Then I met you

(Kris' perspective)


Kris woke up early the next morning. He look over his alarm clock. Its 7.31 in the morning. He look over the sleeping figure next to him. He smiled. Last night was amazing. It was his first time but they were still , or maybe he is still . He doesn't know if Tao isn't anymore. 


He frowned at the thought. He felt a pang of pain in his chest. He doesn't like the thought of someone being Tao's first. He sighed then stand up. He again look over his bed. 


Damn! He needed to change the beddings. It has white all over the bed sheet. And the room smelled ! He walked over to his window and opened it, letting the fresh air in and the air out.


He now looks for his clothes. He picked up his trousers and his shirt. He found his phone. He picks it up and slide the lock screen open. He has many messages. He opened it.


The first he notices is Joonmyeon's text. Joonmyeon rarely text and when he text, it is always important. He pressed the text and read it.


From: Joonmyeon

     Lay is leaving for China today. He said he was sorry about the kiss. And you know he loves you, right?


Kris smiled sadly. He loves Lay, as a friend. He couldn't reciprocate Lay's love for him but he is grateful. He hope Lay knows that. He glance at the panda. Looks like his heart is already taken away by a certain someone.


The blonde look back at his messages as he put his clothes at the pile of his dirty clothes. He grab a towel and headed towards his bathroom. Most of the messages are from Kyungsoo. And it will be a waste of time to read it. It will all be about Jongin. 


He almost stop scrolling down when he notice another name. 'Ms. Jung' it stated. The blonde eyes widen as realization started to dawn on him. "Oh ," he mumbles as he tap the screen of his phone. The message opens.


From: Ms. Jung

     Thanks for ditching me, .


The taller ruffled his already messy hair. He remembered that yesterday his alarm buzz off at 2 in the afternoon. He now remembers why he set that time; he is suppose to meet this Jung.


He typed a reply. 


To: Ms. Jung

     Sorry Ms. Jung. I forgot about the meeting. Can we meet now, at the same place? I'm really hoping for you're consideration.


Then he took a quick shower and got dressed. He again picks up his phone. He had a new message and it was from Ms. Jung. He tapped it open.


From: Ms. Jung

     Fine. But ditch me again and you'll definitely lose this job. Thank your parents they made you fine and hot ;))


Kris rolls his eyes. He hated Jessica Jung. She's a of a boss. But he needed to deal with her if he wanted to earn money. He needed this job.


He walked over to the still sleeping Tao. The taller bends down and move the hair that is sticking on the panda's forehead. He smiled. At least, this panda can make his day with just that peaceful look on his face. He bended down further and planted a kiss on Tao's forehead.


"I'll be back soon, okay?" He said as he touch the panda's soft hair. The blonde reluctantly stand upright and head out. He gather up his tolerance. He is going to deal with a .


* * * * *

(Tao's perspective)


Tao squinted his eyes but then shut it closed. The light coming from the opened window hurt his eyes. He patted the other side of the bed, checking if Kris is there. Disappointed when he touched the bed, he opened his eyes. There is no handsome tall man beside him.


Groaning, he stood up and pick up his clothes and got dressed. He is actually expecting Kris to be at the kitchen, cooking food for him. It will be sweet and romantic. But when he got there, there was no cooking Kris and no foods place on top of the table. He sighed and frowned. Where has his Yifan gone to?


Tao just cooked for himself. Although it felt lonely, he stay within the house the whole day.


Out of boredom, he cleaned the house. The condo was kind of dirty. At first, it won't look like its dirty, but when you look further you'll realize its not clean as you first saw it. 


The panda also changed the beddings. Its... disgusting, really. He also do the laundry. After everything was done, he glance at the wall clock. Its 6 in the evening.


Tao smiled. If Kris has gone to work and his tired, Tao's cooking will give him energy for tonight. Tao chuckled at his ertness.


The panda headed towards the kitchen and started cooking. Now he realized that he is acting like Yifan's wife. He giggled. He like the title. Because Kris is like his husband. 


Tao blushed cherry red. And his heart started pumping rapidly, like it will jump out of his chest.


* * * * *


It took 30 minutes to finish cooking the food. But it was worthy. Because Kris arrived almost immediately. Tao smiled widely. Kris looked exhausted. It was what he expected.


"Kris-gege!" Tao said.


And as if the taller hadn't notice his presence, he look at Tao wide eye. He quickly pulled Tao  into a hug. He miss Tao. The younger giggled into his ears and it was like music to his ears. He laughed as he backed away. They sat at the couch. The exhaustion goes away the minute he saw Tao.


"Oh hey there, panda," he says and smiled. "Dinner smells delicious," he grinned sheepishly.


Tao's smile widens. "You smelled that? I made it," he said proudly.


"Hell yeah, I smelled it," the blonde said as he moved closer and carried Tao like a sack of rice. The younger let out a squeal but playfully slap Kris' back as he laughed. He understood Kris' idea and he liked it.


They go for another round that night but stay .

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Thank you again! This story has come to an end! Hope you enjoy it like how I enjoy writing it! Love you all! ♥


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Chapter 26: This was really an amazing story. Thank you for this.

(Sorry for not using any smiley faces or anything, I hope you understand why.)
Chapter 16: is it really youre first time to write ? hahaha! im just kidding.
Chapter 1: Please update soon!