It haz no title..I can't think of one :3

Pretty Girl Project

I woke up in a bright room, with wires connected to my body. My head felt so heavy and pounding hard. What happened?

"Great, you're up!" my head turned to the voice. It was Jinki oppa, unrecognized with his new army-style hairdo.

"Wwha..what happened?" I asked.

"You collapsed at the cafe." said Hyosung unnie who was also there.

"No, I meant what happened to 'you'? I pointed at Jinki oppa's head. He shyly touched his head. Nobody said a word.

Just as Jinki oppa was starting to say something, someone came in.

Smartly dressed in his black slacks and grey shirt. I looked at his name tag. CHOI MINHO' .Judging by the white lab coat and the stethoscope hung around his neck.  He's a doctor, a very cute one too.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Choi. I'm your nutritionist." he flashed a smile. 


My gulped. I realized why I fainted. And it was not because I was shocked. 
"Nutritionist?" said Jinki oppa confusingly. 
"Before you ask further questions, may I ask Miss Lee..." he approched my bed and and checked my health records. He paused for awhile.
"How long since you have last eaten?" his question made my stomach flipped. I knew it. Everybody's eyes were on me. I chewed on my lower lip and tried my best to avoid their gazes. Great timing Dr.Choi.
"A month and a half." everbody gasped.
"What? It's normal!" I looked at them innocently. "Girls everywhere do it all the time."
"Those girls, Miss Lee are called aneroxic. In other words, they're afraid of eating. Just like you."
"I..I'm..I'm not afraid of food, just afraid of getting back to my old size, after all those months, excercising, avoiding carbs and the cupcakes. Do you guys know how hard it is to work in a store full of cupcakes and you can't even have a bite!" my voice became higher. Forget about being in a hospital, I need to get this out of my chest.
I feel like saying more, but my face turned to a bright red at the sight of Taemin, leaning on a wall straight across the ward. His eyes met mine. Form the judging look in his eyes, he's not happy to see me in this condition.
"There, there Miss Lee. It's nothing serious, good thing you at least drink water. So, not all your cells are damaged badly. Jinki oppa's face turned pale, so did mine. I never thought avoid eating could be so dangerous.
"I'll arrange a meeting with you later after visiting hours. For now, I have a bullimic patient to visit." I gave a slight bow and he returned it, he turned his back.
"Oh, tell grandmom I've got the gout medicine she asked for." said Dr.Choi one last time, but not to me, it was to SuRri.
"You know him?" asked Jeongmin. 
"He' cousin"  she said indifferently. It's incredible how small the world is.
I was forced to eat, even the healthiest vegetable broth and white rice was not convincing enouh for me. After a few spoonfulls I was given medicine and went straight into snooze land.
I had a dream, where I was shopping for dresses with SuRri, and upon trying them on, I found that not one single size fits me. As a matter of fact, it was too big that even he smallest size was like a tent to me. It's just like when I was fat, only the sizes were to small for me.
I woke with a frown on my face, it was already daylight. As the morning sun shone right to my face. I groaned.
"Good morning, Little Miss Sunshine" I heard a voice to my right. I turned to found Taemin sitting on a chair, snuggling Taeddy.
That's what I call my life-sized teddy bear.
"Taeddy-ahh?" I weakly reached for it. But Taemin quickly back it away. Is he trying to make me get up? I lazily sat up with my bed hair still wild. He giggled at the sight of my appearance.
"I met Medusa earlier on the way here, she wants her hair back." 
His little giggle turned into a bright and cheerful laugh. Seeing his pretty set of teeth in a frame of two perfect pink lips made my morning much happier. I couldn't help but to laugh along with him. 
"Great, now that I got you to laugh, let's try to make you eat." he pulled out a paper bag from under his chair and placed it on my lap.
"I got these for you from a cake shop near the hospital. They say it's the best in town." 
I opened it and found 2 large muffins, still warm.
"Oh, it's not necessary, there's always hospital food" I felt guilty at the sight of it even though it might not cost a fortune.
"Don't be silly, it's bad enogh you didn't eat for more than a month. Better get something sweet down your throat"
I pulled one out, and there was a scent of something fruity follows., what is it? Strawberry? Banana? I took a small bite and made my heart flutter, it's my favourite, mango. I couldn't help making a weird noise at swallowed it. Clearly my love for food is unbreakable.
He let me finish my first muffin happily. I saved the second one because I can't seem to swallow anymore. Maybe it's because of those 5 months of controlled eating. I gave a small burp and turned to him.
"Gumawo" I smiled.
"Full?" his concerned eyes sparkle under the flurocent lights. I gave a slight nod. I opened my arms wide. He got the gesture and handed Taeddy to me. I snuggled it. 
"One night without you made me got nightmares" I the furry back of it's body.
"I'm sorry" I heard Taemin say. My habit of chewing my lower lip moves to the upper part. A sense of pain attacked my nerves, causing me to flinch. Now I know why he's apologizing. I guess it is. But just to make sure.
"For your condition. SuRri told me everything on our way home last night." 
Darn you Han SuRri! 
Well, this is awkward. 
What should I say?..What should I say? 
"So, you know, huh?" Whatever he knows. "It's okay. It's not your fault. I wanted to do it a long time ago, I just didn't have the motivation for it." I said while fiddling with Taeddy's puffy tail.
"What was your motivation?"
I took a deep breath. Here it goes...
"I like you..." I continued on
"And my motivation was for you to like me back. And for that I need to lose at least half of my weight." 
I burried my burning red face into Taeddy's shoulder. Omo, what a morning!
I felt Taeddy being pulled away.He lifted up my chin and I knew what happens next. 
Just two nights ago we shared our first kiss on the night the snow fall. It was taken by surprise and I wasn't ready for it. Now that I am completely aware, maybe I gt to close my eyes fully this time.
We broke off the kiss just in time when his wrist watch vibrated, signaling his visit was over.
"You don't need to go to such trouble Jinsun, I liked you even way before you know me" he grinned.
"But I heard you back a few months ago..."
"The one with Jeongmin?"
I nodded.
"I was lying, I've just met him and I didn't want it to be such a big deal"
Hearing that made me smile like an idiot. I tried to sy something all that came out was. 
"Well, better get back to work. I need learn a lot of stuff since Onew hyung won't be around for long." he lazily got up and did a little stretch. He gave one last pinch one the cheek.
"Good thing you still have those cheeks, see you later Jinsun"
Onew hyung won't be around for long...
It took me awhile to understand what he meant. Nobody told me yet.
The hair, his sudden niceness to me, won't be here for long...
He's going into army.
Pretty Girl Project Tips: My mom says if you drink ice water or chew on ice it will make you appear older. (well of course if you make it as a habit) 
So, avoid ice!

My readers are too smart for me..or it's just cuz I'm not good at making surprises

oh well..enjoy guys :3

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Does this mean they're official?? and Taeddy! I want one too! XDD
OMG. I laughed so hard but oh no! Onew's hair T_T I can't imagine him to be bald LOL.
@changmer_24: It's because Taemin was not around the whole day. he was with Onew :3
wow.. finally an update :)
No Jisun & Taemin moment? Hmmm. Are they awkward after what happened? But this is still a great update. Haha, they both have swollen lips after their kiss. Hahaha, why did Onew did that?? Maybe he wants to change for someone just like JiSun... kekeke~ Update more please~ ;D
OMO!!!! Of course I remember you! I was waiting for you to update!
Kyaaa~ I'm so excited! I'll wait for the update! ;D
IHeartSHINee0525 #7
WOW! update soon!!^^