White Diary

June 21, 2022

June 21, 2022

* * *

"Haneun. Are you done yet?"

Leo's voice rings in Haneun's sense of hearing, making her turn around after she buttons her blazer neatly. With no words, she nods and flashes a sweet smile, making Leo nod afterwards and gesture her to come along. Hurrying, Haneun runs towards Leo and grabs hold of his hand which later on, makes Leo smiles faintly to.

"You're pretty cheerful today, aren't you?" Leo chuckles as he ruffles the younger's head. "And pretty clingy."

"Not my fault that I'm feeling a bit more settled around here." Haneun softly answered, smiling brightly. "Besides, you have that father aura so I can say that I'm a lot more comfortable around you now."

"Honored." Leo smiles as he and Haneun walks out of their house, heading towards the black car Leo owns. Haneun hurriedly sits inside, fixing and wrapping the seatbelt around her. She waits for Leo to get inside afterwards and start the car, feeling rather light today. 

With the fact that she knows her real connection with Leo, she feels a lot more settled. She was finally with her real father, which was the one who took her in a week ago. With all the clues scattered around her finally brought together and perfectly fitting the questions she had like a puzzle, all was crystal clear to her. 

He is the "person" Hakyeon would often speak about.

Her father.

"Shall we go?" Leo asks, earning a happy nod from the teen. With that reply received, Leo begins to start up the car and begin driving to their destination.


* * *


"Cha. Hak. Yeon. Calm down, will you? You're making me dizzy!"

A rather agitated Himchan cries as he watches his tan skinned friend walk back and forth, unsettled of how events were pacing. On his lap was his second child, Jongup, while his giant youngest child, Junhong, and the eldest, Youngjae, were happily playing together with Youngjae's bestfriend, Daehyun. Hakyeon was walking here and there, arms crossed, feelings unsettled.

"Himchan's right, Hakyeon. Calm down." Yongguk sighs as he walks towards Himchan. "Haneun can be anywhere-"

"Anywhere?! Where?!" Hakyeon literally cries out as he scratches his hair . "My Haneun is roaming around by herself perhaps, worse, she's kidnapped by some e! She's in extreme trouble if that happens by that!"

"That happens a lot when a child reaches puberty." Yongguk sighs. "Youngjae here rebelled once and he eventually came back himself soon. Haneun might do the same-"

"Might, Yongguk. Might, meaning that it might not happen!" Hakyeon panicked.

"Dude, calm down." Himchan sighs as he puts Jongup down carefully. "Look, we'll help, okay? Come on, don't panic--- hey hey! Why are you crying! We'll find Haneun soon!"

"I'm worried for her!" Hakyeon sobs. "W-what if she goes away too? I can't bear to loose another person dear to me, Himchan! I need to assure that my Haneun is safe and sound!"

"Come on. Let's not waste any time then." Yongguk says as he walks towards the table and grabs the car keys. "Let's get going."

"Alright, dear." Himchan nods as he stands up. "Youngjae, Daehyun, watch over the kids, okay?" the fair-faced mother reminded before dragging Hakyeon along with him out of the door once his eldest child nodded in understanding. Finally feeling the panic that consumed Hakyeon, Himchan pats his back, trying to calm the tan skinned male beside him.

"Try calling your siblings, Hakyeon." Yongguk says. "Maybe they've spotted her somewhere."

"I've did that a hundred times, Yongguk. They always have the same answers." Hakyeon teared up as he looked at his phone. "God, I feel like I'm going to die in worry for that darn brat!"

"Language, Hakyeon." Himchan reminded.

"Gah! Screw language, Himchan!"


* * *


"I wonder where Haneun-noona went." a worried baby Junhong sighed as he grabbed a few toys from the toy box. After grabbing his favorite toy, he sits down beside Jongup, who was busy playing with his own toy. "Uncle Hakyeon really looked extremely worried!"

"Of course he would be, Zelo." Daehyun breathed out as he called the giant baby by his nickname. "Anyone who'd have their daughter gone missing would definitely die in worry!"

"Thank goodness we're good kids!" Jongup giggled, making Youngjae choke on his food. "W-what? Did I say something wrong, Youngjae-hyung? Hyung?"

"N-nothing." Youngjae nervously laughed. "Anyway, we cannot just let the older ones do all the work! I bet we can also help them, can't we?" he smiled by the brilliant plan.

"But mom said that we should stay home." Junhong pouted. "Mom might be worried if we go off with no permission!"

"Aw c'mon, the hyungs are here, aren't we?" Youngjae smiled angelically as he grabbed Daehyun. "Plus, we can watch you two out! Daehyun can watch Jongup and I can watch you."

"But mom said-"

"Screw what mom said. Let's get going! Zelo, Jongup, get dressed! We're off to look for Haneun!" Youngjae smirked as he faced his younger brothers. Being obedient youngers they are, the two sprinted towards their room to change clothes in an instant. Once the two were gone, Daehyun flashes a rather worried look at his best friend. "Youngjae, I don't think this is one of your genius plans." Daehyun sighed.

"What on earth do you mean, Dae? It'll definitely work!" Youngjae grinned widely.

"What if Jongup or Zelo gets in trouble? What if we get in trouble?"

"Don't get all worried, Daehyun! We're just lending mom, dad and uncle a lil' helping hand. What ever can go wrong?" he proudly smiled as he ran to his room to dress up himself. "Come on, this'll be a new adventure! Are you with me or not?"

"Does it seem like I've got a choice?" Daehyun sighed as he placed his cap on his head before plopping down the chair, waiting for his best friend and the two younger boys finish dressing up.

Minutes flew and the first one to come out was Youngjae, next was Junhong and finally, Jongup, who even buttoned his shirt incorrectly. With Youngjae's help, the shirt was fixed afterwards and together, the four boys headed out, the key of the house safely placed in Youngjae's pants' pocket. The four soon heads out hurriedly and begins roaming the city, no idea where they will find Haneun.

Meanwhile, in the Bang couple and Hakyeon's case, the three were greatly panicking, asking people if they've seen Haneun anywhere. Random strangers were confronted to ask them such but the replies were always the same.


"I'm going crazy over this!" Hakyeon screeched as he tugged his chocolate-brown colored hair. "Where is that brat? Ugh, I swear if I see her I'll-"

"Hakyeon. Calm down." Himchan pleaded as he tapped the other's back. "Come on, breathe, dude. That girl of yours is sure to be safe, I bet. Come on, it'll be okay soon."

"We'll do everything we can do to find Haneun, okay?" Yongguk grinned, assuring Hakyeon a bit.  "Come on, let's continue looking for that lil' girl of yours, shall we?"

"Mhm." Hakyeon nodded with a faint smile on his face, following the couple close behind. Again, the three resumed to asking random people if they've seen Haneun, but of course, the search was extremely difficult with the same negative answers they've continuously received. 


* * *



"Wait up!"

"Darn, you're walking too fast, hyung!"

Screams behind from the younger males were everything that Leo heard as he dragged Haneun behind. Of course, thanks to Haneun's gentically inherited athletic skills from Leo, she was easily catching up with her father. The others, meanwhile, were panting and running with all their best to catch up with the two. "Taekwoon-hyung! Slow down, will you?!" Ken whined in defeat as he plopped down the side walk, clutching his chest as he breathed heavily.

Finally giving in, Leo stops along with Haneun before they head back to the four, tiredness seemingly concealed. The two showed no signs of exhaustion, which of course, the four were greatly amazed of. "Thirty-two years, and you've never grew weaker!" Ravi growled as he eyed the young-looking Leo.

"I've been keeping an eye on my health, Ravi." Leo defended.

"All of us are!" Ravi countered. "I still have my abs here, you know!"

"So do I."

"I just had mine." Hyuk grinned proudly.

"Those are baby fat." Hongbin joked, making Hyuk hit his hyung's shoulder lightly, earning Hongbin's sweet laughter. "I was kidding, Sanghyuk. Of course they're abs... starting to form." he grinned, making the youngest simply glare back. 

"How in earth do you keep that stamina on hand?!" Ken cried out.

"Again, keeping an eye on my health." Leo answered back. Haneun, meanwhile, was standing beside her father, gripping tightly on his arm as she tried hidding a rising smile. The sight of the five with their unbreakable and long-lasting friendship bond was precious for the thirteen-years old girl. Upon seeing how light her face was, Hongbin flashed a wide grin.

"Haneun." Hongbin calls out, earning the younger's attention in no time. "Where shall we have lunch today?" he asked, smiling brightly at the female teen.

"Am I deciding where to go today?" Haneun blinks, just to be answered by a happy nod from Hongbin. "Um, I don't erally have a specific place to go, so maybe anywhere would be nice."

"Oh, I know this restaurant with the finest dishes!" Hyuk cried out. "A few label mates brought me there before, I'm sure you'd like it!" he giggles. 

"Let's go there then!" Ravi and Hongbin cheered in unison. Of course, Leo simply nods and walks after Hyuk along with Haneun beside him. With everyone else, the two an happily behind, smiles patched on their faces.

And beyond their knowledge, there they were.

"We're not going to find them!" Daehyun whined hopelessly as he held Jongup's hand, who was rather amazed on what he saw around him. "There's, like, a million people walking around Seoul! How can we possibly find Haneun in this big city?"

"Try thinking a bit more positive, Daehyun." Youngjae sighed as he looked around, hopes of finding the female teen. "She could be anywhere, guys! Who knows, she might be on the other side of this road we are standing on-"

"That looks like Haneun-noona, hyung!" Junhong cried out as he pointed at the familiar-looking female teen whose black hair was riding with the wind. Youngjae's jaw fell whilst Daehyun's eyes widened. "That escalated rather quickly." Daehyun chuckled.

"Daehyun! Give me your phone, hurry!" Youngjae commanded.

"Say what? Use your own!" 

"Darn it, Daehyun! What kind of friend are you." a rather annoyed Youngjae pouted cutely as he reached for his phone on his pants' pocket. With fast fingers, the young boy quickly dialed Himchan's number and waited for the other line to answer. "Hyung, what's going on?" a confused Jongup questioned as he looked up on Daehyun.

"Ah, your brother's just being him again." Daehyun smiled angelically. "Playing detective all over again-"

"Hush there, Daehyun!" Youngjae cuts off, earning a disappointed and unsatisfied pout from the latter. Finally, Youngjae hears Himchan answers and wasting not even a second, he begins cryign out what he's just seen. "Mom! Mom! Mom-"

"For the love of all that is holy, calm yourself, Bang Youngjae!" Himchan shouts from the other line. "Now, calm yourself and tell me why you've decided to call me."

"Mom, we're here outside... in the middle of the city! And well-"

"Say what?! Are your brothers with you? Why are you outside?! I told you to stay at home until we're back home. Bang Youngjae, I swear, once we come back home I'll-"

"Mom. Calm down." Youngjae breathes out. "Look, listen carefully. We saw Haneun."

"What?! Where are you now?"

"Here in that company with that lion-symbol as its logo. You know that company, don't you?" 

"Ah, we got it. We'll be there in a moment. I want you guys to go home this instant or else, Bang Youngjae, you are grounded!" Himchan threatens, making Youngjae gasp.

"What? Why? I was helping-!"

"You dragged your little brothers along, you punk!"

"B-but they're safe, mom-"

"I swear you are in big trouble if you don't head home after I hang up the phone." 


"Go home!"

With that last instruction, the phone was hung up, making Youngjae sigh deeply. "Hyung? What happened?" Junhong asked as he looked at Youngjae in a rather confused look. "Did something happen? Is mom coming over here?"

"Yes." Youngjae nodded. "And we're getting outta here!"

"But I want cheesecake!" Daehyun cried out, flailing his arms childishly. "You promised me one before!"

"Argh, you and your never ending hunger!"

"You two are so getting together." Jongup laughed, teasing the older boys of their sweetness. Of course, that was a big mistake as Daehyun began pinching the younger's cheeks with no mercy.


* * *


"Lion symbol? That's on the left side, isn't it?" Yongguk asks as he both finds the company with such logo and drives the car. Hakyeon felt his heart beating faster than normal while Himchan helped his hubby find the said company. "I think it's in the right, dear. I don't know- ah, turn left on that!" Himchan says as he extends his arm out. 

Soon, the three arrived in the said company but alas, there was no Haneun inside or out. Panic soon consumed Hakyeon bit by bit as he didn't see his daughter anywhere. "Calm down, she might be anywhere." Yongguk assured, patting the other's back. Tears were in the verge of rolling down Hakyeon's eyes until Himchan spoke once again.

"Hakyeon, do you perhaps know a few friends of Haneun?" Himchan asks. Of course, Hakyeon nods and a small smile formed in the fair-faced male. "That's good! We can actually ask them if they've seen Haneun somewhere. What more, they might know where Haneun stays!" 

Hakyeon's face lits up as he tried recalling a few friends of his daughter. Not any longer, he recalls Ricky and eventually knows where the boy lives. Hurriedly, Hakyeon gave instructions to the Bang couple and quickly drove off, heading to Ricky's residence. 

The drive didn't last long as the three arrived just outside the black gates of this two-floored green-roofed house. Hakyeon hurries outside and rings the doorbell. Once someone opens the door and answers, his face went pale due to the sudden realization.

If he says that a GUY he is claims himself as Haneun's MOTHER, Haneun's extremely doomed.

"Yes? What can I help  you with, sir?" Ricky blinks cutely as he looks at the tall Hakyeon.  "Is there anything you're concerned about? Are you looking for someone?"

"Ah.. erm, yes, well." Hakyeon stuttered as he tried coming up with a reasonable excuse. "Well, you see.. I'm Haneun's uncle."

"Ah, Haneun's uncle? Nice to meet you, sir!"

"Same. You see, I've learned about this fact that Haneun ran away from her grandparents' place a week ago and we've been searching her for days. Her mom is extremely worried and so are we. I was hoping, well, being Haneun's friend you are, do you perhaps know Haneun's location?" he asks. Ricky pauses for a bit as he taps his chin and thinks. 

"Well, Haneun's still attending classes and she's occassionally picked up by this black car-"

"Black car?! Is she held hostage perhaps?"

"Wha- no. She was driven and fetched from school those past few days and this scary looking guy always comes for her. Let's see... she calls her, um, Mr. Leo or something?"

By the sound of that name, Hakyeon pauses and his whole world stops. Nervously, he nods and walks off, not forgetting to thank the young boy. "Well? Was he any help?" Yongguk asks as he eyes the pale Hakyeon walk over them. Hakyeon nods and tells Yongguk to drive him in the same company they've went to earlier. 

"He was." Hakyeon nodded. "And heck, Haneun's with the person I least expect her to be with."


* * *


The sun was going down and the six were already heading back to Leo's company. Smiles were patched on Ken, Hongbin, Ravi and Haneun's face as the guys were endlessly teasing and talking with each other. Leo, meanwhile, was silent as he took hold of his "daugther" by the hand. The six were walking happily, chats about this and that and laughter suddenly exploding out of no where. "Thank you for this day, dad... and you too, oppas." Haneun softly thanked, earning a squeal from everyone except Leo.

"Anything for our lil' angel!" Ravi grinned as he ruffled the female's hair. Soon, the six were inside the company and everyone had a shocked expression on their faces.

A tall figure stood in front of them, arms crossed.

His chocolate-brown hair was messed up, speaking how stressed he extremely was.

And his charcoal-colored eyes glowed with fury upon the sight of them.

Gasps filled the air. Ravi was taken a back, Hyuk felt fear while Hongbin and Ken were simply speechless. "N-hyung?" Hyuk called out softly, shocked by the sight of Hakyeon in front of them. Haneun felt confused, shocked and relieved upon the sight of her mother but upon hearing that foreign name Hyuk called him with, she began to have questions form in her mind again.

"Hey." Hakyeon greeted plainly, eyes of fury locked on them. "It's been a while... VIXX."

"Woah, you haven't changed, hyung!" Ken cried out in astonishment. "So young looking and well... tan? I don't know, we haven't seen you for ages! Look at you! You're-"

"You're still the same, Ken." Hakyeon faintly smiled before seeing how Haneun held Leo's hand.


"Leo?" Hakyeon gasped. "I thought you were... what are you doing with Haneun?" he asked as he practically pulled Haneun away from the black-headed male, who was rather emotionless. He was quite shocked by the absence of Haneun's hand on his but he was more confused to see Hakyeon standing in front of them.

"Thirteen years. Thirteen years of not knowing where you were..." Hakyeon mumbled. "Why are you here?" he hears Haneun ask, making him eye his daugther angrily yet sparks of relief and joy seen. 

"We're going home, that's what it is."

"But... you're work-"

"Forget it. You're what matters more, and we're going home, Haneun." Hakyeon firmly said. "You've caused enough trouble, young lady."

"Wait, wait. You can't just take Haneun away!" Leo cried out as he stepped forward but was eventually pulled back by Hongbin and Ravi. Hakyeon sent a rather disbelieving look at the cold looking male. 

"I have the rights, Jung Leo." Hakyeon glares. 

"So do I!"

"Not as much as I have! You've been her for just a week but I've been with her for thirteen years!

"I am Haneun's mother. Cha Hakyeon."



Questions are beginning to build up in me once again, and darn it, I hate it. Just as when I thought things were already cleared up, it becomes blurry once again!

The original plan was for me, dad and VIXX-oppas to have a little stroll around the city. We eventually had a little meal along the way, a few snacks and a few treats from the oppas. Ken-oppa won this prize and eventually gave it to me. It was a little dog plushie.

Hyuk-oppa treated me some ice cream. This naughty Ravi-oppa smeared some ice cream all over Hyuk-oppa though, making them have a little playful fight.

I thought I was heavy lately, that's why I tried struggling free when Hongbin-oppa tried carrying me for fun. Thank goodness I wasn't heavy or he might've fallen down.

Ravi-oppa gave me one of his caps, and I was honored. It had the word "Angel" on it, and it was rather fitting for me!

Dad laughed a few times and Ken-opaa tried to remove the hands covering his face.

The day was going great but when we headed back to dad's company, mom was there. He looked angry, relieved, happy... let's just say mixed emotions.

I was actually happy that mom and dad were under the same roof that time and well, it didn't last long. Mom seems to know VIXX and that's making me wonder actually. How'd she know them? Why was she shocked that I was with dad?

Questions to be answered are here again. Nine days to solve this... 

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AAAAAAND I'm fixing it now XD


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Chapter 33: This is very sadly story, but I like it!
najaem-acorn #2
I'm always be a silent reader, but this story is my favourite and I had read it for about 10+ times!! Your story is pawsome!!
khasabat #3
Chapter 32: I am very hope that hakyeon can pregrnt again, please make it! Make a squel please
Chapter 32: I had suspected it. But it's still slightly sad. She couldn't have gone in any better way, though. It was a perfect ending. :') Thanks.
Chapter 33: its the end
thats the end
my throat and eyes are hurting for crying too much
i-i-i... i cant
this is beautiful
upvotes and sobs in the corner
Chapter 32: WHAT
im in tears again
im in pain
naznew #8
Chapter 32: Great and beautiful story..
i though haneun will alive in the end but she gone.... that was sad part...
but i'm glad she leaving with smile because happy her mother and father finally be together..
Totomatoes #9
Chapter 33: *claps hands like Jung Leo*

It's so beautiful! Although I find it absurd that she knows when exactly she'll... Go... But hey what do I know? Thank you so much for this wonderful story! It's daebak and heartwarming! Author jjang~~!!
Demilee_16 #10
Chapter 33: T_T such a beautiful story!