Then I met you

(Tao's perspective)


"So what are you doing inside Kris' condo?" Jongin asked.


Tao rolled his eyes. After he had pushed and calmed Jongin, he's been asking the very same question. He took a sip of his black coffee before answering.


"I live with him now," Tao said.


The younger frowned. "But that guy is a jerk," Jongin pouted.


The panda shook his head. People is so judgemental. And look at this person right in front of him; one minute, he is angry then the other, he'll be laughing his head off. This is one of the times that Tao felt that he is the bigger one.


"Why so?" He asked. He is curious. He knows that Kris isn't a jerk. The guy is too innocent to be one. Well that is what the panda thought.


Jongin's face suddenly darkened, another mood swing. "He's with a girl. Yesterday, hyung," the younger said as he scrutinize Tao's reaction. The other is still processing the info.


That's when doubt started filling his brains.


Is his Kris really what he had in mind? That Kris is this innocent, naive boy? Or Kris is the total opposite of what he had thought? That maybe Kris is really an , a jerk?


Tao shook his head one more time, throwing away all the doubts. Maybe this girl that Jongin is talking about is Kris' friend, perhaps a client. 'No need to panic, Tao. Just trust Kris,' Tao said much to himself. Then he smiled at Jongin.


"What are you doing in that condominium anyway? And how do you know its Kris' condo unit?" Its obvious that Tao wanted to change the topic.


Jongin also notices this but he didn't push it. He smiled at the older. "Boss wants you back. He's desperate. And about the condo unit, Kyungsoo told me," Jongin 



"Well, I was just about to head to work when I—" Tao was cut off by Jongin.


"I don't trust that Kris guy," the younger look at Tao straight in the eye. "He had that look of arrogance in him. I don't want to judge him. But base on what I saw yesterday, he's really a jerk, a certified  . I don't want him for you, Tao," Jongin stared at the panda's eyes.


Meanwhile after hearing all of that, Tao became aggravated. He look at Jongin, annoyance written all-over. "You don't get to say what is best for me, Kim Jongin. Its my life and you have to live with yours."


The panda stood up, not breaking eye-contact with Jongin. "I'll see you at work tomorrow," he said then walks out of the cafe. He hates it when people try to control other's lives. They have theirs, so why not control their own lives.


* * * * *


Tao was back at the condominium. But he doesn't head towards Kris' condo, he goes straight to a place where he can let his thoughts and doubts go away. He head towards a veranda, a peaceful and quiet place. He walked and climbed the stairs.


He twisted the doorknob and let himself in. The fresh air brushed his cheeks and pulls his hair back. The place still has this calming effect. He located this bench and sat there.


As minutes passed by, Tao's thought take over his minds. Slowly, he let go all of his doubts. He loves Kris and he trusts Kris. The panda silently prayed that Kris isn't a jerk or an or whatever Jongin accuses him to be.


He stood up and goes towards Kris' condo unit. He head straight towards their bedroom and collapses there on his stomach. 


A tear rolled down his cheek. He can't bear to lose Kris. So he wouldn't complain at anything at all. Even if he is a jerk or an . Even if he s girls or guys. He don't care. As along as he is with him, it'll all be fine.


Because he love Kris, more than Sehun, more than anything.




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Thank you again! This story has come to an end! Hope you enjoy it like how I enjoy writing it! Love you all! ♥


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Chapter 26: This was really an amazing story. Thank you for this.

(Sorry for not using any smiley faces or anything, I hope you understand why.)
Chapter 16: is it really youre first time to write ? hahaha! im just kidding.
Chapter 1: Please update soon!