Then I met you

(Tao's perspective)


The panda arrived with Jong In in their usual hang out. He learned that Jong In and his boyfriend has quite a big fight. And Jong In said that he needed a drink to let loose. 


Jong In looked horrible. When he saw the younger outside his condo, he literally didn't recognize him. It is like Jong In is another person. The always tamed hair is sticking all-over place, the sparks in his eyes are gone, the way his dressed is always cleaned, now it has wrinkles. Tao shook his head at  the image.


If this continue, Jong In will become a madman.



Back to reality, they enter the bar and sat down at the nearest table. Its acoustic Thursday. They order their usual drink and watched the performers. They don't talk especially when the other has a problem. It was like this is the time for the other to reflect.


Tao stood up and walk over the bar counter. His beer is all gone. As he walk over, he heard the most beautiful seducing voice he ever heard. And he is quite familiar of the voice. He spun around and immediately his eyes widen.


""Oh god..." Tao mutters.


It was Kris. Tao couldn't really believe it. The sight was so surreal. And what made it more surreal is that Kris is singing. Its unbelievable. The sight was too good to be true.


Just then, the blonde's eyes divert on his direction. That was the time got over the fact that this is reality. He watched as the taller's eyes widen cutely.


The panda thought that anytime soon, the blonde's hazel brown eyes will leave his jet-black orbs. But that is what he thought.



The blonde's eyes never leave his. And while he sang, he only look at those black orbs of the panda. He look at the younger intently that Tao assumed that every word was meant for him, and only him. 


Tao's eyes look down at the blonde's reddish lips and watch as every word tumbles out of his mouth. He bit his lips and blushed violently. He wonders what it would felt like when those kissable lips are on his. Oh he could only imagine.


When the song finally come to an end, the younger spun around and headed towards their table where his company is to be spotted. But on the way to their table, he bumped on some other table.



He look at the person sitting their and was about to say his apologies when he realize that it is not needed. The two owner of the table, probably a couple, was kissing like their is no tomorrow.


Tao was about to walk away when he caught sight of the two couple. One is a stranger to him and the other is his company, Jong in.


He look at couple, jaw dropped. 'Looke like someone is having the time of their lives,' Tao thought as he smirked. Atleast his friend is happy now.


The two finally part because the stranger notices his prescence. He panda sent his thanks to the stranger. He thought he is going to watch the couple each other's faces.


"What is it, Tao? Can't you see I'm busy?" Jong In said, annoyed.


Tao chuckled. He was about to reple when some familiar voice cut in. "Looks like someone got their life back in place," a deep voice  said that made Tao tensed up.


Kris is at his back.


The blonde walk towards his side. Then an arm snake around Kris' shoulder. The panda's eyes furrowed, alarmed. A jolt of jealousy ran through Tao's body.


"Guess we are needed anymore, right Kris?" The guy look at Kris, their face inches apart. Which made Tao's blood boil.


"Yeah, guess we should go now Kyungsoo, and Jong In," Kris move towards Tao. The panda smirked at the disappontment on the person who snakes an arm around Kris.


"I'll take this friend of yours, thank you," Kris said and grasp Tao's wrist, sending jolts of electricity to the younger's veins. He blushed even more when the taller's breath is fanning his neck.


"We needed to talk," he said and pulled Tao to the nearest V.I.P. room


The younger didn't notice that he is pulling towards a room. His attention is on the hand on his hand. His heart rate increases and it's beating sound is deafening him. And it felt good.


Tao's senses is back to normal when the hand slowly slip away from his grasp and a creaked of a closing door is heard. He look around the room.


There is a couch, a small table and bottle of wine.


The youngster's eyes widen. 'WHY THE HELL AM I IN THIS PLACE?!'  he thought. He look over at Kris who is slowly walking towards him then on the couch then back to the blonde.


A dirty thought sprang in his mind. He gulped then asked, "What are we doing here?"  Gladly he didn't stammer. He really doesn't want to look nervous.


But Kris' answer started to make the panda sweat and tremble slightly.



"What do you think?" The blonde smirked and walk over to Tao.

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Thank you again! This story has come to an end! Hope you enjoy it like how I enjoy writing it! Love you all! ♥


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Chapter 26: This was really an amazing story. Thank you for this.

(Sorry for not using any smiley faces or anything, I hope you understand why.)
Chapter 16: is it really youre first time to write ? hahaha! im just kidding.
Chapter 1: Please update soon!