You're doing it wrong JinSun! *facepalm*

Pretty Girl Project


A week has passed; since Key’s review was published a few days ago the café has gained twice the customers they used to have. Everybody was busy, no more breaks in between times, no more stealing cupcakes from the display because it always sold out.

A day has passed, it was almost closing time. After a hard day’s work all them decided to close early and celebrate. They went to the nearest grill house and ordered a large plate of meat. While everybody was enjoying the delicious, juicy meat JinSun only watched it from afar. She only ate the lettuce leaves that were supposed to be for meat wraps.

Onew noticed his little sister and urged her to eat.

‘Eat up, piggy. We saved half of the plate for you.’ He pushed a bit of the plate of meats to her. She glared at her older brother. ‘Gee, thanks. That’s very thoughtful of you.’ She pushed back.

Why aren’t you eating? Isn’t meat like your most loved foods?’ asked SuRri, worried.

Wow really? Me too!’ Smiled Taemin, his non-stop eating obviously showed that he really meant it.

JinSun just looked down, she usually responds to Taemin. But tonight, she didn’t even smile to him. She has been like that since last week, the day Key came to the café. SuRri noticed her friend’s behavior.

You guys just eat. I don’t feel like eating meat. I’m full anyway.’ She said weakly.

Don’t lie, the only thing you had today was water. Come on, it’s not always that Onew hyung wants to treat us meat!’ Then JeongMin followed in.

‘I said I don’t want to!’ she slammed the table. Everybody was surprised with JinSun’s sudden explosion. JinSun quickly returned back to her calm self.

‘Emm, oppa, can I have the keys to the apartment. I want to hit the hay early tonight.’

Sure.’ He handed the keys to her.


The next morning…

SuRri went in for work.

 ‘Good morning pretty SuRri!’ greeted JeongMin. She rolled her eyes. ‘Good morning, JeongMin.’

He pouted, ‘Aww!  Don’t I have a nickname too?’

She ignored JeongMin and greeted Onew. ‘Good morning Onew oppa!’

Ohh, good morning SuRri.’ Smiled Onew as he was making the butter cream icing for the cupcakes. She got nearer to the table.

Where’s JinSun?’

She’s not coming in today.’

‘Why?’ she asked.

‘I don’t know, she refused to open the door. I knocked it a few times. ‘

Mind if I check on her?’

Be my guest.’

The JinJin sibling’s house is just a staircase up.

SuRri climbed up the concrete stairs before entering the house. A homey feeling brings SuRri good old memories, JinSun’s house was like her own since she have been spending most of her childhood there, playing dolls and houses. She stopped in front of a light brown wooden door, decorated with cupcake cut outs and the word ‘J I N S U N’ in bright colored papers.

She knocked a few times. A groan was heard from inside. ‘JinKi oppa, I said I don’t want to!’

Who’s JinKi oppa? It’s me SuRri.She knocked again a few times.

Go back down there SuRri, I don’t feel like working today.’

Oh no you’re not’Lee JinSun, you better open this door! Don’t make me use my judo on it!

JinSun quickly opened it.  Only half of her face appeared, she looked miserable.

You’ve seen my face, I’m still alive. You can go down now.’

SuRri pushed the door and walked in, ignoring JinSun’s ‘unwelcomed face’.

The atmosphere inside the room was cold and dark. The curtains were closed, the only light existed was the LED light form JinSun’s laptop. Based on the blue rays from the laptop she was either surfing on Tumblr or Twitter

What’s up with you this week? You won’t eat, you won’t dance to the songs we played, you’re not the usual you.’

JinSun lay lazily on her bed, and dug her face into the pillows. ‘I’m depressed.’ She muffled in her pillow.


‘I wanna lose weight!’

SuRri made a surprised look. ‘So that's why! But why so sudden?’

’I heard Taemin and JeongMin said something about me the other day; I found out that he likes me..’

SuRri’s expression brightened, but just as she was about to congratulate her, JinSun added,

But…not how I expected.’ She pouted.

‘Aww, don’t be sad. He’s not the only guy in this world, there’ll be more plenty!’ she side-hugged JinSun.

No, I’ll stay forever alone like this if I don’t do something. Things would change if I was slim as you.’

SuRri just listened to what her best friend had to say, she nodded a few times.

 ‘I’ve been fat for the longest I could remember, I need to lose weight. I want to wear fashionable outfits, eat cupcakes without people looking disgusted at you, mostly; I just wanna feel how is it being liked by someone.’

SuRri finally said. ‘Okay, I’ll help you. I always wanted to do those makeovers to their best friends, just like on TV!’

But promise me, you’ll go all out with this, okay?’

Deal.’ They linked pinkies as a sign to their agreement.


Pretty Girl Project Tips #5:

Diets never work. Trust me. Instead of going on diests, try reducing the intake of your food. Btw, I know this way isn't healthy but avoiding rice helps to lose weight faster.


Hey readers!

I know, this chapter is lame, sorry. I don’t feel creative right now. Please, bear with me...

Be hwaiting your comments <3 

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Does this mean they're official?? and Taeddy! I want one too! XDD
OMG. I laughed so hard but oh no! Onew's hair T_T I can't imagine him to be bald LOL.
@changmer_24: It's because Taemin was not around the whole day. he was with Onew :3
wow.. finally an update :)
No Jisun & Taemin moment? Hmmm. Are they awkward after what happened? But this is still a great update. Haha, they both have swollen lips after their kiss. Hahaha, why did Onew did that?? Maybe he wants to change for someone just like JiSun... kekeke~ Update more please~ ;D
OMO!!!! Of course I remember you! I was waiting for you to update!
Kyaaa~ I'm so excited! I'll wait for the update! ;D
IHeartSHINee0525 #7
WOW! update soon!!^^