White Diary

June 30, 2022

June 30, 2022


* * *


Haneun woke up at exactly six in the morning, just to find Hakyeon still sleeping on the side of her bed and Leo sleeping while sitting up straight, head leaning on the wall. Haneun slowly leaned forward and shook her mother gently, which of course, succeeds in waking the tanned male up. One look at Haneun made Hakyeon smile faintly and ruffle her black hair.

"Good morning." Haneun weakly greeted with a soft smile.

"Hi there, angel." Hakyeon managed to reply with a sad smile as he eyed his daughter with those sad charcoal-colored eyes. The moment he recalled what day it was today, the smile soon faded away as Hakyeon averts his eyes away. "Today's the day, huh?"

"Yeah." Haneun sadly nods back before leaning back, not letting go of her mother's big hands. "I'm scared, to be frank. I really don't want to go yet, but---"

"When it's time, it's time." Hakyeon cuts off. "I'll miss you though. Just remember that we all love you as much as you love us. You'll always be our little Haneun."

"I'll keep that in mind until my last breath, mom." Haneun sadly laughed as she eyed her teary-eyed mother. "Hey, why're getting all teary-eyed and all? You should be happy that I'm going up there."

"I know but." Hakyeon was cut off as he felt a tear threatening to roll down his eye. Taken a back, Hakyeon leans back and began sniffling, his hands rubbing his eyes to stop the flow of his tears. "Gosh, it's early in the morning and you're already making me cry like this, you brat."

Sadness and joy were mixed up in Haneun as she sees Hakyeon fighting back the tears with all his might. The sad smile that formed on his lips and the soft sound of him sniffling just pained Haneun more and more. The acceptance of her life coming to an end was getting a lot more difficult because of such sight. It wasn't long when she noticed Leo waking up from his slumber, surprise filling her father upon seeing Hakyeon crying. "Hey, what's going on?" Leo asked with his soft voice.

"Nothing's wrong, Leo." Hakyeon grinned as he eyed his beloved. "I'm just, well, having a hard time accepting that our baby's going away today. It's just-"

"Ah, right." Leo nodded in understanding before he faces Haneun. "Today's the day, huh?"

The seemingly emotionless and lifeless eyes of Leo was suddenly filled with agony. Haneun didn't actually fail to notice that with one glance, instead, the moment she eyed her father carefully, she sensed that by the next second. Wanting to lift up the aura of the atmosphere, Haneun filled the silent room with her weak laugh, eyeing her parents with teary eyes, eyes that showed hope and joy instead. "Hey, it's my last day, at least try be a bit happy and light instead of being down to earth, okay?" Haneun grinned as she faced her mother and father.

The smile seemingly gave little comfort to the couple. Nothing can actually light up the mood just like that but their own daughter, Cha Haneun. "Alright." Hakyeon and Leo nodded in unison. 

"That reminds me, shall we throw a little goodbye party later?" Hakyeon clapped as he grinned at Haneun. "We can do anything you want for the last time today! Go to the beach, a stroll around the park, visit a few-"

"Cake." Haneun grinned angelically as she eyed Hakyeon. "I would want to have cake for the last time, mom. I hope it's not too hard to fulfill or what." 

"Of course it's not! I'll get you the best cake ever created!" Hakyeon promised. "Besides, I'm going off to buy a few stuff later and maybe, I can pick up cake along the way! I'll be back real short and I promise that the cake will be the best thing you'll ever see this day!"

"I expect that, mom." Haneun smiled as she eyed her mother lovingly. Soon, without any warnings, Leo simply wraps his arms around Hakyeon and Haneun, pulling the two for a tight hug, which of course, the three of them lovingly enjoyed. The warmth they shared as a family was undeniably the best thing they shared and it was quite a waste that this'll be their last one.


* * *


Upon having the wall clock strike at exactly nine o' clock, Hakyeon bid his farewell to go to the city square to buy a few stuff, including the cake he had promised Haneun. Meanwhile, Haneun was left on her bed with Leo watching her over. Once the tanned male was no where to be seen, Haneun poked her father's well-built muscles, which eventually grabbed his attention. "Yes?" Leo blinked as he turned around to see his daughter.

"Are we going to start our little surprise now?" Haneun asked as he eyed her father. Leo turned around to look at his phone and saw a text message. 

"They're on the way with everything we need. We might as well wait for them outside, shall we?"


Once Leo had carried Haneun over her wheelchair, the two headed outside the hospital gardens to meet their visitors and helpers. Soon, out of the horizon, the two spots the Bang Family waving their hands at them, greeting them warmly. Daehyun, for some reason, was dragged along by Youngjae as per usual and being a good best friend he is to the chubby-cheeked boy, he simply rode along with it. The fact that they knew about Haneun's "big day" was painful but overlapping it with the fact that it's Hakyeon's birthday was kind of fourty-percent successful.

"We brought everything we need, Haneun!" Youngjae proudly said as he carried a box full of confetti and deflated ballons. Haneun flashed a weak yet sweet smile as she tapped the other's shoulder. "Thanks, Youngjae. Always can count on you." she grinned, making the latter blush a light shade of pink.

After asking for a few permission from the hospital staffs and all, the group hurriedly set the location's decorations. A few branches of some trees that grew up near each other were used to hold the biggest banner brought. Using an inflater, Daehyun and Youngjae inflated the once deflated balloons and soon, the flowers that painted the garden colorful were not the only ones to do so. Balloons of all colors were inflated and their colors radiated. 

Haneun, who was guarded by his beloved father, Leo, simply observed. Jongup and Junhong tried their best to help as well, helping their parents and their big brother to set the tables and all. The errands that Himchan would often shoot them with were completed by the next minute. Of course, being kids they were, the two didn't help it but to play at some times and loose concentration of work.

"This looks wonderful." Haneun smiled as she eyed Leo. "Don't you think it's the best way to celebrate mom's birthday?"

"Your mother would love this." Leo smiled back as he patted his daughter's head. "You really are a blessing for us, Haneun. It's such a shame that you have to leave soon."

"I know, but from above, we can still celebrate mom's birthday the coming years, right?" 

"I could agree on that, Haneun."

The work continued on, no signs of fatigue or what-so-ever seen. An hour later, Haneun hears a familiar call, just to be revealed that it belonged to her beloved friends in school: Ricky, Changjo, Niel, L.Joe, Chunji and C.A.P. Each of them carried something in their arms, either food or more decorations. "Woah- Ricky wasn't lying when he said you look like a living corpse!" Changjo gasped as he saw how pale their female ally was. 

"You're getting cold." L.Joe worriedly stated out as he felt Haneun's forehead. "Are you doing well?"

"I am, oppa. Don't worry." Haneun smiled before nodding softly.

"Today's the day... right?" C.A.P asked as he eyed the teen, who answers with a sad nod once again. A deep sigh escapes their lips before Ricky clapped his hands, not a single tear wanting to roll down his sad eyes. "Guys! We're not here to sulk over Haneun's condition, we're here to help put up a grand party for her mom!" Ricky grinned brightly.

"Right!" Niel cheered. "Let's get to work, guys!"

Encouraged well by the two, everyone began working and helping the Bang Family. Chunji was the one assigned for the food that will be in the said party later, and of course, that shocked Haneun because she didn't really expect such. Sure, Chunji is a good cook but she never expected the older male to actually bring some of his proud creations along. They were all mouth-watering, to be frank, as expected of Lee Chunji!

Banners were set up, balloons were inflated. The table they borrowed from the hospital was now covered in that expensive silk cloth L.Joe brought along with him. It had a soft cream-white color and was decorated with tiny flower-like patterns. A few extra balloons were left deflated until furhter notice since Leo suddenly had a sweet idea cracking up the next moment.

"I see you're beginning to set up the grand finale party!" a familiar deep-voice cried out, grabbing everyone's attention. As expected, the voice belonged to this familiar blue-headed male named Ravi. Behind him stood Hongbin, Hyuk and Ken, a few presents on their hands. "We're not too late to help, right?" Ken grinned widely, which Haneun simply answers with a happy shake of a head before gesturing VIXX to come along.

"Thought you'd miss it." Leo smirked as he eyed the younger ones.

"Who'd wanna miss N-hyung's birthday and Haneun's day?" Hyuk laughed as he gave the older male a light hit on the shoulder. "We bought a few things that can help lighten up and make the mood a lot more better, would this be nice to add?"

"Just add whatever you can to make this party grand, oppa." Haneun smiled as she eyed the four. "I'm sure whatever you brought along'll please mom."

"Oh, I bought N-hyung cake by the way!" Hongbin cried out as he placed the box he once carried ever so carefully on the table which had a few scattered confetti decorated purposely on the corners. 

"We bough N-hyung's favorite food too!" Ken added as he skipped towards the dimpled male and placed a few food containers filled with luscious food on the table. Thank heavens the table was as big as if it was purposely big enough for a bouffet, all the food the visitors had brought along fit! And not to mention, the food served was a lot. Filled with joy, Haneun leaned back, eyes glimmering with joy as she finally saw the image of how the party would go on later.

"It's beautiful." Haneun nearly teared up as she saw the decorating coming to an end. "It's a dream come true! This is going to be the best party mom'll ever have, don't you agree, dad?"

"It's more than perfection, dear." Leo smiled softly as he placed his hands on Haneun's shoulder. "Me and N are very proud to have such an angelic offspring like you."

"I'm flattered." Haneun joked as she eyed her father before looking back at the fantasy-like decorated party. 

"Now, for the waiting game." she grinned as she leaned back. Any time now, the clock will strike at a particular time where they expect Hakyeon to finally arrive and while he's not yet there, the waiting game takes its place.


* * *


Time check: 1:58 p.m.

Hakyeon's footsteps were slowly heard from Haneun's room. A box with a cute pink ribbon on top of it was carried carefully by his hands as he makes his way towards his daughter's room. Once the door was pushed open, he was rather dumbfounded and terrified not to find Haneun nor Leo there.

What if he arrived to late and Haneun had ceased earlier?

What if he didn't even see Haneun for the last time to hear her sweet voice for the very last time?

What if's ran in his head and began buzzing that he actually felt tearing up as his legs grew weak. Fear struck him the next second as his worst nightmares filled his head, buzzing noisily. The cake was clutched tightly in his chest as he tried walking closer to Haneun's empty bed. What if Haneun died and he wasn't there for her? What kind of mother is he?! Tears slowly fell down his eyes as his trembling right hand held tight on the bed sheets. 

To his surprise, balloons flew over the window, grabbing his attention. Multi-colored balloons! It somewhat gave him assurance as he observed how dozens of balloons flew over the window and out of curiousity, he slowly opened the window to take a better view.

And there it was.

Once he looked down, a big banner saying "Happy Birthday Cha 'N' Hakyeon" greeted him warmly. Everyone was there and not a single one was missing; even Haneun was there, pale and weak yet alive. Joy hit him quickly as he quickly ran downstairs, heading to the garden with the box clutched near his chest. He hurried outside the garden and there, two confettis greeted him, triggered by no other than Ken and Ravi. Tears of joy escaped his eyes as he saw everyone there, greeting him a warm happy birthday.

"You guys..." Hakyeon teared up as he felt his feet turn into jelly, and thankfully, Leo had ran quicker than he'd expected to support him, grabbing the box he once carried to free Hakyeon's weaking grip. "You went all this trouble to set this up? When'd y'all plan this?!" Hakyeon sniffled.

"Not us, hyung." Hyuk grinned as he walked towards Haneun, grabbing her by the shoulder. "But her."

His eyes quickly shot Haneun as tears rolled furiously down his flushed red cheeks before running towards the female, hugging him tight. "Thank you, gosh, you're the best, Haneun! You brat, you're making me cry like an ugly old lady! This is like the best birthday you've given me, Cha Haneun! Thank you! Thank you very much!" Hakyeon sobbed as he tightened his embrace.

"Mom, this is your special day." Haneun smiled as she patted his back. "It's not fair to not celebrate it to the fullest. Add the fact that your birthday comes around once a year alone, so we must celebrate it the grandest way! And I know your birthday fell down on the time of my, well, death, but we should forget about the down time but focus on your day. Happy birthday, mom." the female teen grinned as she hugged her mother as tight as Hakyeon embraced her.

"You sweet ball of fluffiness and sweetness, I love you!" Hakyeon weeped harder, only to be calmed by Leo and the rest.

Once the tears were wiped away, the party began. Music echoed and at that moment, they actually forgot the fact that Haneun'll be dying any time now. Even Haneun herself forgot such! Everyone's minds were focused at Hakyeon's birthday. A few games from the past were done and everyone indeed had fun. Unfortunately, Hakyeon's family couldn't come due to their own personal reasons so they simply greeted their Hakyeon a warm happy birthday through social networking sights via video calls. It was enough for Hakyeon, the sight of his family singing a sweet melody of the said song and their honest and precious greeting was all that he needed.

Soon, everyone had their stomachs rumbling and the food was soon consumed.

And for the grande finale, a cake was offered to Hakyeon. Candles were lit on top of it and with Haneun and Leo holding it together, Hakyeon silently made a wish and to everyone's surprise, a tear slipped out of his eye before he blew the candles in one huff. No body bothered asking what he wished for to give respect to Hakyeon and just for fun, two slices were spared for the "smearing". Hongbin and Ken tagged along to smear icing on Hakyeon's face, which of course, the tanned male was caught off-guard of. Leo didn't escape neither as Hakyeon smeared a few icing on his cheeks for the fun of it. Haneun was the only one safe since everyone knew that she couldn't escape it, being in a wheelchair that is.

"Mom, we've got one last surprise for you." Haneun announced, grabbing everyone's attentions, including Hakyeon's. Once the chocolate-brown headed male turned his head around, everyone stood in a line and began singing his favorite song, which happened to be the song Leo sang when they had their first date together. As the song went on, the balloons were cut off and were soon flying upwards towards the sky. The once red-oranged colored sky was filled with multiple colors and the sight touched Hakyeon. 

Eversince he was little, Hakyeon was fond of colors and he always wished to see the sky painted not only blue or orange or black but that of a rainbow's: colorful. Now was the day he saw that wish of his come true before his very eyes. Again, tears escaped his eyes. Joy rose.

But not for long.

A loud thud echoed through the garden as Hakyeon heard Yongguk cry out that Haneun collapsed, landing on the floor. Adrenaline hit everyone and panic slowly consumed them. Leo acted quick and picked their unconscious daugther up, running back inside the hospital to get medical attention. Hakyeon ran close behind along with the others, who were rather panicking.

"No." Hakyeon thought. "Not now, please not now."


* * *


Beep. Beep.

The sound of the heart monitor was the only thing they heard. VIXX, Leo, Hakyeon and Haneun were the only ones in the room. The doctors had already said their last words; Haneun was dying in a matter of minutes. Haneun breathing was extremely shallow and her eyes were half-lidded. Her color was long gone and her temperature was dropping gradually. The heart monitor showed that her heart was beating slower and slower that it was already visible. 

Haneun's school friends, and the Bang Family were down the chapel, praying that something would happen. "Haneun." Hakyeon sobbed as he walked and help his daughter's cold hands. "Please, stay for a bit longer. Don't go yet, at least not until my birthday ends." he begged.

"Mom, it really hurts." Haneun weakly croacked as she pointed at her tightening chest. "I can't bear it any longer, I want it gone. I don't think I can hold on a bit longer." Her breathing was now assisted by an oxygen mask, which was connected to an oxygen tank nearby. "I'm sorry, I might go later on, mom."

"Haneun, stay strong." Hongbin pleaded.

"Don't go yet." Ravi added. 

"Reminds me." Leo snapped as he showed the box Hakyeon once held, now, a few candles lit. The box was opened and it showed the cake Hakyeon promised to bring along. "N bought this for you, like what you told earlier. It'll be your last cake, Haneun, so you might at least blow the candles out before it drops on the cake."

"I wouldn't eat it if that's the case." Haneun joked, the familiar line Hakyeon always hears whenever he'd say such line to the female teen. With Ken's support, the teen tried sitting up straight as she closed her eyes, wishing silently, before blowing the candles out with one weak blow. With sounds of clap, Haneun managed a weak smile before she gestures Ken to grab the familiar-looking white diary on the table. Once given to her, Haneun tries to hand it to her parents. "Open it and read everything." she instructed before she leaned back and closed back her eyes from tiredness.

Hakyeon and Leo slowly opened the diary and read the words scribbled down. Every page had a date fixed on them, a particular entry taken down. It all began at the first day of June. Every entry was a reflection of how every day began and ended.

From the time she discovered and bottled up the fact that she knew her heart condition...

When she first met Leo.

When she ran off from her grandparents' house and first stayed with Leo...

When she learned her family's true identity...

When Hakyeon and Leo finally got back together...

When their family was finally mended.

Leo flipped a few more pages and arrived at the middle part where he saw a wish list. Every wish had a box before it and all of them had a blue-inked check in them, a sign that they were fulfilled. One of them was a wish that goes "Meet my dad" and it had a big check compared to the other checks. Leo and Haneun met not long ago and it actually made Leo's heart get crushed into a lot of pieces upon reading such.

The last one was the best of them though, written in a different ink color and a few doodles and small, cute drawings around it. "Mend my family" was the thing written and it actually made tears escape Hakyeon and Leo's eyes. VIXX, who were reading them behind, were also tearing up. "We missed one entry though." Ken pointed out as he didn't see the last day of June get passed through.

Despite knowing that Haneun didn't have an entry at that date, Leo and Hakyeon flipped back the pages, only to be surprised that there was an entry! 


I guess I've finally reached the last entry of my life. My life's being out of my body ever so slowly and now, it's finally going to end. My life's been a good run. I completed all my wishes and had answers to the questions that would run all day long in my mind. First of all, thank you to all. 

Next, this message goes for mom and dad. First of all, I'd like to say thank you I love you. I am glad that we got to fix our family right before I pass away. I'm glad to see and have a mom and dad beside me. It's really heart-warming... too bad I can't have that a bit more longer.

Anyways, cutting off the chase, I'd also like to say sorry. I really didn't mean to ruin a few futures ahead, talking about yours, mom. Mom, you could've got into college and had a better work if it wasn't for me. I came to you at such a young age. You could've graduated and all but, no, you decided to raise me up into this. And for that, I'm glad and impressed of your strong wills. You're really something mom.

Dad, I would have to admit that I got a bit furious when I grew up without you beside. At first, I thought you're a "no-good guy" but I stand corrected. You were gone for reasons and one of those reasons is to protect mom and everyone. You're a real man for doing that. If only I knew what you went through, I wouldn't have that anger in me before. I wouldn't say that it didn't just die down or simply vanished, I simply accepted and understood the facts presented to me and brought peace in me.

As for that, I'd like to say this. Once I pass away, I'd like you two to stay together. Don't leave each other's sides no matter what happen, okay? Support each other in everything you do. I swear, if you leave each other, I'll haunt you 'till the end of time! 

I'm sorry, actually. By the time I leave, I want to leave one final wish. I know I wouldn't be there to see it but do it anyways. Aside from staying beside each other, I'd like you two to start over a new life, turn over a new leaf. Start over a new family, do things you like together and...

Tears were already falling down their eyes. Hakyeon was sobbing uncontrollably while Leo was blinking away the tears that threatened to roll down more. The rest of VIXX were either sobbing like Hakyeon or simply bottling their agony inside like Leo. And there it was, tears finally rolled down.

Pretend I never even ever existed in the first place.

The sound of a flat heartbeat was heard by everyone as the heart monitor flashed a straight line, a sign that Haneun's heart stopped beating. Hakyeon broke down into tears as he ran towards Haneun, shaking her as if he was trying to convince himself that she was simply sleeping. "Haneun! Haneun! Yah, wake up, you little--- don't you try scare me! Haneun! CHA HANEUN!" Hakyeon screamed.

Hyuk, who was closest to Haneun among the whole VIXX, hid his tear-filled face in his hands as Hongbin comforted him. Ravi was sobbing uncontrollably behind, Ken having tears flow down and dry on his cheeks. Leo ran towards Hakyeon, prying him away from their lifeless daughter. "N, Haneun's gone! Face it, our Haneun is gone!" Leo cried out as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"No! She's not going to go yet!" Hakyeon exclaimed as he tightened his grip on Haneun's hands. "Haneun! Please, wake up! Cha Haneun-"

"N! She's gone! Let go!" Leo begged, the pain of his beloved being felt by the next second. 

Screams of Hakyeon's agony and the sounds of weeping were the only things they heard aside from the flat sound the heart monitor made. Down the chapels, everyone was praying hard, hopes that a miracle would happen.

"Don't get Haneun yet." Yongguk and Himchan prayed together. "Give her more time, this isn't the right time."

"Hear us." Youngjae pleaded. "Haneun mustn't go yet. Bring her back. Let her live longer. Please, we beg you, Uncle Hakyeon and Uncle Leo couldn't bear this yet."

"They've met and became one just a few days ago." Niel and Ricky prayed. "This isn't fair, bring her back!"

"Bring Cha Haneun back, we beg of you..."

"Noona's sick, please heal her. Don't get her yet." Jongup and Junhong begged. "She's not a bad person, don't get her yet. She promised us to play once she gets better so please heal her."

"Don't get our Haneun yet, we beg of you." C.A.P, L.Joe and Chunji silently pleaded.

"Not now, not tomorrow, please." Daehyun begged. "She musn't go yet. Bring her back. Give us a miracle, God. Give us a miracle."

"BRING OUR HANEUN BACK!" Hakyeon practically exclaimed as he hugged his lifeless daughter tightly, tears rolling down his eyes. The atmosphere was so down that not a spark of joy was hinted. There was only empty hopes and wishes they knew... wouldn't probably granted.

"It's my only wish..." Hakyeon sobbed as he kissed Haneun's temple. "It's my one little wish, what's so hard about that? Bring us our Haneun back and let her live... why can't you grant that simple wish of a sufferring mother and of that family which just gotten back a few days ago?"


* * *





Nearly a half hour of silence and broken hopes and wishes, that familiar beeping sound filled the weep-filled room, making everyone raise their heads in surprise upon hearing that familiar sound echo.

The heart monitor no longer flashed a flat, horizontal line, instead, there were ups and downs, a sign of a beating heart. Hakyeon nearly had his eyes pop out as they widen as he turned around to eye his daughter, whose fingers were twitching faintly.

"Haneun?" Leo called out.

To their surprise and joy, Haneun's head moved a bit and soon, her eyes were slowly opening and her charcoal orbs looked straight at everyone. Smiles soon formed as Hakyeon gasped. "Haneun?" he cooed.

"Someone told me to go back and not go to the light." Haneun softly stated out as she tightened her grip on Haneun. "I... went back because He asked me if I wanted to go already, and I said I wanted to stay.. with you-"

"HANEUN!" Hakyeon and Leo cried out in joy, hugging their precious daughter tightly.

"I-it's a miracle!" Ravi gasped as he saw the once dead Haneun come back to life, colors slowly filling her once pale face. "It's a miracle! Guys, it's a miralce!" the blue-headed male cried out as he ran outside the room. "Haneun's alive! Cha Haneun's alive!"

"She's alive?!" Changjo gasped as he ran upstairs with everyone.

"Haneun's alive?!" Yongguk gasped.

"Alive and breathing! She's alive!" Hongbin added, tears on the corner of his eyes. "She's alive!"

"It's a miracle!" Himchan clapped as he ran towards to see the now alive Haneun. Everyone clapped and a few doctors darted in her room, just to find her vitals miraculously healed and better, as if she didn't have the heart condition in the first place! "This.. this is a miracle! Your prayers were answered! Congratulations!" the doctor clapped.

"This is the best day!" Hakyeon grinned as he hugged Haneun tight. "Thank you, this is the best gift and wish that has ever been given to me!"

"I wouldn't want... you to be sad on your birthday now, would I?" Haneun giggled as she weakly hugged her mother back, Leo soon hugging the two of them tightly.



* * *



"Dear diary," Haneun thought as she observed and glanced at the smiles patched on everyone's faces. "I guess you'll have another entry tomorrow, huh?" she giggled.

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AAAAAAND I'm fixing it now XD


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Chapter 33: This is very sadly story, but I like it!
najaem-acorn #2
I'm always be a silent reader, but this story is my favourite and I had read it for about 10+ times!! Your story is pawsome!!
khasabat #3
Chapter 32: I am very hope that hakyeon can pregrnt again, please make it! Make a squel please
Chapter 32: I had suspected it. But it's still slightly sad. She couldn't have gone in any better way, though. It was a perfect ending. :') Thanks.
Chapter 33: its the end
thats the end
my throat and eyes are hurting for crying too much
i-i-i... i cant
this is beautiful
upvotes and sobs in the corner
Chapter 32: WHAT
im in tears again
im in pain
naznew #8
Chapter 32: Great and beautiful story..
i though haneun will alive in the end but she gone.... that was sad part...
but i'm glad she leaving with smile because happy her mother and father finally be together..
Totomatoes #9
Chapter 33: *claps hands like Jung Leo*

It's so beautiful! Although I find it absurd that she knows when exactly she'll... Go... But hey what do I know? Thank you so much for this wonderful story! It's daebak and heartwarming! Author jjang~~!!
Demilee_16 #10
Chapter 33: T_T such a beautiful story!