The Boys' Talk

A Mishap in Time { ON HIATUS }

Hyoyeon gave me the diary this evening. She said it was kept for a very long time. I can see that very well. She said that she stopped writing the moment I left them. What's the point, anyway? I can see that the pages had gone so dry. Though it was still in good shape. The bindings were still intact. I love how these pages smells. It smelled of home. It brings back so many memories. She said it would be a good idea to continue what we started. If mom was still alive, she would want us to continue writing our thoughts on the journal.


Today when I woke up, it was just time for dinner. I am not hungry, I'm quite surprised. When I walk out of my chambers, a maid quickly bowed to me.  At first it was awkward. Very awkward. But then, I got used to it after several maids had bowed to me. I went to the courtyard for fresh air. When I got there, I saw Taemin sitting on one of the benches.


"Annyeong, Taemin." I greeted him. "I hope I'm not disturbing you."


"Hyung! I heard that you're my real brother!" he beamed at me, "It was just so overwhelming! Now there is no reason for me to go out the Kingdom anymore."


"What do you mean?" I asked. I joined him in the bench.


"Ugh. I've told you many times. I don't get well with Kibum hyung. When I learned that you're my brother, I was really happy! I mean, well, it's not like I don't like Kibum hyung. But I'm so glad that we're brothers! That explains why we get along so much!"


"Yeah. I guess so."


"Aren't you happy, hyung? You're filthy rich now. You can do all sorts of things now. Soon enough you're going to be King."


"I am happy. It's just that I'm not used to it yet. Besides, I'm not after the power."


"Ahh, you'll get used to it." he said. "By the way, hyung, I saw Mademoiselle Hyoyeon exit your chambers. What's between the two of you?" he asked.


"Us? No, there's nothing between the two of us. It's just sisterly love. She's my sister before. Kibum's sister now." I hope he didn't catch me lying.


"Well, I must tell that she's hot. How old is she?"


"I think she's just 18."


"Oh, boy well that ."


"You like her?" I tried to act confidently.


"I can't say that yet. I'm just saying that I'm quite attracted to her."


"If you like her, it's all right. She's a kind person. The most amazing person I knew." I said, part of me quite unsure about him being all right if he has planning to court her.


"Nah, forget it. She likes you anyways."


"Don't be silly. Of course you can have her. I've got Yoona." Yes, I've got Yoona. Why bother Hyoyeon?


"Ugh, here we go again. How many times do I have to tell you? Yoona doesn't even like you. She just uses you as her toy. She likes, I mean, loves Kibum hyung. You should get over her."


"We'll see about that. Now that I'm the real heir, she would choose me over Kibum."


"If that's so, then all she wanted was power. All those times."


"She would never do that to me."


"We'll see. Haha!" he said.


I hated Taemin for telling me that I am just a mere toy that Yoona is using. Short after our conversation ended, Sungmin came. Taemin excused himself immediately. He was shy to almost everyone at the palace. He doesn't even know that Sungmin is my best friend. But when it seems like he had no chance to run, his cold self will overcome him. He just can't communicate will people amiably that's all.


"Hyung, I had to go. Bye." he told me. He must've sensed Sungmin was coming. It was a gift to him. Clear clairvoyance.


Then next thing I knew, he was gone, and Sungmin has replaced his seat beside me.


"My best friend was a prince after all. His Highness." Sungmin said.


"No, no. You're overdoing it." I said.


"I've heard His Majesties appointed me to be your legal advisor."


"Yeah, you're right."


"I'm afraid I must turn it down. Princess Sunny will be going home tomorrow."


"Oh. Well, that's too bad."


"Yeah. I may not be able to congratulate you tomorrow, so yeah. Congratulations!"


"Thanks, my friend."


"There is one other thing I wish to discuss with you, though. Before I sail tomorrow."


"What is it?"


"Rumors are spreading everywhere in the castle. About you and Yoona. They say that the two of you were like a couple these days. One maid even saw Yoona sneaking to your chambers late at night. Is it true?"


"Well... Yeah. It's true."


"When are you planning to tell me? I'm your best friend after all."


"I was planning to tell you. But someone else was wandering in my mind late at night."


"Wait wait wait, I didn't quite catch that. You mean, that while you're doing 'it' with the Princess, you're thinking of somebody else?" he asked. I simply nodded. "Whoa. We've got a bad*ss over here."


"Shut up."


"So, you're actually thinking that you're doing it with this woman instead of Yoona?"




"You've got to compose yourself, man. I know you have loved Yoona very dearly for the past years, but you seem to be unsure of yourself. I will not ask who this woman is, but hey, I think she is quite a seductress. Seducing you and making you fall easily that you're actually torn between her and Yoona."


"Stop that."


"Think, Eunhyuk. His Majesties' health isn't as good as it used to be. We never know when will be his time. Better think about your future already." he said, and quickly knocked on wood. He continued, "I must prepare my things now. Princess Sunny and I will set sail first thing in the morning."


"Farewell, my friend." I bid him goodbye and he did so too. He left after a few moments.


It was already twilight and I haven't eaten lunch. I went down to the kitchen and ask Sahm-chon for supper. He gave me a nice bowl of hot soup. It was perfectly fine and enough for me. After I ate, I saw Hyoyeon talking to Sunny in the courtyard. I waited after they finished talking and that was the time Hyo gave this diary.


I can see that she had just written a new entry yesterday. But I didn't read it. We had a new agreement ourselves. We would not read anything. Anything at all except for our own entries. I know I can trust her. She won't read anything I write. She wouldn't find out about me and Yoona.


I am confused. I have pledged on marrying Yoona since my life has started. But it seems that I am falling for Hyoyeon. Not just a typical fall. But I am falling deeper. And it seems like; Yoona is just a mere shadow of Hyoyeon. I can't explain what kind is this. But I must say that Hyoyeon has finally surpassed Yoona. I do love Yoona. She was my ideal type. She is a goddess in disguise. She is close to perfection.


Everyone knows that Hyoyeon isn't as good as Yoona. She isn't as beautiful as Yoona. Sungmin was right. Hyoyeon was quite a seductress. It's just less than a week when she came back to my life, but hell. I'm falling for her. And this isn't just because of her looks. It is more than that. She has this spark I feel whenever she is around. Warmth that can fight any kind of coldness at night. She is light.







A/N: I at writing boys' talk. Ugh. I hate it. ;~; I hope you like the update! Now we know his thoughts about Hyo, huh? :) Drama coming soon, don't worry. Well, at least I hope it's dramatic to you guys. ;~; How about the new writing format? Should I go back to the old one?

I think this writing format is clean, and normally, people doesn't read if the text is just too hard to read or the color is hurting the eyes.. Hehe!

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Hey guys! I'm really sorry for not updating for months! I just got into college and it's the end of the semester. Thank you for waiting so patiently!


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Chapter 20: oh no....hyo lost her memories....T_T
Chapter 19: oh my, did hyo just fell to the sea?
update more,,
sugarsong #3
Thank you so much for your update.
Poor Sulli,i hope she can end up with Taemin.
Minho overprotective is great.
The way story goes is interesting.
Keep writing and please update ASAP.
18. Sulli's parents! That's so sad, I was about to cry! T^T
But I think it's really cute how Taemin is waiting for her~
When Sulli was with the other guy, I was about to freak out, but it was just Minho. XDD
That was so cute!! And Kibum is really sweet~
Yoona-ah, you love Kibum, not Eunhyuk. XD
awwwwwwwwww yoong D:
stuck between 2 guys...
update soon ^^
Did you make that picture at the beginning of the chapter? It looks nice. :)
Aww, I feel bad for Yoona. :( She actually goes through a lot of troubles.
Kibum is so sweet~ But I can't tell if he actually loves Yoona or not...
You're really making me ship YoonBum though. XD
I hope Yoona decides not to go with her plan...whatever it is. She needs to be with Kibum!
Keep up the good work! I love this story~
hyohyukOTP #9
so happy you're back! your updates have such a good momentum so i look forward to reading many more updates from you. happy summer!
just reading the forward makes me excited..