Sweeter Than Fiction

"Are you comfortable?"

Baekhyun asked for the umpteenth time as he fixed the canola attached to the inside of Chaerin's elbow.

Chuckling lightly, Chaerin placed her other hand over his delicate ones. "I couldn't be more comfortable, Baek. I'll be fine."

Baekhyun nodded and quickly gave a smile before readjusting his surgical mask. "The anaesthesia will kick in soon." He said.

"Hm," Chaerin passed him a weak smile and closed her eyes. "Goodnight Baek,"

Baekhyun pressed his lips into a thin line as he watched her breath become slower. "Chae,"

"Yeah," she mumbled, still conscious.

"You sure you don't want me to tell anything to Jiyong Hyung?" He asked, feeling uncomfortable with keeping something as serious as this a secret from him. "He should know,"

Chaerin merely shrugged, slowly opening her lids, only to close it again as dizziness hit her to the core. "I don't want to burden him just yet,"






"Jaehyun, could you make a call to the wedding planner?" Jiyong uttered, slipping into his blazer and fixing his tie. "Report back to me  as soon as you're done talking. I'll be in there." He jabbed a thumb towards the glass double door where there sat his new potential investors and their lawyers.

This meeting was big. He knew if he'd crack this deal, his father would stamp him fit to be the new Chairman and not just the CEO of the South Korean branch of K-corps.

Being the chairman would mean more responsibilities, but, lesser time at offices and more time at home- more time to spend with Chaerin.

Jaehyun nodded and slipped his hand into his coat as he pulled out his phone and waved it in the air. "Consider it done, sir. I'll get back to you in a minute."

Jiyong smiled and spun around. He trusted Jaehyun more than anything and more importantly, he trusted him about his personal matters. Just as much as he wanted to do everything for the wedding on his own, he had responsibilities- ones that he couldn't turn his back to, especially at this crucial time.

"Mr. Kwon," the members of the K-Corp. board and all others around the table greeted and bowed as he entered through the door.

"Gentlemen," Jiyong nodded as he proceeded towards the seat at the very middle. "Please," he smiled, gesturing to the seats.

Not expecting any sort of courteous act from the young CEO, the rest looked around and passed a few glances here and there before taking their seats, completely baffled.

Jiyong was never known to amicable, at least not to business men who were much lower than him.

"I apologize for being late." Jiyong started, "I had some personal matters I needed to tend to before I flew down here."

The man on his right- Mr. Bang Yehom, Vice Chairman of Jeju Lotte Paradise- shook his head and beamed. "There's absolutely no need to apologize, sir. How was your flight?"

Jiyong passed the man a smile, "I've never been a fan of flying, to be very honest." He chuckled, "Helicopter's even worse."

The rest nodded in agreement as they exchanged a few friendly words.

Clasping his hands over the table, Jiyong smiled. "Let's begin, shall we?" He said. "I have a fiancé who's waiting for me back at home. I don't want to delay getting back to her any further."





Baekhyun sat, crossed-legged at the waiting room, for once out of his blue and whites but in a casual attire. Too deep in thought, he'd completely missed the woman who took a seat beside him and handed him a cup of coffee.

He turned to find Sehee smiling brightly at him. "Have a drink, son."

"Emonim," Baekhyun exclaimed. "What're you doing here? What about the kids?"

Sehee shrugged and sat back on the couch. "A kind lady from the church volunteered to babysit them for a day." She supplied. "How's she holding up?"

Baekhyun palmed his face and rubbed at it to rid of his exhaustion. "It's been.." He glanced at his wrist watch. "-3 hours, nothing can be said as of now. Although, I'm hoping it'll all turn out well since the surgeons in there, they're the A-Team. The biopsy result was quite good too."

Sehee blew on her coffee and looked at the young doctor.

She knew of his feelings for Chaerin. Although he never said it out loud and Chaerin had always been too naive to notice, Sehee knew it right away the moment she saw Baekhyun's eyes that one time, 3 years ago when he delivered the news about the advancement of her cancer.

It seemed like the news hurt him more than Chaerin herself.

Despite being utterly nervous, Sehee braved a smile. "She's a strong girl, Baekhyun-ah. I don't have a doubt she'll make it through."

Baekhyun nodded, feeling somewhat relaxed by the old lady's words. "I really do hope so."

"Pray, son. Pray." She patted the young doctor- completely taken aback by her words of advice- as she leaned back and settled into the settee. "Pray for your friend."

Baekhyun had never been a person of religion, he didn't believe it existed and neither did he opposed the existence of a higher power. He was what you'd call an agnostic.

Praying. He wondered if it really worked. Often, he felt sorry for the people who prayed for the souls of the departed or the sick. There simply wasn't any confirmation that their prayers would reach any further than the walls of the hospital.

But now, for some reason, it felt like the right time to do the action he'd always considered petty and useless.

So quietly excused himself and headed towards the section of the hospital he never knew he'd he stepping a foot into.

He headed to the chapel.





Jaehyun rapped the door of the conference room and peeked in, just in time to see the rest of the corporate men gathering their files and shaking hands with his boss. He assumed the meeting went well.

"Ah, Park." Jiyong grinned, waving a hand over. "Gentlemen, this is my Secretary, Park Jaehyun. My right hand man."

The men turned to the mentioned person and exchanged greeting before heading out of the hall with smiles plastered to their faces.

"So, the meeting went well?" Jaehyun asked, picking the files from the round table and setting them into his briefcase.

Jiyong shrugged, "It's a little early to say, but I suppose you could say that."

He turned around, arms crossed against his chest. "Is everything settled? What'd the planner say?"

Jaehyun clipped the case and set it onto the floor before straightening the crease on his pants. "Everything is set and ready. The flowers for the ceremony have been arranged, they'll only be set-up a day before the wedding, for obvious reasons. The rest is all complete."

Jiyong raised a brow. "The venue?"

"Miss Lee's church, Jungnang Cathedral, Busan. Arranged." Jaehyun replied.

"The reception."

"Lotte hotel, grand hall. Done."

Jiyong smiled, satisfied. "You never disappoint me, Park."

However wonderful it felt for him to be complimented, Jaehyun wasn't feeling the euphoria surge through him as he prepared for the other news he had to say.

As if he had the ability to read minds, Jiyong wrinkled his eyebrows. "What is it?"

Jaehyun gulped, sweat trickling down his neck. "I checked in with the hospital to ask about Miss Lee's doing."

Jiyong tilted his neck and frowned. "... And?"

"She went in for an emergency surgery earlier today around 5 in the afternoon." He lowered his head. "She's still in the OT, they haven't been able to inform me of the progress."

To say that Jiyong was furious and shocked would've been an understatement of the century. He curled his fists and stared at his bug-eyed secretary before gritting his teeth. "Get me ride, now!"

"It's already waiting for you at roof, sir."







Baekhyun wasn't sure how long he stayed in the chapel as he opened the door and stretched, feeling sore from being in the kneeling position for hours.

It was a foreign feeling- pouring out all the hidden feeling buried deep inside you-, it felt comforting, to say the least. He wasn't sure if he'd ever felt as relaxed and light in the past as he felt now. He figured this was the reason why people prayed for every little matter.

Feeling like an entirely new person, Baekhyun strut into the hallways , prepared to face whatever problems would come to hit him, in the form of heartbreak or failure.

But what he wasn't expecting was a literal jaw-breaking hit to his feeble nose, that let him fall straight to the ground.

He suddenly wished he'd prayed for a stronger and fitter body as he dabbed his finger to his broken nose, bleeding profusely. Squinting his eyes and shaking his head to rid of the dizziness, Baekhyun looked up through his hooded eyes and stiffened at the sight of a distressed looking Jiyong, boring a hole into his skull, eyes bloody red and teeth tightly clenched.

Jiyong took a deep breath as Jaehyun appeared behind him, panting heavily as he planted his palms on his knees. Not doing a very good job at keeping up with the adrenaline pumped young CEO.

Jaehyun gasped in horror, rushing to the befallen doctor and helping him up as he offered his handkerchief, shooing the audience away.

Baekhyun stumbled, inaudibly thanking the kind man before glancing at the infuriated man before him. He figured he deserved it, for keeping the matter away from him.

Just as he was about to open his mouth and apologize, Jiyong beat him to it.

"You're fired, Byun Baekhyun!"









Hmm.. I was wondering... Is there any male reader out there? :D
Haha. I think a majority of the writers here in AFF are all XXs :)

Anyways.. back to the story.
Poor Bacon. Hahaha.


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I'm sorry to say that I'll be on a semi hiatus. ;A;


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Meaniexoxox #1
Chapter 18: I wish all dads out there thinks like Mr. Kwon. Most parent want their children to experience what they experience so saaad.
Chapter 24: This is one of the most beautiful story that I have read in AFF. Please don’t give up on this. Still hoping that you would come back one day and finish this.
LinLin05 #3
Chapter 24: Update again plssss :( i miss u and ur story
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Please update soon authornim ㅠ.ㅠ I really need the to get married and have kids and live happily ever after T.T
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 24: Omg update pls
Chapter 24: Update sooooooooon
Chapter 24: Yah!!!! Ottoke??? What are you doing to me (to us) authornim!!! I was really hurt to the sentence of jiyong.... i hope chaerin will recover soon. I cant help imagining jiyong being like anytime soon he will falter. I hope they will have a super duper happy ever after ending. Please 3x update soon authornim.... and make it long also. Anyway, thanks for updating!!! Authornim hwaiting!!!* ♥ ^_^
Chapter 24: Yeah I knew it too!! Chaerin didn't leave without saying goodbye :) but you know, I already want to cry a Han river if I'm not in my fasting now hahaha XD
Good job!! Waiting for the next chap, shall I? Hahahaha, love you ;D
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #9
Chapter 24: Jiyong Oppa love Chaerin Unnie so much that he could give himself to God instead of her. #JiyongOppaLove
Chapter 24: o(╥﹏╥)o You made me cry with that last part!