Sweeter Than Fiction

~Chapter eleven~


"Omo, you two must be tired!" The woman who opened the door exclaimed as she tried to grab the bag from Jiyong's back.

"It's okay Mrs—" Jiyong muttered as he looked over at Chaerin for help.

"Call me Sehee..." she smiled as she pat him on the shoulder. "A very handsome friend you've got there Chaerinnie."

Jiyong blushed and immediately glared at a not-impressed Chaerin. Who signalled him to follow them as they moved forward. "You should see his friend, Choi Seunghyun-sshi. Way handsome-er." the way she extended the letter A in 'way' made Jiyong scoff and shake his head at her.

"Where're the kids?" Jiyong asked as he placed their bags inside the cupboard, while Chaerin distributed the pillows on the two beds beside each other.

"We'll be joining them." Chaerin answered as she grabbed the water bottle on the floor and took out her medicine from her purse. "We should get ready."



"Why didn't you tell me we'll be going to a church?" Jiyong whispered as he slouched on his seat, trying to hide from the eyes of the curious people staring at them. He wasn't religious, but he respected religion, hence he felt bummed out that he was the only one inappropriately under-dressed wearing distressed jeans and a navy blue parka with ginormous faux fur that stood out like an eye-sore. Jiyong bent his head down and glanced at Chaerin who didn't bother to listen to him whining as she held the hymn book and sang along.

"You have an amazing voice." Jiyong complimented as he knead his fingers and smiled when Chaerin nudged him and held the hymn book in the middle so they could share. Although he had no idea about the melody of the song, he attempted at following the choir group and noticed how the corner of Chaerin's lips twisted upwards to form a soft smile, making a knot in his heart as he realized he'd never seen a smile more beautiful and genuine then hers.


It was the first time ever that Jiyong had stepped his foot inside a catholic church. Being brought up in not a very spiritual family, he never had obligations to attend churches and freely spent his Christmas nights at some of the night clubs his friends owned, getting high and doing crack.

"Hey..." Chaerin placed her palm over his. "Look" she smiled as she nod her head towards the left side of the elevated podium and saw 3 girls and a boy standing as they held a candle each, another young girl sitting at the piano as she started to play the music.

"That's Yura at the piano." Chaerin whispered into Jiyong's ears as he tilted his head so he could hear better, her warm breath kissing his neck. "From left to right, that's James, Haeun, Euyoung, Dami."

"Dami?" Jiyong whispered back and Chaerin nod, her eyes still on her little angels. "--My sister's name is Dami too."

Chaerin grinned as she tilted her head and to Jiyong's surprise, looped her arm around his and laid her head on his shoulder . "You promised you'd introduce me to her right?"

"Yes. I will." Jiyong answered as he gave a small kiss on the top of her head.

He couldn't have been more sure of anything.



"Why aren't you going?" Jiyong asked as they sat on their seats and watched the other attendees stand in a line to eat the communion, Sehee stood at the back as she arranged the children into the line.

"I didn't do my confession."

"Do you need to do that to eat it? Is it necessary?" Jiyong asked, curious. He knew nothing about it.

Chaerin nod and crossed her leg before rubbing her palms together, noticing this, Jiyong removed his left side glove and slipped it into Chaerin's chubby hands, taking their un-gloved hands and intertwining them. An action that he never knew he'd do for real, he'd seen it in some tacky rom-coms or K-Dramas, but it felt right at the moment. Feeling all the blood rush to his face, he wondered if his hands were even warm enough to warm hers. Amidst the thought, he missed how Chaerin grazed her thumb over the scar on his hand. Wondering where he got it from.



Although Chaerin always spent her Christmas here, this time around, with the addition of Jiyong. She was certain this was the best Christmas eve she'd ever experienced.

Everybody started greeting each other as the mass ended. It was already past 12 and the crowd headed towards the beach, for the bon fire. It was the tradition fo their small community.

Jiyong sat on a rock as he held a cola can watching Chaerin playing with the children. A smiled crept up his face as he imagined a day when the two of them could go to a beach and spend time with their kids.

"They're always so happy when she comes.."

"Oh! Sehee-sshi.. I didn't know you were here." Jiyong mumbled as his faced turned red with the thought of Sehee watching him staring at Chaerin. Handing him two pieces of fried chicken on a tissue sheet, Sehee sat down and stretched.

"She loves the kids so much, I often have to scold her for being too kind on them." she said as she herself munched on the crackling chicken skin. "... How did you two meet?"

"Well..." Jiyong swallowed. He wasn't sure if he should mention them living in the same room. "We— Uh, met at the hospital."

"Oh~" Sehee clapped her thighs at the realization. "Of course, where else would you meet? She practically lives there." offering the sauce, which Jiyong denied she continued. "I never visited her.... She'd always tell me not to. Saying that the kids were more important and to not bother wasting time travelling to and fro just to see her." she sighed. "Stubborn... Just like her mother."

Jiyong listened quietly as he drew patterns on the sand with a stick, thinking about how Chaerin always thought of other people first, keeping herself the last.

"She must like you a lot to bring you here..."

"W-What?" this caught his attention. Hiding his blush, Jiyong pretended to remove the lint from his jeans. "I don't think that's the case."

"Dear, I raised this girl since she was a teenager. I know her well enough to read her eyes when she looks at you." she paused. "She's not an ordinary girl. T-That girl right there.... S-She's a fighter. Stronger than anyone I've ever met, stronger than I'll ever be." Sehee glanced towards Chaerin, eyes glistening as she watched her hold the hand of the little girl who played the piano in the church, Yura, as they chased the boy, James. "She's been through so much. She's lost everything.... Jiyong-sshi, please..... Make sure you keep her happy and don't let her feel like she's alone in this world." she placed her warm and aging hands on Jiyong's as she breathed heavily, tears flowing through her cheeks. "Don't break her heart and take care of her for me will you?" she asked, Jiyong nodded repeatedly, unable to find his voice, not knowing what to say to console the lady and touched by her sincere words.

Sehee let out a relieved sigh as she let go of his hands and pat him on his shoulders.

"Do what you have to do quickly Mr. Kwon..... Time doesn't wait for anyone."



"She seems to like you.." Chaerin suggested as she walked beside Jiyong who was giving a piggy back to Yura, who'd fallen asleep due to exhaustion.

"Who doesn't?" Jiyong wiggled his eyebrows at Chaerin, walking hand in hand with the kids, Who looked like they were about to doze off any minute. "well, I like her too."

"James secretly asked me if you'd visit them again." Chaerin said as she gave the young boy, James a pat on his head. "He's a little too shy to talk to you.... "

"Hey James~" Jiyong chimed as he bent down a little and caught the said one's attention. "Of course I'll visit again.. With Chaerin Noona." he says. "Right Chaerin?"

Chaerin shrugged with an expressionless face plastered on it as she helped James to climb the frozen stairs carefully. Just as they reached the door, Chaerin opened it, making Jiyong enter as she carried Yura's bag with one hand, the other holding on to Jiyong's parka he'd given to her to wear.

"Goodnight my love~" Chaerin kissed Yura's forehead as she tucked her in, Jiyong standing just beside the door, after laying the little girl down.


A soft-innocent voice reached Chaerin's ears as she turned around to find Haeun holding a rilakkuma. Nuzzling her nose against the soft-toy as she smiled with lazy eyes.

"Haeunnie, you still have this with you?" Chaerin asked as she scoot closer to the 9 year old. She'd been barely 4 when Chaerin gave the toy to her before leaving the orphanage to study in a boarding school.

"Unnie gave it to me. I'll never lose it." Haeun answered as she lifted her head and rest it on the pillow. "Unnie...."


"Please stay... Don't go back."

"I can't." Chaerin whispered.  She felt horrible enough already for not being able to tell the children what was really wrong with her and now she couldn't even promise to stay with them.

"We like it when you're here." the child said as she puckered her lips. "Even Yura comes and plays when you're here. Otherwise she doesn't. She still dreams about her mommy."

Chaerin heart ached as she heard what Haeun had just said, having lost her parents as well, she knew what it was like to feel lonely.... But she was 14 then and old enough to understand the situation.

Yura's mother had come to the shelter personally to hand over her daughter since she couldn't afford to feed her anymore. Promising that she'd come and get her when she found a stable job.

This was 3 years ago.

"Haeun... You're a big girl now." she said as she gently brushed the hair away from the child's face. "You are the most beautiful, most intelligent, smartest kid I've met. I know you'll become a great doctor one day. Promise me you'll take care of Yura when I'm gone?"


"Promise me this Haeun."

"I cross my heart." the little girl said as she drew a little cross against her chest and grinned, revealing her teeth gaps.

"Thank you" Chaerin said as she crouched down to tuck her in and kiss the child goodnight. "Goodnight angel~"

"Goodnight Unnie"

Chaerin waved as she headed towards the door and pressed her hand over the switch board ready to switch the lights off.



"Merry Christmas."

"You too Haeunnie.... Merry Christmas."

She'd already switched the lights off just in time to avoid being seen while she shed her silent tears.



Sehee grunted as she bent down to put one of the gifts Chaerin and Jiyong had bought, surrounding it around the Christmas tree just beside the staircase.

"You should go to bed Emo..." Chaerin mumbled as she dug into the duffel bag and pulled out another small box and labelled it with a marker. "We'll get it done."

"Fine... Just don't stay up too late okay? The two of you." she pointed at the two seated on the carpeted floor. "Switch all the lights off properly, leave the LEDs on the tree on but--"

"I know...." Chaerin smiled at Sehee and the latter just shrugged and yawned.

"I was just telling it to Kwon-sshi here." the elder woman replied cleverly as she pressed her hand behind her sore back.

"Yes ma'am." Jiyong beamed as he stuck the self made card on the gift box with a double sided tape.

The two chuckled as the door creaked loudly.

"She's such a granny" Chaerin laughed. "Yet so sassy."

"I like her"

Chaerin gave a teasing look at Jiyong.

"God!" Jiyong groaned, "How erted are you?"

"You have no idea of the things I've done to you while you were asleep." Chaerin said in the most vicious/ y voice she could, wiggling her eyebrows.

Picking up a ribbon, Jiyong flung it over to her and sighed.

"Stop joking around and let's finish this soon. You wouldn't want the kids to not receive their gifts do you?"

Chaerin let out a determined puff of air before continuing, only to be disturbed by Jiyong.


"Here..." Jiyong pushed a box wrapped in white gift paper with small reindeers and candy canes. "For you."

Giving an intent glare at Jiyong, she placed the box on her lap before holding it out to shake it.

"What for?"

"It's a Christmas gift dummy." Jiyong teased. "Open it."

Making funny expressions, Chaerin tore the gift wrapper carefully, folding it and tucking it between her toes. Noticing Jiyong's confused gaze she merely replied. "You can always reuse it. Besides... I like reined— Oppa....." Chaerin gasped as she stared at the plain white box on her hand, which she'd opened halfway and stopped. "T-This is...."

"—Nothing" Jiyong completed her sentence as he scoot closer. "Get rid of the old one." he said as he bent over and grabbed her hand phone. Removing the back cover as he slid out the sim card and held his hand over.

"No.. I can't take th--" Chaerin whispered quietly as she shook her head.

"It's a gift Chaerin, I'd be offended if you didn't accept it." he said as he grabbed the Samsung Galaxy s5 phone and inserted the sim into the jack with ease. "We're the only two people to have this phone because it isn't released yet." he grinned. " We'll have couple phones." Jiyong smiled as he put the phone aside and reached for Chaerin's hand. "Merry Christmas Chae...." he breathed heavily.

This is it Jiyong. This is it.  He chanted in his mind as he opened his eyes and stared into the deep brown orbs he'd fallen in love with.

"I don't know any other way to say this.... I've never had to say it before so..." he paused.




"Chaerin... I-I've fallen in love with you."


*   *   *   *   *


Author's note:

*squeals* Omg! I didn't plan this.

Btw, it may seem quite rushed, but actually it's not. Since Ji was admitted to the hospital on 12th and it's 25th since it's past midnight. So... It's been 13+ days and well.. They literally spend 24 hours under the same roof.

So, nope. I don't think it's rushed. Hahah. (Making excuses)

Now..... Brace yourselves...

The real drama is only yet to begin. Tren tren~


Additional note: The story will take at least 10 more chapters to be completed if I stick with my original storyline. If it's too long, just let me know, I could try and rush it a little or... Idk, make alterations here and there(?) *running a hand through my non-existent beard*



With love~





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I'm sorry to say that I'll be on a semi hiatus. ;A;


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Meaniexoxox #1
Chapter 18: I wish all dads out there thinks like Mr. Kwon. Most parent want their children to experience what they experience so saaad.
Chapter 24: This is one of the most beautiful story that I have read in AFF. Please don’t give up on this. Still hoping that you would come back one day and finish this.
LinLin05 #3
Chapter 24: Update again plssss :( i miss u and ur story
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Please update soon authornim ㅠ.ㅠ I really need the to get married and have kids and live happily ever after T.T
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 24: Omg update pls
Chapter 24: Update sooooooooon
Chapter 24: Yah!!!! Ottoke??? What are you doing to me (to us) authornim!!! I was really hurt to the sentence of jiyong.... i hope chaerin will recover soon. I cant help imagining jiyong being like anytime soon he will falter. I hope they will have a super duper happy ever after ending. Please 3x update soon authornim.... and make it long also. Anyway, thanks for updating!!! Authornim hwaiting!!!* ♥ ^_^
Chapter 24: Yeah I knew it too!! Chaerin didn't leave without saying goodbye :) but you know, I already want to cry a Han river if I'm not in my fasting now hahaha XD
Good job!! Waiting for the next chap, shall I? Hahahaha, love you ;D
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #9
Chapter 24: Jiyong Oppa love Chaerin Unnie so much that he could give himself to God instead of her. #JiyongOppaLove
Chapter 24: o(╥﹏╥)o You made me cry with that last part!