Epilouge-Then I met You

Then I met you

(Tao's perspective)


The panda stirred awake by a bright sunlight brightening up his face. He smiled while his eyes are still closed. He actually remembered everything that had happen yesterday and last night. Which is really magical and amazing.


Tao stretch his hands and roam it on the bed. He frowns. The taller isn't on the bed. His eyes opened and glanced on the other side of the bed.


'Why does this feel like a deja vu?' He thought.


The panda stretched his legs but then let out a hiss. His hurts. The younger mentally scolded himself. 'Stupid.' 


Then suddenly the door creaked open. Tao scrambled for cover, not wanting anyone to see his body. Kris laughed at this. "I already saw and kissed every part of your body. Too late to hide that," he said then smiled at the younger.


Tao rolled his eyes as he loosen up but still covering the lower and privste part of his part of his body. He tried to move up but then hiss again from the pain.


"Hey, you okay?" Kris asked worriedly, suddenly on his side. Tao nodded but blush at the concern. He isn't quite used to this new side of Kris.


The taller smiled. "Figured that would hurt. So I brought you breakfast. Then after you ate, I'll prepare you a bath, okay?" 


Tao smiled at Kris. He may not be used to this new treatment but he love it. "Yes, sir!" He playfully salutes. They both laughed. Kris ruffled his hair and kisses his forehead. Tao could feel butterflies- no, butterflies is an understatement- dragons flies inside his stomach. 


"I'll be right back, okay?" Kris said then moved out.


Tao sighed. He don't want to be away from Kris. He felt like he needed Kris near him. He let out a sigh again and started eating his food. A sudden low voice rang inside the room.


"Why do you keep sighing like an old woman?" Then Kris' laughed.


Tao pouted as the older walks over the bed, a cup in hand.  Kris smiled as he kneeled beside the bed after he puts the cup at the bedside table. He rested his head in his own arms and stare at the lovable creature infront of him.


the younger felt conscious. 'Why the hell is he staring at me like that? Do I have a firt on my face? A saliva? Oh my god!' he thought. He unconsciously wipe the side of his mouth.


the elder can't help the laugh that escapes his mouth. The younger just looks freaking adorable with his face in pure panic. "There is nothing wrong in your face, babe," Kris giggled.


Tao blushed. "Then why are you staring at me like that?" he bowed his head in embarrassment.


Kris reached out and lift Tao's chin. "Don't do that. I can't see your beautiful face," Kris smiled. Tao's face turned crimson red. Kris' grins even wider.


"I'm staring at you because I just can't believe that your mine now," Kris said sincerely. Tao blushed even more, just like how Kris imagined it to be.


"I love you," Kris said as he moved to kiss Tao on the lips. The younger obliged.




"I'm done," Tao's voice rang from the bathroom.


Kris became even more nervous. He's been waiting for this moment but he don't know if its too early. They just became couple like last night and then this? He really don't know. But one thing is for sure:


He wants Tao to be his forever.


"Why the hell is the lights all turned off? And what's with the candles?" Kris heard Tao's voice and his footsteps. The older could feel his heart pound rapidly like it wants to jump out of his body and into Tao's hands.


He sighs as he buried his self further in the dark. Its already here, might as well do it right now. Also he don't want Tao ruining his plan by seeing him here in the corner. He sighs quietly.


"Oh my god..." Tao said as he see the life-sized panda stuffed toy infront of him. Its his favorite animal in the world and it also looks like him. And also, Kris nicknamed him panda. 


Slowly, he walk towards the panda. His eyes glistening in wonder and amusement. He is wondering who will give this to him? But somehow he wished it was Kris. 


As he stopped infront of the panda, a movement caught the side of his eyes. His fprehead creased as hd focused his gaze on the darkness. 


Kris supressed a giggle as he saw Tao's panic face. Slowly, he walks to the side of the panda. Tao's eyes widens and Kris could hear a sigh of relief deep within the panda. Kris smiled. "Did you like it?" the older said as he walk towards Tao.


The younger's mouth fall agape. "Did I like it? I love it!" Tao said as he jumped into Kris' embrace. Kris laughed in surprise.


"Now the surprise doesn't end here,"  Kris said as his grin fades and replaced by a nervous smile.


Tao broke away and stare at Kris. "What do you mean?" Tao asked, his head tilting on one side.


Kris only replied with a smile, a nervous one at that. He bowed his head as he could feel blood rushing to his face. "I know we just got together and we've been to many obstacles. But I want you to forget the past and..." Kris lifts his gaze and meets Tao's eyes. ".... face the future with me."


Tao gasped as Kris slowly kneels in one knee. Tao covered his mouth. Kris chuckled. "I know that its too early but I just want to make sure my forever with you." Kris pulled out the ring that he's been waiting to give to his beloved.


"Tao..." He look up at Tao and saw a tear stained face of the younger. "Will you be with me forever and be my husband?" There he said it.


Tao kept quiet. He don't reallh know what to say, he also can't find his voice. Kris bowed his head. Maybe he'll get  rejected but his damn sure that he'll wait and understand Tao. "Please say something," Kris said breathless.




"Wait... what?" Kris said, his head shooting up. Disbelief written all over his face, Tao could see that. Tao chuckled as he pull the older man on his feet. "I said yes. Yes, I will be with you forever. Yes I would love to be your husband! Yes! Yes! Yes!" 


Tao chuckled as Kris lift him off the ground and spun him around. " Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Kris shouts. Tao laughed in Kris' ears and its like the best music the elder have ever heard.


He puts Tao on the ground and puts on the ring. It perfectly fits, like it was really meant for him. Kris can't help the smile that's tugging at the corner of his mouth. He look at  his beloved and hugged him. 


"I love you, Huang Zitao."


Tao chuckled. "I love you too, Wu Yifan."


And that's how there forever starts.





-* x END x*-


Finally it ended! haha! and I would like to thank all of those who suscribe and those who read this story up to his point.



I'll be back for more stories! Again, THANK YOU!


This story have come to an end.

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Thank you again! This story has come to an end! Hope you enjoy it like how I enjoy writing it! Love you all! ♥


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Chapter 26: This was really an amazing story. Thank you for this.

(Sorry for not using any smiley faces or anything, I hope you understand why.)
Chapter 16: is it really youre first time to write ? hahaha! im just kidding.
Chapter 1: Please update soon!