White Diary


June 06, 2022

June 06, 2022


* * *


The sixth day was  on it's start.

The warm rays of the sun woke the once sleeping Haneun up. By the sudden contact, Haneun shifted underneath the covers and buried her head under the pillow before a tall figure enters her room with a bombarding voice. "Rise and shine, my beloved Haneun! It's morning at last!" she heard Hakyeon cry out as footsteps came closer and closer to her bed. Sensing that, she pulls her blanket above her head and buries her head lower.

"Aw, come on. That's not how you start another beautiful day!" Hakyeon giggled as he easily ripped the blanket off his child, making Haneun look up at him with squinted eyes.

"Come on, mom, it's a weekend. Let me sleep a bit more." Haneun whined.

"Doesn't mean that you're oversleeping, young lady!" Hakyeon smirked as he helped the sleepy female get up, which he found rather difficult to do because of Haneun countering him. "Come on, I made your favorite breakfast! It'll be a waste if you don't eat it while it's hot." he pouted.

"I ain't falling for that again." Haneun glared.


Defeated, Haneun sighs and nods, finally getting up and following her mother, who dragged her along. Breakfast was already served, like what Hakyeon had told Haneun earlier. After washing up, she heads to one seat and quietly sits down and waits for her mother to finish preparation. Hakyeon then sits down after setting down the orange juice from the fridge and together, they began eating. 

Like how any other days begin.


* * *

"I'll be going now, dear." Hakyeon cries out as he grabs his bag. After a slight fixing of his tie, he turns to his hair and with gentle hands, fixes a few misplaced strands. Haneun, now dressed in an oversized ditry white colored shirt, nods and watches her mom go off for work.

"Will you come home early this time?" Haneun innocently asks, making Hakyeon stop in his tracks and smile before heading back to hug his little girl tightly. He sensed the loneliness in Haneun whenever she's left alone or whenever she arrives home alone. It was too much to handle since she was younger. But being a busy man he is, Hakyeon's left with no choice.

"I won't take overtime this time, so I'll try." Hakyeon grins as he patted the shorter's head. "Mom'll try to come home early for you, Haneun."

"Do well." Haneun says, a blank face plastered on her again.

"Of course I will! I'm Cha Hakyeon!" he giggles before heading off and waving goodbye to the young female teen. After Hakyeon disappears behind the door, Haneun distracts herself with the television and the book she still hasn't finished, thanks to the troublemaker mother she was bestowed to be with. 

She somewhat liked and hated weekends. 

Why like it? It was a day she could finally get a rest from her crazy male friends, namely Ricky, Changjo, Niel, C.A.P, Chunji and L.Joe. It was a day of resting and relaxation.

Why hate it? She was alone. Her mom, who is the only one that bothers her at home and her only company at home, goes to work for the sake of being able to support her education and their lives. And it always leads to boredom, which she despised the most. She had nothing to do for the rest of the day but do her homeworks, watch television, eat, sleep, and sometimes, read some books over and over again. And those books she would always read were Hakyeon's, and she finished almost all of them already.

Well, she did have Hakyeon's genes of being quite a reader, and a fast one too.

A deep sigh comes out of Haneun's mouth as she averts her eyes away from the television. Her extended arms reach for a white bear plushie a few feet away from her. The plush toy was a gift from Niel when she turned twelve, and it was one of the best gifts she had that time. She was crazy for stuffed toys before, but it changed as she grew older and older. 

That white bear was the only plushie she treasured now. 

"Sunhee, I'm bored." she sighs as she eyes the stuffed toy as if it was a living creature. Of course, it doesn't replies and Haneun simply pouts and turns away, looking for something interesting to do. Leaving Sunhee on the couch, she roams around their house for something to do while humming a sweet tune. She goes to the kitchen, to her room and finally, to her mom's room.

There were papers scattered around, and it made her irritated. "How disorganized." she scowls before she picks up the papers and places them on Hakyeon's table. She sees lots of scribbled papers and notebooks left open with pens all over the table. Diligently, she cleans her mom's study place and smiles faintly in satisfaction.

To her surprise, she finds this specific notebook with lots of words scribbled on it. She scans the whole thing, just to find out that it was a song. "The heck...?" she blinks as she grabs the notebook and blinks a few more times. She saw how roughly made it was and how it was still incomplete. The meaning it held was nearly unreachable but soon, she understands. 

And there, a bright idea came.

Grabbing a notebook of hers and a black pen from her room, she hurries to the get her portable keyboard and begins to play a sweet melody on it while thinking of a few words to scribble down her notes.

Just then, it hits her.

She runs to the telephone and dials a few numbers and waits for the other line to answer. The other line keeps on ringing and finally, Haneun hears someone answer, except that it was a female voice, which she wasn't expecting. "Hello, Bang residence. Who is this?" the voice asks.

"Good day, it's Cha Haneun. May I speak with C.A.P-oppa, eonni?" she politely asks which earns a giggle from the other line.

"Ah, Haneun! Alright, I'll get Minsoo right now... if he's already awake." the voice says before it disappears. Soon, a masculine voice was heard and Haneun was a hundred percent sure that it was C.A.P speaking now. "What's up?" he cooly asks.

"I need help." Haneun bluntly says, earning a gasp from C.A.P on the other line.

"Whoa, that's unexpected of you to seek help from others, especially me! What's the problem, girl? Anything bothering you or something? Anyone stalking our angel or what? Who's the target-"

"Calm your horses, that's not the kind of problem I have, oppa." Haneun growls. "I'm composing a song-"

"You are?! Wow, never knew you were musically inclined, Cha Haneun!"

"Neither did I. Look, I'm bored, okay? I've got nothing to do but compose a song to be different. I need advice, and that's why I called you because you compose the greatest songs and raps I've ever heard." 

"Flattering. Alright, listen carefully and take some notes. I'm gonna lecture you about composing an out-of-this world song, Haneun, my dear!" C.A.P chuckles, making Haneun smile secretly.

"I'm listening." she smirks.


* * *


"Haneun! Haneun, sweetie, I'm back!" Hakyeon calls out as he opens the front door and places his bag down. Panic soon coarsed in him as he saw his daughter no where to be seen. "Haneun?" he calls out again, this time, greatly panicking as he runs and opens every door towards one room. "Cha Haneun!"

To his relief, Haneun was there, laying down on her bed with a notebook and her portable keyboard on her side. Upon seeing Hakyeon all worried and everything, Haneun tilts her head and blinks a few times. "Oh, you're back. Something wrong? You look hagard, mom." she asks, answered by a hand chop from Hakyeon, angering her. "What in the world was that for?!"

"You nearly gave me a heart attack because I was calling for you a hundred times, and you gave no response!" Hakyeon pouted as he crossed his arms, glarring at her.

"Well, sorry, I was busy. I must've not heard you." Haneun answered.

"Speaking of, what're you up to, hm? Have you been doing that the whole day?" Hakyeon asks as he sits down on the bed, making it dip a bit. His eyes scanned the notebook and a surprised yet bright smile runs through his face. "Oh my- are you composing a song? Is my Haneun composing her own song?!"

"I am." Haneun nods, making her mom hug her tightly. 

"Whoa~ my Haneun's a composer now!" Hakyeon giggled. "Is the song done?"

"It is, I'm just polishing it." Haneun replies. "I kinda asked C.A.P-oppa some advices for me to arrive with this piece. It's nothing special, just a result of boredom so it's probably rough and uninteresting-"

"Can I hear it?" Hakyeon cuts off, making Haneun pause and blink at him in disbelief. 


"I asked if I can hear your song." he smiles. "Come to think of it, for thirteen years, I've never heard you sang! Can you sing it for me later after dinner, sweetie?" Hakyeon pleads, making Haneun sigh in defeat and shyly nod. "Aw, thanks, Haneun! I look forward it today!"

"Don't blame me if it's ugly, I was bored." Haneun pouted, earning a giggle from her mom.


* * *

Dinner was soon finished and Haneun hurried back to her room to get her portable keyboard and the notebook she scribbled her first song in. Hakyeon, who hurriedly did the dishes and cleaned the dining table, comfortably sat on the couch and greatly anticipated his child's little performance. "Can I start now?" Haneun asked as she eyed Hakyeon, who answered her with a nod. With that quick glimpse of her eyes, Hakyeon knew how nervous his daughter was. 

"Relax, Haneun. I'm sure it'll be great. Plus, it's just me watching." Hakyeon sweetly smiled, removing Haneun's nervousness in a blink. With her gentle fingers, she began pressing the keys of the instrument, producing the correct notes just as what she had taken down on that notebook.

There was a long instrumental in the beginning and soon, Hakyeon heard his daughter's sweet voice. It was indeed, very pleasing. Her voice was as sweet as an angel's voice, as sweet and smooth as honey. Who ever knew that his daughter was gifted with such sweet and harmonious voice like that? 

And what Hakyeon noticed most was her expression. From her seemingly typical emotionless face, this face she wore was showing on how emotional the song was. For a thirteen years old girl, she wrote a rather heart-moving song.  Hakyeon, who was too imersed with her voice, didn't bother listening and understanding the lyrics for now and simply swayed with the melody.

The instrument's sound accompanying Haneun's heavenly voice was rather one of the best things Hakyeon has ever heard. It went on like that for a few more minutes before Haneun finally ends the song with the instrumental part and by ending it, Hakyeon gives her a standing ovation, running towards her with a smile on his face. "Haneun, my child, that was amazing!" Hakyeon cries in amazement. "I never knew your voice was so... beautiful and out of this world! You should sing more often!" he smiles.

"... Well, I was always confident on my voice." Haneun says, smiling faintly. "Did you like it?"

"I love it!" Hakyeon grinned, tightening his hug on the young teen, who was simply hugging him back. "You were astounding, Cha Haneun."

"Thank you." she replied.

"I have a great idea!" Hakyeon smiles before running to his room and running back to her, showing her a blue notebook. "Those were the songs me and a few friends of mine had composed before. Why don't we have one round of singing them, hm? You've heard me sing them before, right? Let's have a duet!" 

With the challenging invitation, Haneun nods in agreement and with her playing the right notes as written on that notebook, she and her mother began singing in unison, forming a heavenly harmony in seconds. The two's hearts were bonded and they were united. 

But what Haneun seemingly noticed in secret was when Hakyeon was singing, it wasn't joy he felt while singing alongside her heavenly voice. It was agony, the same expression he had when he had a glimpse of her smiling truly.

And Hakyeon's reason was that her voice was not from him himself, but his.




That's what me and mom had done just a few hours ago after dinner. Who knew boredom can result to something so valuable and dear? Mom was astounded by my voice, and she described it as "heavenly" and "precious". It touched me, actually. 

But it bothers me how his eyes spoke the same emotion he had when I smiled yesterday. Agony. I don't get it. First, me smiling and making him frown, now, me singing and him having his eyes show agony and pain. What's with him?

Do... those things I do resemble something painful for him? 

I want answers. I'm confused. I'm beginning to realize something wrong in this story too...

My melody... it resembles something, doesn't it?

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AAAAAAND I'm fixing it now XD


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Chapter 33: This is very sadly story, but I like it!
najaem-acorn #2
I'm always be a silent reader, but this story is my favourite and I had read it for about 10+ times!! Your story is pawsome!!
khasabat #3
Chapter 32: I am very hope that hakyeon can pregrnt again, please make it! Make a squel please
Chapter 32: I had suspected it. But it's still slightly sad. She couldn't have gone in any better way, though. It was a perfect ending. :') Thanks.
Chapter 33: its the end
thats the end
my throat and eyes are hurting for crying too much
i-i-i... i cant
this is beautiful
upvotes and sobs in the corner
Chapter 32: WHAT
im in tears again
im in pain
naznew #8
Chapter 32: Great and beautiful story..
i though haneun will alive in the end but she gone.... that was sad part...
but i'm glad she leaving with smile because happy her mother and father finally be together..
Totomatoes #9
Chapter 33: *claps hands like Jung Leo*

It's so beautiful! Although I find it absurd that she knows when exactly she'll... Go... But hey what do I know? Thank you so much for this wonderful story! It's daebak and heartwarming! Author jjang~~!!
Demilee_16 #10
Chapter 33: T_T such a beautiful story!