Finally! 5 months later~

Pretty Girl Project

OMG~ Is he trying to what I think it is? Jinsun said to herself. Her eyes widened as he grew closer to her. His eyes were getting smaller and smaller slowly closing.

He stopped just a few centimeters from her, a grin appeared.

"Kekeke, kidding! You got a little dish soap on your cheek." His thumb reached for her left cheek and wiped it away. Her left eye squinted. Then he took a step back.

"Thanks" she said softly.

Well, this is awkward....

"Okay...I'll go help Jeongmin at the front now..." he turned quickly and walked out.

Jinsun was still standing at the same spot, didn't even move a muscle. That derp was kidding? GAHHHH!


 You derp! Why didn't you just GO for it??!! Now you'll never have the chance!

Taemin said, scolding himself. He kept his head down as soon as he walked out from the kitchen.

*Sigh, when will I ever have the chance to confess to her?


A few days later...

Jinsun woke up that morning, doing her regular morning exercises, leg-ups, hamstring stretch, perfect for eliminating those stubborn fats on legs.

She checked her calendar, "Only 4 months down, 1 more to go!" she smiled. She lost a few inches on her targeted areas which made her hyped. She jumped off her bed and started hopping around her room.

Hmm..maybe I should check my weight...She pulled out her weighing scale from under her bed. She took a step on the scale. Her eyes widened.

63kg? the smile on her face faded. I've worked myself off for 4 months and I've only lose this much?

She took a deep breath. "I can lose 10 kg in 2 months doesn't mean I can't lose it in a month."


One month has passed, and the 5 month count has finally reach it's end.

SuRri observed the numbers on the scale carefully. Jinsun was standing straight, not moving at all.

"Hmmm.." was only SuRri said. 

"Why? Is it good or bad?" Jinsun sounded worried,

" didn't reach your goal..." she spoke softly.

"It's..not 53 kg?" she sighed.

" exceeded your goal! You now weight 49 kg! Congratulations Lee jinsun!" SuRri hugged her.

I. Can't. Believe. It!


They returned down stairs, to the cafe.

"I hear screaming just a few minutes ago, why?" aske Jeongmin.

"Well, Jinsun finally reached her goal!"

"Wow! Congrats Jinsun! Who knew you would made it!"

"Well, I couldn't have made it if it wasn't for..." her eyes were set on Taemin. He was facing his back, doing his work.

"Ehem." SuRri faked a cough. Looks like someone's jealous.

"...SuRri! Of course you buddy! I was just playing with you" Jinsun finished her sentence.

"You know Jinsun, since you're pretty and slim now, maybe you could go and ask him out." said Jeongmin, wiggling his eyebrows. Jinsun's cheeks became red.


SuRri looked away trying to act all innocent.

She sighed "No, not yet...."

"Why? Now is the perfect time!"

"No, Jinsun's right." said SuRri, holding both of JInsun's shoulder from behind.

"She's still wearing outfits twice her size, she can't go on a date in curtain drapes!"

Jinsun giggled. What SuRri said was true. Surri turned Jinsun to face her, "Let's go shopping this weekend. Dongdaemun is having it's Christmas sale. Wow, it's perfect timing!" SuRri was totally hyped.


That weekend, in the morning.

Jinsun woke up, rubbed her tired eyes and stretched out till her joints popped. She was still sitting in her bed, staring right into the mirror across her bed.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Is that really me? she said. Smiling at her reflection. Hello there... She said while wiggling her eyebrows.  Jinsun shook her head. Lol, what am I doing? 

Her eyes wondered at the wall clock above the mirror. Oh, 8.15 a.m already? Better get up and shower. Today is a BIG day! Jinsun hopped off her bed and skipped towards the bathroom.


(Taemin's POV)

It has been awile and I've seen so much change on Jinsun. Like, too much! Not that I hate it though, she's kinda cute after she lose the weight...

But..I like squishy Jinsun more, so I can poke her cheeks and she will make that little cute voice like those toys do...

"Woah, cute outfit Jinsun!" I heard SuRri said from outside, I abandoned the orders, just for a minute and took a peak through the door....

I can't see her though, there were too many people outside. I was craning my neck to get a good view but I was then approached by Kyung, a new worker Onew hyung hired just a few days ago.

"Hey there kiddo! What chu checking out there?" he said with his New York gangsta slang, it kinda annoys me but since he's my hyung I had to keep it to myself.

"Nothing...Just looking at the customers outside, there's a lot of them."

"Hmm, cute ones too..." he smirked. "Ohh, it's Onew's sister."


Pretty Girl Project Tips Number 13:


Home Remedies to treat acne scars

Slice up a tomato and place it over your face.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A that hinders overproduction of sebum that causes acne. Vitamin A also has antioxidant qualities that refreshes and renews scarred and damaged skin.

Olive oil does not only improve the taste of food, but can also improve the appearance of acne scars.

Massage olive oil on the scarred skin. Olive oil has a moisturizing quality that softens the skin's texture and reduces visibility of acne scars.

Best of Luck!


Terrible week I had -..- sorry if this chapter is kinda confusing and boring :3

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Does this mean they're official?? and Taeddy! I want one too! XDD
OMG. I laughed so hard but oh no! Onew's hair T_T I can't imagine him to be bald LOL.
@changmer_24: It's because Taemin was not around the whole day. he was with Onew :3
wow.. finally an update :)
No Jisun & Taemin moment? Hmmm. Are they awkward after what happened? But this is still a great update. Haha, they both have swollen lips after their kiss. Hahaha, why did Onew did that?? Maybe he wants to change for someone just like JiSun... kekeke~ Update more please~ ;D
OMO!!!! Of course I remember you! I was waiting for you to update!
Kyaaa~ I'm so excited! I'll wait for the update! ;D
IHeartSHINee0525 #7
WOW! update soon!!^^