Lee Jinsun, I know you like me~

Pretty Girl Project

It has been two months~ Jinsun is still on with her diet plan. Thank goodness for her strong will and dedication, not only she managed to lose the 2 kilos she gained during the holidays she lost a lot more!

All she did was walk to and from school everyday and skipped lunch at school. She also fully avoid anything related to carbohydrates and sweets.

Onew also treated her better. Surprisingly, she thought Onew was going to be mad at her for spying on him that night. But he didn't. He stopped calling her 'piggy' and 'polar bear' and started calling her by the name 'Dongsaengie' and 'Jin-ny.'

Jinsun looked at herself on the mirror. A grin of satisfaction appeared on her face.

Chubby cheeks? No more! Only pinchable, like SNSD's Seohyun.

Double chin? Lol, what double chin? Okay I'm lying, just a little :3

But then she looked the waist down....

'Hmph..' she made a blowfish face. 'Still need some work.' she said as she patted her .


Jinsun was on her way too school, since SuRri has graduated, Jinsun had to walk to school alone. To avoid loneliness, she plugged in her earphones and her iPod. 

Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggy ding diggy
Ding ding ding

She skipped happily to school. Ever since the night she had that breakdown ( at chapter 11 ) Jinsun has became more cheerful and positive thinking. She thought that it was no use of being sad and depressed. She had her mind set to one thing, and one thing only. To lose weight. Not for her crush, not for her bias...but for herself.

At class...

The Jo Twins or known as the Korean 'Olsen twins' approached Jinsun during recess, she was studying at the time since she'll be sitting for the college entrance exam soon...

"Hi Jinsun!" said the blond one.  She looked up. "Oh, hai uhh..Kwangmin." she smiled. Both of them made a face palm gesture, "HE's Kwangmin, I'm Youngmin." 

"Right! I'm sorry guys, I still can't recognize each of you. Can I just call you Blond Jo" she pointed at Youngmin. "And you Brown Jo." then her finger pointed at Kwangmin. Both of them looked at each other and said together, "Fine."

"Great! Emm..so...why are you guys here?" she asked.

"Yeah! We were just wondering, how did you lose weight so quickly?" Asked Kwangmin enthusiastically

"Did you do plastic surgery?"added Youngmin.

Then Jinsun stared at them, jaw dropped. "How could you think of me like that!" she stood up.

"Well...Kim Ah Joong in 200 Pounds of Beauty did it...."Youngmin stuttered, Kwangmin was already hiding behind him.

She laughed. 'That was a movie, and by the way I'm not that rich to have plastic surgery." Then she touched her face.

"Guys, really? It looks like I have plastic surgery? Thanks!" 



Ahh, just got out the toilet. That green tea really leaves an impact. I'll have smooth skin and a flat tummy in no time!

As I was walking down the hall back to my class, I waas passing the kindergarden class when I heard cute, high pitched voices of the 6 year-olds cheering. I found to see someone familiar in the class. It's the girl her purple..or gray hair could be recognized anywhere. It's the unnie that hit Jinki oppa on the swing.

"Okay kids! One at a time! There are plenty of cupcakes for everyone." said Jinki oppa.

Wait...OPPA? What is he doing here?

"Jinki-shii, isn't that your sister?" the unnie saw me spying through the window. It was nothing to be scared about so I just stood there and waved at him before walking back to class.

Hmph~ No wonder he was all happy...he got himself a girlfriend ^^



That evening, Jinsun and Surri was hanging at the counter. Since school started Jinsun only had to works evening shift.

"Wow! Really! Onew has a girlfriend?" said Surri.

"Yup! I saw him at my school today. He was in the the kindergarden class with her. I think she's a new teacher or something.

'No, he doesn't!" suddenly Jeongmin squeezed in. "Oh yeah? So who is she?"

"The noona you said was actually his bestfriend since middle school."

"You mean she's Hyosung unnie?'

"You're his little sister and even you don't know that?" he shook his head.

Jinsun glared at him." You know more about Jinki oppa than me, that's creepy~"

IU came again that day, this time she brought someone. A guy. And good looking too.

"Hey, isn;t that the IU girl you told me?" Surri shook her shoulders.

"Why..yes. It's her."

IU looked at their direction and waved.

"I'll go~" volunteered Taemin.

He went to the table. IU and the guy greeted him like he's one of their friends.

"So, Taemin knows him?" asked SuRri. "I guess so." Jinsun tilted her head. It was natural for her to do that every time she's confused.


After IU and her friend left, Jinsun who was washing the dishes was joined by Taemin. "Need help?"

"Sure" she scooted over to make room.

"Has IU and her friend left?"she asked.

He nodded. "Yup."

"So, who's the guy?"

"Why? Interested?"

"Nah, he's not my type. I'm just curious. Aren't you jealous? she asked curiously.

He laughed. "No, why should I be jealous of my best friend?"

"You and IU are best friends?" 

"No, me and Byunghyun or L.Joe, whatever he calls himself."

"Wow, really? I thought she likes you." she murmured.

"Haha! What?"

"Well, she came here almost everyday, you guys always hangout...I kinda thought you guys were..ehm..dating."

Suddenly he laughed, like hard! 

"What's so funny?"

"You sounded jealous"

" Are you?" he leaned to Jinsun, he made that curious look that made her feel intimidated and she took a step back.

"No..." she's bluffing.

"Don;t lie...I know you like me Lee Jinsun." he whispered. Their faces were just a few inches away. 


Pretty Girl Project Tips No.12: Every time you wash your face,

always rinse with lukewarm water.

This is ensure to tighten the pores after washing and  

can avoid any dirt from clogging it.


OMG What's wrong with me!!


Enjoy ^^

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Does this mean they're official?? and Taeddy! I want one too! XDD
OMG. I laughed so hard but oh no! Onew's hair T_T I can't imagine him to be bald LOL.
@changmer_24: It's because Taemin was not around the whole day. he was with Onew :3
wow.. finally an update :)
No Jisun & Taemin moment? Hmmm. Are they awkward after what happened? But this is still a great update. Haha, they both have swollen lips after their kiss. Hahaha, why did Onew did that?? Maybe he wants to change for someone just like JiSun... kekeke~ Update more please~ ;D
OMO!!!! Of course I remember you! I was waiting for you to update!
Kyaaa~ I'm so excited! I'll wait for the update! ;D
IHeartSHINee0525 #7
WOW! update soon!!^^