirked, but immediately suppressed the smug smile before, plucking the papers off the table and sliding them into the folder. “Well, I do love my job, Jiyong-sshi. Which is why, I’m going to stay.”

“But I fired you.”

“You cannot fire me.” Baekhyun said, tapping the edges of the MRI report paper on the flat surface, before placing into the large folder, “I mean, although you own this hospital and all that, the employees however, can only be dismissed if the contract expires or, the board decides to drop them.”

Jiyong blinked at the new information, suddenly feeling foreign to the medical environment and their contrasting policies with the business world. “I didn’t know that.”

Baekhyun smiled, a slight wince appearing over his face before it disappeared almost immediately. “And now you do,”


The two sat in comfortable silence, mindful of their own business when Sehee came bustling through the door, holding a tray in her hand, a nurse tailing her, holding exactly the same.

“I apologize for taking such a long time to come.” She huffed, handing over the tray to Baekhyun, who’d sprung up from his seat and rushed to help her and the gushing lady behind her. “This kind lady offered to help me despite being busy herself.”

Turning to the nurse, Sehee smiled, patting her head lovingly. “Thank you, dear.”

The nurse curled her lips, eyes darting between the Sehee and her sneakers. “I-It’s okay, I… I’m glad I could be of use to you.”

“What’s your name, darling?” Sehee beamed, holding her forearm and motioning her to sit down. “Why don’t you eat with us? You were getting something to eat, right?”

The pretty nurse bit her lower lip, avoiding any eye contact with the other two males as they gathered around the coffee table boring their eyes onto her skull.

“My name is B-Bomi,” she stuttered, overwhelmed by the presence of the most powerful and richest bachelor in Asia, the heir to the most powerful company K-corps, Mr. Kwon Jiyong and not only that, to make matters worse, there she was, sitting right before her long time secretive crush, the most handsome and hardworking, Dr. Byun Baekhyun; the man she’d spent drooling over ever since she joined the hospital 2 years ago.

“Here,” Baekhyun grinned, passing out the chopsticks to the awestruck girl. “You’re welcome to eat with us, okay?”

Blowing up her cheek, a habit she always did whenever she’d get flustered. Bomi nodded, almost too eagerly as she accepted the chopsticks and broke them apart before turning to look at the royalty sitting before her.

“How long have you been working here, Bomi-ah?” Sehee asked, scooping rice from the foil container and placing it on the said one’s plate. “Do you like it here?”

“I joined two years ago.” Bomi replied, dipping her head in gratitude before continuing on, “I love it here. The ambience is very nice.”

Jiyong smiled endearingly, “That’s nice to hear.”

Baekhyun grinned at the comment, laughing inwardly at the contrasting images of the professional and businesslike Jiyong and the cuddly and mushy Jiyong with Chaerin.





The four of them spent an half an hour chattering and conversing about the weather, the elections and football, the former only earning interest from the elder two and the latter causing the younger, medical duo to strike up a heated debate over who was the best, Messi or Ronaldo.

It had almost seemed like everything was alright, like all their worries had passed and their minds, finally eased and out of tension, until a chorus of footsteps echoed through the empty corridors and at the doorway, appeared an oddly sweaty Jaehyun, shaking his head as he jabbed a thumb behind his back.


“Sir, the doctor-”




A/N: *hiding behind a bush* Hi guys~ I've been gone for a long time, right? Hehe *ducking eggs and tomatoes* Sorry! (for the thousandth time)

To be honest, I'd lost the inspiration to write this story since... well, JiKo happened and both BB and 2NE1 are so inactive, not to mention, the interactions are so scarce.

However, I am, in no way, abandoning this story. Despite the rarity of Skydragon moments, I still ship them. They're the first ship I ever fell in love with. And you know how firsts are always special. :D

So, I decided to add another one of my favorite otps, BaekMi ship. :D Hehe. (It's not as well known as Skydragon, but wells, I find them cute together so. :D) Besides, we don't want ou little puppy to end up heartbroken, right? :)

Back to the story *rewind*
I'm sorry for the ty update. I had written 2-3 chapters already, but being the clumsy person that I am, I formatted my desktop PC and lost all my documents. :'(
So, I whipped this chapter up in a matter of 30 minutes, tops.

PS- I updated because I'm going to be gone for a month or two. Exams are fast approaching and I've been way too distracted with EXO's comeback and constant spazzing with YG's stupid teaser which turned out to be another troll.

See you guys in May, MAYbe. (Se what I did there? No? okay :[ )





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I'm sorry to say that I'll be on a semi hiatus. ;A;


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Meaniexoxox #1
Chapter 18: I wish all dads out there thinks like Mr. Kwon. Most parent want their children to experience what they experience so saaad.
Chapter 24: This is one of the most beautiful story that I have read in AFF. Please don’t give up on this. Still hoping that you would come back one day and finish this.
LinLin05 #3
Chapter 24: Update again plssss :( i miss u and ur story
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Please update soon authornim ㅠ.ㅠ I really need the to get married and have kids and live happily ever after T.T
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 24: Omg update pls
Chapter 24: Update sooooooooon
Chapter 24: Yah!!!! Ottoke??? What are you doing to me (to us) authornim!!! I was really hurt to the sentence of jiyong.... i hope chaerin will recover soon. I cant help imagining jiyong being like anytime soon he will falter. I hope they will have a super duper happy ever after ending. Please 3x update soon authornim.... and make it long also. Anyway, thanks for updating!!! Authornim hwaiting!!!* ♥ ^_^
Chapter 24: Yeah I knew it too!! Chaerin didn't leave without saying goodbye :) but you know, I already want to cry a Han river if I'm not in my fasting now hahaha XD
Good job!! Waiting for the next chap, shall I? Hahahaha, love you ;D
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #9
Chapter 24: Jiyong Oppa love Chaerin Unnie so much that he could give himself to God instead of her. #JiyongOppaLove
Chapter 24: o(╥﹏╥)o You made me cry with that last part!