Sweeter Than Fiction


~Chapter four~

Only two days had passed, yet the two felt like they'd been friends for the past 2 years. Bickering and chatting like it was the main purpose for their stay there. Though Jiyong didn't want to admit, he felt free of his responsibilities, making him realize how he'd never actually talked like this to somebody so comfortably without having to dilute his words and be himself, which obviously wasn’t possible since he had an image to maintain and parents to impress.

And unlike Chaerin had assumed Jiyong wasn't all that different from her. He liked travelling, reading books, listening to music.... He was a normal person, born in an almost majestic-like family which came with its responsibilities. Having spent her weeks all alone, confined to these four walls, it all felt like a breath of fresh air; discussing and arguing about random topics like the rave of plastic surgery, K-Pop, the cyber war and list went on.


"You're too young to talk so wisely." Jiyong commented as he simply watched her put an ointment on his stiches. She'd mentioned her age in the middle of their conversation the previous day. 

"I'm gonna be a year older very soon alright." Chaerin smirked.

"Oh yeah?" Jiyong exclaimed, amused, as he switched the channels through the remote with his other hand. "When is your birthday?"

Chaerin gently blew over the stitches and closed the ointment tube, settling herself on the bed beside Jiyong. It was already 2:30pm,  which meant time for 'Running Man'.

"February 26." Chaerin replied, scratching her wrist which were bruised due to the multiple IV's and injections she'd had over the years. "Yours?"

"I don't really do birthdays." he said nonchalantly. When he saw her look at him with his peripheral view, he shrugged. "It's not my thing."

"Not my thing..." Chaerin repeated, nodding as if trying to convince herself with his words.

"I know what I said...." Jiyong smiled, wondering what was going through that tiny head of hers. "You really don't have to repeat it." 2 days... Just 2 days and he was already changing. He never did small talks, he didn't joke around or tease, he didn't laugh much either. But with Chaerin, he slowly became different. Not realizing, he wasn't becoming different, but he was becoming himself.

"Of course" Chaerin muttered. Glum expression taking over her previously brightly lit face. "Just-- How can you say that you're not into birthdays? You never know if you will see the next one. I-If you'll even see tomorrow."

"I don’t really indulge myself into philosophical bull to be quite honest” Jiyong joked, realizing that she'd been serious. He tried to explain. "It's not that I don't appreciate it, I do. I just..... I don't know, I never really wanted to spent time celebrating it when I can do productive work during that time. You know, work has always been my top priority. I don’t really have time for leisure."

"But what if…” Chaerin shifted her seating position, staring at him directly face-to-face “What if….. You die before you even get to reap the benefits of your hard work? Would it not all be a waste? While instead you could’ve spent time having fun, living your life to the fullest, because I’m sure there are people who’d give up a leg to switch places with you." Blowing a lose hair strand away from her face, she sighed. “Not everyone is as lucky as you.”

Jiyong slanted a look at the girl, noticing the glassy eyes; he looked away and thought about what she'd said. What if.... Today was my last? He pondered about the thought, what if it really was his last day? Would he be satisfied with everything he's done? Have no regrets?

"You should be a blessing while you can...." Chaerin added. Jiyong caught the slight pain in her voice as she spoke.

He'd wanted to ask her this question for so long. He wasn't sure if he even had the right to invade into someone's privacy or just be the blunt self that he is and ask anyway. Weighing the options he settled with the latter since he’d already considered themselves ‘close enough’.

"Chaerin..." he called her rather shyly, scratching his head as he spoke. He wasn't used to addressing people by their first name, but since Chaerin personally requested the evening they ate dinner together after listening to the embarrassing audio clip, he complied.

 "Why're you here?"


"I mean, what bought you to the hospital?"

Chaerin ignored his question and laughed at something Kwangsoo said to Gary, slapping his arm lightly in the process. Jiyong knew she was avoiding the topic, so he didn't push it. He just hoped it wasn't something serious.

"I have head aches." Chaerin said. Not bothering to look at him.

"Head aches?"

"Yes. Migraines." Chaerin nodded and answered quickly. "Why aren't you watching it?" she asked. "You seem really distracted today. Are you alright?"

"..... Yes." Jiyong mumbled.

Headaches huh? He thought, smiling to himself. He remembered asking her for a medication for a head ache and she said she had none. Feeling apologetic for being such an uptight jerk he dipped his head low and looked away.

At least it's nothing serious.

He smiled for the umpteenth time for the day and although he didn't know why he was so relieved, he only knew he was happy.



…….. Happy that she’s alright.


* * *



But that night, something didn't seem right.

He lied on his bed, staring at the cieling, dimly lit by the streetlight just outside their room, thinking about the past two days. He noticed how normal he was becoming, something his parents forbid him to be, he was taught to be the perfect being, an example for everyone, someone people could look up to and being normal wasn’t for big people like them. But then staying with Chaerin, he didn't feel like it superior anymore, he felt like a random person who’d someday slowly fade away from this world just like Chaerin had said and not being able to spend his life to the fullest while he could tugged his heart in a weird way, he never knew he could think like this. The accident itself was so sudden, if he hadn’t been lucky, just like his doctor had said, he would’ve been dead, leaving no legacy behind. Nothing he could be remembered for, he didn’t merely want to be a name written on the sand and washed away by the waves.


He too wanted to be a blessing.


 Although she'd not spoken about her life, her family, she did mention at times her experiences at orphanage homes, old age homes. How one time she slept over at the children shelter because the children didn't want her to go. When asked why she did that, she simply replied saying, she liked helping people..... Be a blessing. He wanted to know more about her, where she came from, where she studied (if she did), everything.

 His thoughts were soon interrupted as it didn't take him long to hear the sounds, sounds that came from the other side of the room. He turned around to face Chaerin's bed, the curtain that as usually drawn hadn't been drawn ever since day 1.  His eyebrows furrowed in worry as he watched Chaerin sweating and shivering in her bed. Trying to get up as quickly as his injuries would allow him to, Jiyong got up and limped towards her bed, calling her name softly as he reached and held her hand. He couldn't understand what was going on, she was shivering, yet she the insides of her palm was burning. He grabbed the AC remote and lowered the temperature as he slowly brushed her damp hair away from her forehead and cooed.

"It's okay.... It's okay.." but…… he wasn't so sure. He thought of calling a doctor, but the thought of leaving her alone held him back. Cursing his secretary for taking away his phone which he'd said 'It is for your own good sir', he took a deep breath and noticed how she held his hand tighter and pressed her face closer to his palm.

"You're alright." he softly whispered, her cheeks with his thumb.

But something told him nothing was alright.

Chaerin wasn't alright.



Author’s note:

Yo! I’m back quite early right? Hehe!
I’m just over flowing with ideas for this particular story that all my energy has been drained to continue on with my other stories, including ISILY.


Some of you made a guess on Chaerin’s sickness, while some assumed she was dumped in the hospital by her parents. Hehe.
You’ll find out veeeeery soon xD
Till then, hang on and don’t give up on me.

Upvote, subscribe.. or not. Haha.

Happy reading.

With love~





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I'm sorry to say that I'll be on a semi hiatus. ;A;


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Meaniexoxox #1
Chapter 18: I wish all dads out there thinks like Mr. Kwon. Most parent want their children to experience what they experience so saaad.
Chapter 24: This is one of the most beautiful story that I have read in AFF. Please don’t give up on this. Still hoping that you would come back one day and finish this.
LinLin05 #3
Chapter 24: Update again plssss :( i miss u and ur story
Chapter 24: Chapter 23: Please update soon authornim ㅠ.ㅠ I really need the to get married and have kids and live happily ever after T.T
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 24: Omg update pls
Chapter 24: Update sooooooooon
Chapter 24: Yah!!!! Ottoke??? What are you doing to me (to us) authornim!!! I was really hurt to the sentence of jiyong.... i hope chaerin will recover soon. I cant help imagining jiyong being like anytime soon he will falter. I hope they will have a super duper happy ever after ending. Please 3x update soon authornim.... and make it long also. Anyway, thanks for updating!!! Authornim hwaiting!!!* ♥ ^_^
Chapter 24: Yeah I knew it too!! Chaerin didn't leave without saying goodbye :) but you know, I already want to cry a Han river if I'm not in my fasting now hahaha XD
Good job!! Waiting for the next chap, shall I? Hahahaha, love you ;D
ViceGanda_CLof2ne1 #9
Chapter 24: Jiyong Oppa love Chaerin Unnie so much that he could give himself to God instead of her. #JiyongOppaLove
Chapter 24: o(╥﹏╥)o You made me cry with that last part!