Then I met you

(Tao's perspective)


Two weeks ago, the panda arrived at China. He did the thing that he is best, besides screwing things up: he runs away. Just like what he did when he let go of Sehun. Now, he just don't know if he should also let go of Kris. It seemed like it hurts thousands of times than the first.


"Tao? Huang Zitao, are you there?" A feminine voice call him out back to reality. He is spacing out.


"Y-yeah?" He stutters as he straightened himself. He turns off the television. Kungfu Panda, the cartoon he's been watching seemed to finish long before he realize it.


"Have you gone deaf, child?" His mother peeks out from the kitchen. "The doorbell is buzzing, might as well see who it is, right?"


"Okay," he smiled genuinely to his mother and stood up to walk towards their front door.


As he opens the door, his mind drift back towards the last time he came here. Now it felt like yesterday that he had Sehun then nothing then Kris came then nothing again. Thank God  he had his family that he can run to whenever he's broken.


Then a sudden deep voice stopped his train of thoughts. "Panda..."


Only one person calls him that. The younger looked up, eyes wide like an owl. 'Its him,' he thought. He stare back at those beautiful hazel brown eyes of the taller, oh how he miss those. His gaze moved down towards the blonde's lips, oh how he misses the feeling when those are against his.


A tear rolled down his cheek. "Tao, I—," Kris began to say but the younger quickly shut the door to his face. He guessed that the panda is still angry at him. But this blonde isn't giving up just yet. 


"Tao! I'm sorry! Please open this door so we could talk! Please! Tao!" The blonde said between knocks.


Tao heard this but continue racing towards his room. His tears are blurring his eyes, but still he continued running. He missed that jerk badly. But he don't want to talk to him just yet. Kris' words came back to him, like knives cutting through every  inch of his body. He open his door shakily as his knees started to wobble. He slid down to the floor.


He cried. He heard his mother from the other side of the door, calling him. But he don't want to face anyone just yet. He continued crying. He think that if he cried long enough, his tears will become blood then it will kill the living daylights out of him. It will be the best, so that the pain will go away.


* * * * *


A knock startled Tao. He hadn't realized that he fell asleep. He is still in the same position; on the floor, hugging his knees. He stood up and lean over the door. "Who is it?" He asked.


"Its your mother. Open up."


Reluctantly, Tao opens his door. Looks like he and his mother is going to have a heart to heart talk. He remembered that his mother doesn't know about his true self, his gay self. All that his mother knows is that the panda needs and misses them, that's why he is here.


The woman step inside his room,"What was that, Tao?" His mother  asked, soothingly.


Too soothing to Tao's liking, he can't help but crumble in front of his mother. Tears started to fall from his puffy eyes. He's been secretive ever since he was a child, afraid that his parents might abandon him. Now is the time that he will pour everything out.


"I'm sorry, mom. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to be like this. I..." Tao was lost for words to say. His mother suddenly hugged him tightly.


"Shhh... I know, you don't have to apologise... stop crying, you'll look ugly," his mother joked, trying to lighten up the ambience.


Tao giggled but tears were still streaming down his eyes. He pulls away from the hug and look at the wonderful woman in front of him. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, mom," he said, a sad smile formed his lips.


"I'm not disappointed at you, I'm proud of you, okay? Now stop crying," his mother said as she held Tao's shoulder.


Tao smiled and brushed his tears away. Tao is really grateful he had a mother like this, he couldn't ask for more. "Good, now about that guy outside our house awhile ago," his mother stated. He frowned.


"I don't want to talk about him, mom," he said.


His mother raises a brow. "Well, I want to talk about just that. I want you to talk to him," his mother said.


Tao moved towards his bed and sat there. "Mom!" He said, frustrated. "Why do you want me to talk to him? Don't you see that I'm in pain because of him? He's a jerk, mom! He hurt your son," Tao said so that he can delay this talk with Kris. 


He knows that he'll eventually talk to that blonde, but he don't want to talk to him now. He's not ready.


"True," his mother feminine voice brings him back. "But I don't want to see my son weeping almost everyday. If that jerk is the only way to make my son's world bright again, then I'm willing to give my son to the hands of that jerk," his mother said, staring intently at Tao.


Tao's jaw fell agape. "But Mom! I'm not yet ready!" He whines. He was quite astonish  to his mother's words. The woman smiles at him.


"He said that he'll be back tomorrow at 6. I think that's enough time," his mother winks  at him before leaving the room.


The panda could just stare at the door that was shut closed. Oh boy.

OMYGOD! its almost done! >o< why does it have to finish? Huhu! TToTT

Anyways! two more chaps before epilouge! ^^

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Thank you again! This story has come to an end! Hope you enjoy it like how I enjoy writing it! Love you all! ♥


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Chapter 26: This was really an amazing story. Thank you for this.

(Sorry for not using any smiley faces or anything, I hope you understand why.)
Chapter 16: is it really youre first time to write ? hahaha! im just kidding.
Chapter 1: Please update soon!