Snowy Kiss

Pretty Girl Project

"Oh dear it's snowing!" she smiled joyfully as she put down the shopping bags on her left hand. She held her palm out, catching the falling snowflake and look at it as it melts away. "Pretty." she shook her head and came down more snow.

"Well, better get going now, don't want you to catch a cold." she retrieve the shopping bags. "Goodnight." she bowed slightly before heading home.

"Wait!" Taemin said. Jinsun paused and turned. "Hmm?" Taemin took a deep breath and stepped forward. He held out a hand to Jinsun.

"Let me help you with those. It's a long way home."

"I know. but it's okay. It'll be a longer journey for you."

is eyes were looking right into her's. "I insist."

Jinsun's shoulder shrugged. She was kind of hesitant at first but she sense a sincerity in his eyes, and this is a great chance to have one of those romantic movie moments she used to watch on the television.

"Okay. she handed the bags in her right hand. Taemin mouthed the bags in her left hand. 

"No. Those bags are heavy enough!"

"Hah, did you just look me down as a man?" he took the bags in her left hand too. He smiled playfully and walked ahead of her.

She shook her head once more. ore snow fell on her shoulders. Which reminded her of something.

She dug her hands into one of the bags Taemin was holding. "What are you searching for?"

"Me and SuRri went accessory shopping earlier." she was frantically searching something in the bag and finally pulled out a grey cylinder. "What is that?" he asked.

She opened it and like a Transformers robot the tiny cylinder turned into an umbrella with adorable kitty ears popped out two kitty ears. 

"An umbrella." he said amazed.

"Not just an umbrella. A kitty umbrella." she grinned. Showing her milky teeth. "With ears!"

Both of them continued walking. Jinsun and Taemin shared the umbrella. Just like in movies.

"Hey, did I mention I like your new hair?" 

Jinsun slightly looked down and played a bit with the ends of her hair. "Really? Thanks."

"It looks longer...did you use extensions?

"Nah, it's just straightened out. My old hair was too thick and frizzy."

"And you got bangs's....cute." he said in a shyly tone.

Both of them didn't look each other maybe because they were covering their blushing faces.

They finally arrive at the front doorstep of Jinsun's home. 

"Thanks for helping me." he put down the bags and tucked both of his hands into his jacket pocket. 

"W..ww..well..welcome Jinsun. I'll see you tomorrow."  he turned back and sighed. He just can't do it. Another trial failed.

"Ummm..Taemin-goon." Jinsun called. Suddenly he felt hope. He begin to smile again, his excited expression was hidden by his shivering. Jaws clenching, shoulders shaking. Well it's his fault he wasn't prepared for the unexpected snow.

"Here."" she brought out a long dark colored maroon scarf and wrapped it around his neck. "I thought about giving this as a present but it seems like you need it now." the warm scarf made him feel better. He wasn't shivering anymore. "Oh! And here are the matching mittens." she hung it around his neck too.

He didn't say a word. He just stood there obediently. 

Do it now!! said Taemin to himself.

"uh, it's freezing! Okay, now I'm really going in. Good night!"

He gritted his teeth, his eyebrows furrowed. He can't keep it in anymore. He took a deep breath.

He grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her close. 

Her lips literally slammed into his. She was so surprised her eyes were round as ping pong balls. But Taemin on the other hand, who was nervous a first now calmly closed his eyes. His hands moved to her back, pushing her closer for a deeper kiss.

Jinsun was about to close her eyes but she was too late, he already broke off the kiss.

Wait! I'm not done yet! she said in a whiny tone to herself.

Both of them apart. She looked down, blinking her eyes. Taemin made blowfish face. It felt so awkward Jinsun  gathered all her stuff and rushed up her doorstep and into the building."See you at work!" she waed her free fingers and closed the door. But she didn't go up the stairs. She dropped the bags and leaned against the door. She touched her upper lip. It was swollen.

"Oww..." she sighed.  I didn't even get to close my eyes properly.

On the other side of the door, Taemin did the same thing.

Did I pull her that hard? ;~;

Jinsun walked up the stairs to her home, a bunch of keys was pulled out from her backpack. As she was about to unlock the door, Onew already opened it. He look worried. His eyes were bloodshot and tired. 

"Sorry for coming home late, I--" before she could finish Onew pulled her into a tight embrace with her had against his chest.  She could hear his heartbeat beating so loud.

What's up with everybody pulling me today?

"Are you okay? What happened?" she asked.

Onew was still tightly hugging her. "Don't. You. Ever. scare me like that!"

She looked at the clock. "It' just 9.30 P.M...."


Pretty Girl Project Tip Num.  15: 

I find this extremely helping!


Strategies to combat emotional eating

  • If you turn to food at the end of a long day, find other soothing ways to reward yourself and de-stress. Relax with a book and a steaming cup of herbal tea, soak in a hot bath, or savor a beautiful view.
  • If you eat when you’re feeling low on energy, find other mid-afternoon pick-me-ups. Try walking around the block, listening to energizing music, or doing some quick stretches or jumping jacks. Another alternative is taking a short nap—just keep it to 30 minutes or less.
  • If you eat when you’re lonely or bored, reach out to others instead of reaching for the refrigerator. Call a friend who makes you laugh, take your dog for a walk, find a fun activity to do, or go out in public (to the library, the mall, or the grocery store—anywhere there’s people).
  • If you eat when you’re stressed, find healthier ways to calm yourself. Try exercise, yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises. Better manage stressful situations by either changing the situation or changing your reaction. 



Phew~ Updated! Haha I knida cringed while typing the kissing part. I just can't imagine someone kissing Taemin! It's so...wrong! LMAO~

Anyway...maybe I could think of a FEW, just a few more chapters. Guise, as much as I appreciate your support, I just can't make it longer.. because

1. I've NEVER write stories more than 15 chapters..or did I? I forgot..check for me? LOL~

2. My school is gonna open in like a few more days! And this year I'll be sitting for a HUGE exam. My chance of ever going overseas depends on it.

3. I don't know how to expand it more. My target was to end this story with Jinsun finally losing weight. And she did....

4...meh, I'm to lazy to think.

So, I hope my ADORABLE readers (seriously, you guys are! <3) could understand this. 


With love and till my next update..

Meet my boyfriend XD

Kay bye ~

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Does this mean they're official?? and Taeddy! I want one too! XDD
OMG. I laughed so hard but oh no! Onew's hair T_T I can't imagine him to be bald LOL.
@changmer_24: It's because Taemin was not around the whole day. he was with Onew :3
wow.. finally an update :)
No Jisun & Taemin moment? Hmmm. Are they awkward after what happened? But this is still a great update. Haha, they both have swollen lips after their kiss. Hahaha, why did Onew did that?? Maybe he wants to change for someone just like JiSun... kekeke~ Update more please~ ;D
OMO!!!! Of course I remember you! I was waiting for you to update!
Kyaaa~ I'm so excited! I'll wait for the update! ;D
IHeartSHINee0525 #7
WOW! update soon!!^^