As her day was terrible, it just got worse....

Pretty Girl Project


As they were walking home they heard voices of people laughing coming from the playground. It wasn’t a kid’s voice, it was grown-ups’. And one of them was familiar.

“Jinki-ahh!!” a woman’s voice was also heard. Hey..Isn’t that my older brother she’s calling? Jinsun thought to herself. “Slow down! I think I’m gonna throw up!” she added. Jinsun got curious..

Jinsun and Taemin hid behind some thick bushes and found Onew was pushing Hyosung on a swing. He was smiling.

“Hey, didn’t you say Onew-hyung was already at home?” he whispered. Jinsun gulped. The Onew-wants-us-at-home was actually a lie to get Taemin away from IU….

“Shhh~” Jinsun signaled him to keep quiet. They were quiet for a moment, totally focused on spying Onew and the weird hair colored lady.

“Wow, I’ve never seen Onew hyung smile that wide…” he said, sounded surprised.

“I know right?”

Suddenly, Jinsun lost her balance while squatting down, then she feel to the front, exposing her from her hiding spot.

Her fall caught Onew’s attention. He saw her. He panicked. But he just stood there. 

“Hyung! Back away!” warned Taemin. Then in a blink of an eye…


Onew fell to the ground, unconscious.


“OMYGOD GRANDMUM THAT HURTS!” screamed Onew from the next room. Jinsun automatically sat up, her eyes were still closing. She was still asleep. She laid back and pulled the quilt over her head.

“Arrkkhhh!” cried Onew. This time Jinsun slowly opened her eyes. Her sleepy eyes glared at the clock. It was 7.15 a.m. She groaned. She kicked away her quilt to the side, and stretched out like a kitten after waking up.

“Tsk, cry baby!she mumbled as she walked out towards Onew’s room. There she found Mr.Hodong, her grandfather and standing beside him was Taemin, even with his sleepy eyes and messy bed hair he still managed to flash Jinsun a warm, good morning smile.

Darn you Lee Taemin! Giving me stomach-aches early in the morning. I said, referring to that butterfly feeling in my tummy every time I'm near him.

“Good morning, dumpling.” Said Grandad pinching my ‘dumpling’ cheeks.

“I didn’t see you yesterday…”

“Yeap, I was busy handling the Chuseok party last night.” He yawned. Poor old man, he’s tired.

I sighed. “You’re not 45 anymore you know….you shouldn’t be doing so much work.” I looked at him worriedly. He’s already 67 and has diabetes, how can I NOT worry?

He laughed, “You sound just like your late mother.” He patted my head.

Grandmum walked out with a warm towel and a bowl of half eaten warm porridge.

“How is he?” Asked Grandad worriedly.

“He’s fine, but he can’t move his back and he has a bruised bottom.”

I let my head down…this was all my fault.


I skipped a few days, so now they’ve returned to Seoul, ok? Alrity then! Now let’s get back to the story…..


“LEE JINSUN HOW CAN YOU GAIN 2 KGs IN JUST 3 DAYS?!” SuRri’s eyes widened. Jinsun was still staring at the weighing scale. “My hard work of 3 weeks! 3. Agonizing. Starving. WEEKS!” her eyes watered.

“What happened?” SuRri still couldn’t believe.

“It’s because, it was chuseok! And the food! And IU…and..and….”

“Wait…IU? Who’s she?”

Jinsun sighed. “I’ll tell you that later. Now, let’s go back downstairs. We got cupcakes to icing.”

Since Onew is still at the hanok because of his injuries, Jinsun and Taemin had to go back to Seoul without him. Luckily with months of experience and a whole lot of help, the café can still be in operation.

I can’t believe I gained weight in just 3 days! How is it possible? She thought to herself. I have to work harder!

“Hey Jinsun!” tapped Jeongmin on her shoulder. “There’s someone outside talking to Taemin. She's a girl too” He smirked. She looked at him and gave him the Are-you-serious-look.

“What? I’m just saying…” then he walked out. She rolled her eyes. Like I care! Taemin has rights to talk to a girl other than me and SuRri, it’s not like he’s my boyfriend or anything. That girl could’ve been his sister or cousin.

She begins to lose focus and looked towards the kitchen door. Is she pretty? She wondered. Maybe..I should just take a peek. Just to ease off my curiosity.

She abandoned her work and took a peek through the kitchen door.

Hmm…long brown hair…pretty.

Her eyes squinted. Wait a second.


She hold her chest, as if her heart has about to explode.

What is SHE doing here??!!!


Jinsun didn’t bother to ask Taemin why IU was there, she has enough things to worry about. That night, she was on her laptop to google on some more tips to lose weight.

“Hmm..I wonder how’s my Sandeul is…” she smirked. Sandeul the B1A4 member was Jinsun’s celebrity crush since she first heard their song ‘Only Learned Bad Things’. She immediately fell in love with him and always daydream about him. Sometimes more that she does with Taemin.

“Mwooo??! What is this?!” her eyes bulged wide. She saw a picture of her bias with a member of a rookie girl group under the same company. They looked close. Then she looked at the comments below the picture.

“Ohhhh~ they look so cute together!”

“Both are the cutest members from each group. They are so perfect!”

“These two for We Got Married 2012 pleaaaassseee!!”

She clicked the San(The girl’s name) tag *what I meant to say was their couple’s name*

Her hands curled into squishy fists. “My heart…my poor and fragile heart!”

“First Taemin, now Sandeul….” She placed her head on her desk. “Cruel life of a fat girl…”

That night, she cried.


Pretty Girl Project Num.11:

Wanna have those intense looking eyes but your eyelashes are too short or thin? Well then! Put Vaseline on your eyelashes. This is because petroleum stimulates hair growth, and your eyelashes will grow thicker and longer.



Okay! New chapter! Hope you enjoy this one. Sorry for my depressed way of writing in this chapter. I just finished scrolling down the ‘Taelli’ tag on my tumblr and it made me feel a little down :’(

Dayyyuuummm Sulli-unnie looks so pretty! I wanna be skinny and pretty just like her one day!

I will!

Be strong me!

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Does this mean they're official?? and Taeddy! I want one too! XDD
OMG. I laughed so hard but oh no! Onew's hair T_T I can't imagine him to be bald LOL.
@changmer_24: It's because Taemin was not around the whole day. he was with Onew :3
wow.. finally an update :)
No Jisun & Taemin moment? Hmmm. Are they awkward after what happened? But this is still a great update. Haha, they both have swollen lips after their kiss. Hahaha, why did Onew did that?? Maybe he wants to change for someone just like JiSun... kekeke~ Update more please~ ;D
OMO!!!! Of course I remember you! I was waiting for you to update!
Kyaaa~ I'm so excited! I'll wait for the update! ;D
IHeartSHINee0525 #7
WOW! update soon!!^^