White Diary

June 18, 2022

June 18, 2022

* * *

"Aw, must we really go?"


"We can always schedule this on the weekends, dad. Come on!"

"Seoul looks a lot nicer at night. Plus, I might be busy at weekends."

"But... dad-!"

Since she got picked up from school, Leo instantly told her that they were going to an amusement park along with the whole VIXX. Of course, for some reason, Haneun had to strongly decline and insist that they have to reschedule it, which of course, Leo simply responds with a blank look. With all the demanding talks and plainless emotions on their faces, the two were definitely sure that it was going to be quite a long ride.

"Reschedule it." Haneun begins again, glaring at Leo.

"No." Leo plainly replies, his eyes glued on the road.

"Reschedule it."


"Do it."



"Haneun, no."

"Do it."

Leo simply takes a glimpse at the female, who was staring at him with those pleading and seemingly puppy-like eyes. Of course, Leo decides to be firm in this decision before he averts his eyes away, shaking his head as a response. Haneun, on the other side, pouts before turning away, arms crossed on her chest. For some reason, Leo sees Haneun as someone else, but he can't put his finger on it.

Right after the two had dressed themselves in a more proper outfit, they didn't waste any more time as they hurried to the amusement park. One call from Hongbin was all that Leo needed to step harder on the accelerator to make the vehicle run a bit more in the faster pace. Haneun, who rather had all her colors go down the drain, was seemingly ignored by Leo, who was busy driving alone.

Sooner than they've expected, they finally arrive at the destined amusement park, where of course, VIXX was waiting impatiently. Just by the sight of Leo's black car, Ken comes running towards him before hitting his shoulder lightly. "Hyung! Where've you been, we were waiting so long already!" Ken began to whine.

"Jaehwan, you're thirty, start acting like one." Leo sighed as he opened the door for Haneun, who quickly ran behind him and gripped tightly on his top. 

"Someone's still a bit shy." Ravi smiled as he walked towards Leo and Haneun, kneeling a bit lower to make eye contact with the teen. "Come on, Haneun. Like we told you last night, there's nothing to be shy about."

"She can't help it perhaps." Hyuk grinned. "Let me try approaching her, we've got the nearest anyway!"

"Fourteen years ain't little, Sanghyuk." Hongbin giggled as he ruffled the youngest's brownish-black hair. "But yeah, you can try that plan of yours too."

Hurriedly, Hyuk shoves Ravi out of the way and waves sweetly at Haneun. Once he saw the teen hide more behind her "father", he extends his arm out, seemingly reaching for hers. "Come on, I promise that you'll get along with us! We're not like this big scary Leo-hyung here!"

"Said something, Hyuk?" Leo glares down.

"I meant the lions, hyung! You call lions 'leo', right?" Hyuk laughed nervously before he averts his attention to the shy female teen. His sweet smile never left his face and patiently waited for Haneun to grab hold of his hand. "I might grow mold on myself if you don't grab it sooner, Haneun." Hyuk giggled.

Finally giving in, Haneun slowly reaches out for Hyuk's hand and lightly takes hold of it. Delighted, Hyuk's grin grows bigger as he finally sees the teenage girl opening up to him ever so slowly. "Woah! Hyuk did it!" Ravi gasped. "Since when did this boy get close with kids."

"Correction. Thirteen years old these days aren't kids anymore, Wonshik." Hongbin smiled. "Besides, Hyuk was always close with them!"

"Never saw him be one!" Ken pouted. "I should've been the first one to hold Haneun's hand, Sanghyuk! You big jerk!"

"Jaehwan, you're nothing but an old lady to Haneun." Leo sighs as he facepalms herself. "Sanghyuk's more in the big brother image so expect the brothers to get a hold of Haneun's hand first."

Haneun simply looked at how Leo's allies were kind of immature, but that made her feel a bit assured and settled. They were a bit less or more immature as Hakyeon, heck, maybe as immature as her mom is! Leo must be the most mature guy she's ever met, and more or less, the only person she had met that acts his age! 

"So, where do we go first?" Ken asks as he childishly flailed his arms.

"Ask the one main reason we even made this plan." Leo says as he puts an arm around Haneun, who was walking in between him and Hyuk. Noticing his actions, Haneun looks up at her "father" and bats her eyelashes cluelesssly. "Haneun, where do we go first?"

"... I get to pick where to go first?" Haneun asks, only to be answered by a nod. "Well, I don't know. I don't usually go to places like this that often so... you can say that I don't know."

"Seriously, are you a hermit or something since birth?" Ravi questions as he raises a brow at the teen. "It's impossible that you've never went here!"

"Well, will it be too weird if I did say that?" Haneun blinks, making everyone stop in their tracks and fire judging looks and seemingly disbelief-like expressions on the teen. Hyuk soon kneels down and looks at Haneun before pouting. "Haneun, lying's bad. Besides, in your generation today? That's highly impossible-"

"It's not." Haneun answers back. "I don't want to be a trouble around mom. Mom always arrives home late or tired, and due to the want of at least making mom rest, I don't ask my mom to take me to these kinds of places."

"... I seriously want to have a kid like you someday!" Ken smiled widely as he patted Haneun's head lightly. "You're a great daughter, Haneun! Your mom's extremely lucky!"

"She sure is." Ravi agrees, nodding his head. "Well then, since Haneun doesn't know which ride to go first, I suggest that we take her to those we used to ride on?" he grins.

"Oh, no. She might collapse on those!" Hongbin cried, shaking his head vigorously. "Let's go on with the light ones first! You know, those a girl can take."

"I think she may not." Hyuk giggled. "Look, Leo-hyung and her have the same facial expressions... blank. They're seemingly alike in some aspects too, so maybe Haneun has the same bravery hyung has! It can work!"

"Stop being imaginative, Hyuk. Just because she calls me dad doesn't mean that we have the same bravery." Leo frowned.

"Who knows? Let's test it! To the water slides!" 

With Hyuk leading the way, Haneun runs along since she only has two choices, and she despise going with the other. First, she might get dragged along, which she dislikes. Second choice is simply running along, which she decides to go along with. Everyone follows close behind, excluding Leo who was simply walking calmly and with poise.

Once they've reached the ride, Hyuk volunteers himself to go first, and along with this, Haneun came along. Being a worried father he is, Leo pushes himself along. The left three were the next batch, according to Ken and Ravi. "Haneun! You should try sitting in front!" Ken suggested, grinning widely.

"Do you want her to get wet?" Hongbin pouted. "Go sit in the middle to be safe!"

"Who're you kidding? Sit at the back so you're a hundred percent safe!" Ravi countered.

"I'm sitting on the middle." Haneun says as she hops in the raft-like ride. In front was Leo and behind her was Hyuk, who was more excited than she was. Once they heard the familiar beep, the ride began moving. The once serious-looking Leo had a small smile glued on his face, making Haneun unconsciously mirror the expression. Her excitement can't be hidden as they approach a dropping slide.

The air was filled with shrieks and laughter. It lasted a few minutes and afterwards, the whole group saw how Haneun was smiling brightly. "Had fun?" Hongbin asked as he carefully swiped strands of Haneun's hair away from her face. "You got wet! Seriously, Sanghyuk?" the shaggy black-headed male frowned as he sent a glare at the youngest.

"Not me!" Hyuk cried in perfect English. "It was Leo-hyung who did it!"

All eyes were on Leo, who was beginning to wipe Haneun's face with his handkerchief. Once he noticed the looks his group sent him, he simply blinked multiple times and tilted his head cluelessly. "What? I want the girl to have fun. And besides, it was unfair that the water came only at me!" Leo defended.

"It was okay." Haneun giggled cutely. "I had fun. Where do we go next?"

Seeing the excitement blazing in Haneun's eyes, Hongbin hurriedly approaches her and grabs hold of her hand, pointing at the spinning and rising ride or "Hurricane" as they call it. Haneun's eyes glimmered and nodded cutely, following Hongbin's lead with no hesitation. Aside from Hyuk, Hongbin's the next person she can see as a big brother or something. He's probably the nicest person, excluding her mother and Leo of course. 

Once the group arrives there, Hongbin hands the teen to Leo and smiles at him. "Take care of her." he smiles before joining Ravi in one ride. Hyuk and Ken were in the other and of course, Leo and Haneun. Once they were all set, the ride begins to move bit by bit, making Haneun scoot closer to Leo. To her surprise, that ride was no joke.

"Woah! Woah! Why is this ride too high?!" Haneun shrieked out, surprising Leo, who was once sitting calmly beside her. 

"That's because this ride is supposed to go this high while spinning." Leo explained.

"No way! It's too high!" Haneun cried as she tucked herself close to Leo, closing her eyes and gripping tightly at him. Melted by Haneun's cuteness, Leo flashes a faint smile before putting an arm around her to make her feel at least a bit safe around him. The spinning and endless rising refused to stop by a few minutes and once it did, Haneun felt her legs seemingly turned into jelly.

"That ride was something! Let's do that again!" Hyuk childishly cried out.

"Save that, let's go to more rides!" Ken pouted.

"What happened to Haneun? Why does she seem pale?" Ravi asked, eyeing the teen who was still clinging onto Leo tightly. 

"She was shocked on how the ride went. She didn't, well, imagine how it'd go correctly." Leo shortly explained, making everyone nod and make "oh" sounds.  Haneun, who managed to bring herself back to reality, finally loosens her grip on Leo and was once again grabbed by Hyuk. "So, up for some bumper cars?" he giggled.

"... Sure." Haneun nods, making Hyuk gesture everyone else to head to the bumper cars station. The moment they arrived there, they were lucky that they were the only persons there. 


"We have the whole place for ourselves!" Ken clapped as he ran towards a yellow car. "I call this cart! Prepare to face the wrath of Ken-jumma!" he laughed in a rather evil matter.

"Childishly yet intruiging." Ravi smirked as he sat and claimed the dark red colored car. 

"I get to have the white one!" Hyuk cried out, darting off the moment he said so. Hongbin, meanwhile, silently makes his way towards a purple-colored car and sits down, putting on his seatbelt with care. 

"Haneun, do you want to go on a different car or join me?" Leo asks as he eyes Haneun, who was standing out of the track. She blinked a few times before forming a decision. With no words, she silently steps in the cerulean-painted car with Leo, who simply smiled and nodded. Once they heard the beeping sound again, they threw away their mercy and began bumping each other.

"Aim for Hyuk! Aim for Hyuk!" Ken commanded, but failed as everyone aimed for him instead. "Hey! I said Hyuk, not Ken!" he growled, bumping Hongbin and Ravi's cars. 

"Aim for Leo-hyung!" Hyuk joked as he drove after Leo, who was simply dodging the clashing parts. Once Hyuk bumped their vehicle from behind, Leo knew that there were no time for jokes anymore. 

"Come back here, you punk-!" Leo screeched as he stepped down the accelerator hard. By the next moment, Hyuk's car was bumped mercilessly by Leo. Haneun, meanwhile, was laughing as she clung tightly on Leo's arm by every clash they have with the others. 

The laugh of the teenage girl filled the track, making everyone seemingly get infected by her sudden happy virus. Ken was still mercilessly aimed by the group, but at some times, they'd change targets. Ravi was targetted by Leo and Haneun the moment he dared to bump them from the side. Hongbin got hit by Hyuk by accident, resulting to the two's battle to take place. Ken successfully startled Ravi with a bump from behind but failed to drive off as Leo blocked him, giving Ravi time to take sweet revenge.

Indeed, it was very interesting and fun time for Haneun.


* * *


"Dad." Haneun calls out after they've finished a few "smooth" amusement park rides. Of course, upon hearing his "daughter" call out with her soft, angelic-like voice, Leo turns around and looks at Haneun, who was walking alongside her "big brother" Hyuk. "Can we have that?" she innocently asks, pointing at the ice cream stand nearby.

"You want some?" Leo asks as he eyes Haneun, who shyly nods at him. "Alright. Come along." he says, gesturing her to take his hand, which Haneun obeys. Hurrying, she runs towards her "dad" and holds his hand tightly. The whole group then heads to the pointed station and orders their own ice cream, according to their liking.

"Thank you." Haneun smiles softly as Leo hands her order.

Sitting along with the others, Haneun quietly eats her ice cream, an expression of satisfaction filling her face. "Someone likes it!" Ken giggles as he ruffles the teen's hair. "Don't tell me you've never eaten ice cream before."

"Hey, we're not that poor, okay?" Haneun pouts. "It's just that, well, we don't have these often."

"Due to what? Lack of income?" Ravi asks.

"No. I just prefer saving so I when I get a bit older, I can fund myself and no longer depend on mom. Who knows, if I save enough, I can actually help mom too just like how mom helps me now." she smiles softly.

"What an angel!" Hongbin smiled as he eyes Haneun. "You're really from heaven, aren't you?"

"Lots say that." she says. "But no. I came from my mother's womb. I'm no fallen angel, just created this way." This time, after shoving some of the sweet treat in , she turns to Leo and scoops some ice cream and offers him some. Not wanting to decline her, Leo smiles softly and opens his mouth, allowing Haneun to feed her so.

"You guys are seriously like father and daughter." Ravi pouts as he observes the two. "For real, how come you guys aren't related?! You two have so much in common!"

"It's simply coincidence, Wonshik. Deal with it." an emotionless Leo answers as he glares at the navy-blue headed younger. "So, where do we go next?"

"Let's take it to the extremes!" Hyuk suggested, grinning widely. "I have the perfect place to begin the challenge with!"


* * *


"The Viking?! Han Sanghyuk, are you crazy?!" Hongbin screeched as he saw the enormous boat-like ride in front of them. Haneun had all her colors go down as she gripped on Leo's arm tightly. Just looking at it gave her the creeps, what more if she's on it? "Come on, it'll be fun, hyung! You always said that this ride's the best!" Hyuk laughed.

"I never said such thing!" Hongbin whined.

"I think this is actually the best ride to start with." Ravi grinned. "Come on! Let's go!" he laughed as he ran off, Ken and the rest following along. Leo, meanwhile, saw the fear in Haneun's eyes and not wanting that to go on, he kneels down and pats her head. 

"You'll be okay. This ride's safe." Leo smiled. "Plus, I'm here, amn't I? I'll keep you safe. I'm your dad."

"That's not the point whether it's safe or not." Haneun trembled. "I'm seriously scared of this!"

"You? Scared? Are you kidding me?"

"I hate these rides! I can't endure high places! I get easily afraid in these types of rides." she complained. 

"You can face your fears, Cha Haneun. Come along, we'll do this together, okay?" Leo smiles, making Haneun feel a bit assured, thus walking beside him towards the frightening ride. Once the preparations were set, this familiar beeping sound comes out again, making the ride move ever so slowly. Just when Haneun was already getting settled, the ride goes higher and higher until Haneun got dizzy of the height they were.

And in less than a second, Haneun's scream filled the place whilst everyone's scream of joy and laughters. Haneun simply had to close her eyes and bury her face on Leo's chest until the ride finally stops.

But that ride was just the beginning.

Soon, Haneun finds herself in front of a tower-like ride with seats around it. With curious eyes, she sees the name "Drop Tower" and with that name read, she swallows a lump on with difficulty. "Please don't tell me what I think it does is what it does." she frowned as she stood close her "father".

"Come on, you can do it!" Hyuk encouraged.

"Yeah! You seem like a brave girl to handle this ride." Ken grinned.

"There's one problem. I'm not!" Haneun stomped. "I'm going to be sick."

"Not yet, Haneun. There're still lots to ride!" Ravi laughed as he took his seat beside Hongbin, who was busy fixing his once messy hair. Haneun, as usual, sits beside Leo, who was seemingly calm as he sat down. "Dad." she called out softly.

"It'll be okay." Leo assured, holding his hand out. "Here, hold my hand. Don't look down, just keep looking straight. The view from up there will definitely remove that fear you've got on your chest." he smiles.

"If I die early, you're funding my funeral." she growls before holding tightly at Leo's big hands. With a countdown heard, the ride blasts off at one, the scream of Haneun lasting for a matter of solid ten seconds. The ride kept lowering and rising until the group felt that their stomachs were being flipped over and over again, and that made them sick.

Next was the rollercoaster, which literally killed Haneun. The spins here and there, the ups and downs... they were too much for poor Haneun to handle. Who ever knew that this seemingly emotionless teen had fear in her? All they needed to assure such information were her screams and ear-splitting screeches. Every drop leads to a shriek, every spin earns a scream. Every rising level made Haneun's face go extremely pale.

Thank goodness it lasted short. But along with this, fear never left her as she wobbled her way down the ride and around the park. "Haneun? You okay?" Hongbin worriedly asked.

"Does this face... look okay to you, oppa?!" she growled as she clutched her chest. "I really think I'll die already! No more!"

"Don't worry, there's no more." Hyuk grinned. "Congratulations, Cha Haneun! You passed the extreme rides test!"

"What in the world are you blabbering about, Hyuk? There's no such thing!" Ravi cried, lightly hitting Hyuk's head with his right hand, making the younger jolt in surprise and wince in slight pain. "Anyway, maybe it's time to take Haneun home before she falls down!" he warns.

"Come to think about it, she looks like she'd collapse any time now." Ken frowned.

"Before that, let's go to the Ferris Wheel." Leo suggested, making Haneun jolt up and hit the older's arm. "What? It's enclosed so it's less scary up there. Plus, the view-"

"That's what you said in the Drop Tower, dad! It never was!" Haneun whined.

"Aw, stop whining and let's go." Leo laughed as he pulled his "daughter" towards the ride.


* * *


"It's too high!"

"It keeps getting higher?!"

"Gah-! Stop this!"

Panic rose in Haneun as she felt the ride slowly move. It was nearly not felt but thanks to Haneun's intensified senses, she felt the slightest shake in the ride. Not wanting to sit alone, she sits beside Leo, who of course, lets her do so. "Come on, it's not that bad." Leo softly says.

"That's because you're used to these!" Haneun whined as she clings tightly on Leo's arm once again. "Tell me when this ride's over, okay, dad?"

Smiling, Leo taps her back and points outside. Since she can't somewhat disobey, Haneun looks outside and at that moment, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

Hundreds, no, thousands, or maybe millions, of colorful lights wrapped the lively city of Seoul. She saw how the city radiated beautifully with those lights embracing it. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Leo smiles as he eyes Haneun.

"Very." she smiles. "I had my eyes closed at the Drop Tower... it's a better view from here!" she grins widely.

"I do recall that I often come here with someone." he smiles as he tries recalling the memory. "I can't pin-point who, but yeah, I did."

"Someone special perhaps?" 

"Something like that." he nods. "We often went here and like you, screams always filled this place whenever we ride intense rides."

"Cool." Haneun smiles. "I wish I can take mom here once too. I want her to see this view!"

"That's a great idea, Haneun."

"It is, isn't it?"

The inky black sky was now filled with twinkling stars and of course, the bright moon. To her surprise, during night time, the sky isn't the only glowing place. The whole city was clad in numerous colorful lights, which made it a lot more wonderful and astounding.

"Thank you, dad." Haneun whispers, making Leo blink a few times before eyeing the teenager wrapped comfortably around his arms. 

"For what?" he blinks.

"For this day." she smiles. "It made my day." she giggles before closing her eyes and snuggling warmly close to Leo, who simply smiles faintly before closing his eyes as well, enjoying the unique warmth he and Haneun had. 

The warmth of family.



For this day, dad took me to the amusement park along with the whole VIXX. 

It was rather fun. We rode lots of new rides that I never had a chance to ride before. They were so much fun and intruiging. Hyuk-oppa often held my hand too, and I guess I kind of enjoyed his company since, well, he's really caring and fun to be with.

Hongbin-oppa also held my hand today. Confirmed, he's the kindest person ever existed in this world, that excluding mom. 

Ravi-oppa and Ken-oppa... well, childish. More childish than me!

There were some intense ride I managed to survive riding in. The Spinning-Rising Ride nearly killed me because it went higher than expected. The Drop Tower made my stomach flip numerous times. Heck, that was a scary view up there. The Viking had this dizzying height and motion that makes me want to puke. The rollercoaster was the same, only worse.

Anyway, the last ride was the best: The Ferris Wheel.

I saw how beautiful Seoul is from above. Lots of colorful lights in it! It was as lively as it is in the morning! Thank dad that he brought me up there!

One day, I swear, before my life ends, I'm bringing mom in an amusement park. Hm, how about I introduce him to VIXX as well?

That sounds nice.

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AAAAAAND I'm fixing it now XD


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Chapter 33: This is very sadly story, but I like it!
najaem-acorn #2
I'm always be a silent reader, but this story is my favourite and I had read it for about 10+ times!! Your story is pawsome!!
khasabat #3
Chapter 32: I am very hope that hakyeon can pregrnt again, please make it! Make a squel please
Chapter 32: I had suspected it. But it's still slightly sad. She couldn't have gone in any better way, though. It was a perfect ending. :') Thanks.
Chapter 33: its the end
thats the end
my throat and eyes are hurting for crying too much
i-i-i... i cant
this is beautiful
upvotes and sobs in the corner
Chapter 32: WHAT
im in tears again
im in pain
naznew #8
Chapter 32: Great and beautiful story..
i though haneun will alive in the end but she gone.... that was sad part...
but i'm glad she leaving with smile because happy her mother and father finally be together..
Totomatoes #9
Chapter 33: *claps hands like Jung Leo*

It's so beautiful! Although I find it absurd that she knows when exactly she'll... Go... But hey what do I know? Thank you so much for this wonderful story! It's daebak and heartwarming! Author jjang~~!!
Demilee_16 #10
Chapter 33: T_T such a beautiful story!