White Diary

June 20, 2022

June 20, 2022

* * *


"A week, huh?" a newly awaken Haneun breathes out as she shifts under the covers before finally sitting up straight, scratching her head and putting the hair covering her face behind her ears. After one yawn and a few streching of her lean arms, she scans the room she has been sleeping in. Nothing ever really changed and for some reason, she was feeling quite more settled in the place as if it was her own residence! 

"Good morning." the young teen hears the familiar masculine voice greet, making her spin her head around to see who it was. As expected, it was no other than the seemingly emotionless faced Leo, who was cooly leaning on the doorway. "I see you woke up quite early, hm?"

"Seems like I did." Haneun nods as she tears the blanket off her. Slowly, she jumps on her feet and runs towards the older male. "I see you woke up early too, hm?"

"Don't forget I have work. I was about to wake you up to inform you that breakfast is served." Leo smirked as he ruffled the younger's hair. "Come along, let's eat, okay? I don't want to be late for work."

"You could've just ate without me, dad." Haneun smirks back as she eyes the older. "I can actually understand where you've gone once I don't see you around the moment I open my eyes."

"Deep." Leo commented. "And no, I'm not doing such."

"Suit yourself." she nods as she walks hand in hand with her "father" downstairs to join him in breakfast. Once they were there, Haneun hurriedly sits down while Leo serves the breakfast. Once he was done, the two digs in and starts another new day.

Minutes flew and before they knew it, they were both done. Due to her natural kindess, she volunteers to wash the dishes, giving Leo more time to fix himself for work. Before she knew it, Leo was dressed in his formal working clothes. His black hair was neatly combed and his tie, despite a few mistakes, was neatly fixed soon. "I'm sorry I'll have to leave you for today, Haneun." Leo softly apologized as he refused to set his eyes on the teenager. "I promise that I'll be back as soon as possible."

"You don't need to do that." Haneun sighed. "I once said it, didn't I? I'm used to it because of mom."


"I promise I'll be okay." Haneun faintly smiled before averting her eyes away once again, pasting them on the dishes she were currently cleaning. "I'll... give you a call if anything happens."

Despite having some little worries, Leo decides to nod and rub his nape, scowling. "Okay. Call, alright? I'll, um, go now." he stuttered, making Haneun nod, not even bothering to look at him. Silently, Leo makes his way towards the door, just to be dumbfounded by a pair of lean arms wrapping around his waist, a body pulled close to him. 

"Do well." Haneun whispers as she hugs Leo tightly from behind. Touched, Leo faces the young teen and kneels in front of her, pulling the female for a tight hug, smiling behind her perspective. "I will." Leo softly replies as he pulls away, patting her head. Finally, the male exits the house, leaving a rather silent and expressionless Haneun behind. Again, the teen walks towards the sink to continue her work.


* * *


"What to do now?" 

Bored to death, Haneun simply rolls on the floor, not even bothering to put poise on herself since well, no one is around. The television was and this famous drama was currently playing. Of course, her interest over that is rather down low, and of course, it's killing her. With the fact that she has definitely nothing to do, she simply lays down on the couch with her teddy bear plushie Sunhee. Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling as she breathes out, closing them soon.

Upon opening her eyes, she sees the time on the wall clock. Two hours have already passed, but to her, she feels like it's been half of the day already! "I won't make it this day, Sunhee." she sighs as she eyes the television, which was still running continuously. Scenes of that uninteresting drama continued to flash before Haneun's eyes, making her face the day harder than ever.

"I won't make it." Haneun breathes out as she sits upright, cuddling Sunhee tightly. "I need to do something."

And there was it. Another crazy idea.

Hurriedly, she runs back upstairs and heads towards Leo's room where all her clothes were located. With great speed, she grabs a cream-colored blouse and dark blue painted jeans with a white belt to pair with it. Throwing her clothes carelessly anywhere she can, she switches her clothes into those she had just brought out. Once she was done, she grabs a lace and ties her black hair into a neat ponytail while facing herself at the mirror. The colors of her clothes made her glow a bit more, making her faintly smile a bit.

Once again, she grabs a pink shoulder bag and swings it on her left shoulder, fixing the strap afterwards.  Thanks to her great observing skills, she easily finds the house keys, which were carefully hidden in one of Leo's drawer closets. Carefully, she slips the keys in her jean pockets before running back downstairs. "Sunhee, guard the house, I'll go somehwere." Haneun says as she leans forward the teddy bear plushie, which comfortably sat on the couch. Laughing at herself, she carries the toy upwards and shakes her head. "Who am I kidding. You're a non-living object." she giggles before walking towards the door.

"I have simply no idea what my own self wants to do, but hey, who can I blame?" Haneun whispers to herself. "I got mom's genes of being quite a trouble maker now, didn't I?"

With no hesitation, the teen opens the door right after she had put the black doll shoes on her feet. Darting out, she heads to the road and calls for a taxi, which luckily drove nearby.

A few minutes flew by and before Haneun knew it, she was in the buzzing part of the city. "Please drop me by here, sir." she softly says, making the taxi driver stop the vehicle. Once it was parked, Haneun hands her payment and steps out, walking around the busy city by herself. For some reason, her once brightly-lit face changed into something frustrated. Why?

She had no idea where she was heading to.

"Good job, Cha Haneun." she breathes out. "You don't know where he works, do you? Stupid."

Frustrated, she stops by a nearby cafe that seemingly lured her in with its warm and comfortable environment. Of course, she shyly steps in and sits in a corner, sulking. To her surprise, she was greeted by a familiar face that came walking towards her. "Haneun?" the voice called out, making the teen look up. With widened eyes, Haneun gasps out, "Hyuk-oppa?" 

"Hey!" Hyuk greets softly as he sits down and flashes a sweet smile. "What're you doing here all alone, hm, Haneun? I do believe that kids your age shouldn't roam around on their own!"

"I'm no kid, oppa." Haneun glares. "Why're you here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be working as a busy idol or something? Going to interviews? Performing here and there?"

"I escaped from my manager." he winked. "I'm meeting Ravi-hyung and Ken-hyung here later. You want to tag along with us? I, myself, can't bear to leave you all alone here, Haneun! It'll make me feel like a bad big brother!"

"You're not my big brother."

"But you see me as one, don't you?"

"... Point taken." Haneun sighs. A few chats killed time bit by bit. To Haneun's surprise, she felt a lot safer and comfortable around the brownish-black headed male who always kept that bright and sweet smile plastered on his fresh face. Hyuk, having the smallest with Haneun, was rather the best to be around with among the whole VIXX. He was definitely aware how to handle someone of Haneun's age. 

"Sanghyuk!" Haneun heard Ken's voice bomb throughout the whole cafe, surprising the other customers inside. Being an idol himself, Hyuk quickly shushed the older and pulled his black cap a bit more downwards to cover most of his face. "Hyung, you know about my status, right? I suggest you take it easy with calling my name!" Hyuk warned. "I've got fans that can be anywhere and that'll be trouble!"

"Sheesh, don't worry so much! The hyungs'll protect you!" Ravi laughed. "Oh, I see you've dragged Haneun along!" the blue-haired male smiled as he spots Haneun sitting quietly across Hyuk. 

"Oh! Hey there, Haneun!" Ken waves as he sits down beside Hyuk, grinning. "How'd you get here? Did Hyuk fetch you or something or-"

"We came across this cafe." Haneun cuts off as she plainly eyes Ken. "How about you? Why're you here?"

"Well, we're visiting Leo-hyung." Ravi smiles. "We'll have a meal together this time and it's his treat since he promised before!"

Upon hearing that name, Haneun jolts up and opens , words spilling out. "Perhaps you can tag me along when you head to dad's office?" she asks, making the three blink in a rather confused matter.

"What's the matter?" Ravi asks again.

"Well, I kind of want to drop by at his office and..." Haneun sighs as she eyes the three again. "Look, can you take me to him or not? If you can't, I'll deal with it myself."

"Whoa, whoa, smoky pants." Ken laughed before patting the female's head. "We can bring you along so you can find Leo-hyung's office. You might get lost more if you try solving it by your own!"

"Come along, Haneun." Hyuk smiles as he holds Haneun's hand and drags her along them as they exit the cafe all together.


* * *





Three voices echoed throughout Leo's office, making him shoot forward and blink a few times before trying to eye who was outside. "Strange." Leo mumbles as he eyes Hongbin, who was sitting nearby him as they sorted a few paper works. "Who could that be, hyung?" Hongbin asks as he eyes the older male. "Were you expecting someone else?"

"No." Leo replies. Once he sees who those voices belonged to, Leo breathes out and leans back on his chair before turning around, not wanting to see his allies for now. "Wrong timing." he softly says as he turns his back.

"C'mon, hyung! You promised us a meal today!" Ken whined as he ran towards the black-haired male, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Of course, with fast reflex actions, Leo quickly swatted them away. After stepping back, Leo then notices the female behind Hyuk. "Haneun?" he called out, making the young teen peek out and flash an innocent look on her face. "Hi, dad." she casually waved.

"What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home or something?" Leo asked in surprise as he walked towards the young teen, who simply shrugged. "Sheesh, you're quite some trouble, aren't you?"

"I was kind of bored at home." Haneun breathes out as she makes her way towards Leo. "The oppas said that you guys were eating outside?"

"Ah, yeah." Leo nodded. "I'm kind of treating them for a meal today."

"I can come along, can't I?" Haneun asks, just to be replied with a smile and a pat on the head from Leo. "You can come along." Leo smiles faintly. Of course, joyful, Haneun mirrors the smile back. Pulling herself closer to Leo, she then spots something on his finger, making her wonder a bit.

It was a ring, probably an engagement one since well, Haneun was pretty sure that Leo wasn't married. Upon hearing Hongbin's voice, Haneun snaps out of her wonder-world and steps back in reality despite the bugging questions running in her head.

Joining the older males, Haneun grips on Leo's arm, walking extremely close to her "father".


* * *



"Yes, Haneun?"

"What's that ring for? Is it an accessory? It really fits you, to be quite honest."

"Aw, thank you, Haneun. A dear person gave this to me before I gave birth to you."


"Your dad. He gave it to me and along with those dreamy promises. This served as a mark of our never dying love for each other. It's wonderful, isn't it?"

"It is. With you dark skin, a silver ring is better-"

"Hey. That's quite offending, Cha Haneun."

"I was kidding, mom."

"Of course you were. Anyway, it was supposed to be gold but your father had a few funds still back then that he can only afford a silver ring. Either or, I appreciate it because it's not the value that matters, right?"

"... I guess it's the feelings that matter most?"

"Exactly. You're such an intelligent girl, aren't you, Haneun?"

"I wouldn't say that." 

Memories of her and Hakyeon flashed back before Haneun's eyes as she sat on the couch. She recalled how her innocent and clueless five-years old self often asked her mother about that silver ring around his ring finger. It was the only thing that stood out the most on Hakyeon, and for someone her age, anything shiny is definitely eye-catching. She would often grab Hakyeon's big hands and study the fixed silver ring for minutes before showering her mother with never ending questions.

"A gift from dad, hm?" Haneun thought as she walked beside Leo, who was doing some paper work on the dining table. It was already getting dark but that didn't definitely hinder Leo from his work. "Dad." she calls out softly.

"Yes, Haneun?" Leo asks, as he puts down the pen to look at the female teenager sitting across him. "Is something bothering you? Do you want something?"

"Can I ask you a few questions?" she asked.

"Well, you already are." Leo smiled faintly, making the teen in front of her nod her head slowly before she leans back and fixes her eyes on the silver ring around Leo's ring finger. 

"Where'd you get that ring?" she asks before pointing at the said object around his ring finger. Averting his eyes on the silver ring around his ring finger, Leo blinks a few times before leaning back. "I can't quite remember but it's been with me for as long as I can remember." Leo answers in an unsure manner. 

"Can I see it?"

Confused, Leo tilts his head before slipping the object off his finger and handing it to the teenager. Upon receiving, Haneun brings the object closer to her field of vision and scans it carefully, every carving and design it wielded. 

And then, it hit her.

"Does this ring have a pair that exactly looks like it?" Haneun asked again, confusing Leo more. 

"What's with the sudden questions? You sound like Sherlock Holmes or something, Haneun." Leo asks, spotting something different with Haneun's actions. "Are you feeling okay? Are you sick?"

"... I'm not." Haneun answers softly as she stands up. "Dad, are you, um, perhaps engaged?" she softly asks, surprising Leo the next second. "Haneun? Are you feeling well?" Leo asks.

"I am. I'm just curious because, well, a ring is a symbol of engagement and weddings, right?" Haneun smiles faintly, nervous at some points.

"Well, I guess it is." Leo nods. "You know, from the past days I've observed you, you kind of remind me of someone from the past." he smiles faintly, making Haneun blink.


"I can't point my finger on it, but it seems like someone I care dearly for." 

"What made you remember that person through me?"

"Your sudden annoying nature and how you could be so bright and clingy." he chuckled softly. "I don't mean that I don't like it, it's annoying but in a good and cute matter."

Haneun felt the world around her freeze as she recalled the same comparison with someone from before her mother had once told her. With a flash of a nervous smile, Haneun silently makes her way upstairs. Upon reaching the room she sleeps in, she plops down and had seemingly fell in a trance of realization.

"Haneun! You're always so silent and distant. You remind me of someone from before. I don't mean it in a bad way, I like it."

"You kind of remind me of someone from the past. Someone I dearly care for. Your sudden annoying nature, how you're so bright and clingy. I like it."

The words of Hakyeon and Leo slowly made sense to her. "The person mom compared me to is Leo." Haneun thought as she scowled. "And the person Leo compares me to is mom." 

It hit her like lightning.

There it was. Everything was crystal clear as tears rushed down her eyes. It explains everything.

Why VIXX mistook her as Leo's daughter due to their similarities.

The same personality. The same porcelain skin. The same expressionless face. The same soft voice. The same honey-like singing. Her sudden tall height and her athletic skills. 

It made sense to her at last. Finally.



I'm literally crying as I'm writing this. Everything makes sense now. The questions I often wondered to... finally have answers.

Just like that, extreme joy and crystal-clear realization to everything hit me. I finally get everything. I get everything! 

At first, I thought my questions will forever remain unanswered but no, this day finally came. Who ever knew, huh?

All those times, I thought things will never get solved. Know what? My mom often compared me to this "person" due to my extremely cold and silent persona. He'd often try and make me open up a bit more and act a bit more natural when in fact, I am moving natural. He'd often cling on me annoyingly. I was always silent around him.

Once I was taken in by Leo, I began acting clingy and... cute? I would often unconsciously stick close to him and try to make him talk more. I annoy him a lot too. I would try and open up his silent persona.

Mom compares me to Leo and Leo compares me to mom, that's the conclusion. 

Often times too, my mom says that I remind him of dad.

Mom has this silver ring on her ring finger that he addresses to be given to him by dad. I spotted Leo wearing the very same ring that fits mom's. He couldn't recall how he got it too. 

Don't you see? The similarities, the comparisons, the ring. It fits everything like a puzzle piece.

LEO IS MY DAD. My real dad.

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AAAAAAND I'm fixing it now XD


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Chapter 33: This is very sadly story, but I like it!
najaem-acorn #2
I'm always be a silent reader, but this story is my favourite and I had read it for about 10+ times!! Your story is pawsome!!
khasabat #3
Chapter 32: I am very hope that hakyeon can pregrnt again, please make it! Make a squel please
Chapter 32: I had suspected it. But it's still slightly sad. She couldn't have gone in any better way, though. It was a perfect ending. :') Thanks.
Chapter 33: its the end
thats the end
my throat and eyes are hurting for crying too much
i-i-i... i cant
this is beautiful
upvotes and sobs in the corner
Chapter 32: WHAT
im in tears again
im in pain
naznew #8
Chapter 32: Great and beautiful story..
i though haneun will alive in the end but she gone.... that was sad part...
but i'm glad she leaving with smile because happy her mother and father finally be together..
Totomatoes #9
Chapter 33: *claps hands like Jung Leo*

It's so beautiful! Although I find it absurd that she knows when exactly she'll... Go... But hey what do I know? Thank you so much for this wonderful story! It's daebak and heartwarming! Author jjang~~!!
Demilee_16 #10
Chapter 33: T_T such a beautiful story!