JinSun's 'Heroic' Act

Pretty Girl Project

'Man! I love having that boy working here!' smiled Onew. He was counting the daily incomes at the dinner table. Opposite him was JinSun eating her dinner.

'Who?' ask her with a spoonful of rice in .

'Taemin-goon. I must admit, I was about to not hire him. But his face was so....ughhh! I couldn't say no. You know what I mean?'

She nodded and smiled as she chewed he food.


It has been a week Taemin started working at the cafe' and the number of customers doubled! Why wouldn't Onew be so happy?

JinSun on the other hand, wasn't so happy. Because most of the customers were female, and they were mean too. One time she heard a group of middle school girls called her one of the 'Piggy Doll' members and laughed at her. But she kept it cool and acted like she didn't heard a word. But, there's this one group of high school girls, the literally came in everyday after school and hang out near the coffee station. She knew that the girls came because of Taemin.

They would come and flirt with him, asking his phone number and his home address, it was amazing how he can still smile at those annoying girls.

One day, they came again.

'Oh great, those hyenas are here.' said SuRri glaring at them. She called them hyenas because they laugh like one and did I mention they 'eat' people?

 As usual they would chase out some random customer who was sitting at their spot as if it was their own place. And sat. A blond haired girl snapped her fingers, calling the waiter. 

'I guess that's my queue...' she sighed as she picked up the menus towards the table. The girls looked at her, disgusted.

'Ewww, we don't want you. We want him!' she pointed her index finger to Taemin who was busy preparing orders.

'But, miss. He's busy.'

'Hmph, busy shmezy! We don't care!' she ran her long and slim fingers through her long blond hair.

JinSun had to follow the customers' demand and walked to Taemin.

'Taemin-shii, those girls wants you to take their orders.' Taemin sighed. But I need to finish 2 more coffee orders.

'JinSun felt sorry for him, luckily she had learnt some barista skills from JeongMin so she offered to help him.

'Don't worry, I could take it from here. Now go, those hyenas look hungry.' Taemin laughed at her joke. 'Haha, hyenas. Nice one JinSun.'


'Oppa, can we meet you after your shift is over?'

'Oppa, can I take your picture on my phone?'

'Oppa, what's your name? I want to name my new pet horse!'

JinSun got irritated by those girls and wanted to go and tell them off but JeongMin stopped her.

'No, don't go. Thing's will go bad.'

'Oppa, you're just over reacting. They're just high school girls.'

'Yeah, private high school girls. Didn't you see their school badges. It's from Cheondong Girls High School.'

'Meaning...' JinSun was still clueless.

He hit her forehead with a teaspoon. 'Those girls are rich, combine their monthly allowances and they can buy this whole cafe'!

So that explains the colorful hair of each member...

'Psh, it's their parents who are rich, not them. Now excuse me. I need to shut up some female hyenas.

'I warned you.'

JinSun approached the table and stepped in front of Taemin. Let me show you to the nearest night club!'

He was was jawdropped  by her actions, the girls gasped. SuRri smiled satisfactorily, 'That's my JinSun!'. While her brother, Onew...well...

'Lee JinSun. A word. In my office, now.'


 The girls left the cafe' after being told off by JinSun, Taemin was relieved. He wanted to thank her but couldn't find her around the cafe.

'SuRri, have you seen JinSun? I haven't seen her all day.

'Oh, JinSun's outside, and if you can't find her, she's in a pink bear costume handing out fliers.'

'Pink bear costume?' he asked.

'Yeah, Onew oppa always made us wear it if we make a mistake.

Taemin felt guilty, if it wasn't because of him she wouldn't be in that costume.


Oh goodness, why is it summer? she whined.

It was enough she had to stand under the stinging sun, but in a bear costume?

JinKi oppa doesn't love me anymore. she sobbed.

Luckily the bear costume was able to cover her crying face, but her sobs could be heard.

'Mommy! The bear is crying!' a little girl said.

JinSun shifted further away from the girl she didn't realize somebody was behind her and he fell.

'Ohh, sorry, person. I didn't see you there.' she helped him up

'It's okay.' she recognized that voice.

'Taemin-shii?' There was a whole in the bear's mouth where the air comes in, she saw his eye first, he has an eyesmile.


Jinsun took a break and sat on a bench at a nearby park. Taemin joined her also. She took off the head piece and take a few lungs full of air.

He handed her a can of orange juice. She grabbed it from him and drank it with full might.

He looked at her.

'What you did was heroic today.'

'Mmm?' her eyebrows furrowed.

'You telling off those girls to go to a night club. That's kinda something. Thanks, JinSun.'

'No problemo, I was getting tired of them anyway.'

'But mind if I'm asking, why did you decline every time they approach you? Are you playing hard-to-get?

Taemin laughed, 'What? Hard-to-get? Nah, it's just that those girls are so...demanding. I hate those types.'

'But they're pretty. Rich too.'

'What's the use if you have every treasure in this world but you have no respect for others?' he looked at her.

Ohh, here comes those random heart beats again...

'Anyway, I don't care how skinny and pretty they are. I like cute girls. With pinch able cheeks.' he pinched of JinSun's cheek.


Pretty Girl Project Tips #3:

Don't ever drink water while eating, because if you do so, the enzyme in the mouth to process the food will not be digested properly and this will lead to 'spare tyres'


Chapter 3 is done and I'll be updating this story on the weekends only form now on. Hey, a girl's gotta life too.


And thanks for the comments, I'll be waiting for more!


Till Saturday,

TeAmo~ ;)

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Does this mean they're official?? and Taeddy! I want one too! XDD
OMG. I laughed so hard but oh no! Onew's hair T_T I can't imagine him to be bald LOL.
@changmer_24: It's because Taemin was not around the whole day. he was with Onew :3
wow.. finally an update :)
No Jisun & Taemin moment? Hmmm. Are they awkward after what happened? But this is still a great update. Haha, they both have swollen lips after their kiss. Hahaha, why did Onew did that?? Maybe he wants to change for someone just like JiSun... kekeke~ Update more please~ ;D
OMO!!!! Of course I remember you! I was waiting for you to update!
Kyaaa~ I'm so excited! I'll wait for the update! ;D
IHeartSHINee0525 #7
WOW! update soon!!^^