Sweeter Than Fiction

~Chapter twelve~

"... It would be nice if you said something Chaerin." Jiyong awkwardly said as he bent down to her eye level. "... You're making me nervous and I feel stupid and—God!" he ruffled his hair rigorously as he straightened up, pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes closed. "You hate me... I messed it up, didn't I?" he chuckled sarcastically thinking he'd made everything worse between them.

"No...." Chaerin's timid voice reached his ears and soon his gaze met with hers. "-No you didn't." she smiled and that was when Jiyong realized everything was okay as he let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. "It was actually the first time someone did something so special for me.... It took me by surprise." she said as she reached for his hand, which he willingly gave. "—Why would I hate you?" she asked and honestly, Jiyong didn't know if he was supposed to answer because it seemed like she was waiting for it.

"—because.. The way I said it was.... Too simple....?" he mumbled and Chaerin laughed at him as she cupped his face with her tiny hands.

"Silly." she chortled, pinching his cheeks lightly. "How can I hate you.... When I love you too?" 



"You heard me." Chaerin smirked.

"y-you said you.... You love me...?"

It was such a rare sight, seeing Jiyong so nervous. Chaerin pushed herself up on her toes and gave a small peck on his lips. 


Jiyong froze.


He was someone experienced in this department. Having gone through levels further than just a small kiss, but this kiss was special.... 
This kiss was from someone he loved... And someone who loved him.



"I love you too."



"Hey~" Jiyong greeted as Chaerin's eyes fluttered open. He gently kissed her temple as she groaned and stretched, turning around to give Jiyong one final hug before pulling away from their cuddling position. "Slept well?" he asked. 

Chaerin hummed lazily as she rubbed her eyes and Jiyong wondered how insanely innocent and cute she looked with every little thing she did. "You?" Jiyong shrugged. He hadn't slept even for a second. The whole scene kept replaying. The way she said she loved him, the way she initiated the small kiss, the way she asked him to join her on her bed. 

They'd slept together. That was all, nothing else happened and Jiyong was more than alright with it. If ever he was to sleep with Chaerin, he'd do it only if she was willing and from the earlier conversation he recalled having during their lunch few days ago, she wanted to maintain her chastity and would only lose it only after she'd gotten married. 

"He'll be my first and my last." she'd said.

Laughing it off saying she was old fashioned, but he couldn't help but feel more respect for the girl, if that was even possible.
"We need to help emo prepare the breakfast." Chaerin said as she pulled her hair up into a high pony tail. "Come on!"

"Just give me 10 minutes"  Jiyong groaned as he pulled the sheets over his head and stretched.

"Stop being a baby" Chaerin said in a muffled voice with her toothbrush sticking out of . "I might just reconsider my feelings for yo—"

"I'm up! I'm up!"


"You're glowing." Sehee nudged Chaerin as they stood by the kitchen island and cut the vegetables for the salad while Jiyong sat at the table and spread the table cloth with Haeun. The other kids had were still by the Christmas tree unpacking the gifts Chaerin and Jiyong had brought for them. 

"glowing? What do you mean?" Chaerin asked as she blushed.

"Oh you know what I mean Chaerinah." Sehee gently pat the said one lovingly as she whispered before carrying the dish to the dining table. "I see the same glow on the boy's face." she winked and left, leaving Chaerin speechless as she stared at the floor and pat her cheeks lightly to wake herself up.

"I-Is there somethi— Chaerin?" Jiyong looked at the girl who had her face buried in her hands. "Are you okay? Are you sick, ar—"

Chaerin laughed and quickly shook her head as she turned around and grabbed the rice cooker and shoved it to Jiyong. "Take this."


"Off you go~" she chuckled as she grabbed the gloves and opened the oven to pull out the beef wellington, Sehee's special. "Come on~" she clicked her tongue as she bounced forward. 

"Is everybody here? Where's Jaekyung? Haeun did you—"

"She's here!" Haeun lifted the little girl's hand up as the said one opened her eyes drowsily, still sleepy.

"Oh-Okay.. Good!" Sehee said as she clasped her hand together. "Let us say our grace." Everyone in the table joined hands as they closed their eyes, following their steps Jiyong glanced at Chaerin who bent down her head slightly as the two children, held on to her hands and he did the same with the kids around him.  
"Lord, we thank you for this special day, we praise you Lord for all the wonders you've made us see and yet to see. Lord, I pray that everyone in this table today will find the happiness they are looking for, I pray that all of us may see the wonders of your love never ceasing. Bless us with good health and wisdom so we spend the rest of our days praising your name most high. We thank you for the blessings you've given to us from thy bounty. Bless this food and everyone around the table. 
In Jesus's name I pray.."


"Let's get started, shall we?" Sehee said as she passed the rice dish bowl to James, who further passed it on to Chaerin. "We need to get ready by 8:30 the service starts at 9."

"Ah-Emo, we won't be attending the service I'm sorry." Chaerin said as she grabbed some lettuce with the tong and place it on Haeun's plate. "The staff don't even know we're here, it's against the rules for patients to leave the hospital premises without notice."

"You came without informing anyone?" Sehee blurted out as she almost choked on her rice. Jiyong picked up the glass beside him and handed it to her. "Chaerinah, you'll get into trouble if you keep doing that. I told you. We'll come instead."

"No!" Chaerin shook her head as she glanced at Jiyong. "I-I wanted to come here... Besides, they never noticed it before. They're busy celebrating with their families too." Needless to say, the conversation had ended but no one knew the real reason why Chaerin decided to come all the way. Things are better left unsaid.

"Just stay healthy and don't do anything reckless okay?" Sehee said as she pulled Chaerin for a hug. "I'm going to miss you and so will the kids."

"I'm going to miss you too." Chaerin rubbed her palm on Sehee's back as  she let her tears drop without letting anyone notice, quickly dabbing her sleeve to dry it up. "Just take care. Tell the kids I'm going to miss them."

"I will." the older woman gave a last squeeze before giving a peck on her forehead. "May God be with you."

She turned to face Jiyong who had just finished loading into the trunk of the taxi. "Jiyongsshi...." she said aloud as she motioned him to come to her.

"Ahh— Seheesshi." Jiyong huffed as he rubbed his palms on his jeans and glanced at Chaerin who was already talking to the cab driver, instructing him to stop at the bus station from where Jiyong's driver would pick them up.

"It's been wonderful having you" Sehee said as she pat the boy's shoulder lightly. "Make sure you come here whenever you can.... Even if Chaerin's not there okay? The kids love you." she smiled, Jiyong didn't notice the tears she held back with all her strength. "She doesn't have anyone except us. I'm glad she has you now."

"I'll be there for her. Always." he smiled, feeling all the blood in his body rush to his face. "You can count on me."

"Oh, I'm sure I can. Have a safe journey Mr. Kwon. Thank you for visiting." Jiyong bowed politely as he joined Chaerin to the cab as he waved at Sehee for the last time.



"Where are we going?" Chaerin mumbled as she stared out of the window, her hand clutching the new phone Jiyong had given to her. "I've never been to this side of the city." Jiyong had taken her out soon after they reached, unannounced.

"It's a surprise." Jiyong grinned and shook his head when Chaerin glared at him. "You'll have to wait."

"It's not fai—" Chaerin's words got stuck to as she watched the snow falling against her window. "w-wow. Look, Oppa!" she pressed the button as the window rolled down. Holding out her palm, she chortled, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I didn't get to see the snow last year." she murmured.

Jiyong only looked at her with eyes filled with compassion and adoration. She was the definition of innocence and simplicity, something that would've never been attractive in his eyes a few months ago. Although, at first, he felt uneasy being in a car with all that had happened; the accident, Mr. Moon. He knew right away when Chaerin placed her tiny hands in his that he was okay. With Chaerin.... He will be okay.

"We're here." 

"Huh?" Chaerin scrambled out of the seat and looked around the area to find a herself in the middle of nowhere. "What is this place? Is this where you finally kill me?" she teased and earned a horrified expression from Jiyong. "Okay. I agree." she sighed. "That was not a nice joke."

"Yes, it wasn't." he huffed, but smile lingered over his lips as he retracted Chaerin's coat from the back seat and placed it on her shoulders, removing the scarf around his neck and placing it around hers. "Ready?"

Chaerin nod, nose turning red at the cold, but she felt nothing but warmness. Never in her life had she been treated so gently and lovingly, except by Sehee and the kids. She told herself she should never rely on anyone and expect nothing from people since she was nothing but just worthless orphan with a pitiful past. But Jiyong came along.... Who knew he'd become such an important part of her colorless life? He came in without warning and she let him, without putting up the guard she usually did. Something in her mind told her to not let this go further than it was heading to because she knew, eventually, jt would be Jiyong who would be hurt.... But right now, she couldn't let herself dwell on that fact and chose to follow her heart instead. The heart that now belonged solely to him.

"Do you like it?" his soft voice reached her ears and she snapped back to the verisimilitude to face a view she couldn't believe was real.  Mistletoes surrounding the candle lit gazebo. The trees were adorned with small pines and small yellow lights, lighting up the whole area in a dim hue, contrasting with the ground that was now covered in white. In the middle was a table with two chairs at the sides. A soft tune of Yiruma's 27th May playing in the background. 

"w-what is this?" Chaerin squeaked as she glanced around the area then back to Jiyong. "when d-did you plan all this?" 

Intertwining their hands and giving a small kiss on her knuckles. Jiyong motioned her to move forward. "I have my ways." he chuckled, but continued. "My final present to you for Christmas, since.. Umm" he stuttered and cleared his throat as he pulled the chair out for Chaerin. "The way I said.. You know, w-wasn't really special and I.. I don't know, I felt like I had up my game. So yeah... "

"You're red." Chaerin snickered placing her hands against his cheek and giving it a good squeeze before turning around and glancing at the table in awe.

"I'm cold, that's all." Jiyong waved his hand in the air. "I really didn't think this through... Are you cold? If you are we could just head on to the restau—" he stopped midway as Chaerin shook her head and pointed at the cloches. "... Go on." he chuckled.

"Wow!" Chaerin exclaimed like a little child as she lifted the cloche to reveal the dish and clapped her hands. "I haven't had shrimps since God knows how long."

It occurred to Jiyong that with Chaerin, he'd never have to feel the need to be the man he used to be. All his walls, she destroyed with her mere being and he couldn't help but be thankful to her for making him realize that life is not all about money and recognition. Life, in its simplicity could mean so much more if spent with loved ones, no matter what the occasion, time or place. 

"Chaerin?" he said, swallowing the lump forming in his throat meeting her gaze, her eyes forming into little crescents as she smiled. "... I have something I need to tell you." Chaerin lifted her eyebrows and nod, signalling him to continue as she laid down the fork and wiped the corners of with a tissue.

"Dr. Go called me this morning.."

"Oh my God!" Chaerin exclaimed, covering with her palm, a horrified expression taking over the previously giddy one. "He found out?" 

Jiyong watched her, confused. Until he realized what she meant and chuckled. "No.. He didn't. Don't worry about that. "

"Then?" Chaerin pressed on. "What is it about? Is.... Everything okay. A-are you okay?"

Lowering his eyes, Jiyong drawled. "That's the thing.. I'm alright and he informed me that I'm okay to be let out by tomorrow... I'm getting discharged."








"So... You'll be leaving." she mumbled, avoiding eye contact, her voice barely a whisper. "I knew this was coming."
Before she knew, Jiyong stood up and pulled her off her seat only to crash her with a bone crushing embrace. Cooing softly as he pulled away only to brush her hair away from her face and kiss her gently on her forehead.

"This is not going to be the end of us..." he breathed softly. "Look at me Chaerin."

"I'm fine." she replied, feeling stupid all of a sudden. She knew this was coming.... The reason why she didn't want to get attached at the first place. "—It's nothing."

"Nothing? To me, us means everything. You mean everything to me Chaerin. You've got no idea..." he chuckled at his melodramatic self, but well, it was the truth. "Look.." he pled, placing his hand behind her neck, the other, under her chin. "I'd stay with you forever... And I mean it. But.." he closed his eyes and a smile took over his lips. "... But not at the hospital... I want you to move in with me."

"You..... What?" Chaerin gasped, eyes the size of saucers.

"I want you to move in with me... As soon as you get discharged. I'll talk to Sehee if I have to, I'll ask the permission of whomever I have to. Just give me the word Chae. I'll do it."


"I promise..." Jiyong joined their foreheads as he closed his eyes. "I never wanted anything more than I want you.. I don't know what happened to me but, I've never been this way before and it scares me..." he breathed heavily, opening his heavy lids, looking into her deep brown orbs. ".. But I guess this is what loving someone feels like." he chuckled and moved his thumb across her face to wipe the stray tear away that she didn't even realize she'd shed. "So.... Would you?"

Still dazed at whatever he'd said, Chaerin stared at him like he were some ghost. Feeling her lips tremble she bent down to look at her feet since she felt like she would die by the way her heart thumped.


She knew her answer already, but someone it got stuck in . Feeling sweaty despite the cold she huffed and felt tingles run down her spine. You know why you can't accept his offer Chaerin. You're wise, say No. She chanted in her mind, sure that it was the best thing to do. You're doing this for him.
But all of a sudden, she felt her tongue slip and before she could do anything, she heard herself say in a soft voice.



*   *   *   *   *



Author's note:
A rather boring, unproductive chapter. My sincerest apologies. I , don't I? Ugh. I wanna pull out every strand of hair from my head right now. *Aaargh*

Authornim is disappointed at herself for disappointing you.
PS- Please forgive me if you find any grammatical errors, etc. I didn't have time to edit it.

BTW! I changed my username... so don't be confused.

With love~



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I'm sorry to say that I'll be on a semi hiatus. ;A;


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Meaniexoxox #1
Chapter 18: I wish all dads out there thinks like Mr. Kwon. Most parent want their children to experience what they experience so saaad.
Chapter 24: This is one of the most beautiful story that I have read in AFF. Please don’t give up on this. Still hoping that you would come back one day and finish this.
LinLin05 #3
Chapter 24: Update again plssss :( i miss u and ur story
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Please update soon authornim ㅠ.ㅠ I really need the to get married and have kids and live happily ever after T.T
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 24: Omg update pls
Chapter 24: Update sooooooooon
Chapter 24: Yah!!!! Ottoke??? What are you doing to me (to us) authornim!!! I was really hurt to the sentence of jiyong.... i hope chaerin will recover soon. I cant help imagining jiyong being like anytime soon he will falter. I hope they will have a super duper happy ever after ending. Please 3x update soon authornim.... and make it long also. Anyway, thanks for updating!!! Authornim hwaiting!!!* ♥ ^_^
Chapter 24: Yeah I knew it too!! Chaerin didn't leave without saying goodbye :) but you know, I already want to cry a Han river if I'm not in my fasting now hahaha XD
Good job!! Waiting for the next chap, shall I? Hahahaha, love you ;D
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #9
Chapter 24: Jiyong Oppa love Chaerin Unnie so much that he could give himself to God instead of her. #JiyongOppaLove
Chapter 24: o(╥﹏╥)o You made me cry with that last part!