Sweeter Than Fiction

~Chapter sixteen~



"W-what?" Baekhyun stared at Chaerin who kept snickering. "I-is there something on my face?" he asked, rubbing his lips with the back of his hand.

"Nope!" Chaerin shook her head as she bit her bottom lip while Baekhyun professionally inserted the injection and retracted some blood for samples.

"S-sorry" Baekhyun mumbled as he closed the lid of the test tube and placed it in a refrigerated container. "Where's Mr. Kwon?" he mumbled as he closed the lid of the needle and flung it into the nearest bin.

"You don't need to be so formal with him Baek... Call him Jiyonggie Hyung or something." Chaerin said, patting the vacant area on the mattress.

"Jiyonggie Hyung? Chae! You're serious?" he gaped exasperatedly as he took the seat beside the said girl. Quickly whipping his head to the door to check if it was clear so he could say what he wanted to say. "He's my boss. Well, not technically.. But he's my boss' boss. So yeah... I'm in no condition to call him that. Never." he shook his head feeling Chaerin pat his shoulder in a loving manner.

"I won't force you if you don't want to. But... Since he means a lot to me I really wanna see you two get along. That's all." she said, puckering her lips. She sighed but inwardly smiled as she saw Baekhyun heave and nod understandingly, being the gentleman that he always was, Chaerin wasn't surprised. "By the way Baek... Um--" squirming in her seat she pulled her hand away and fiddled with her fingers. Baekhyun tilt his head and raised his eyebrow. He'd never seen Chaerin get all fidgety and nervous, but for some reason, she looked like it. And he wondered what it could be until his eyes landed on her left hand and his jaw fell.

"C-Chae?" he gulped. "W-what is t-that?" he muttered, pointing at the ginormous stone resting on her ring finger. He wasn't that naive to not know what it was, but he surely wasn't expecting it.

"I'm engaged!" Chaerin suddenly exclaimed, flinging her arms around his neck and taking him into her embrace. "Baekkie, I'm getting married, can you believe it?"

"Oh my God!" Baekhyun managed to whisper, his hands hanging numb beside his body. He'd always wanted the best for Chaerin, no doubt about it. But marriage? It was the kind of news he least expected. In all fairness, he was happy as long as Chaerin was. But marriage was something he didn't want her to take part in. No, he wasn't being selfish, in fact, the only reason he thought this matter wasn't that thrilling was all because of Chaerin's situation.

"You don't seem very happy to hear that." Chaerin commented as soon as she pulled away from him and stared at him, square at his face.

"No... I'm happy for you Chae, seriously." Baekhyun forced himself to speak, surprised that he managed to speak audible enough for her to hear.

"But you don't look happy." she pressed. "I know that face." she said, drawing a circle in the air around the contours of his face. "That's the face you give me when you tell me that I need to level up my medications because I'm no longer responding to the older ones." she crossed her legs and placed her stubby palm on his knees. Soon enough, Baekhyun let out a sigh and scratched his temple, darting his eyes at the folded blankets under the cupboard.

"It's not that I'm not happy for you..." he trailed off. Wrapping his delicate hands over Chaerin's. "I'm just worried. You know why." he completed and Chaerin nod, they didn't need to spell it out, it was crystal clear.

"You know..." she said with a faint smile lingering on her lips. "I thought about it too.. Actually,  No! I thought about it real hard all night the day he asked me. Even after he made Jaehyun deliver the ring since he had a meeting of some sort. He even wrote a letter to apologize not being able to make me wear it in person but you know... I understand he's a busy person." she stopped and took a breath when she realized she hadn't taken any whilst narrating. A chuckle escaped Baekhyun's lips as he pat her gently on her back and motioned her to move over so he could sit closer. "Yeah, back to the point." she clapped her hand and shoved a pillow behind her with a shift gesture. "I   thought about it hard... And I... I came to conclusion...." she drawled and after a minute of silence Baekhyun nudged her lightly.




"We're all going to die one day or the other aren't we?" she suddenly asked out of the blue and Baekhyun only managed to blink. "What difference does it make? Right? I mean... Just because I might die earlier than the rest you all it doesn't mean I can't get to have my own fairy-tale like ending, right?"

Baekhyun bit his lower lip and averted his gaze away from her.

"You think I'm stupid." Chaerin concluded and Baekhyun straightened his back almost snapping his spine due to the sudden force.

"No! I don't." he waved his index finger to prove the fact further. "I didn't say that... All I was thinking was, it'll be easy for you, you know... If you--" he stopped himself midway since he couldn't help to say it out loud. He didn't want to, he couldn't.


But she did.


"If I die.." she completed as she swept her bangs to the side and forced a smile, grabbing Baekhyun's hand when his expression turned dark at the mention of his friend's possible demise, that too by her own self. "Hey.." she dropped her head to his shoulder and looped an arm around his, giving him a gentle squeeze. "I know what will happen to him in case I... " she stopped before she said the trigger word again and cleared to continue. ".. And I know that I'm being utterly and disgustingly selfish. But, then again Baekkie... I love him. And... And he loves me, the time we might get to spend together. I cannot let go of a chance like that."

Feeling flabbergasted with his insensitivity, Baekhyun closed his eyes and grabbed her hands only to raise it up in the air and gaze at the biggest stone he'd ever seen in his entire life. He knew he'd have to lighten the moment or she'd spend the entire day wondering and debating about the future.  "I wonder how much this costs... Probably cost more than my entire life savings combined... And my apartment as well." he chuckled and yelped when Chaerin suddenly elbowed him on his ribs. "You mean a lot to me Chae... So, yes. If you think he's the one for you. Go for it." he said, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb.

"Don't joke around Baek."

"I'm serious."

"Huh! You're serious?"

"Dead serious." Baekhyun confirmed. "You can even make me your maid of honor. Wait! Maid? What's the equivalent word for maid for a male's perspective? Servant? Servant of honor?" his hysterics laughs cut short when Chaerin poked his biceps, which were a lot firmer than she'd imagined it to be.

"Shut up!" she laughed as well, kicking her feet off the bed.

"I'd even cross dress for you if you want." he wiggled his eyebrows. After a short moment of laughter he quieted down. "In all seriousness Chae... I'd do anything for you. I'll be there for you whenever you need me."


"Although you wont be needing me much any longer. Tch." he clicked his tongue before pulling her closer to give a casual hug, ruffling her hair. "You'd be perfect for each other." he whispered and immediately felt his heart lighten at the sight of her precious eye smile, the smile that he loved... As much as the owner. Yes, it was true that he loved Chaerin. He'd always loved her, but never did he find himself pouring his feelings out for her for reasons he himself couldn't understand. Maybe it's for the better. He thought as he watched her blush as she took another good look at the ring on her finger.  He'll make you happier than I ever could.



Chaerin glanced at the clock as she calculated the time for her medication. Her eyes wandered off to the door as it dinged open and revealed a girl with huge sunglasses covering her eyes.

"Uh..." the unknown woman cleared as she glanced at the name on the door and turned to look at Chaerin. "I'm in the right room am I?" she asked as she struggled with the bag and a bouquet in her hands. "Are you Chaerin? Lee Chaerin?" she asked, placing a palm at the door to stop it from automatically closing.

"Yes. This is she." Chaerin replied as she raised her eyebrows questioningly. "D-do I know you?" she asked. Judging from the way she dressed, Chaerin was sure she wasn't just an ordinary visitor. Probably a visitor meant for Jiyong. "Are you here to meet Mr. Kwon? Because... He got discharged last week." she supplied but found herself knitting her brows together as the lady shook her head and a soft chuckle escaped her red tainted lips.

"Honey.." the lady said closing the door delicately behind her as she proceeded towards Chaerin's bed. "I'm not her for Jiyonggie, I'm here to meet you." she smiled as she pushed the glasses up to her hair and placed the bouquet in the empty vase that stood idly at window frame.

When she turned around, Chaerin swallowed as she met the pair of eyes that looked oddly familiar and it occurred to her. "Y-you're his sister aren't you... Y-you're... Dami Unnie."

"He told you about me?" she smiled and sat herself at the edge of the bed and tucked the ends of the duvet to cover Chaerin's feet. "He hardly talks about himself or anything to do with him to anyone. But well, I'm not surprised." she continued as she kicked her heels off her feet and crossed her legs on the mattress. "He told me about you. And might I say... That says a lot."


"What do you mean?" Chaerin asked as she tucked her hair behind her hair nervously. "How did you know that... That I'm here. Did he tell you about my.. My condition too?" she stuttered and Dami realized the fear of rejection that laid underneath the surface of a concrete exterior. She too felt like that some years ago, before her husband came along.

"Yes.... But I will not judge you for that Chaerinsshi." Dami shifted closer and gently pat the palm of Chaerin's palm, having heard of her tragic history, she was sure the girl was tough. But she too, is a human and someday she could break. She needed love and comfort something she knew the girl had been deprived of for a very long time. "My brother loves you." she said. "No one would know that better than I. He loves you so much that I fear what might happen if something goes wrong." she paused, closing her lids ever so gently as she took Chaerin's hands in hers. "But..." she pressed on, a smile gracing her gracious face. "I've never seen him so happy in years Chaerin. It's all because of you. Thank you."

"I-I didn't do anything..."

"Of course you'd say that." she laughed and dug her phone out of her bag. "It's because you did it without knowing it. You changed him to be a better man."

Chaerin lowered her eyes to look else where but Dami's eyes because she knew if she stared a little longer, her tears would fall. Her words struck a cord and made Chaerin happier than any kind of  pompous gesture, rather, her simple words made her feel better about herself in ways she hadn't felt for a very long time.

"Really? Oh! Thank you so much." Dami said as she got off the phone and slid it back into her gucci bag. "I already talked to the hospital officials, you don't need to worry about anything."

"Ah, Unnie. I-I..."

"No excuses honey" Dami gently cupped Chaerin's chin and passed a dazzling smile, handling her like an expensive piece of China set. "I already set an appointment with Miss Vera. Come on!"

"Where're we going to?" Chaerin asked as she stumbled out of the bed, Dami's hand gripping her arm for support. Although she'd met her just a few minutes ago, she felt comfortable despite the nerves.

"I have so many things in mind... But." she snapped her fingers and suddenly an assistant came rushing through the automated doors with a set of paper bags of brands Chaerin knew she'd never be able to afford.

"You're going to have to change." she gestured for the assistant with a pixie hair cut to unravel the items. "Took a lucky guess with your size with how Jiyonggie described you." she smiled and pulled the blazer and pants, shoving it to the wide eyed girl. When she stood unmoving, Dami chuckled and turned around. "I won't look."

Struggling with a few of the zippers and buttons, Chaerin managed to squeeze into it and awkwardly cleared to which the elder lady reacted quickly by whipping her head around and clapping her hands together in excitement.

"You look perfect!" she squealed, an expression Chaerin hadn't seen for the longest time since high school, thanks to being limited to these four walls of the hospital, an elderly woman, a dozen kids and Jiyong.

"But you're going to look even better on it.." Dami said as she drifted off to a wonderland of her own, which probably consisted of vintage couture and all things fashion. Exactly how Jiyong had described his sister to Chaerin. A fashion maniac. Which he too exhibited subtly. 'It runs in the family I guess.' he'd said.

"On what?" Chaerin asked as she couldn't help bit wonder what she had in store for her, she was the exact opposite of Jiyong, talkative, bubbly, amiable and warm. She felt like a breath of summer in the cold Seoul winter.

"That's where we're going." Dami gave a wink as she swung her back to her shoulder and pulled her sunglasses down. "To get you your perfect wedding dress."









Author's note:

Omg guys! I'm so sorry it took me so long to update this chapter. I kept debating whether or not to include this short scene with Dami/Chaerin because it might get boring with Jiyong not appearing for the whole chappie. Sowwy~

Anyway. I've been very unproductive lately and I can't seem to get out of it. It's not a writer's block. (Phew!) Just... You know.. Feeling really really lazy. Have you ever felt like that? Or it's just me?


Follow me on twitter ( enxieyuki) and IG (enxie_yuki )

Btw, N-Sonic is coming to our state. I don't really know them. Does anybody follow them?







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Thank you!
I'm sorry to say that I'll be on a semi hiatus. ;A;


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Meaniexoxox #1
Chapter 18: I wish all dads out there thinks like Mr. Kwon. Most parent want their children to experience what they experience so saaad.
Chapter 24: This is one of the most beautiful story that I have read in AFF. Please don’t give up on this. Still hoping that you would come back one day and finish this.
LinLin05 #3
Chapter 24: Update again plssss :( i miss u and ur story
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Please update soon authornim ㅠ.ㅠ I really need the to get married and have kids and live happily ever after T.T
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 24: Omg update pls
Chapter 24: Update sooooooooon
Chapter 24: Yah!!!! Ottoke??? What are you doing to me (to us) authornim!!! I was really hurt to the sentence of jiyong.... i hope chaerin will recover soon. I cant help imagining jiyong being like anytime soon he will falter. I hope they will have a super duper happy ever after ending. Please 3x update soon authornim.... and make it long also. Anyway, thanks for updating!!! Authornim hwaiting!!!* ♥ ^_^
Chapter 24: Yeah I knew it too!! Chaerin didn't leave without saying goodbye :) but you know, I already want to cry a Han river if I'm not in my fasting now hahaha XD
Good job!! Waiting for the next chap, shall I? Hahahaha, love you ;D
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #9
Chapter 24: Jiyong Oppa love Chaerin Unnie so much that he could give himself to God instead of her. #JiyongOppaLove
Chapter 24: o(╥﹏╥)o You made me cry with that last part!