Sweeter Than Fiction

Holding his fist to his mouth, Jiyong walked into the ICU, vision temporarily blurred with the tears that covered his eyes. His walk was slow as his feet denied whatever his brain commanded to do. All he wanted was to run to her side, embrace her like all his heart desired to. But, for some reason, his body felt numb at the sight of her unmoving body, tubes and canulas sticking everywhere into her arms and nose.

His heart pounded like a beast against his ribcage, a stark contrast to Chaerin's that only sounded lightly, the soft ring drowned by the loud beeping of the machines over her bed. Despite the numbness in his legs, he trudged forward with forced labour, falling on his knees as he grabbed her limp hands and pressed it against his cheek.

A tear dropped as he croaked, "Chaerin..."

Pulling the hand away from his face, he kissed it before staring at her calm face, emotionless and blank, unlike the usual smiling face Chaerin always put on her lips.

"I know you can hear me, Chae. I know you can." He mumbled. A crack erupting from his throat as he stumbled to his feet and cupped her face. His breath hitched as he saw the bandages wrapped around her small skull, no sign of her beautiful golden hair in sight.

Fighting the urge to breakdown, Jiyong bend down, pressing his lips to her cheeks before closing his eyes and joining their foreheads.

"You'll be fine." He muttered, more to himself as he reveled in the presence of his wife to be, his one true lover, even if the said one laid unconscious and oblivious to his presence. "I'll make sure of it. I promise."

Minutes passed, then hours. It took a whole 8 hospital wards to convince him to go back to the waiting room and stay there until the visiting hours would be opened again. Despite the stillness, Jiyong felt at peace knowing that Sehee was now resting at the suite he'd asked Jaehyun to book for her. Although the elder lady had insisted to stay and wait for Chaerin to wake up, Baekhyun, somehow, had convinced her that Chaerin was indeed in good hands and as a doctor in the insitute himself, he'd make sure to take rounds to check up on her. 

Baekhyun, despite Jiyong's prior preconceived impression and the misunderstanding that caused him to land a fist to the younger man's nose (the word had soon spread around the hospital, earning the young bachelor side glances and secretive murmurs behind his back) had been nothing but resourceful, patient and supportive throughout the whole process. 

Jiyong wasn't blind to not see the way Baekhyun looked at Chaerin. It was exactly the same as his, only, Chaerin returned his gaze with as much love and sincerity and not the latter's. Although the young doctor held deep feelings for his fiance, Jiyong couldn't even come close to hating the lovable boy. In fact, he appreciated his presence, trusted his advice and felt forever indebted to him for taking care of Chaerin before he came into the picture. Besides, he wouldn't hold him accountable for falling for Chaerin, after all, the lady was a bundle of joy and a pleasure to be around. It would take a fool to not be smitten by the mermerizing lady that he was soon to wed. For that, he considered himself the luckiest person in the world.

"Owning the hospital doesn't exempt you from the rules, you know that."

Jiyong lifted his hooded eyes to find his sister standing right before him. He'd been too occupied, mentally, to even notice her coming in.

He cleared his throat and straightened. "Noona,"

"Jiyonggie," Dami whispered, heart heavy and miserable from watching her baby brother look like that. Growing up under the same roof, she'd never seen her brother look so unkempt and scruffy. "Get some rest, Jiyong-ah. "

Rubbing his face and pulling his hands down his face, he shook his head, hair disheveled and dry. "I'm not going anywhere."

Removing her coat, Dami sighed, removed her overcoat and sat herself beside her brother. The dark rings around his eyes and the paleness of his skin horrified her, rushing her to pull out her phone and type furiously at it.

"There's no point contacting anyone." Jiyong mumbled, arms crossed, brows knitted. "Liked I said, I'm not going home."

Dami crooked her head and smiled a tiny smile, "Who said anything about going home?"

Jiyong snorted, "I saw you send a message to my Secretary just now."

"True," Dami nodded, "You were always very attentive. I remember celebrating in joy that one time when father shipped you off to a boarding shool."

Despite his miserable state, Jiyong cracked a smile, tilting his head to look at his sister with a brow raised.

"Only you, Noona. Only you would say that." He chuckled, covering his mouth with his fist as a light cough erupted through his lips.

Dami twisted her lips and pulled out a bottle from her bag before nudging it towards her little brother. "When was the last time you ate?"


"I meant a real meal," she reiterated, folding her hands together as she watched her brother chug down the water like he hadn't had a drop of water for an entire decade. "Get up,"

Jiyong halted his movements and stared at his sister like she'd grown horns out of her head.

"There's a pretty decent restaurant down the block that serves Indian." She explained, a mischievous smirk curled around her lips. "I'm not tricking you."

Capping the bottle, Jiyong smiled, sending a wave of relief to his sister as she noticed the frown ebossed over his forehead disappear.

"A second ago you confessed to having celebrated over my riddance. How can I trust you?" Jiyong asked, tone teasing and amused.

Shrugging her shoulder and draping the coat over her arm, she jerked her chin towards the door, a mock disbelief expression sprawled across her face.

"I only did that because you were such a complain box. You told me off to mother that one time I'd snuck out of the house to go to a party, remember? There are so many more occasions. You always reported my misbehavings to Mum and Dad."

Jiyong stood up as well, patting his thighs before running a hand through his unkempt hair. He grinned, "You were grounded for an entire month. Of course, I remember. You made damn sure I'd remember. I was just jealous you wer having so much fun and I had to sit at home and study law and business."

A gleeful smile and a chortle later, Dami stepped forward, wrinkling her nose. "Too bad you wer born as  boy. And, by the way, I will continue to annoy you if you ever come in my way, little brother, that's what elder siblings do."

"Yes, yes." Jiyong bobbed his head, holding a hand over his sister's waist, a small grin gracing his dry lips. "Just try not to do that after I get married. I don't want to look like a loser in front of my wife. I don't know how Hyung tolerted you for 4 years, though. You're quite a handful!"

Dami suppressed her urge to stop and hug the life put of her brother as the thoughts of Chaerin evaded her mind. She wondered if the girl would even wake up from her unconscious state.  Her heart ached at the thought of her little brother's heart if something were to happen to his fiancee.

She hasn't realized she'd stood frozen on her spot when her brother sudden called out for her and reached his hand out for her to grab. Easing into the gentle grip, she forced a smile, pushing herself to stay strong for her brother.

Grabbing his hand, she looped her arm around his and leaned closer to him, relishing the memories of old times when they would take walks around their property because despite all the playful bickering and banters, they had no one but each other.

"Everything's gonna be okay, Jiyonggie." She muttered, snuggling closer to her brother as he grabbed the bag from her arm and held it for her.

"She's gonna be fine." Jiyong said firmly. He wasn't even sure where he'd gotten the confidence from. But, for some reason, he knew his Chaerin would never leave him like this. "I know it."

Dami looked up to see his brother gently smiling, unintentionally ignoring the respectful bows and greets along the hospital's hallway.

"How do you know?" She asked, tightening her grip around her brother's arm. It wasn't her intention to bring her brother's hope down. She only was genuinely curious and she secretly hoped he wouldn't take offence. He was stronger than what he'd assumed him to be, she realized.

Much to her pleasure, he slowed his pace and bent down to kiss the crown of her head. Jiyong rarely showed his affection to his sister for reasons everyone knew. But, when he did that, Dami's lips curled upwards as she remembered of the times she'd done te sam to him when he was younger and much, much shorter than her.

How times have changed. She thought.

All she wanted to do was to be a pillar for him, to stay strong for him, to encourage him to never lose hope like she'd done so many times years ago when he'd question his abilities. But, here they were, roles switched as her little brother held her to his chest and stood strong for everyone. For her, for Sehee, for Baekhyun, for Chaerin. 

Giving  light pat to his sister, Jiong pulled way to hold her at an arm's length. A hint of smile gracing his face.

"I know she won't leave me without a goodbye."





I am finally BACK!

Omg! How long had I been gone for? (I don't even think there are any readers left!)
If there are any left, I have to admit, I had a major writer's block, for this story in particular. I had to re-read the chapters from the beginning to get a grasp of what I'd written in the past few months. There wasn't much interaction between our Dragon and Sky to give me an inspiration and, talking of Dragons, I got caught up in the GoT series, I spend days watching the series from season 1 to 5 and the rest is history, basically.

I'm even tempted to write fanfictions on Jon Snow. (I love that bastard so much, although he knows nothin') xD

Let me know what you think of the new chapter below. AND, in case you're a GoT fan, like myself, feel free to inbox me so we can go gaga over the WTF Season 5 finale and your predictions. Buahahah.



With love,







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I'm sorry to say that I'll be on a semi hiatus. ;A;


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Meaniexoxox #1
Chapter 18: I wish all dads out there thinks like Mr. Kwon. Most parent want their children to experience what they experience so saaad.
Chapter 24: This is one of the most beautiful story that I have read in AFF. Please don’t give up on this. Still hoping that you would come back one day and finish this.
LinLin05 #3
Chapter 24: Update again plssss :( i miss u and ur story
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Please update soon authornim ㅠ.ㅠ I really need the to get married and have kids and live happily ever after T.T
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 24: Omg update pls
Chapter 24: Update sooooooooon
Chapter 24: Yah!!!! Ottoke??? What are you doing to me (to us) authornim!!! I was really hurt to the sentence of jiyong.... i hope chaerin will recover soon. I cant help imagining jiyong being like anytime soon he will falter. I hope they will have a super duper happy ever after ending. Please 3x update soon authornim.... and make it long also. Anyway, thanks for updating!!! Authornim hwaiting!!!* ♥ ^_^
Chapter 24: Yeah I knew it too!! Chaerin didn't leave without saying goodbye :) but you know, I already want to cry a Han river if I'm not in my fasting now hahaha XD
Good job!! Waiting for the next chap, shall I? Hahahaha, love you ;D
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #9
Chapter 24: Jiyong Oppa love Chaerin Unnie so much that he could give himself to God instead of her. #JiyongOppaLove
Chapter 24: o(╥﹏╥)o You made me cry with that last part!