A long day at Dongdaemun.

Pretty Girl Project

(Jinsun's POV)

SuRri literally dragged me. Stopping at one shop to another. Usually I would just go straight to Scarlett Plus or any other expensive American brand stores. 

So, My feet was starting to ache after 3 hours of shopping. My left hand was holding numerous paper bags of clothes and on my right hand holding the same thing only it was pants and shorts. Yup! I'm buying shorts!

"How many more hours must we shop? I don't think these will fit in my wardrobe." I whined. Surri was busy running her hands through the clothing racks. We were at a store selling pyjamas. "Okay, this will be the last." she smiled. I let a breath of relief. "Next we'll go makeup shopping!"


I looked at watch on my wrist. It showed 4.36 P.M. It is exactly 4 hours and 36 minutes since I last seen the sun. LOL, I'm overacting. SuRri was still dragging me around. We reached a salon on the 4th floor. we approached the counter where there was a lady, with long hair. She wore a pink polka dot blouse and a pair of black shorts which showed off her long slim legs.

"SuRri-shii." greeted her. Looks like the lady knows her.

"Hi Victoria unnie." she smiled back. She does.

"And who is this?" she said in a weird accent. Is she foreign?

"Oh, this is my bestfriend. Jinsun. I showed you a picture once. Can't you recognize her?"

Victoria lift up her ulzzang glasses and leaned closer to me. She squinted her already slanted eyes. And finally tilted her head.

"Really?" she said.

"Yup! Only that picture was taken 5 months ago." she winked.

Then Victoria's eyes widened."Omo, really?! You lose weight? In 5 months?"

I nodded, and blushed a little.

"Wow, you need tell me the secret to it. I need to lose weight too." she pouted. I shot a wide gaze back at her. Seriously? *Sigh* Some people aren't just happy with themselves, even though they're already perfect.

"Later unnie. Emm..." SuRri craned her neck. "Where's Amber hyung?"


"I hear people! is that my SuRri?" a soft voice came from behind the beaded drapes on the door. I turned to the direction and came out a tall girl. Or is that a man? But her name is Amber..but why hyung? I unknowingly cocked my left eyebrow.

SuRri held my shoulders from behind and faked a laugh but actually she's leaning down to my ear to whisper. "Don't make that confused face. SHe doesn't like it." Oh so she's a she!.

"So, what will it be? Dye? Perm? Ohh, I wanna try new hairstyles that I've learned on you!" said Amber, hyped. She was kinda cute in a way.

SuRri backed a bit and put both hands in front of her. "Woah, not today hyung. Today I brought you a new customer." she leaned closer to Amber and whispered "She needs help."

Girl, I heard that.

"Hmm.." Amber placed her chin between her thumb and her index finger. "She doesn't need much help, her skin is absolutely flawless for this age." 

Why thank you, I drink green tea a lot.

"But your hair. Hmm..Have you ever tried fringe?"

I touched my forehead. "I've never tried fringes because that'll make my big face even wider and shorter."

"Great! We'll go for the fringes then!" jumped SuRri. 



(Taemin's POV)

She's been out the whole day. Where is she? Did something happen while she and SuRri went out?

I kept looking out the window. No sign of them. Hmm, it's nearly closing time. 

Hmph, I'll just see her tomorrow.

After cleaning up the tables and locking all the doors. I wished Kyung and Zico hyung good night and walked home. I plugged into my iPod and 'danced' my way home. On my way I saw someone from afar. It was a girl. She was holding a alot of stuff in both of her hands. Looks like shopping bags. 

Maybe I should help her.

As I walked near, I saw the girls face clearly under the street light. My eyes met her's. 

"Jinsun...?" I said softly. She smiled to me. "Surprise..." she said in the same tone as me.

Just as my cheeks reddened, I felt the first snow fell on the tip of my nose.

(ENd of POV)


Pretty Girl Project Num. 14:

Natural, non chemical scrub recipe ^^v

1 tablespoon of Sugar and and one teaspoon of olive oil. Mix it together and scrub off! Wash it with lukewarm water.


Terribly sorry for not updating so soon, I've got the writers block, and I'm also distracted by the preparations for school next year.

Yep, school holidays are about to be over T.T

To make it up here are some gifs of Taemin.

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Does this mean they're official?? and Taeddy! I want one too! XDD
OMG. I laughed so hard but oh no! Onew's hair T_T I can't imagine him to be bald LOL.
@changmer_24: It's because Taemin was not around the whole day. he was with Onew :3
wow.. finally an update :)
No Jisun & Taemin moment? Hmmm. Are they awkward after what happened? But this is still a great update. Haha, they both have swollen lips after their kiss. Hahaha, why did Onew did that?? Maybe he wants to change for someone just like JiSun... kekeke~ Update more please~ ;D
OMO!!!! Of course I remember you! I was waiting for you to update!
Kyaaa~ I'm so excited! I'll wait for the update! ;D
IHeartSHINee0525 #7
WOW! update soon!!^^