Chapter 1

Pretty Girl Project

This style of font is when the character talks by her/himself.



I stared at the two costomers sittng in a corner of our shop. Eating our popular 'Maxi Cupcakes' and full cream cappucinoes  without a sense of guilt in them. Despite their skinny frame, long legs and v-line jaws, they eat like me.

Big portioned and packed in calories.

I continued to eye them from top to bottom. Every inch of them were perfect. Well, their faces I bet are fake but teir bodies a purely natural. Of course, most of the people I know are born skinny. I shifted my sight to my best friend, SuRri. she's really pretty. A talent agent once scouted her to take her as an actress but she declined it becase of her love for baking.

Then there’s me. Double chinned, cubby me. I sighed as I looked at my reflection the neck down. I’m so stuffed; I could’ve died of suffocation. But I got used to it apparently. I’ve been like this since I was born. Everybody loved me when I was a baby because they said I looked like a baby doll. A cuddly doll with pinch able cheeks. But then I grew up.

I grew up in a family that loves food! Dad was an awesome baker and mom can create beautiful arts on cakes. Together they ditched their jobs and focused on building a bakery/café where I’m standing in now. So my older brother JinKi got the baking skills and I got the love for food from them. Wait… THAT’S NOT FAIR!!

Unfortunately, they died in a car crash 2 years ago; I was just 14 years old while my brother just entered college. He had to drop out and take over the café.


SuRri noticed JinSun staring into an empty space, she called her a few times but no respond were given. She grew impatient and poked JinSun’s chubby cheeks. ‘Yah! Stop day dreaming or else I’ll poke you in the ribs if you do it again.’ She wiggled her index finger in front of JinSun’s face.

‘Yeah, if you can find it.’ JinSun pouted and walked towards the sink to wash the dishes. SuRri felt bad and followed her. She hugged her best friend’s back and tried to cheer her up. ‘Don’t be upset. Your cheeks are still poke able.

JinSun was still pouting, scrubbing the dishes and acted like nobody was there.

‘Smile or I’ll kiss you!!’ SuRri started making kissy faces to her.

Ahh, get off me!!’ JinSun said while trying to push her away. ‘Okay, okay, I’ll forgive you! I was just testing your friendship. Geez.’ She blew some dish soap foam on her hands and landed some on SuRri’s face.

From that then started a foam war. Bubbles everywhere and giggles of the two best friends were heard.

You girls better get those dishes done!’ cried Onew from the kitchen.

‘Sorry oppa!’ Both of them stopped the bubble war and started cleaning up.

TING! The bell on the counter rang.

Oh! A customer.’

‘You go; I’ll finish up at the back.’ Insisted SuRri. JinSun went to the front and couldn’t believe who she saw.

A tall, porcelain skinned, was standing. His black hair shined under the dim light. A sweet smile curved on his full lips. ‘Hello’

JinSun’s heart pounded like crazy, she blinked her eyes a few times, and making sure the person who she was looking at was no illusion.

Is he real, why so perfect?

‘Emm, hello?’ He leaned closer and looked at her in the eyes. She was now blushing. Her cheeks were like 2 large ripening tomatoes.

‘Uhh, ss...Sorry.’ Crap! I’m stuttering! She panicked. She took a deep breath. And controlled her stars trucked expression.

‘Can I help you?’

‘Yeah, can I meet with the manager?’ he asked. Why would he want to meet with JinKi oppa?

‘Let me call him,’

‘Sure.’ He smiled again. Literally, the last smile could send her straight to heaven.


Onew was piping icing on the cupcakes when JinSun came in.

‘JinKi oppa!’ she slammed the door open. Onew was startled by the sudden slamming of doo and nearly messed the icing. He sighed in relief.

He lifted up his head and looked at her with an annoyed look in his eyes. ‘What?!’

Her voice got slower, ‘There’s someone who wants to see you. ’ She pointed out the door.

‘Is it the military officers?! Oh God! Is it time already?!’ Onew panicked.

‘No, and calm down! That guy is too young to be a military officer’. Not to mention cute too.

Onew took off the apron and walked to the counter. She spied through the kitchen door.

Why is JinKi oppa nodding? And handshaking? Wait now he’s ducking down the counter. An apron? Is he working here?

The guy left and Onew went back to the kitchen.

JinKi oppa! Is that guy working here?’ her eyes sparkle as she looked at her older brother. He looked at her back with an empty expression.

‘None of your business.’ 


Pretty Girl Project Tip #1:

Want natural pink lips?- Apply butter or margerine onto lips before going to bed. If you don't want butter, you can use honey.



Hey guys! Chapter one is up! Tell me how it is!

sorry for the short chapter guise, i didn't know it ill be this short -,-'

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Does this mean they're official?? and Taeddy! I want one too! XDD
OMG. I laughed so hard but oh no! Onew's hair T_T I can't imagine him to be bald LOL.
@changmer_24: It's because Taemin was not around the whole day. he was with Onew :3
wow.. finally an update :)
No Jisun & Taemin moment? Hmmm. Are they awkward after what happened? But this is still a great update. Haha, they both have swollen lips after their kiss. Hahaha, why did Onew did that?? Maybe he wants to change for someone just like JiSun... kekeke~ Update more please~ ;D
OMO!!!! Of course I remember you! I was waiting for you to update!
Kyaaa~ I'm so excited! I'll wait for the update! ;D
IHeartSHINee0525 #7
WOW! update soon!!^^