White Diary

June 19, 2022

June 19, 2022


* * *



"Haneun, wake up. It's morning."

Lazily, Haneun opens her eyes, revealing a pair of charcoal orbs to look up at the person supposedly, only to be reveal a messy, black-haired Leo just in front of her. With a small smile on his face, he carefully ruffles and messes Haneun's black hair more, laughing softly. "Good morning, dear." he sweetly greeted. 

"Good morning, dad." Haneun greets back before she sits up and rubs her eyes, yawning and stretching her arms a bit. "You woke up early, I see?" she blinked as she eyed Leo, who sat in front of her.

"Hey, don't underestimate me." Leo says as he leans back. "I might forget things easily but I never forget to set my alarm, okay?" 

"Acceptable enough." Haneun smiles faintly before pulling the blanket off her. "What's for breakfast?"

"Wash up first." Leo says, patting her head. "Then I'll tell you what's for breakfast.". Despite the female's soft pout, she soon obeys and walks towards the washroom to wash up. Leo, meanwhile, heads downstairs to prepare the dining table.

Minutes passed quicker than both imagined and in a flash, Haneun was there, walking calmly down the stairs. With no noise, she heads to the dining room and sits down, waiting patiently for Leo to finsh serving up breakfast. Once he did finish doing so and finally had sat down, Haneun eyed her "father" secretly before finally talking softly.

"Dad, can you do me a favor?" Haneun asks, making Leo turn his head around to face the young teen. Seeing a nod, Haneun breathes deeply before raising her head again. "Well, you see, I'm kind of performing later at school and since, well, mom isn't here, maybe... you can attend instead?" 

"What're you performing for later?" Leo asks as he averts his eyes away.

"Singing in front of a large audience. My school's holding this competition and well, it's the second round. We've held the contest a month ago or something and yeah, I want to make it to the finals if possible."

"Why should I come? Should I be there because I need to? Does the school need parents of the competitors to attend?" 

"Not really but hey, I could use some support?" 

Confused by the moment, Leo tilts his head and leans back, trying to understand what the female meant. Seeing through this, Haneun sighs and explains furthermore. "I kind of get stage frights so my mom tries to comfort me by attending my competitions. Just by seeing mom sit there and everything, I get settled and sing well." she softly says as he eyes Leo. "But hey, I'm not forcnig you to do so. I know you're busy and everything so-"

"What time is it?" Leo asks as he brings his handphone out, eyeing the device. 

"You're attending?"

"Why not? I can push my schedules out." Leo faintly says with a nearly invisible smile. "Besides, I want to see how'd you'll do in the singing."

"For real?" a rather surprised Haneun asks as she eyes Leo suspiciously. "You're not just saying that to keep false hopes up, are you?"

"Don't take me as a promise breaker." Leo glares. "I'll go there at your school."

"Alright." Haneun nods. "It's at one in the afternoon. Be there." 

"I will. I promise."


* * *


10:06 a.m. 

"Haneun! Haneun!" 

The voice echoes in the place Haneun sat silently until a pair of lean arms wrapped around her tiny body, only to be revealed that it belonged to no other than Ricky. Not surprised at all, Haneun simply turns around and blinks at her ally lifelessly. "You seem pale! Are you sick?" Ricky worriedly asks as he places his head on Haneun's shoulder cutely.

"I'm not." Haneun softly answers. 

"Ugh, are you that naive, Ricky?" L.Joe sighs as he sits down beside the two. "Haneun's nervous perhaps. Why, anyone who'll perform in front of a large crowd is sure to get the chills!"

"But, hasn't Haneun performed a lot of times?" Changjo asks. "Shouldn't she be a bit used now?"

"You can't help it!" Chunji defends. "It's scary to face lots of people who'll watch you!"

"But Haneun's a natural." Ricky pouts. "Plus, even if she doesn't put much effort, she'll still win anyway so why be nervous-"

"Hey, I put a lot of effort whenever I stand on stage, okay?" Haneun interupts as she glares at her best friend. "Look, I simply win because that proves that my talent is worthy of the praise. And my mom's always there to support me."

"So, now what will happen?" Niel asks. "Your mom's away and no one'll give you support or something."

"Dad's there." Haneun blinks. "Dad'll come and support me. He promised."

"Haneun, I don't want to sound like a hater or some negative person here but face it." C.A.P frowns as he sits beside Chunji, who sat on Haneun's right. "Mr. Leo's a busy guy, yeah? Do you actually think that he'll be able to push his work for this time and attend a contest of his fake daughter?"

Silence filled the air until Niel pounces on C.A.P from behind, smacking his head with no mercy. Once the eldest male winced and cried out in pain, Niel stands up and sighs deeply. "Look, let's try thinking positive here, eh, hyung? Haneun needs to relax because, heck, she's only got three hours before the nerve-wrecking contest starts."

"I'll be okay, oppa." Haneun breathes out. "I'll be fine, I promise."

"Promise us that you'll do your best." Chunji softly said as he lovingly pats the younger beside him. Shyly and wanting to assure the older, Haneun nods, making everyone smile widely. "That's our Haneun!"

"Haneun can easily wipe her opponents away!" Ricky cheered as he clings tightly on the female. "I know she will because she's the best!"

"Am not." Haneun pouts.

"You are for us." L.Joe grins. "Come on, they're nothing compared to you!"


"Seriously!" Niel cheers as he flashes a bright and wide smile at the younger. "You'll do great! I bet you'll win again and make it in the finals!"

"... Alright." Haneun nods. "I'll do that. You'll come and watch, right?"

"Of course!" everyone replies in unison, nodding happily with wide grins patched up on their faces.


* * *


Tick. Tock. 

"An hour more to go." Leo sighs to himself as sound of his fingers pressing the keys in the keyboard echo in his silent office. There were loads of papers in his desk, half fixd neatly while the other half was simply left scattered here and there. His pens were over here and there, other office needs simply placed carelessly around. Consumed by tiredness, he leans back on his big, leather seat and takes a deep breath before the door was pushed open.

"Taekwoon-hyung!" Hongbin's voice echoes, making Leo raise his head up, just to find a formally-clothed Hongbin in front of him, smiling and showing those deep dimples clearly. "Wow, this office looks like it hasn't been cleaned for months!"

"Leave me be, Hongbin." Leo glares. "Why're you here anyway? Shouldn't you be working beside your sister's side?"

"They sent me here to attend the meeting in behalf of them. They're too busy, you know?"

"Of course. Send my greetings to them, will you?"

"Of course! So, what's up?" Hongbin asks as he walks towards Leo's table. "Wow... I thought your office was the only mess! Your desk's a lot messier, hyung! Clean up!" he complained as he saw the mess right before his eyes. 

"Quit messing with me, this is my office." Leo frowns as he leans back again. With his eyes spinning around to see the time, he sighs and closes his eyes again. "Ugh, I really am getting stressed and tired by this thing."

"Well, being a head CEO is hard, so expect that to happen." the young laughed. "So, about the meeting, you're going right?"

"What? No-"

"Why not? You're the head CEO! And you're starting the meeting's main point! Come on. That's not a nice joke, hyung."

Realizing what he has on his hands, Leo mentally hits himself repeatedly. He totally forgot about the damn meeting he's holding at the same time Haneun's competition starts. He can't break a promise now, right? Nor can he let go of such an important meeting that other companies' CEOs are coming to! He's standing in a scale that has Haneun and his company on the line. 

One wrong decision and it's dead.

"We might as well start the meeting early now, should we?" Hongbin interupts as he glances at Leo. "If we waste a bit more time, we might end the meeting by dusk!"


"Well, yeah." Hongbin frowns. Upon seeing the worry written all over Leo, he finally decides to take a step forward and ask the older with his arms crossed in curiousity. "Okay, what's going on here, Leo-hyung? You look extremely worried! Is something going on in the company or with the others?"

"No, it's not that." Leo sighs. "It's, well, Haneun."

"What about that angel?"

"She needs me to attend this competition held on her school's campus and well, she needs support now that I'm the one guarding her. Her mother's absence is quite a huge hinder too since her mom's the one who always gives support on her."

"Come on, hyung. You're not wasting an important meeting over someone you're not even related to!" 


"Come on. You're not serious!"

"... Yeah." Leo nods in defeat. "I'm not. Let's go to the meeting now, shall we?"

"Dang hyung." Hongbin laughed. "You're really acting weird and scary!"

"... I guess I am." Leo snickers as he stands up and walks out with the younger who follows closely behind. 


* * *


12:15 p.m.

Both colorful and dull colors filled the waiting room.

Some were girls.

Some were boys.

Some were the same age while some were rather older by years.

Haneun simply sat down, clad in a gray sdress and her hair fixed neatly with her signature white flower clip. Alone and silently, Haneun recalls the lyrics and sings the song in her mind, humming beyond her consciousness now and then. Only the sound of the door opening and a hand laying down on her shoulder, just to be revealed that it was Ricky. "What?" Haneun breathes out shakily.

"Come outside for a moment." Ricky grins. "Everyone wants to see you." 

Defeated, Haneun stands up and walks beside Ricky. Once they were outside, Haneun spots the other five guys waiting patiently with wide grins on their faces. "Wow, look at you, Haneun! All lady-like and everything." C.A.P claps as he grins widely.

"She looks like a goddess!" L.Joe said. "It'll really fit you more if your dress was a bit more, well, colorful or something."

"Buzz off, this is my liking." Haneun glares. "Why're you here anyway? To make me more nervous or-"

"How about cheering for you instead?" Niel cuts off, ruffling her hair carefully, sure that he wouldn't mess her neatly fixed black hair. "Come on, what kind of friends are we if we don't cheer for you! We're sitting on the fifth row, okay? Try to spot us." 

"Alright." Haneun nods. "I'll do my best, guys. Thanks."

"You better." Chunji nods. "Don't feel burdened, you'll do great even if you don't pass this round anymore. You'll always be the best for us, Cha Haneun."

"By that tone of yours, hyung, you sound like a mom!" Changjo laughed, making the older hit him.

"Anyway, we'll go now. See you!" Ricky waves as he skips along with the older ones, walking further and further away from the waiting room. Haneun watches them disappear and sighs in frustration. Her eyes glanced at the nearby wall clock and seeing the time just made her hopes slowly die more. "Sheesh, where are you, dad?" she breathes out before heading back to the waiting room, patiently waiting for the contest to finally take place.

Hours passed and before Haneun knew it, it's two participants more before her. Nervousness suddenly struck her and she felt her chest slowly tigthen. "No, not now." she hisses as she crouches and clutches her chest tightly, breathing sharply. As soon as the pain goes away, the participant before her begins performing, making her swallow a lump on .

"Where is he?" Haneun thought as she peeked behind the curtains. Despite knowing that she has keen eyesight, it was rather impossible to find Leo in that enormous crowd. Sure, she did see her friends, but not her pretend-father. "Where is he?" she hisses.

Unfortunately, it was Haneun's turn. Trembling yet trying to conceal such, she steps in front and grabs the microphone. Fear shot her the second she made contact with the audience. As soon as the music begins playing, thanks to her reflex actions, she begins singing the lyrics but well, her body was stiff. 

"Where is he?" Haneun thought as her eyes scanned the audience. 

And then, it hits her.

"He's not here." Haneun frowns as she waits for the instrumental part to finish. Tears threatened to come out of her eyes upon the realization that Leo wasn't there.

Or so she thought.

A hand waved up in the air at the back. Squinting her eyes, she sees him.

There he was.


He was there, dressed formally and waving his arm up in the air with that annoying emotionless expression stuck on his face. Despite that, Haneun felt relieved as she saw Leo standing there, supporting her even if he was extremely busy in work. He went there despite not being exactly related to Haneun. He kept his promise. 

And in Leo's perspective, he was joyous inside. He heard the teen's honey-like voice as she sang whole heartedly. She radiated under the spotlight and that made her more angelic-like and such.

It was just beautiful that Leo actually thinks that it's lke a deja vu.

As if he had seen this with someone else he had cared deeply for before.


* * *


"Oh! Hongbin, you're back?" Hongbin's sister gasped upon seeing her younger brother return earlier than expected. "I assume that the meeting was ended quickly, eh? How'd it go-"

"It was rescheduled, noona." Hongbin cuts off as he loosens his tie before plopping down the nearby chair. "Leo-hyung had to cancel today's meeting for now."

"Wha- why? Did something go that hindered such important meeting to take place? What happened?" 

Hongbin looks up slowly and flashes his signature dimpled-smile, snickering softly as he leans back. "He had to attend his daugther's performance." he says, smiling wider this time.



First of, let me start this with this extravagant news that I made it in the finals round.

I must admit that I trembled quite a lot on stage and that my voice was unsteady due to nervousness but hey, I still got in and I'm going to the finals. That's what's important.

But what's more important is that dad came by to give me support despite standing at the very back part of the crowd. He was nearly out of sight and if he didn't wave his hand at me, I wouldn't have spotted him!

Anyway, I was touched that he was capable of pushing behind his heavy load of work just to fulfill his promise. I'm not really a daughter of his but hey, he valued the fact that I am "temporarily" one. He valued the fact that he was my "dad" for the meantime.

And I hope that he is, but that's nearly impossible now, isn't it?

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AAAAAAND I'm fixing it now XD


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Chapter 33: This is very sadly story, but I like it!
najaem-acorn #2
I'm always be a silent reader, but this story is my favourite and I had read it for about 10+ times!! Your story is pawsome!!
khasabat #3
Chapter 32: I am very hope that hakyeon can pregrnt again, please make it! Make a squel please
Chapter 32: I had suspected it. But it's still slightly sad. She couldn't have gone in any better way, though. It was a perfect ending. :') Thanks.
Chapter 33: its the end
thats the end
my throat and eyes are hurting for crying too much
i-i-i... i cant
this is beautiful
upvotes and sobs in the corner
Chapter 32: WHAT
im in tears again
im in pain
naznew #8
Chapter 32: Great and beautiful story..
i though haneun will alive in the end but she gone.... that was sad part...
but i'm glad she leaving with smile because happy her mother and father finally be together..
Totomatoes #9
Chapter 33: *claps hands like Jung Leo*

It's so beautiful! Although I find it absurd that she knows when exactly she'll... Go... But hey what do I know? Thank you so much for this wonderful story! It's daebak and heartwarming! Author jjang~~!!
Demilee_16 #10
Chapter 33: T_T such a beautiful story!