White Diary

* * *

"Merry Christmas!"

The merry greetings of Ricky and Changjo were the first things Haneun heard. Standing outside their porch wrapped in a rather thick, fury jacket, the two flashed warm smiles despite the extremely freezing temperature. Clasped tightly on their hands were average-sized boxes with colored ribbons on top. "Merry Christmas, Haneun!" the two warmly said as they handed out their gifts to the female teen.

"Merry Christmas too and thanks!" Haneun smiled in a rather angelic way before she opens the door wider for them. "Come in, come in, you'll freeze into live snowmen if you stay out there longer!"

"Thanks." Ricky grinned. 

"Here." Haneun said as she handed out a smaller box to the males. "I wasn't able to purchase any grand gifts but I guess the thought is what matters most, amn't I right?"

"Aw! For us? You sweet ball of sweetness!" Ricky cried out in joy after receiving his gift and hugging Haneun tightly. "You really are the best!"

"Enough of the clinging, will you, Ricky?" Changho sighed upon seeing how immature Ricky still acted. "Besides, this is her house, at least be shy to her parents!"

"Aw, there's nothing to be shy about! We don't mind Haneun being hugged by guys." a familiar voice said as a tall, chocolate-brown headed male walked towards the trio, a warm smile patched on his face. "And besides, you fellow men are good ones, I wouldn't mind having Haneun receiving a few skinships from you."

Hakyeon walked downstairs as he heard his daughter and friends' little conversation. Upon the sight, Ricky and Changjo politely greeted the tanned male, grins forming on their lips. A gentle "Merry Christmas" greeting was given to the teens as Hakyeon headed to the kitchen to give them some hot chocolate drinks or some snacks while they take their stay. "So, are the others coming along?" Hakyeon asked as he served the three hot chocolate and some snacks.

"The hyungs said they might be a bit late, but yes, they're coming!" Ricky happily nodded before he got his mug of hot choco. One blow and one sip was all he needed to know that Hakyeon, indeed, was a good cook. 

Soon, Leo comes out of no where, surprising both Hakyeon and Haneun. "Someone woke up early." Haneun joked as she eyed her obviously newly-awaken father, who was simply clinging onto Hakyeon for support. "Dad, we've got visitors." Haneun sighs as she leans back the couch. "Try containing your skinship with mom, alright? Or do it in private!" she scolded.

"Oh, we have?" Leo blinked sleepishly as he eyed the two males beside Haneun. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." Ricky and Changjo greeted in unison as they bowed down. 

Soon, Hakyeon was still trying to wake his spouse up by spraying freezing, cold water straight on his face, which eventually annoyed and woke the latter up, only to take the same revenge on him. Haneun, meanwhile, hears the doorbell again and hurriedly got it, just to reveal four familiar guests standing outside their porch.

"Merry Christmas!" Niel, L.Joe, Chunji, and C.A.P greeted warmly.

"Hey! Merry Christmas too, come in." Haneun warmly greeted back as she requested the four to go inside their house for warmth. A warm welcome was sent to them by Hakyeon and Leo before the two hurried and helped each other to do their daily household routines while Haneun happily let time pass as she talked with her friends. 


* * *


"Whoa! Look at these!" 

A rather amazed Haneun cried out as she watched snow fall down the skies. Sure, she's been living thirteen years and she's seen snow fall down the skies the prevous years but this was the first time she saw them fall outside the house. The young teen walked down the snowy path in between Hakyeon and Leo, who were wrapped in the thickest clothes to give them warmth. Haneun, like them, was wrapped in a cute fluffy winter coat, her hands wrapped with the white mittens Hakyeon had bought her two weeks ago. To give warmth to her ears, she wore ear muffs exactly the same color as her mittens. It was indeed a perfect match.

"Watch your step, Haneun. You might slip like your mom." Leo warned before he received a rather strong hit from the tanned male, who was rather firing a rather annoyed and embarrassed expression.

"Hey, you're supposed to side with me, Jung Leo!" Hakyeon cried as he blushed bright scarlet in color.

"Right." Leo faintly laughed before playfully rolling his eyes, only to receive another strong hit from the latter.

Haneun still walked in the same pace, only to be a lot more careful this time. The path was indeed slippery and she would almost slip from time to time, only to earn a muffled shriek from Hakyeon. Well, being a rather worried mother he was, he'd have his eyes on the teen, won't he? Haneun, though, would easily regain her balance and continue walking around calmly.

Soon, the trio arrived outside this average-sized apartment. Standing outside the porch, Leo rang the doorbell, just for a blue-headed male to open the door, rather droppy eyes greeting them. "I see you just woke up, Ravi." Hakyeon teased as he flashed a smug smirk on his face. "Good morning and Merry Christmas!"

"H-huh? What're you guys here for?" Ravi sleepishly asked as he blinked a few times, his vision soon clearing up to see who was outside his place. Upon noticing it was the familiar trio, Ravi yawned and scratched his blue hair and faintly smiled. "Oh, yeah, Merry Christmas too." he smiled. "Why're you here?"

"Don't tell me you forgot, Kim Ravi!" Hakyeon gasped before flicking his forehead. Hard. 

"Gah- hyung! What was that for?!" he growled.

"You called us three days ago, inviting the whole VIXX to stop by at your place." Leo explained as he crossed his arms.

"Ah, right! Sorry, getting a bit forgetful here." Ravi chuckled as he gestured his visitors to come in his place. Haneun wasn't really surprised that his apartment was more of a "musical" themed, guitars and a piano seen once they enter the place. There were also lots of other music-related objects found in his apartment. Notebooks were scattered and a few unbound papers flying here and there. A song composer like him would be expected to have this messy place.

"Sorry if this place's a mess, I haven't began cleaning up yet." Ravi apologized as he hurried to the kitchen. 

"Nah, it's cool." Leo said. "In fact, I'd be surprised if you did have a rather clean apartment. It's just not like you if it's clean."

"You're implying something I should be offended of, right, hyung?"


A soft sigh escapes the blue-headed male's lips as he faced them again. "So, what would you like to eat slash drink?" Ravi asked with a wide grin. "I've got tea, hot choco, snacks-"

"It's okay, we've eaten." Hakyeon cuts off as he speaks with a sweet smile patched on his face. Ravi simply nods and sits down on one of his couches, leaning back comfortably. "So, how's Haneun doing?" he suddenly asks out of the blue.

"I'm doing well, oppa." Haneun smiled angelically. 

"Health good?"

"Mhm. I'm always following my doctor's advice and all. Don't worry, okay?" 


A few chatting was needed to kill time and soon, the doorbell rang once again, this time, Ravi nearly stumbled to hurriedly answer the door. Once opened, three familiar faces greeted him warmly despite the lowering temperature. A few greetings were exchanged and soon, the three entered, bowing at the sight of Hakyeon and Leo.

"Merry Christmas!" Hyuk grinned as he waved at his "hyungs" and handed a nicely wrapped gift to Haneun, who whole-heartedly accepts it with her small hands, a small smile flashing at the older male. Once it was ripped open, Haneun sees a robot-like plushie with the letters "V.I.X.X" on its helmet. Her small smile slowly grows before she flashed her glimmering eyes at Hyuk.

"Aw, this is cute! Thank you, oppa!" Haneun happily cried out as she hugged the older tightly around the waist. Touched, Hyuk returns the hug and even ruffles the teen's hair. The sight of VIXX's youngest and Haneun having such a brother-sister-like moment made Hakyeon secretly take a photo. Surprised, Haneun pulls back and blinks.

"What was that for, mom?!" Haneun blushed.

"Hyung! Lemme see!" Ken chidlishly cried out as he ran towards the tanned male to see how the picture turned out. Hongbin and Ravi did the same well and smiled by the result, only to squeal together on how cute Haneun and Hyuk looked! 

"You two would seriously be the perfect siblings!" Hongbin exclaimed as he eyed the younger ones. "Like, for real, you two are like real siblings!"

"I did treat Hyuk as a son back then, so it still counts, right?" Hakyeon joked as he nudged Leo, who simply emotionlessly stared back at his hubby. "Come on, what's with that look, Jung Leo?" Hakyeon pouts.

"Nothing." Leo smiles faintly before turning away, leaning back and crossing his legs. Haneun simply sat down and chatted with her VIXX-oppas happily when Hongbin suddenly brings up a new topic. 

"So, how's your fifth month of marriage, hyung?" 

The question of the dimpled male makes Hakyeon's eyes widen and Leo, choke on his spit. Surprised, Haneun looks at her parents in shock as she blinked multiple times. After settling down (and Ravi patting Hakyeon's back non-stop), Hakyeon finally regains his composure before flashing a shy smile at the male. "Well, the married life's going rather well and smooth so, yeah." Hakyeon smiled.

"And?" Ken grinned.

"He's a pain in the back." Leo breathed out as he leaned back. After receiving a rather hard hit from Hakyeon, he simply flashes a sweet smile and ruffled the tanned male's hair before eyeing the younger ones once again. "I'm kidding, he's the sweetest creature alive." 

"Doesn't he nag twenty-four seven?" Hyuk blinked.

"He does." Another hit.

"I don't!" Hakyeon pouts. "I simply nag because you don't keep the house clean and I have to deal with everything!"

"Now, now, calm yourself." Ravi joked before eyeing Haneun. "I heard Haneun got her birth certificates fixed and all? Should we now call you 'Jung Haneun' by this point?" the blue-haired male asked.

"Well, my parents are married, so, yes." Haneun nodded before she flashed a small and soft smile. "I am taking my father's last name now."

"That's just cool!" Hyuk clapped as he eyed the teen.

"Oh, I just recalled!" Hongbin snapped as he turned to open his backpack. A photo album was soon pulled out and a wide grin was glued on the dimpled male's face. His hands soon flipped the album open and pictures greeted and after a few flipping, Haneun's smile widened and a soft giggle escapes her lips.

"Oh! I remember this scene!" Ken laughed as he saw a picture of Hakyeon in a white tuxedo, his hair neatly fixed and a smile patched on the tanned male's face. Hakyeon and Leo scoots over to see as well, brought by curiousity of course. The picture made Hakyeon laugh and clap like a retarded seal as he fell back on the couch he and his spouse were previously sitting on. "I remember that scene too! Gosh, the memories before that picture was taken was just hilarious!"

"I do recall that Leo-hyung here insisted the fact that you wear a bride's gown and to put on a wig!" Ravi cried out in between laughter. "And you simply thrashed and threw tantrums around because you didn't want to!"

"Well, I am a man, and a man doesn't wear a gown." Hakyeon pouted.

"Says the one who claims to be a lot more feminine than a real female." Leo mumbles, only to receive a judging glare from Hakyeon. 

"Oh! It's mom and dad exchanging vows." Haneun smiled as she saw her parents standing in front of the altar, hand-in-hand. An excited smile was patched on her mother's face while Leo simply stood there, calm and collected as per usual. It was the scene where it was Leo's turn to put on the ring on his beloved's finger.

"This was after the wedding!" Hyuk cried out as he pointed at another picture. "There's Haneun, aw, she looks cute in that lilac-colored dress! And the flower crown made everything a lot better!"

"Woah, Leo-hyung is actually smiling there!" Hongbin joked as he saw how a small, honest smile was patched on the black-haired male. "I guess even the emotionless guys get to smile on their special day."

"Hongbin." Leo called out.

"Yes, hyung?"

"If you want to live a bit longer, I'd advice you to shut your mouth."

"R-right away, hyung!"

A few more pictures were seen and the smile on Haneun's face grew wider and wider. There were pictures where she stood in between her newly-wedded parents, a small, angelic smile on her face. There was one picture where it was noticeably taken during the reception. Hakyeon and Leo sat in front of everyone, Hakyeon doing most of the taking while his hubby sat there, all chic and everything. 

Haneun had to stay with her VIXX-oppas in one table. She recalled that she'd watch in amazement on how perfect her parents looked together.

But what marked them the most was when things took a complete turn. Nothing can ever be kept secret forever, thus, Leo's side of the family knew everything happening with their son, including the fact that Leo had a daughter with the person they actually tried hiding away from him. A month before their wedding took place, Leo's family suddenly dropped by their residence and of course, it shocked and scared Leo, Hakyeon and Haneun evenly. 

But to their surprise, Leo's family had excited smiles on their faces. Why, Leo's mother even hugged Hakyeon tightly, uttering numerous "sorry" and "forgive us" and all. Of course, being someone with a soft heart, Hakyeon accepted their apology. Leo's father asked forgiveness from his son as well, forgiveness that they kept everything about Hakyeon hidden and all. Leo had a hard time forgiving his family, but eventually did. His sisters asked forgiveness as well and of course, Leo understood them and forgave them.

It was a happy ending by the end of the day, Leo's family promising to help them with the marriage arrangements and all.

Soon, Hakyeon's family meets Leo's family and to their relief, both sides went well together. Both got to know each other more.

Haneun was rather shocked when her father's family continued praising her and telling her "how cute and adorable" she was since, well, she thought Leo's family was cold and emotionless like her father. Unfortunately, it's just Leo.

Pictures of joy flashed before their eyes. There was one where Hakyeon and Leo were dancing together. There was also one where Haneun was pulled by her mother to dance with him and Leo. 

There was also one picture taken where Hakyeon and Leo were smeared with cake. Leo didn't look very amused that time.

Ravi and Hongbin playfully took each other as their dance partner, since well, everyone said they looked good together. Sadly, both of them were well aware that they're straight.

The pictures were all moments of joy for the family. That day started with Hakyeon being nothing but a normal person but as they day ended, he was officially married to the man of his dreams: Jung "Leo" Taekwoon. 

Haneun was very much aware of the "honeymoon" things and because of that, she was forced to sleep at Hyuk's place. Why Hyuk of all people? Hakyeon and Leo could both agree that Ravi's uncurable snoring wouldn't put their beloved, fragile daughter to bed, and plus, the lack of sleep might be bad for her! Ken? He's too clingy and he's a busy man himself. He is sure to be incapable of taking Haneun to school the next day as well. Hongbin lives in a high-class apartment, yes, but being a busy man he is of himself, Haneun can agree that she'd be nothing but a burden to Hongbin. That poor man needs some rest as well, right?

Hyuk might be a top-hit idol, but his schedule is way free. His dorm is big enough for two persons and this guy is very known to be the most responisble since their salad days. Plus, Haneun's comfy around Hyuk and vice versa, so, why not? Hyuk always wanted someone he could treat as a "little sister" anyway.

And right after the couple's honeymoon, jokes about Haneun being an older sister rose in seconds, much to Hakyeon's embarrassment and to Leo's annoyance. Not-so-innocent as she can be, Haneun simply faked that she didn't know what happened during her parents' "honeymoon" night.

And she wouldn't elaborate the things she knows.

So far, the Christmas Day flew happily and before they knew it, it was time to go home.


* * *


"See you!" the three other members of VIXX cried out as they waved goodbye to the "Jung-Cha" family. Once the door was closed, everyone hurried to get dressed and to prepare dinner.

As per usual, Hakyeon served mouth-water dishes to the table and as a whole family they are, they dined together. A few talking was done and all in between meals and right after, Leo volunteered to wash the dishes. Haneun hurried and cleaned the dining table, handing the dishes to her father diligently. Right after she does that, she wipes the table clean and joins Hakyeon in watching the television.

To their surprise, minutes later, a pair of arms wrap their bodies, Hakyeon jolting up in surprise. "Hey, Jung Leo, you nearly gave me a heart attack, you punk!" Hakyeon growled.

"Mhm." Leo silently nodded before he made his way beside his beloved, showering him with butterfly kisses. Haneun, meanwhile, simply tries focusing her attention on the television, completely ignoring her parents' "lovey-dovey" actions. 

An hour or two passed and finally, the trio made their way upstairs to get some nice, long, sleep. By the months that passed, Haneun eventually had her own room, the walls were painted light purple and a few flower designs to pair with it. The room was extremely suitable for the likes of her, the bed was medium-sized and was good for only one. Her study table was perfectly placed in front of her bed and she was even given her own shelves for books and the plushies she received. 

Rovix, the plushie Hyuk had given her earlier, was sure to be beside her instead of sitting quietly on her shelf. 

Right after taking a quick shower and dressing up in her pajamas and scribbling something on her diary, Haneun sits on her bed and soon, lets herself fall down the soft mattress.

"Mom." Haneun calls out right after she hops in her bed. Hakyeon hurriedly turns around and walks towards Haneun, Leo following close behind.

"Something wrong, sweetheart?" Hakyeon cooes as he runs his hand on Haneun's head. "Should I leave the night light open again?"

"That's not my situation here." Haneun sighs as she flashed one of her deadly yet cute pouts at her parents. "Can you sing me a lullaby? I believe I can't sleep that quick yet." she laughs lightly.

"Aren't you a bit old for lullabies?" Leo jokes as he pokes his daughter's cheeks.

"Says the one who claims me to be a kid in his eyes for eternity." Haneun pouted more. Leo knew that having his brains inherited by this angel-like daughter of theirs was both a blessing and a curse. Blessing since she excells in academics and all but a curse since he can't even fire a comment to her without getting a better back-fire seconds later.

"Fine." Leo sighs as he and Hakyeon grabbed two seats to sit down and began singing together. The melody was heavenly and it did slowly lull Haneun to sleep. The song was simply pleasing and there were zero questions why she had such a beautiful voice. Both her mom and her dad had such a wonderful voice, and no doubt, she inherited that.

Just as when the song was about to end, Haneun's soft voice interrupted, making both Hakyeon and Leo stop singing. "Mom, dad, were you happy that I came into your life?" Haneun asked, blinking sleepishly.

Hakyeon and Leo both nodded and flashed a loving smile before the tanned male patted his daughter's head. "You know we were, and will always be. You're a blessing to us, Cha--- I mean, Jung Haneun." Hakyeon smiled. "You are an angel blessed by the heavens and all."

"I wasn't a burden?" Haneun asked.

"Definitely not." Hakyeon answered.

"... Do you love me?" 

Despite knowing the answer, Haneun still asked, shocking Hakyeon and Leo. "Haneun, dear, you know that we love you very much." Leo said as he leaned forward, patting her head. "If you were to ask how much we love you, it's impossible because it's unmeasurable. We love you with all of our hearts and existence, take note of that." 

"And nothing will keep us from loving you!" Hakyeon added, smiling as he nodded.

"What will you do if I leave? Will you be sad? Mad?"

A short silence fills the air as her parents' smiles soon vanished. Soon, Hakyeon smiled before leaning back. "You know we respect your decisions. I mean, if it's your decision to leave, we accept that fact, though we don't want you to leave. Someday, we all will leave, and nothing can possibly stop that." Hakyeon sadly replied.

"But whatever happens, we know that you'll only be gone physically but forever, you're in our hearts, Haneun." Leo smiled. "And same thing goes with us."

Convinced, Haneun smiles and nods, her charcoal-colored eyes looking up at her parents. "Seriously, stop asking those kinds of questions, it scares us!" Hakyeon blurted out of the blue.

"Alright, alright." Haneun laughed, "Anyways, your promise, alright?"


"You told me that we're going to an amusement park together the day after Christmas! And it's tomorrow!"

"Alright, alright." Leo laughed as he patted her head. "We're going there tomorrow, first thing in the morning. Sounds good?"

"Mhm." Haneun smiled. "Good night, mom, dad."

"Good night, Haneun, dear." Hakyeon and Leo replied with a warm smile.

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AAAAAAND I'm fixing it now XD


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Chapter 33: This is very sadly story, but I like it!
najaem-acorn #2
I'm always be a silent reader, but this story is my favourite and I had read it for about 10+ times!! Your story is pawsome!!
khasabat #3
Chapter 32: I am very hope that hakyeon can pregrnt again, please make it! Make a squel please
Chapter 32: I had suspected it. But it's still slightly sad. She couldn't have gone in any better way, though. It was a perfect ending. :') Thanks.
Chapter 33: its the end
thats the end
my throat and eyes are hurting for crying too much
i-i-i... i cant
this is beautiful
upvotes and sobs in the corner
Chapter 32: WHAT
im in tears again
im in pain
naznew #8
Chapter 32: Great and beautiful story..
i though haneun will alive in the end but she gone.... that was sad part...
but i'm glad she leaving with smile because happy her mother and father finally be together..
Totomatoes #9
Chapter 33: *claps hands like Jung Leo*

It's so beautiful! Although I find it absurd that she knows when exactly she'll... Go... But hey what do I know? Thank you so much for this wonderful story! It's daebak and heartwarming! Author jjang~~!!
Demilee_16 #10
Chapter 33: T_T such a beautiful story!