Then I met you

 The panda finished preparing dinner. He goes straight to the living room and sit at the couch. All he have to do us wait for the other to arrive. His eyes snly drifted to the wall clock. Its already 7pm, Kris should be here.


Tao frowned, "Maybe its traffic," he reasoned out. Then he sadly smiled.


The panda waited and waited and waited until his eyelids felt heavy. And he knows that he need to sleep. His eyes drifted to the wall clock. Its already 10 in the evening. He had waited for more than an hour.


Finally, the younger can't fight the drowsiness. His eyelids shut closed, he fell asleep at the couch, waiting for his Yifan to come home.


* * * * *


The blonde parked his car and got out of it. The smell of his car is freaking intoxicating. It's Jessica's perfume. And Kris freaking hate the smell of it.


As he got himself into an elevator and pressed his floor, his eyes landed on his wristwatch. Its already 11.59 in the evening. The taller ruffled his hair. This is all Jessica's fault. What if the panda's waiting for him?


The taller was suddenly brought back to reality with a start. The elevator opens and he let himself out. He took big strides towards the condo unit. He is tired but he wanted to see this certain panda. He fumbles for his key and opens the door.


Kris was surprise by what he saw. Tao was sleeping at the couch and drooling. Some people might find it disgusting, but for Kris; it looks cute. Tao has done it again, Kris' tiredness has gone yet again. He walk towards Tao and carries him to their bedroom. He lowered the sleeping body and placed on his bed. He really appreciate that Tao change it for him.


As Kris lean in for a kiss, he stop himself inches away from the other's lips. Its because if he kiss Tao, there is a big chance that a little peck on the lips may turn into something much more intense. So he just settle his lips on the panda's forehead.


"Goodnight, panda," Kris whispered and got out of the bed and head towards the bathroom. He got change and got ready to sleep.


He is eager to snuggle close to Tao. He miss the other's warmth.


* * * * *


Tao woke up. Alone in bed. Again. He stood up. He can't go melodramatic over such thing. Kris has work and so is he. He heads towards the bathroom and do his morning rituals.


As he got dressed, he remembered his phone. He hadn't check his phone yesterday. He don't know if Kris reply to his text. He got out of the bedroom and heads towards the couch. Now he wonders how he got to his room. Is he sleep-walking now?


The panda picks up his phone that fall off of his grasp when he fell asleep. He slid the lock screen, he had one message. He felt all giddy inside. Its from Kris.


From: My Kris<3

   The key is on top of the refrigerator.


The panda frowned. 'That's it?' He thought. He head towards the dining room. The food he prepared last night is still on top of the table, untouched. And also, he didn't cook for Tao. There is no  messy handwriting notes.


The panda suddenly felt cold inside. What if Kris slowly slipping away from his grasp? The panda shook his head. "No, Kris won't do that," he mutters.


This panda won't let Kris go away. Wu YiFan is Huang Zitao's. And Huang Zitao is Wu Yifan's. And that's not gonna change.


He get the key on top of the refrigerator and head off. He really don't have the appetite today. He throw away the food that he had prepared for Kris. He felt gloomy.


As Tao got inside his car, he started the engine and headed off to work. He works at a bakeshop. The panda really loves baking. At first, he got confused whether cooking or baking. He realized that baking was much more fun.


'This may be a good distraction,' Tao thought as he parked his car in front of the bakeshop.


He walks towards the shop. And was greeted by the life-wrecker, Jongin. He mentally face-palmed himself. How could he forget that Jongin is his co-worker? Ugh. 'The start of my worst days,'  he thought as he put on his apron.


Jongin keeps pestering Tao, saying things like; "Kris is a jerk," "Kris is an ," Kris is blah-blah-blah." Jongin is really annoying. The panda really wonders why or how Kyungsoo kept up with him?


"Shut up, Jongin! Or do you want me to sew your mouth shut?" Tao said as he raises a brow, threatening the other.


"Empty threat, hyung," Jongin said, confidently.


"Wanna bet?" Tao said as he look at the younger with a glare. He started walking towards the other.


The younger give up and throw his hands up in there air. "Okay! Fine! I'll stop! Jeez," Jongin hisses and walks out of the kitchen. Tao just shook his head. At least a nuisance is now gone.


He sighs and continue his work.


* * * * * 


Tao arrived at exactly 6.30 in the evening. He's tired and his arms hurt. But if Kris could just show up then maybe the pain will be gone. But the owner of the condo unit is nowhere to be found.


The panda just sighed and  heads toward their bedroom and clean himself. As he got dressed and out of the bedroom, he look at the wall clock. Its almost 7 and Kris isn't here yet. Now he wonders if Kris has gone home yesterday. 


'Maybe he did. Because he left the key on top of the refrigerator, or maybe the key is really on top of the refrigerator?' The panda thought. But he quickly dismissed the thought.


He prepared dinner and texted Kris.


To: My Kris <3

   Hey, its late. Are you not going home? Well, its late. You should go home. I prepare you your dinner. Bye, see you soon. :))


Then he pressed send.


He waited but there is no reply. So he just went to their bedroom and settle himself on the bed. He again check his phone. Its past 12 and still no Kris and no message.


As he closed his eyes to sleep, his thoughts flow through his head.


Is Kris really wriggling out of his grasp?

A/N: Last five chapter then epilouge! Phew!

Anyways, I want to thank you guys for reading of my -like story! haha!

Guys that Jessica Jung up there! ^^


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Thank you again! This story has come to an end! Hope you enjoy it like how I enjoy writing it! Love you all! ♥


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Chapter 26: This was really an amazing story. Thank you for this.

(Sorry for not using any smiley faces or anything, I hope you understand why.)
Chapter 16: is it really youre first time to write ? hahaha! im just kidding.
Chapter 1: Please update soon!