White Diary

June 26, 2022

June 26, 2022

* * *


"Leo! Is Haneun awake yet?"

"Didn't you wake her up?"


"... Wha-?"

"Wake her up, you punk, she'll be late if she doesn't wake up sooner!" 

Leo frowned at how loud Hakyeon roared while he was busy cooking. Of course, being the only one not to do anything but fix his tie, Leo hurriedly climbed upstairs to wake their beloved daughter up. In that very room, Haneun slept peacefully, wrapped in their comfortable blanket and everything. "Haneun." Leo softly calls out as he sits down the side of the bed, making it dip a bit. His long arms slowly rocks the sleeping female, waking her up soon.

"Good morning, dear." Leo greets as he stands up, observing how his daughter rolled before sitting up, blinking lazily. 

"G'morning." Haneun yawns as she stretches her arms up. "You're up early, are you going to work at this time?" she blinked as jumped off the bed. As usual, the quiet Leo simply replies with a silent nod, enough for Haneun to understand. Together, the two made their way back down, Haneun quickly greeting her mother a sweet "good morning".

"Mom, are you going to work today?" Haneun asked as she eyed her mother, who was kind of busy cooking. "You're not dressed in your work outfit..."

"I'm on my week leave, remember? I'm not going to work until next week, sweetie." Hakyeon grinned. 

"I see. So... dad's the only one going to work today?"


"... You'll be left alone here then?"


Haneun simply blinked as she eyed her mother, a brow raised as she leaned back. Leo, meanwhile, was still fixing his tie and hair, much to Hakyeon's annoyance and finally, making him help the taller male. Afterwards, Hakyeon hurriedly serves breakfast and joins the two in eating, talking and smiling every now and then. 

This day was their first day together. Haneun didn't actually feel like going to school but she had to, right?

"Haneun, go prepare for school." Hakyeon says once he spots Haneun fixing the dining table. "I'll take care of those, okay? As for you, Leo, go fix your suit, it has creases!"

Minutes flew and there Haneun was, dressed neatly in her school uniform. As per usual, her hair was messed up and the clip wasn't fixed well. "Cha Haneun, get your self over here." Hakyeon called out as he gestured the teen to come near him. WIth careful hands, he fixes her hair and clips the white flower clip neatly, smiling once he sees his successful work. "Leo, take her safely to school, okay?" Hakyeon stated out.

"Leave her to me, I'll take her there safely, N." Leo smiles as he leads Haneun out of their residence. "Take care of the house and yourself, N." he says before he goes out.

"Same goes for you! Good luck with the day!" Hakyeon caringly said, waving his hand a bit until Leo and Haneun were out of sight. Once that was done, Hakyeon spun his attention to the dishes, cleaning them patiently until they're squeaky clean.


* * *


Students buzzed here and there.

A day out of school was rather nerve-wrecking for Haneun. It was as if she missed a whole school year or more! The sight of fellow students, the same level with her and some seniors, walking around in pairs, groups or by them selves, made her nervous a bit. "What's with the paleness, Haneun?" Leo blinked as he eyed his daughter, who was rather hesitant in opening the door.

"Nothing, dad. And I'm not pale." Haneun pouted. "Do well on your work."

"Same with your day, Haneun. I'll pick you up at five or something. Wait for me here, understood?"

"Of course. Bye." she waved before stepping out of the car, slowly making her way inside the school building. Leo saw how six males greeted her warmly and ever having physical contact with her, such as patting her shoulder and ruffling her hair. His keen eyesight even saw how Haneun was smiling brightly upon seeing her friends. One was extremely clingy to her while the other was walking beside her, seemingly like a bodyguard or something. Sure that his daughter is good to go, he hurriedly drove to his work.

"So, how'd everything go? You were absent yesterday." Changjo questioned as he looked at Haneun, who seemingly looked a lot livelier and brighter. "Did everything go as planned?"

"Mhm." Haneun nodded. "We're now living with dad."

"Really? Congrats!" Ricky clapped. "So, is your new house enormous? Like a mansion perhaps? Mr. Leo looks so luxurious so I wouldn't be surprised if he owns a mansion or a villa-"

"Dad's not that rich, okay? He simply owns a two-story house and the place is really well decorated and spacious, so it's better than our previous house." Haneun smiled faintly, speaking soft as per usual. 

"Talking about your parents, that time your mom dresesd like a girl, we never suspected that your mom's a 'he'!" L.Joe commented out of the blue. "I mean, seriously, he looks fabulous as a male or a female! For real-"

"I know, my mom is gorgeous." Haneun nods. "Too gorgeous, to be exact." 

"No questions where you've got your looks!" Chunji chuckled.

"So, what'd you parents think about their little surprise?" C.A.P asked. "Since you were absent the day after, we never knew how it went! Tell us everything, Haneun!"

"They liked it." Haneun smiled. "Mom actually teared up a bit, dad was speechless and everything and... yeah. Thanks a lot, that evening actually went smooth and perfect! I couldn't thank you enough."

"Nonsense." Niel grins. "Come on, let's get to class! On lunch, let's get some ice cream! C.A.P-hyung's treat!"

"Hey, Ahn Daniel, say what?!" 

"What? You're the eldest-"

"Shut up, sausage lips!"

"Make me!"

"I swear-- bring your back here, Daniel!"

With the sound of the bell ringing mixed with C.A.P's screams of Niel to come back, Haneun and the rest follows behind, smiles patched on their faces and giggles escaping their lips every now and then. Students ran along with them, hurrying to get to their own classes as fast as their feet can carry them. 

This could rather start a perfect day for Haneun.


* * *


"Good morning, Mr. Jung."

"Ah! You're back, Mr. Jung!"

"Welcome back, sir!"

Warm greetings were showered onto Leo, who calmly walked through the halls, bowing constantly at a few staff members and office mates. His way heading to his office was rather a long one with all the greetings and bows he gave back to people he'd run across to. Once he was in his office, he didn't expect the faces that greeted him on the other side of the door.

"Welcome back!" Ken, Ravi and Hyuk greeted in unison as they waved happily at the older male. Shocked and not knowing what on earth he should do, Leo simply flashed an emotionless face at them before softly greeting them back with a "hello" before heading towards his table. "Hey, why the face? Are you feeling down early in the morning, hyung?" a hyper-active Ken asks as he swings an arm around Leo.

"No. Just shocked to see your faces in my office." Leo blinked. "Don't you guys have anything to do perhaps? Manage the group you handle, teach a few trainees about music, dance or rapping or perhaps have a film shooting somewhere... or a concern perhaps?"

"Come on, even us musically-inclined people find time to drop by our highschool friends!" Ravi grinned widely. "So, I heard N-hyung's living with you now, and so is Haneun! How was it? Is Haneun going to be a big sister then-"

"Shut up." Leo glared, hitting Ravi's head lightly as he blushed bright red. "I am not doing that thing on N. Hey, My memories of him aren't that fresh yet and until then, I can't act openly on him."

"Psh, but you want to have another kid, right?"

"Shut up. N's been in extreme hardship while carrying Haneun. A man getting pregnant is something odd and weird. At least have pity on N, okay?" he sighs before sitting down his chair, leaning back. "So, anything you're here for again? It's quite weird that you dropped here to simply visit me or something."

"Treat us food!" Hyuk childishly begged, tugging on Leo's arm. "Treat us for lunch, hyung! Please?"

"Sheesh, why is it always me?" Leo glares. "I'm not some sort of piggy bank, Sanghyuk."

"But---" Hyuk pouts as he flashes those puppy-dog eyes at the older. Defeated upon seeing the cuteness Hyuk contains, Leo sighs and nods in agreement, making the youngest grin happily and jump in joy.

"Oh! Hyung, we can invite N-hyung along!" Ken suggested.

"Mhm! I'm sure he'd love hanging around us again after his thirteen-years absence, right?" Ravi added, grinning wide. "Plus, you can use that to have some little, well, date time?"

"Shut it, Wonshik." Leo sighed. "N's a busy person, he needs rest too, y'know. That's mainly the reason why I told him to stay home and get lots of rest. He's always stressed in work and busy, and he barely gets rest. Being the mom, that's means more responsibility in the house, yes?"



"... Right." the three sighed in defeat. "So, what time do we eat lunch, hyung?" Ken asked out of no where, making the two behind him laugh and Leo, sigh. 

Some things just don't change through the years.

And in a nutshell, that's them.

Hours flew by and without him knowing, Leo was alerted by a rather impatient Hyuk that it was already lunch time. Not being able to do anything, he hurriedly agrees and lets himself get dragged by the three out of his office and soon, out of the building. Simply following where they'd like to go, Leo walked behind and simply scanned where the three headed. 

They headed here and there.

Took turns here and there.

Walked back and forth.

"Hyung! Let's eat there!" Ken suggested, pointing at this fancy resto they walked past through before. Of course, Ravi and Hyuk agreed and Leo simply followed behind. The three gave their orders and got a table away from the windows. Ken soon came back to stand beside Leo while he takes a line in ordering.

Minutes passed and the food arrived sooner than they've expected. Leo sat down with the younger ones, eating along with them, exchanging chats and everything. Ken would often tell jokes and everything, and of course, Ravi's laugh was the one and only laugh that gained attention. Well, hey, a heck of a deep-voiced male laughing the crap out, imagine what that'll sound, right?

Hyuk, on the other side, was eating happily while Leo was simply listening and flashing smiles constantly while listening to Ken's jokes and Ravi's giant-voiced laughter. 

Things were going well.

Well, mostly.


The familiar voice grabbed everyone's attention in a flash. Once their heads were turned, their eyes saw a rather sweaty-faced Hongbin, fear and nervousness seemingly flashing in his eyes. Upon the sight, a concerned Ravi runs towards his friend, showering him with tons of questions right away. "Oh my go- what happened, Hongbin? What's wrong?" the blue-headed male asked as he grabbed the other by his shoulders. "Gosh, you're all drenched in sweat! What's wrong, Hongbin?"

"Trouble." Hongbin breathed out as he tried speaking in between heavy pants. His left hand was clutching his chest, breathing heavily and deeply. "Th-there's... hyung, trou-"

"Breathe, Hongbin, breathe." Ken said, standing up as soon as he senses something alerting. "Sit down, dude. Tell us what happened to be exact. Come on-- Hyuk, hand him a glass of water. Seriously, breathe, man. Breathe."

After calming down, Hongbin finally tries to regain his normal breathing pace and seeing that, Leo then leans forward and looks at the younger. "What happened, Hongbin? What's wrong? Did something go... wrong?" Leo asked as he looked at the dimpled younger, who was struck by fear the next moment.

"Binnie?" Ravi calls out, snapping his fingers in front of the other. "Earth to Hongbin-"

"N-hyung's in trouble, Leo-hyung." Hongbin mumbled as he met the older's eyes. "Your sister knows about everything now. I-I don't know how, she just knew, and now she'd probably informed your parents and everyone's hunting for him! You need to protect him, hyung. They're coming for hyung!" he cried out, beginning to hyperventilate. 

The world stopped for the four as Leo shot up, running out of the resto as quick as possible. Knowing that they wouldn't catch up with him, the four simply plans to get to where ever Hakyeon was on their own. 

"No." Leo repeated to himself. "N'll be okay. He won't be in danger. He's gonna be okay." he repeated as he kept running. 


* * *



The roaring voice of Leo surprised a relaxed Hakyeon, who was reading a book on the couch. Surprised of his sudden appearance, Hakyeon stands up and runs towards him, confused. "Leo? Why're you here? Aren't you supposed to be in work?" he blinked as he eyed his beloved. 

"N, we need to get outta here." Leo nervously said as he grabbed his hand. "You need to hide."

"W-what?" Hakeyon gasps as he back away, tightening his hold onto Leo's hand. "W-what's wrong? Is something going on? Leo, what's wrong? What's happening?"

"Just hide." Leo begged. "Hurry, go somewhere to hide... Go to a friend's house or something and stay there until I call you. Hurry. Get moving."

"Leo, explain things to me first, please." the chocolate-headed male pleaded as he looked nervously at the older male. "I'm getting scared and nervous, please-"

"Why, if it isn't our beloved Taekwoon."

A female voices echoed through the house, making Leo and Hakyeon turn their heads around in surprise, just to see an older female standing a few feet away from them, arms crossed. Her face resembled that of Leo's in some angles, and that made Hakyeon's heart skip a beat. She was no other than Leo's sister... one of the persons he wouldn't want to see at this time. "Noona-" Leo gasped as he saw his older sisters, slowly pulling Hakyeon near him. "What are you doing here?" 

"Visiting my dear little brother, what else?" she smiled before turning to see Hakyeon. "I see my staff's here too. Is this why you took a week's leave, hm, Mr. Cha?" 

"Leave N be." Leo warned.

"I see. You're slowly recalling him, eh? This is such a wonderful reunion, but at the same time, something we should stop." she frowned. "Taekwoon, get away from that male and come over here. As for you, Mr. Cha, get away from my brother."

"No." Leo firmly countered. "I'm not letting you hide N's existence again from me. He's staying with me and I'm staying with him."

"Now, a male-male relationship is simply absurd. Come here and go back home, Taek-"


Patience was soon consumed. Leo's older sister marched towards him, grabbing the younger by the hem of his shirt, anger flashing out from her eyes. Leo had already pushed Hakyeon away of trouble, thankfully making the other land on the couch, fear striking him instantly. Drowning in confusion and fear, Hakyeon could only watch as Leo stood there, glaring back at his own older sister. 

"Hyung!" Hakyeon heard Hongbin yell, hurriedly spinning his head at the younger. Soon, his eyes saw three more males behind that dimpled younger, namely Ravi, Ken and Hyuk, who were rather struck with fear, shock and panic upon seeing the scene. Hurriedly, Hongbin grabs Leo's sister by the shoulder while Ken grabbed and pulled Leo away. Hyuk and Ravi hurriedly made their way to a rather shocked Hakyeon, calming him down as fast as possible.

"What in the world is happening?" Hakyeon asked as he was in the verge of tears, grabbing onto Ravi tightly as he trembled. "Wonsik, Sanghyuk-"

"Hyung, calm down." Hyuk begged. "Come on, let's go in your room for a while."

"Where do you think you're bringing that... that ?!" Leo's sister hissed, making Leo tackle his own blood-related sister down, growling at him like a furious lion. 

"Try calling N like that again and off your head goes." Leo warned. "And I'm not joking, even if you're my sister, I'll-"

"Hyung! Calm down!" Ken begged. "Get off of her, now! Come on, off of her now. Stop it!"

"Hyung, stop it!" Hongbin added.



Meanwhile, screams invaded the building, only with Ken and Hongbin holding back the siblings, Hakyeon shivered and buried his tear-filled face in his palms, completely covering his whole feared-expression. Hyuk was busy patting Hakyeon's back while Ravi kept on telling him to "Calm down" and "breathe".

And then it hit him. "Haneun." Hakyeon gasped. "Someone, get Haneun outta here! How if someone targets her? He's my and Leo's child!" he began to panic.

"Calm down, hyung." Hyuk pleaded. "I'll get her. Stay there." he said in panic as he ran towards the balcony, jumping with no second thought. Of course, that only leaves a weeping Hakyeon and a rather surprised Ravi behind. "That kid seriously needs pills. NOW." Ravi sighed.


* * *


"Bye Haneun!"

"See you!"


Haneun simply stood there as she watched a few of her allies go home. Of course, as always, Niel stayed beside her until Leo arrives and picks her up. Despite her continuous pleading to Niel that he should go home instantly, the older male would always disagree and insist in staying beside. "Go home." Haneun said again, glaring at the taller male. Of course, she was replied with a typical shaking gesture of Niel's head. She sighed.

"Haneun! Cha Haneun!" the voice rang in her ears as she spun around to look who was calling for her. To her surprise, it was Hyuk, panting heavily and sweat covering his face. "Oppa?" Haneun blinked upon seeing Hyuk run closer to her. "What're you doing here? What's wrong?"

"Y-you're mom and dad-" Hyuk breathed. "Hurry, you need to get home quickly or else, some things might happen and it might get dirty!" 

"What are you saying?"

"Just come with me! Leo-hyung won't be picking you up today because he and N-hyung's in trouble!" 

"What?!" Haneun gasped as she grabbed hold of the older's hand. "Let's go home. NOW! Let's go- ah, Niel-oppa, head home now! Thanks for standing beside me!" she shouted as she dragged Hyuk behind her, panic slowly consuming her. Hurriedly, the two tried to get the fastest way to get home, which was lucky enough for them that a taxi managed to pass through them.

A few minutes passed and finally, the two arrived at their destination and hurriedly, escaping Hyuk, Haneun charged towards the door and opened it, just to find two shouting figures, namely Leo and his sister. The other two, Hongbin and Ken, were trying their best to put them away from each other. "Dad!" Haneun cried out, grabbing everyone's attention.

"My, that kid's your child?" Leo's sister asked, smiling in a seemingly doubting angelic manner. "How cute, she got your looks, brother!"

"Don't even think of laying a finger on my daughter!" Leo growled as he glared back at the older woman. Shock and confusion filled the teen and fear strikes her as she sees Hakyeon running downstairs with Ravi trying to catch up with him. She saw how tears filled his face, and that crushed Haneun's heart over and over again.

"Haneun! Get outta here!" Hakyeon screeched. "Hyuk, get her out here! Don't let her see this!"

"Haneun, let's go." Hyuk said, tugging the teenager along with her, but instead, he got astonished as the female runs towards her mother, hugging her tightly around the waist before hiding behind her, fear filling her up by every second.

"What's going on?" Haneun faltered as she tightened her grip on Hakyeon's top. "Mom, who's dad fighting with?"

"Aw, won't you introduce your daughter to her aunt?" 

"You're not her aunt and never will be!" Leo screeched as he pushed his sister away, running towards his family and holding them close.

Confusion hits Haneun and she feels that familiar pain again.

Her chest tightened gradually and soon, she was incapable of breathing.

Everything out bit by bit.

Her breathing hitched and she slowly felt herself falling as everything blacks out, the pain in her chest growing bigger and bigger in no time. She hears a few muffled screams but it was too late when she felt the cold floor pressed on her cheek.


..."Haneun--! Cha Haneun, wake up!"


"Call an ambulance! She's not breathing!"

"Save my daughter! Anybody, help!!!"


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AAAAAAND I'm fixing it now XD


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Chapter 33: This is very sadly story, but I like it!
najaem-acorn #2
I'm always be a silent reader, but this story is my favourite and I had read it for about 10+ times!! Your story is pawsome!!
khasabat #3
Chapter 32: I am very hope that hakyeon can pregrnt again, please make it! Make a squel please
Chapter 32: I had suspected it. But it's still slightly sad. She couldn't have gone in any better way, though. It was a perfect ending. :') Thanks.
Chapter 33: its the end
thats the end
my throat and eyes are hurting for crying too much
i-i-i... i cant
this is beautiful
upvotes and sobs in the corner
Chapter 32: WHAT
im in tears again
im in pain
naznew #8
Chapter 32: Great and beautiful story..
i though haneun will alive in the end but she gone.... that was sad part...
but i'm glad she leaving with smile because happy her mother and father finally be together..
Totomatoes #9
Chapter 33: *claps hands like Jung Leo*

It's so beautiful! Although I find it absurd that she knows when exactly she'll... Go... But hey what do I know? Thank you so much for this wonderful story! It's daebak and heartwarming! Author jjang~~!!
Demilee_16 #10
Chapter 33: T_T such a beautiful story!