White Diary

June 04, 2022

June 04, 2022

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"Haneun, sweetie? Come on, it's time to get up."

"Haneun? Dear?"

"... Haneun."

"For Pete's sake, Haneun, get up."

"Cha Haneun!"

"I'm up! I'm up!" Haneun nervously cried as she shot straight up, arms up in the air. After looking around her and seeing her mom having his hands on his waist, Haneun regained composure and blinked sleepily before falling back to bed and enterring her dream land once again. 

"Hey, you've got school today, young lady!" Hakyeon cried as he pulled her blanket away, making his daughter flinch and open one of her eyes. "Come on, get up, Cha Haneun, you'll be late if you don't move fast!"

"... Five more minutes, mom." Haneun gurgled.

"Five more minutes by , get up." Hakyeon pouted in an annoyed manner. Defeated, Haneun sighs and sits up, scratching her messy, black hair. A few blinks were done before Haneun wobbled out of her room with Hakyeon infront. In the kitchen, she plops down on one chair and buries her head in her arms, yawning now and then.

"Come on, I said no sleeping on the dining table, Cha Haneun!" Hakyeon cried, lightly giving the half-asleep lassie a hand chop on her nape, making Haneun, now annoyed and sleepy, glare at her with droopy eyes. "I'll prepare breakfast quickly, but please, no sleeping!"

"... Fine." she yawns as she blinks slowly and later on, falls in another light sleep. Hakyeon notices this and simple sighs before smiling faintly. He adored how innocent and peaceful face. While waiting for the pan to cook up, Hakyeon silently moves forward his daughter and puts up a motherly smile before his careful hands fix her hair. After a few seconds of smiling like an idiot towards Haneun, he makes his way back to the cooking station.

A few minutes passed and breakfast was served. Playfully poking Haneun's soft cheeks with his index finger, he tries to wake his daughter up the simpliest way, and thankfully, he succeeds. "Haneun, dear~" Hakyeon cooed, waking Haneun from her cat nap. 

"Nrgh... what?" Haneun blinked.

"Breakfast time." he smiled, making Haneun yawn and stretch her arms. Upon seeing Hakyeon set the table and serve the food, Haneun diligently stands up and prepares her hot chocolate drink and coffee for her beloved mother. "Diligent of yours to do that, Haneun." Hakyeon grinned as he got his coffee, which Haneun handed over to him.

"Hey, you prepare the food we eat so it's right that I do our drinks, right?" Haneun replied.

"Fair point. Come along, let's eat." Hakyeon smiled, gesturing his daughter to sit down with him. Together, Hakyeon and Haneun began eating their fill to start another wonderful day gifted to them.


* * *


"Mom?" Haneun calls out, seeing that her mom was dressed to go for work already. "Leaving so early already?" she blinked in wonder upon Hakyeon's eye contact.

"Ah, yes. My boss called me and asked me to come early for work for some reason I'm unaware of." Hakyeon replied, fixing his tie and grabbing his bag. "Hey, I've just got a brilliant idea!" he suddenly cried, snapping his finger.

"What is it?" Haneun blinked as she eyed Hakyeon after fixing her vest and sleeves. "Will it annoy or perhaps, give embarrassment to me?"

"Don't be silly!" Hakyeon giggled. "I mean, walking you to school isn't such a horrible idea, right?"

Haneun gulps a lump in as she rolls her eyes. "Mom, everyone in school knows that I've got a single parent taking care of me. And everyone knows that my parent is a mom." she states.

"And your point is?"

"A mom is supposed to be a female. And guess what."


"You're male. It'll be weird for everyone to see me calling a guy 'mom' instead of 'dad'. And it'll make lots of students and classmates find me a lot more weirder." Haneun sighed.

"Wait, wait. Give me a minute, another splendid idea popped inside my head!" Hakyeon exclaimed as he ran back to his room and slam the door shut with him screaming "wait there" at Haneun. Confused and being an obedient child she is, Haneun sits down on the couch and waits patiently. A few minutes passed and the door towards Hakyeon's room flew open and to her surprise on how her mother looked this time, she fell on the couch.

"Oh my holy- are you okay, sweetie?" Hakyeon cries as he runs towards Haneun, panicking and worried. "Were you hurt? Are you okay? Bruises? Anything?"

"Mom, I love you, but what in earth are you wearing?!" Haneun exclaimed as she saw her mom, which is technically male, wearing female's clothes. Hakyeon's slim body was wrapped in a white dress, length above his knees and his skinny legs clad in black stockings. A black blazer was wrapped on top of the dress he wears and compared to his typical leather shoes and rubber shoes, his footwear was black high heels. A hazel-colored wig was worn on his head and was styled in two low pigtails.

And what's worse...

He looked pretty normal and beautiful.

"Well, you said mom's are girls, so here I am!" Hakyeon giggles before twirling around and bowing properly. "Don't I look fantastic? No one'll suspect that I'm male."

"Please tell me you aren't planning a change or something." Haneun sighed, holding her head.

"I do like that I am a man, so why make me a woman?" Hakyeon smiled as he patted his daughter's head. "And add the fact that I'm simply doing this for my baby girl~" he winked.

"Please, don't bother to do so." Haneun sighs. "Don't tell me that you're going to work as a lady too."

"Are you nuts? I'm not doing that!" Hakyeon gasped. "I'm not getting myself fired for this!" he cried, pointing at his body proudly. "I know this body's got it, but heck am I not using that to loose my job."

"Alright, woman. Let's go." Haneun softly chuckled as she and Hakyeon makes their way towards the front door and heads towards Haneun's destination first. Her school.


* * *


"Mom. Why're you doing this? You know I can walk myself there."

Hakyeon's eyes found their way towards Haneun and tilted his head. "What're you saying, baby? Is something wrong?" Hakyeon asked as he worriedly eyed his daughter before stopping in his tracks. "You sound different. Is something bothering you?"

"I'm just wondering why you crossdressed for my sake." Haneun repeated. "You could've just not walk me to school and everything. You can just take the route towards your company and I can take my own way towards school. I'm thirteen, not three."

"Well, I do want to spend some quality time with my dear daughter."

"How is walking me to school quality time?" 

"Well, as long as we're together, that's quality time."

"We're always together. At home."

"It feels different." Hakyeon giggled before pulling the young teen closer to her. "These moments are those with quality time. You know, it might seem simple and nothing important but I assure you it's got something deeper in it."

"I don't understand a single word you're saying, but sure." Haneun nods. She smiles faintly secretly, but alas, Hakyeon notices. "You're smiling, aren't you?" he asks, making Haneun jolt in astonishment.

"Me? No." 

"Cha Haneun, you can't keep secrets from your mother." 

"... Fine." she sighs before rolling her eyes in a joking manner. "Say, mom."

"Yes, dear?"

"My classmates doesn't know how my mom looks like. Should I pretend that I have a female mom in front of them?" Haneun asked, a worried spark in her eyes.

"Well, I'm dressed as a girl now, amn't I? And you, yourself, said that a mom must be female, right?" Hakyeon smiled.

"Won't that, well, lessen your pride of yourself?" Haneun asked again.

"It's for you, dear. What should I be embarrassed about when I'm doing this for you, hm?"

Silence. Haneun nodded and ducked her head as she and her mother continued walking towards school. Haneun actually felt uneasy and nervous. None has seen her mother yet, not to mention, no one knew that her mom was male, not female. Not even Ricky knew about this, and it's ironic since he and her were friends since grade school! 

A few walking done, the two finally arrived at school. Lots of students had just arrived, either the same level with her or her seniors. Haneun's eyes caught a glimpse of time, thanks to the wrist watch on Hakyeon's left wrist. "Thank goodness you're not late, hm?" Hakyeon giggled as he patted her head. "You should go now, shouldn't you?"

"Yes. You should too, mom." Haneun said, looking straight. "You might be late for work."

"Oh, I don't mind. I was able to walk my daughter to her school and that's more than enough!" he giggled.

"Seriously, mom. Hurry, go already-"

"Haneun!" a familiar boy's voice called out and before she knew it, someone was hugging her tightly, much to Hakyeon and Haneun's surprise. Of course, it was no other than Ricky. "Good morning- oh, who is she?" Ricky gasped as he saw Hakyeon.

"My mom." Haneun answered in a monotonous tone.

"You're mom?!" Ricky gasped before hurriedly unwrapping his arms from Haneun and taking a ninety-degree bow. "I'm sorry! I hugged her by accident, Mrs. Cha! Forgive me!"

"Oh, no, no. It's cute how boys hug my little Haneun so comfortably. Makes me want to slit their necks." Hakyeon giggled, making Ricky whimper. "I'm joking, young man. I'm kidding. You're Ricky, yes?"

"Y-yes." Ricky nods.

"Ricky! Who're you talking to?" Changjo cried as Niel, Chunji, L.Joe and C.A.P walked behind and beside him. Noticing the astounding Hakyeon's presence, their jaws fell and Changjo quickly shuts his mouth with his two hands. "Oh, pardon me, madam. I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, dear." Hakyeon cuts off, cracking up a sweet and gentle smile. "Haneun, sweetie, are these yours friends perhaps?"

"Yes." Haneun nodded as she eyed the males. "That's Choi Jonghyun, known as Changjo. That's Niel-oppa, Chanhee, or as others call him, Chunji-oppa, L.Joe-oppa, named Byunghyun and lastly, C.A.P-oppa, known as Minsoo." Haneun said as she one-by-one introduced the males. 

"Ah, what well-built men! I am glad Haneun's your friends, you can protect my baby angel!" Hakyeon giggled, clapping his hands. "Take good care of her, alright? Especially her oppas, I'm counting her to you." he smiled.

"We assure that Haneun is safe with us, Mrs. Cha." C.A.P smiled. 

"Alright. You men look promising." he nodded before turning to look at Haneun and place his right hand over her head. "Do well in school, alright? Have a wonderful day, my baby angel Haneun!" he cried, hugging her tightly.

"Mom! Stop it!" Haneun shrieked as she flailed her arms, making Hakyeon giggle under his breath in adoration. 

"Alright, alright. See you soon, sweetie!" he cried, planting a forehead kiss on her, making Haneun not only roll her eyes, but blush a faint tint of pink on her cheeks. She and the six males were about to walk off when she heard her mom call her again, making her walk back towards him. "You called?" she blinked, but to her surprise, Hakyeon pulled her close to her and brought up his cellphone, and in a second, a flash of white was seen.

"What in the- mom!" Haneun shrieked yet again before placing soft and light hits on her mother's shoulder, making Hakyeon giggle and chuckle. "Go to work already, alright? Do well." she said in a blank face.

"Call me N-mi first!" Hakyeon smiled, making Haneun blink a few times.

"Excuse me?" Haneun blinked.

"Call me mommy N-mi!" Hakyeon cutely begged, making Haneun confused and nearly puke out of disgust. But feeling defeat, Haneun had zero choices and emotionlessly, she utters the name Hakyeon begs to be called.

"Mommy N-mi." Haneun plainly says.

"... Good enough despite the plainess. See you later!" Hakyeon giggled as he bid farewell to his daughter. Haneun waves back and runs back to her in hurry as they heard the bell ring and echo throughout the whole school grounds. Once she rejoined the group, the seven of them sprinted inside the building and into their rooms.


* * *



"Haneun! Ricky! Changjo! Over here!" C.A.P calls out loudly, earning yet another hit on the head from Chunji, who sat beside him. "For the hundreth time, Minsoo-hyung. Keep. It. Down." Chunji glared.

"Sorry." C.A.P nervously laughed as he rubbed the hit part of head. 

"Your voice is really something, hyung." Changjo laughed as he sat beside C.A.P. "You can use that bombarding voice of yours to be something like a rock star or something!" he joked.

"Nah, I plan on being something muscially inclined. An idol perhaps? Or an underground rapper!" 

"You can achieve that already, y'know." L.Joe snickered, earning a kick on his foot from C.A.P. Due to the sudden impact of C.A.P's foot, he jolted and winced in pain. "Darn it, don't kick me, hyung!"

"Manners, oppa. Manners." Haneun softly said before sighing deeply. After the sigh, she brings out her lucnh and begins munching quietly while the others kept on chit-chatting and playing around. 

"Say, about earlier." Niel began, eyeing Haneun, who notices his stare. "Your mom..."

"What about mom?" Haneun blinked.

"Now we know where you got your good looks!" Niel smiled as he pinched the younger's marshmallow-like cheeks. "Your mom is gorgeous, an angel! You two are so alike."

"Really?" Haneun blinked. "Didn't mom look... masculine or something? Perhaps like a man?"

"Are you bonkers? We've been friends since we our grade school days but I never imaged your mom to be so young-looking and petite." Ricky cried as he fanboyed over his bestfriend's mother. "Like, wow, she's a living angel! A model! A goddess-"

"We get it, Ricky. We get it." L.Joe chuckled as he averted his attention to Haneun. "You're so lucky that you have such a wonderful mom like her. You're so blessed, Haneun." he giggled.

"I guess I am." Haneun nodded lightly. "I am indeed blessed to have mom as my mom." she smiled faintly before resuming lunch. If only they knew who her mother really was behind that wig, dress and make-up.

And she knew that Hakyeon was indeed the best mom despite his gender. He was the best for her, and she was extremely proud of that.



How do I begin this...

Mom dressed as a girl today when she walked me to school. It was nerve-wrecking at first and I admit it. I was very, very nervous and worried that others might notice that he's male but thankfully, that slim body of his and his feminine look hid his real identity.

It touched me. The way mom dressed like that, even though he was really okay with it since he knows he looks beautiful as a man or woman, just to walk me to school. He knew that if my friends and classmate found out that I have a "male" mom, it's over for me and my reputation. 

Quality time. I think I understand it now. It's that time where you and a person you dearly love spend honest moments together. It might sound crazy, but when we were walking down the street, mom addressed that as "quality time" and I think... I think the same way to.

With my remaining days, I think quality time is extremely needed now. 

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AAAAAAND I'm fixing it now XD


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Chapter 33: This is very sadly story, but I like it!
najaem-acorn #2
I'm always be a silent reader, but this story is my favourite and I had read it for about 10+ times!! Your story is pawsome!!
khasabat #3
Chapter 32: I am very hope that hakyeon can pregrnt again, please make it! Make a squel please
Chapter 32: I had suspected it. But it's still slightly sad. She couldn't have gone in any better way, though. It was a perfect ending. :') Thanks.
Chapter 33: its the end
thats the end
my throat and eyes are hurting for crying too much
i-i-i... i cant
this is beautiful
upvotes and sobs in the corner
Chapter 32: WHAT
im in tears again
im in pain
naznew #8
Chapter 32: Great and beautiful story..
i though haneun will alive in the end but she gone.... that was sad part...
but i'm glad she leaving with smile because happy her mother and father finally be together..
Totomatoes #9
Chapter 33: *claps hands like Jung Leo*

It's so beautiful! Although I find it absurd that she knows when exactly she'll... Go... But hey what do I know? Thank you so much for this wonderful story! It's daebak and heartwarming! Author jjang~~!!
Demilee_16 #10
Chapter 33: T_T such a beautiful story!