Surprise! Surprise!

Pretty Girl Project

The following morning, Jinsun woke up.  Like any usual morning she would jump out of bed and do 50 jumping jacks or randomly dancing to one or two kpop songs on her stereo but that morning she just blankly stared up the ceiling, as if she had just woken up from a dream.

‘It’s like I’ve woken up from a dream’ She touched her swollen upper lip and stayed there for awhile and sighed.

‘Why am I like this? I should be happy !’ She started talking to herself. ‘I know it’s sudden but it still counts. Right?’

Many things were going on her head that morning as she tries to answer each of them.

Suddenly she stood up on her bed and hugged her stuffed tiger closely to her chest. ‘What if he doesn’t like me?’


Jinsun entered the café that morning and the first thing she got was compliments from the people around her. But it wasn’t all compliments….

“Hey Jinsun, what’s up with your lip?” Zico pointed to Jinsun, hearing that Kyung, Jeongmin and SuRri came closer. She covered half of her face with the menu.

“Oh, this? I uhh…hit my face with a hair-dryer while I was getting ready.” She lied.

“Haha, clumsy just like her older brother.” Joked Jeongmin, everybody agreed. Jinsun nervously lauhed and said, “Now go on, back to work!”

“See? Just like Onew!” added Jeongmin while he was pushed by SuRri who said, “What do you expect? They’re siblings!”  Both of them went back into the kitchen.

She let out a breath, felt like a burden lifted off her chest. She never really liked lying, especially to her friends but it was for ‘special emergencies’ so it was okay. As she continued doing her work, someone crept behind her and whispered…. “Hit your face with a hair-dryer, huh?”


She turned and found out it was SuRri who crept behind her.

“I thought you were in the kitchen!” 

“I snuck out…” she grinned. Jinsun remained quiet and continued dusting the mug shelf.

“I know you two kissed last night.” SuRri said in whisper. She froze, ‘Of course! She knows everything, even when I’m lying..’ she gulped.

She nodded nervously. SuRri grinned and sang, “I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! That swollen lip was no ordinary swell! That was some kiss, ayy...”

“Shhhhh!” she said, placing her finger on her lip, asking SuRri to keep it down.

“Sorry, I got a little excited. Finally, my best friend got kissed!”

“So what? You haven’t had your first kiss yet.”

“well, about that…” she played a bit with her blouse collar.

“I sort of did actually…”

“What? How? When? But most importantly, Who?

“I kissed Jeongmin, on our way home after work, while you, Onew oppa and Taemin-shii were gone during chuseok.” She said in one breath.

Jinsun was speechless, her jaw dropped and she was looking at her judgmentally.

“AIshh! Stop that, now tell me, details!


Jinsun told her everything, they were both up in her room.  After that, she buried her face into her pillow. SuRri couldn’t stop laughing over her story.

“But Jinsun, you don’t seem happy..”

 “aha, I know…It’s because you haven’t see him today, is that right?”

“the kiss didn’t end that well, I didn’t even say thanks.” She muffled.

“Who does?” she giggled.

Suddenly Kim Ah-Joong’s-Beautiful Girl was heard. It came from Jinsun’s phone.

“Oh, Jinki-oppa is calling.”


"Hey, it's Jinki. Can you tell the othres to close early tonight. But don't go home yet. We're going to have a little end of the year party."

"Ok, sure..but why all of a sudden?

"I...just..feel like it. So, please tell them, ok?"

"I will, Jinki-oppa, where -." the line cut off.

"Hmm, weird." 

"Why?" SuRri asked.

"Jinki-oppa suddenly asked us to close the cafe early, he wants to have a little party tonight.

"For US?" SuRri also sounded surprised.

"Yup. Let's go down staris now. It's nearly lunch hour."


That night.

Everybody was there, even Hyosung.

"Unnie!" SuRri greeted her. "Hey, girls. I brought some roasted chicken for tonight" she placed the plastic bag in front of Jinsun. The delicious smell peered through her nostrils. was watering. But she immediately looked away.

"Hyosung noona, have you seen Onew-hyung today? asked Zico

"Hmm nope. He texted me to come here tonight..."


the bell on he door rang, meaning somebody was coming in. It was Taemin.

"Hey look who finally showed up!" said Zico. "Where have you been today?"

"I was with Onew hyung the whole day.' he turned to Jinsun. She found that he also had a swollen lip just like her. SuRri tried hard not to laugh.

"Speaking of Onew hyung...where is he?" he walked out, they saw Taemin struggling outside trying to pull someone in. He as wearing a hoodie.

"Hey, who's-" before Kyung could finish the hoodie fell off. The first thing they saw was Onew's head, nearly bald. Jinsun was surprised, like completely shocked. She was so surprised she fainted.


Pretty Girl Project Tips Num: 17

Since most of you are students like me ^^;; you must be facing a lot of stress with homework and extra classes and catching up with your hobby, like me, updating this fanfic T-T''

I learn that by drinking water under one breath can really make you feel better. As you all know that water can also make your skin better too.

Secondly, it has been 3 weeks since Chinese New Year, and I don't know if you still have large stocks of oranges, *I still have like a box more*

Do you know that by consuming oranges it will make your skin better too? I read it somewhere that by eating oranges you will get vitamin C and that will make your skin younger. Old, rich ahjummas in my country would pay a fortune to get vitamin C shots into their faces.

Why spend a fortune when you can have young skin just by eating oranges?

Lol, good luck! <3


Lol, hey guys, remember me?

Sorry for not updating for like...a month (?) OMO! Really a MONTH?! T.T

I'm such a bad writter! *Sobs* Forgive me if this chappie is lame :3

Don't worry dear readers! I'll make it up to you, soon. For now, enjoy this chapter!

OH! And if you guys have some beauty tips or facts do drop by my profile and send it by private message. I would gladly credit it to you in the next chapter :)

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Does this mean they're official?? and Taeddy! I want one too! XDD
OMG. I laughed so hard but oh no! Onew's hair T_T I can't imagine him to be bald LOL.
@changmer_24: It's because Taemin was not around the whole day. he was with Onew :3
wow.. finally an update :)
No Jisun & Taemin moment? Hmmm. Are they awkward after what happened? But this is still a great update. Haha, they both have swollen lips after their kiss. Hahaha, why did Onew did that?? Maybe he wants to change for someone just like JiSun... kekeke~ Update more please~ ;D
OMO!!!! Of course I remember you! I was waiting for you to update!
Kyaaa~ I'm so excited! I'll wait for the update! ;D
IHeartSHINee0525 #7
WOW! update soon!!^^