Rough night

Back to School

You were F-R-O-Z-E-N.

How could he do that? How could he hurt you when he said that he would not? How could he lie to you? You thought, still not moving. You felt like everything was in slow motion. You heard your friends calling you, but their voices seemed so far away from you that you didn't hear what they were telling you. Hyuna and Hyeri were now on your sides. They saw what you could not unglue your eyes from.

"Seolhan! Move! Do something!" They were yelling at you but their voices seemed unclear and you could not understand them.

Tears started to form into your eyes. You didn't want to breakdown here, but in a second rage invade you, your hands transformed into fists. Your tears fell down as you ran to Baekho. He saw you and got up.

"You jerk! Is this your beloved grandma?!" You were crying like crazy and yelled at him. You wanted to punch him but he was stronger than you and quickly controled you as he grabbed your wrists.

"Sorry I lied. I think we have nothing more to say to each other." As he released your wrists, he pushed you and you fell on the ground. He didn't look back at you and walked off with his hanging on his arm.

You were crying on the cold ground and covered your face with your trembling hands.

Hyuna and Hyeri helped you to get up. They carried you until you reached Hyuna's car outside, they put you at the back so you could lie down on the sits.

"We're so sorry for you Seolhan ..." Hyuna broke the silence as she tried to look at you in the mirror to see if you were okay.

You lied down on the sits and were looking at the roof of the car. You closed your eyes and warm tears escaped, you wiped them, you put on your fake smile and sit up.

"I'm okay... I guess I should have seen it coming..." Still wiping your tears you smiled at Hyeri who turned from the front sit.

You were really weak, you could barely walk so when you arrived at your house, Hyuna and Hyeri helped you to get out of the car. They took the keys in your bag and entered. Your mind was blank, you didn't have any expression on you face like your head was empty.

They sat you on your bed, took off your dress and dressed you in your pajamas. Hyuna made you a warm tea for you to drink before going to bed, she explained, you nodded.

They were now about to go but they turned back at you, saw your expression and knew that the next few days would be rough for you to handle.

You got up and ran to them, you took your grip on Hyeri's shirt. They turned and saw your face looking down and your eyes full of tears. They felt really affected seeing you like that for the first time. They started crying too and hugged you tighly.

"We're here for you!" They both yelled crying.

"Thank you." You sniffed.

"Now go or both of your parents are gonna scold you!" You found a true little smile inside of you as you told them that.

They patted your head, wiped their tears and walked off.

You sighed and went to bed. You didn't forget to take Hyuna's tea, switched off the lights and lied down in your bed. You closed your tired eyes and a last couple of tears escaped from them.


It was now 7am, you heard you clock ringing, you smacked it against the floor and went back to sleep. You didn't give a about school today.

At the same time in your classroom the bell rang. Jungkook sat his usual sit and started to worry why you were still not arrived, you were always on time, he thought. He was moving his legs like crazy.

"Yaah, Kookie-ah, calm down, she's gonna come." Namjoon reassure him.

"She must have woken up too late." Yoongi added.

"Or stuck in the toilets." Jimin laughed alone.

"Her friends are here, they must know something." Hoseok said looking at Hyuna and Hyeri a few sits before them.

Jungkook went to see them leaving the boys at the back of the classroom not worried at all.

"Hey! Hyuna, I'm a bit worried. Soelhan hasn't arrived yet and she's always on time. Is she sick or something?" He poutted.

Hyeri and Hyuna didn't want to explain, they were looking down.

"You see..." Hyeri cleared her voice.

"I don't know how to say this." Jungkook had his eyes wide open.

"Hmm? Tell me."

"*sigh* Last night we went to a club with her but she saw Baekho with another girl and yelled at him but he pushed her and broke up with her but he didn't even looked at her and she cried-" Hyeri stopped, she was talking too much and too fast.

Jungkook's heart broke when he heard that you cried because of this jerk. He got up, tighten his hands into fist and walked out the classroom. If you looked closely you could see a fire burning in his eyes.

The members were surprised by Jungkook's behavior because they didn't hear what Hyeri told him, so Namjoon approached them and asked the same question Junkook asked them. Hyeri repeated.

"Guys we have to follow Jungkook! Soelhan knows for Baekho so he's probably gonna see him." Namjoon quickly explained to the others, they nodded and followed him outside. They knew Jungkook could be really impulsive, and it could be worse if the situation was related to someone hurting you.

Jungkook went in the big hallway, he was searching for Baekho near the lockers, he finally found him and his eyes became darker.

"Yah! You bastard!" He yelled and walked towards him. Baekho turned and saw Jungkook's satisfied face.

"Haha, that's good, you recognized your name." Jungkook said ironically.

Before Baekho realized it, Jungkook threw his fist full of anger into his face. The punch made a thud, and baekho, shocked, fell to the ground.

"I told you not to hurt her." Jungkook told him grabbing his collar.

Baekho got up, Jungkook was ready to punch him again but the boys ran and stopped him.

"Jungkook calm down!" Namjoon yelled at him, but Jungkook was out of control. He was struggling with all his strength, and was about to jump anytime.

"What's wrong with you motherer?!" Baekho placed his hand where Jungkook had punched him and saw blood on his hand coming from the corner of his mouth.

Baekho put his hands grab Jungkook's collar but Taehyung interposed.

"Don't touch him or I fix your face the same way but to the other side." He looked serious at him.

"It's better when it's parallel." this time Taehyung smiled and Baekho looked surprised and perplexed.

Behind them Jungkook was still struggling and succeed at getting out of Jimin and Hoseok's grip, and he pushed them.

"How can all of you stay calm after what he has done to Seolhan?!" Jungkook yelled at s. They looked down.

He was breathing heavily, punched a locker and still full of anger, walked out of the school.

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dyotokki #1
Chapter 23: Dimwit kookieee ><
dyotokki #2
Chapter 21: Heollll! Jiminnn's plan are totally working yeahhhh
Karinkatoki #3
Chapter 21: Ohhhh!! I thought Jimin really did like her but...... waahhh!! This story!! I love it!! Author-nim please update soon ~ •﹏•
dyotokki #4
Chapter 19: Omg! Jiminnnn like her or what?
Chapter 18: Okay this is great
Chapter 18: Poor kookie. Get well soon!
sourmuffin #7
souds intresting,im going to read it now hah