Sweeter Than Fiction


~Chapter thirteen~

"Keep it with you Park." Jiyong waved his secretary off who stood beside him with a gift package his parents had sent him for Christmas. "I don't want anything from them."

"Sir, I can't jus—"

"Then throw it away.. It's not like they really celebrate the occasion anyway." He replied stoically, his mind still going crazy over what happened last night when he asked Chaerin to move in with him. "I need you to do something for me.." he murmured, eyes darting out of the car window as they sped by the busy street of Seoul, heading to Incheon airport since he had an emergency meeting in Taiwan.

"Does it have something to do with Miss Lee, sir?" Jaehyun asked, although he was sure she was his main concern and was more than happy for his boss but then again, he couldn't ignore the fact that she could also be the reason for his downfall; everything he'd worked for during the past one decade, not to mention the disappointment his parents would face, who would unanimously blame Chaerin. He couldn't bear to think that, because he knew the kind of person Chaerin really is.

"Yes. Send someone to my apartment to rearrange everything." he said, rolling down his window once they reached the outskirts of the city.

"I have already sent a person to clean it up." Jaehyun answered from the passenger seat and watched Jiyong shake his head through the side few mirror.

"No. I said rearrange.. It'll not just be me that'll be moving in. Miss Lee will be joining me after her discharge." he stated casually, not bothering to meet the curious eyes of Jaehyun and the smiling ones of Zitao. 


Already feeling nostalgic, Jiyong pulled out his phone and smiled as he looked at hs wallpaper. A selca of the two of them back at Chaerin's hometown.


To Chaerin
Hey~ are you bored? What're you doing?


He groaned looking out the window waiting for a reply while he buckled his seat belt in the vip exclusive class. Just two days. He consoled himself mentally. Two days and you'll see her again.


From Chaerin
I have a check up in another 20 minutes.
Mrs. Cha from room 304 is giving me company.
Have you taken off already?


Mrs. Cha, the kind lady from , who'd often drop by to check up on Chaerin and offer them dishes her daughters sent.


To Chaerin
Remind me to thank her when I come back. 
I know it's early to say but
I miss you. Already.


Feeling giddy from typing such a cheesy message, he slapped his palm over his eyes as he took a deep breath. Never in his life had he sent such text messages. All his messages were strictly business since he didn't feel the need to trouble himself with petty girl-boy issues. None of the few female acquaintances he had even knew his personal number.


From Chaerin
My battery's going to die & I can't find the charger.
Don't think about me. You have more important work to do.
Take care of yourself.


Unbeknownst, Jiyong pout at her reply. What was he expecting? I miss you too? 
Waving off his expectations as if it were palpable, he snuggled under the warm covers in his dad's company's private jet. Whilst settling, he felt his phone vibrate.


From Chaerin
Oh! Before my battery actually dies... 
I miss you too.


Jiyong squealed inwardly since Jaehyun sat beside him, a MacBook resting on his lap as he typed away and took care of their schedule. He never knew he had this side of him. Squealing? It was a first. Ignoring the suspicious glances from Jaehyun, he waved his hand above signalling the air hostess to switch the light off, while he pulled the covers above his head and secretly reread the message for the nth time.


"Are you sure you left it here Chaerinnie?" Mrs. Cha asked as she opened the empty cupboard. "— It's not here."

"I.... I don't remember." Chaerin mumbled as she tightened the grip on her phone. "I must've placed it somewhere else." bending down to inspect the table, Chaerin groaned. "This is why I don't like big rooms." referring to their VIP private room, genuinely missing the warmth of their old, tiny room.

"Now now Chaerinnie.. Let's not blame the room. You go look around the other room, I'll check this room, okay?" Mrs. Cha chided.

"Sure." she nod, but hesitated to move to the other room, shuffling her weight on both her legs. "Ajhumma, D-Do you think it's— you know, I keep forgetting these days I'm not sure if—" she didn't continue, but the said one understood and shook her head.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves my dear. You are perfectly fine." she pat the younger one on her shoulder and sighed. "Now... Do you suppose Jiyonggie knows where it could be?"

Jiyong paced towards his hotel room as soon as the meeting at the conference hall got over. Frantically searching his pocket for his phone, dialling the number he learnt by-heart within a day.

The number you're calling is—

"What the hell!" he stomped impatiently across the hall, cutting off the call before the monotonic voice on the other line finished speaking. Dialling the other number her knew, he sighed exasperatedly.

"Park! Where are yo— No! Uh, I need you to do something for me..." he barked onto the phone, not sure why he was being so hot headed, but it had been more than 12 hours since he last talked to Chaerin and having spent 24x7 beside her, he couldn't spend another second not knowing how she was doing or what she was doing. I'm not paranoid. He reasoned with himself. I just need to know she's okay.

"Sir? Are you there, h-hello?"

"Yes. I need you to send someone to the hospital." he said as he pinched the bridge of hia nose. "I can't reach her phone."

"Sir, I'm sure everything is fine—"

"No, Park! I need to be sure she's alright. She caught a cold before I left and I have this weird feeling in my gut.." he shook his head, feeling stupid for making her spend their last night together in the freezing cold. "Just let me know she's okay, okay? And send someone to deliver a phone charger. I think she lost it."

"Will do sir."

"Thank you... Hyung."

Jaehyun froze. He'd never been thanked by Jiyong. Never. In his entire 8 years of being assigned under him. It wasn't that he wanted his boss to thank him, but the genuineness he felt behind those simple words, finished off with 'Hyung' touched his heart in a way he never thought he could be... The boy... The 18 year old boy he met 8 years ago was now a man. His phone beeped, a sign that told him that the other side had already cut the call but he couldn't help but smile.

Finally, the boy had now become a man.

And he knew the reason why.

"Thank you Lee Chaerinsshi.... Thank you."

(9 hours ago)
"Are you sure you understand what I'm saying Chaerinsshi?" Dr. Byun said as he closed Chaerin's file and clasped his hands together. "There is a huge risk that associates with performing this particular surgery. I cannot guarantee you 100 percent success. There is a 70 percentage that you'll not survive." he slowed down and looked at the girl sitting before him. Her eyes puffy and dark circles encircling her beautiful eyes. He had been assigned to her a few weeks after he became a resident at the hospital. 

This was 4 years ago.

"I know.. And I understand it." she sighed, meeting the doctor's concerned eyes. "Baekhyun...." she breathed. Having spent years in the hospital, she didn't feel the need to address the doctor with the prefix or even the suffix. "... I need this. I-I know I should've agreed to it the last time you asked me, the risk would've been much less—"

"—That was 8 months ago Chaerin." Dr. Byun interrupted. "Right now... You're not in the best condition to undergo any form of surgery."

"I need that 30 percent Baek. It doesn't matter if it goes wrong. In the end.. What's supposed to happen will happen, right?" she asked, the desperation in her voice tangible enough to the doctor who now wondered what'd made her change her mind. Few months ago, when he suggested the surgery that could've promised her a healthy life for at least a decade, she declined, saying she had no reason to undergo all that trouble only to survive without having anyone to spend the rest of her life with. And then... It hit him. Why didn't I guess it before? He chuckled lifelessly to himself.

"What's his name Chaerinah?" he asked, a small smile appearing over his previously frowning face, replacing the honorifics with one he was rather used to callng her with."I missed a lot while I was on leave, didn't I?"

"Jiyong..." Chaerin replied immediately, in her opinion she had no reason to embarrassed. She loved him right, than why would she? "Kwon Jiyong."

Baekhyun nod his head as he repeated the name, "Kwon Ji—" a sudden realization occurred to him and he choked over his own saliva. 

"What is wrong with you?" Chaerin laughed as she grabbed the jug and pour water into the glass, handing it over to the doctor. "Aren't I the patient? Why am I taking care of you?" she teased, patting his back to ease him of his continuous coughs. 

"I'm alright.." Baekhyun raised his hands and Chaerin walked back to her seat, shrugging. "I... I was just... Surprised." he chuckled, face turning red from embarrassment. "Isn't... Um, isn't he—"

"Yes.." Chaerin drawled, feeling exhausted all of a sudden. "So, now you know." she mumbled, placing her arms on his desk to lay her head down as she yawned. "I have a reason to live now..." she muttered lifelessly, but to Baekhyun it seemed more than just a mere statement. It had a deeper meaning. Much deeper. "I can't leave him when we've only begun... Baekhyun. Please..." she lifted her head and met his eyes. Baekhyun's heart stopped beating, he'd never seen her so helpless, even in her worst days, she braved a smile and assured everybody she was alright, but right now... She seemed so bare, so vulnerable. "I need your help."

"Chaerinah, I can't just pick up my scalpel and cut you open." he said, immediately regretting his gore statement. "I mean.. Even if I agreed—" Chaerin's eyes brightened and he sighed. "I said if I even agree, I need to get a green light from the chief. And given your condition, I highly doubt that that'll happen."

"But you can try... Right?" Chaerin persisted. "it isn't impossible right? I mean.. Even if something does happen to me which I don't think will happen because well you're going to perform the surgery, everybody says you're the best at this. and... besides nobody will blame you. You can say it was my idea to perform the surgery."

"Nobody will blame me? Chaerin! Have you forgotten? You're in a relationship with the owner of this hospital. The heir of the biggest Chaebol group in Korea. He will kick me out of here within a micro second if anything happens to you and will make sure that I don't work in any hospital. I'll be screwed!" Baekhyun burst out, his anger not directed towards Chaerin but his inability to do anything for her. "Big time!" 

"He's not that evil." she replied, amused at Baekhyun's accusation.

"God!" Baekhyun pushed his chin up with his fist and sighed, knowing he'd exaggerated beyond his own belief. Toning down his sassiness, he took a deep breath.  "... How'd you even convince him?"

"Sorry.. What? Convince him? For?" Chaerin leaned forward, brushing her hand over the paper weight. 

"About the surgery of course! He's okay with it? I mean—" he drawled, but studying her expression he knew something was wrong. "Chaerin don't tell me he doesn't know." he asked exhaling in frustration when she shook her head and avoided eye contact. "Does he even know about your condition?" 

Chaerin her lips and nibbled on the lower one, guilt eating her up from the inside. ".. No"

"What?" Dr. Byun exclaimed, he could feel his blood pressure rise with every second that passed. Being the person in command inside the confined walls of his office, he knew better than to act unprofessional. Chaerin was his 1st case he was assigned to  and over the years, they'd formed a friendship that was more than just a doctor-patient relationship, but a relationship with trust and care. He cared about her... Enough to take this situation seriously and make her do something he knew she wouldn't do because that's just the way she is. He cleared his throat since he knew he'd have to act like he was in command and abuse his power a bit because that was the only way she'd listen to him. 

Rolling up the sleeves of his white coat, he adjusted his watch and crossed his arm against his chest. "Being the doctor in charge of you, I am responsible for what will happen to you and what you do and don't do inside this hospital. So, Chaerin I suggest you tell Mr. Kwon everything before things get too late. Or...." he clasped his hands together, looking up to meet her anxious eyes. ".. I will have to do it myself."
"I... I can't do that.." she croaked. Shaking her head to prove her point. "No... I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because! B-Because Baekhyun, I'm done being pitied upon!" she slammed her hands over his desks with a sight that was already blurred from the tears that dangerously threatened to fall. "For once in my life... I feel.... Normal. You know, a-and I like it like that. Being with him I feel... I feel free." she sat down again, feeling stupid for her dramatics a few seconds before. She accepted the tissues that Baekhyun handed to her and dabbed it to her eyes. "I know I might sound silly saying this but... Being with him has given me a new hope...  that I will be alright. I don't know how.. But since you're the doctor that's for you to find out." she chuckled dryly at the last part. ".. So no. I don't want to tell him when we may still have a chance. He'll just get worried for nothing a-and I don't want him to be."

"You do know you're only going to hurt him if..... If it doesn't work out, right?" Baekhyun asked quietly reaching for her hand that nervously fiddled with the pen stand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "He deserves to know." He let go of her hand only to step out of his seat and give her a warm hug. She looked like she needed it. Gently caressing her hair he murmured. "You'll do that for me wouldn't you?"
Chaerin dug her face deeper onto his shirt and shook her head.

"Hey~" Baekhyun cooed as he held her by the nape of her neck and made her look at him. "Chae—" his words got stuck in his throat as he felt her fall straight into his arms, unconscious. "Nurse!!"


Jiyong swiftly s his hand through the sleeves of the bathrobe, dabbing his face with a towel. To his surprise, Jaehyun was standing at the corner of the room, leaning against the door that led to the balcony.

"Park...." he called out, smiling. For the times he spent away from home, Jaehyun had always been there to give him company and for that he was thankful. "I'll get ready and we could head out for a--"

"Jiyong-ah..." Jaehyun's deep raspy voice reached his ears and he whipped his head around to get a look at him. He rarely called him by his name because whenever he did, it meant.... It was bad news.

"Is it Chaerin?" Jiyong asked immediately, feeling his heart beat stop the moment Jaehyun nod. "w-what is it?"
Jaehyun stepped forward as he pulled out an envelope from his inner coat pocket and handed it to the astounded Jiyong. "The time for take off is at 5, the earliest I could grab. I've already contacted Mr. Huang and he shall collect you at the airport to your destination... And for your meeting later tonight... I'll handle it."

Jiyong blinked, unable to believe everything he was hearing. His secretary, the man he knew to be diligent, always advising him to never miss meetings was the one who was ending him away right now. It had to mean one thing--

"Is it serious?" he asked in his throaty voice. Hands shaking from nervousness and anxiety.

"Get ready and hop on a car as soon as you can. Unless.... You want to explain the situation to your parents." he paused. "They just flew in."
Jiyong quickly did as he was told to and got ready in a flash, not bothering to pester Jaehyun with the reason behind all this since he knew

Jaehyun was deliberately avoiding to answer it.
Before he knew it, he was already on the plane, holding his boarding pass in his hands as he nervously fiddled with the seat belt. In this time of confusion and desperacy, he found himself calling upon someone he never would've guessed to call upon a few months ago.

"God..." he murmured, holding back his tears as he thought about Chaerin... "If you're listening. Please... Please take care of Chaerin. I don't know what's going on with her, but... I believe you do, so please." he sobbed. For the first time in his life, Kwon Jiyong cried. "Don't let anything happen to her. If anything, let her go and —"

"—Take me instead"


Author's note:

Keke. I'm so evil!
Anyways.. I hope this chapter made it up for the y one last week. And TADAH! Say Hi to Dr. Byun Baekhyun... My Bias! So fluffy and mushy and cute and... Okay! Sorry.

Reading your comments for the previous chapter, I felt so bad you know.. that yall were so supportive even after that hideous chapter. T__T thank you.

Thanks for the upvotes! you guys are JJANG!

BTW, I get a few of you are frustrated with Chaerin not telling Jiyong about her sickness, but now you know why. And if you were in her shoes.... I think.. You'd do the same thing too. Because well... I WOULD. 
And yes! A few of the 'silent readers' actually commented. I'm in utter joy. Haha. :)
But seriously... No pressure. Comment if you want to, or don't comment. you just reading my worthless story is amazing enough for me. :)



with love~

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
I'm sorry to say that I'll be on a semi hiatus. ;A;


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Meaniexoxox #1
Chapter 18: I wish all dads out there thinks like Mr. Kwon. Most parent want their children to experience what they experience so saaad.
Chapter 24: This is one of the most beautiful story that I have read in AFF. Please don’t give up on this. Still hoping that you would come back one day and finish this.
LinLin05 #3
Chapter 24: Update again plssss :( i miss u and ur story
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Please update soon authornim ㅠ.ㅠ I really need the to get married and have kids and live happily ever after T.T
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 24: Omg update pls
Chapter 24: Update sooooooooon
Chapter 24: Yah!!!! Ottoke??? What are you doing to me (to us) authornim!!! I was really hurt to the sentence of jiyong.... i hope chaerin will recover soon. I cant help imagining jiyong being like anytime soon he will falter. I hope they will have a super duper happy ever after ending. Please 3x update soon authornim.... and make it long also. Anyway, thanks for updating!!! Authornim hwaiting!!!* ♥ ^_^
Chapter 24: Yeah I knew it too!! Chaerin didn't leave without saying goodbye :) but you know, I already want to cry a Han river if I'm not in my fasting now hahaha XD
Good job!! Waiting for the next chap, shall I? Hahahaha, love you ;D
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #9
Chapter 24: Jiyong Oppa love Chaerin Unnie so much that he could give himself to God instead of her. #JiyongOppaLove
Chapter 24: o(╥﹏╥)o You made me cry with that last part!